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Chapter 627: Strange Khan

Chapter 627 The Weird Khan

When the formation was established, the longbowmen who had been preparing for a long time were on the outside, thinking about the cavalry huddled inside firing arrows. Now that the cavalry were crowded together and unable to break up, they might be able to hit people even if they fired arrows with their eyes closed.

.Many yellow-headed cavalry felt an inexplicable danger. They tried like crazy to reopen the shield array, but they couldn't. However, the screams of their companions could be heard from time to time. In the distance, Akeno watched the soldiers suffered.

Suffering, with a stern expression and a pale complexion, this Northern Shanxi Army is so powerful. I have fought against the Xixia people before, and I have never encountered the Xixia people's military formations. However, the Northern Shanxi Army's military formations are stable and changeable. Unconsciously,

The square formation turned into a concave formation, like a bag, into which the cavalry was slowly put.

How much more powerful can a cavalry without impact be compared to an infantry?

Akano is a ruthless person. Since he can't get any advantage, he should withdraw as much as possible. The buzzing of horns sounded, and those yellow-headed cavalry who had not yet been trapped immediately turned their horses and drove back, but they were trapped.

The cavalry in the large formation suffered a lot.

Zhao Yougong frowned tightly. He didn't expect Chi Ye to be so decisive. He gave up when more than a thousand cavalrymen said they wanted to. Originally, Hei Yunlong wanted to contain all these thousands of yellow-headed cavalry here.

It just needs to be delayed.

On the edge of the Abaha grassland, there are many grassland tribes around. They are like small villages. They will gather quickly only when big things happen. The leader of the nearby tribe is now called Haqak. He is over sixty years old this year. Due to his age,

, Hakak was not very energetic, so the person who was really in charge was Hakak’s son Busong. Busong knew everything about the Han people going north, so he did not refuse Chiye’s proposal, but cooperation was cooperation, and Busong didn’t know how to do it.

Stupid enough to take the initiative to help Akano.

Tuobuhua suddenly came out from the southwest and occupied the nearest tribe in only a quarter of an hour. At the same time, the cavalry led by Hei Yunlong and Ma Fang also appeared near Qi. Two groups of soldiers and horses came from the north and west.

He attacked the nearby tribes from all directions. It was not until early noon that Bu Song learned about the incoming Shanxi Army. Unfortunately, he knew it too late. Before he could gather enough troops, Ma Fang led his cavalry to rush in.

When they arrived, they charged into the tent and captured Hakak and his son alive in only half an hour.

The fall of the Caotou Tatars also meant that there was no barrier to the northeast of the Uzhumu Grassland. Akano's face was pale and he kept scratching his fluffy hair with his big hands. He never expected that a large army of Han people would sneak in early. Hala

Didn't Fucha from Erbu say that he would help guard Uzhumu? Did those Han people fly here? Now the Han army has left the desert and is camping near Mangya. There are also nearly 10,000 Han troops in the east, and among them are several thousand cavalry.

The yellow-headed cavalry in the tribe had no advantage at all against these Han cavalry.

In the large tent of the Haral tribe, Fucha was sitting on pins and needles, pacing back and forth. He did not expect that a group of elite troops would suddenly sneak into the vicinity of the Wuzumu grassland. Shouldn't the Han people directly compete with the yellow-headed cavalry?

Just one day after the city construction, a fierce battle broke out again in the Abaha grassland that had been silent for a day. This time Chiye concentrated all his troops in the Mangya area, trying to break through the defense line formed by the Northern Shanxi Army. At first, the Dachaidan tribe

The warriors could still attack the Northern Shan army, but as soon as Ma Fang and others arrived with the cavalry, Chiye's troops began to retreat.

All the forces of the Huangtou tribe were destroyed, Akano was defeated and killed, and thousands of Huangtou cavalry were wiped out.

The defeat of Akano also meant that the gap on the Uzhumu grassland was completely opened. At this time, the only one who could contain the Northern Shanxi Army was the nearby Ahe tribe. Now the khan of the Ahe tribe is Modu.

Modu's life has not been easy recently. Although he is the Khan of the Ahe tribe, Akano and others are not very respectful to him. The yellow-headed people are also a bunch of sons of bitches. They actually want Modu to lead the tribal warriors south. This

It was made clear that Modu was to be used as a swordsman. Modu was different from Akano in that he was not so loyal to Lin Dan Khan, and the Ahe tribe had always been caught between Huang Taiji and Lin Dan Khan. Modu had no ambitions.

, as long as you live a life of wealth, what's the point of fighting?

When Mo Du was a child, he lived in the capital of the Ming Dynasty for a long time, so he knew what kind of life the tribesmen were living now. Chiye, and Lin Danhan always thought about killing and killing, always thinking that they were so great, but they didn't know that the Han people didn't let them go at all.

In my eyes, it would be great if I could really live a happy life in the Ming Dynasty. Why would I resist?

Modu is indeed not a qualified khan. To be precise, his thinking is a typical traitor. Modu doesn't want to fight, but he can't bear the quarrels of several elders in the clan and wants to fight. According to their ideas, there is a great world.

How to bury the Han people. In this regard, Mo Du said that he was speechless. If you want to fight, just fight. When you lose, don't blame Mo Du for not warning him in advance. These old men have really lived in this corner of the Northeast for a long time.

I still think that all the soldiers and horses in the world are like sheep. The Northern Shanxi Army can defeat even the elites of Mobei, but it can't defeat the rabble like the Ahe tribe?

Everything was as Mo Du thought. Not long after the soldiers and horses of the Ahe tribe were ready, the cavalry of the Northern Shanxi Army arrived. Facing the chained horses, the so-called tribal warriors only resisted a stick of incense before running up the mountain.

Tuo Buhua never expected that Mo Yan Khan's troops and horses were so vulnerable. After just a short time, they were completely defeated. Did these guys use the arrogance strategy to lose on purpose?

Tuo Buhua was really overthinking it. He was hesitating whether to send someone back to ask about Heiyunlong when he saw a small yellow flag on the mountainside. Not long after, a carriage creaked from the valley.

The trail was pushed out, and the carriage was filled with local specialties, such as wolfberry and red dates. What was even more confusing was that there were several young people in strange clothes following the carriage.

Women, these women have golden hair, sapphire eyes, and especially milky white skin, which are very different from the local women in northern Shanxi.

Lin Chong was a little confused and turned to look at Ma Fang. Ma Fang had a sullen face and didn't know what to do. He could only shout loudly, "What's ahead? Stop quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

A chubby middle-aged man bent his waist and waved a small yellow flag in his hand, "Don't be angry, General of the Celestial Dynasty. A certain Modu lived in the Celestial Capital for several years before. We are friends, friends."

, the things on this car, as well as these foreign beauties, are gifts from the little king to the Celestial Empire, I hope the general will not be upset."

Tuobuhua almost fell off his horse in shock. He took a look at the chubby middle-aged man. He had a rich face, a pair of mustaches, and a flattering smile. He was no different from a profiteer. This guy was the Khan of Ahebe.

Modu? Are you kidding me?

Regardless of whether the Khan is real or fake, I really don’t dare to agree to this gift. The things in the car are okay, but what about those women? If Princess Aqige knew that she was looking for a woman for the governor, with the princess’s temperament

Why don't you stab him seven or eight times with a sword? Tuobuhua didn't agree at all. He turned to look at Ma Fang. Ma Fang was not stupid either. He glanced away and pretended not to know anything. It seemed that he didn't know anything.

Ma Fang's idea of ​​getting into the water couldn't be realized, so Tuo Buhua could only stare, pointed at Modu, and said loudly, "Are you really the Khan of Ahebe?"

"Seriously, seriously...it's absolutely true, General Gao's surname? Can you introduce Xiao Wang to meet the great Iron Governor?"

Mo Du said all the good things here, and the nobles in the tribe were all looking around with cold sweats on their faces. They had heard that when the Northern Jin Army attacked the Mobei tribe, all the resisters were strangled. If Khan could persuade

If they can't become Han people, then wouldn't they have to follow in the footsteps of Chiye? These nobles are also a bit cheap. If they are so afraid of death, why were they so tough in the first place? Couldn't they just listen to Mo Du and surrender directly?

Mo Du's attitude was sincere. After thinking about it, he proposed to tie Mo Du up. Mo Du was very single. He threw the little yellow flag, his big fat hands trembling, and gestured towards a dozen foreign beauties.

After a while, the women helped each other tie themselves up, and in the end only Mo Du was left. Mo Du stretched out his hands and let his soldiers tie them up. After making sure that there would be no accidents, Tuo Buhua personally escorted Mo Du.

Du returned to his base and planned to hand it over to Tie Mo when he returned to Yun Mansion.

It was now less than noon, and as soon as Hei Yunlong went out, he ran into Tuobuhua who was leading his army back. Hei Yunlong was very puzzled, what happened?

Back in the tent, He Yunlong couldn't help but smile bitterly after Tuo Buhua told him what happened. Although he was quite speechless towards Mo Du, he was sincere and couldn't give him a cold face, so he had to let his soldiers take over.

Modu was escorted into the tent. At this time, Modu had been loosened. Modu was chubby, but not bulky at all. As soon as he entered the tent, he knelt down towards the black cloud dragon and said, "Little Wang Modu, please see the heaven."


"Haha" this fat man really knows how to do things. Hei Yunlong stretched out his hand to give him some support and said with a faint smile, "Forgive me, Khan. I heard that Khan lived in the capital for a period of time before?"

"Thank you, General!" Fatty Mo Du stood up and said with a flattering smile, "Exactly, thirteen years ago, although Xiao Wang Zeng's father lived in the capital for two years, something happened to his descendants and he returned. To be honest, General

, Xiao Wang admires the Ming Dynasty very much, and he still has several copies of The Analects of Confucius at home."

He was indeed a fat man who was shocking. Hei Yunlong was very curious. With such a fat man, he was obviously not the material to be a Khan.

Mo Du paused and continued, "General, this conflict between the people of my tribe and the king is really instigated by others. I hope the general will not take the blame. But if the general spares the lives of our tribe, our tribe must sincerely submit to the Ming Dynasty!"

Mo Du's words were sincere and his eyes did not seem to be fake. Hei Yunlong was still smiling but did not answer. Cheng Yuan on the side said sarcastically with some displeasure, "Is Khan too whimsical? Just because of Khan's words, the general will

To keep your people safe? Hum, Khan should know what happened to the Yellow Head Tribe, right? If he wants the general to explain to our soldiers, Khan has to come up with something sincere!"

"This... what this general said is that Xiao Wang was negligent." Mo Du was also thinking about how to convince the Han people. What they said was right. In the whole world, there is no one who retreats because of a few words.

Because there are a dozen foreign beauties in that cart of souvenirs?

Mo Du seemed to be able to guess what the Han people wanted. He immediately held up his hands and said, "There are still nearly ten thousand young people in our clan. Each of these warriors is brave and good at fighting. If the general does not dislike it, my warriors are willing to serve the general."


Ahem, Mo Du said, even he blushed a little, oh, just now the warriors of the clan had a fight with the Northern Shanxi Army, and as a result, he was beaten to the point of crying for father and mother in just one stick of incense, but he still said

The warriors of our clan are brave and good at fighting. This is... Hey, I can only say this shamelessly. You can't say that the warriors of our clan are as weak as women, right?

Cheng Yuan was also amused by Mo Du. This fat Khan was really as thick-skinned as a city wall. Fortunately, if they had any ambition at all, they couldn't keep him. Since Mo Du was on the road like this, Hei Yunlong immediately

He nodded and said, "This is best. Now please go back and discuss with the elders of the clan. If you can agree, you will lead your troops to surrender tomorrow. If you don't agree, you will have to follow Lin Dan Khan to block our army's way. That's right."

You're welcome, General!"

Hei Yunlong was smiling, but his eyes were as deep as daggers. Just looking at each other made Mo Du shudder. This smiling middle-aged man is a ruthless man. Just this look in his eyes is comparable to that of Lin Dan Khan.

"General, don't worry. We sincerely surrender to you and will never have any second thoughts. Tomorrow, my tribe will leave the tribe and join the heaven." Mo Du promised again and again. He was afraid that Hei Yunlong would become impatient and send people to attack him in the middle of the night.

Come here, otherwise Mo Du will become an unjust ghost.

The next day, Heiyunlong left some people to accept Modu's surrender. The large group of people had already been fighting non-stop towards Changhe Town, a town to the west of the Wuzumu Grassland. Changhe Town had 2,000 soldiers. Perhaps he did not expect that Akano and others would be defeated.

It's so fast, so I feel that Changhe Town is safe and sound, and the defenders in the town are very lax. From midnight to Mao hour, there is a shift change in less than half an hour, because the person responsible for guarding the city is willing to go back a little early, and the guard will take over.

People are willing to come in late to get warmer, so there is often two defensive gaps when changing shifts.

On the seventh day of March, a group of well-dressed night walkers quietly arrived outside Changhe Town. When the shift change time was approaching, these night walkers hooked their flying claws on the crenellations and climbed up to the top of the city unharmed until the night walkers made a sneak attack on Nancheng.

When the city gate opened, the defenders in the city discovered a group of enemy troops running in. Unfortunately, they reacted too late. As soon as the city gate opened, Cheng Yuan rushed in with his troops. Many Mongolian soldiers were chopped into pieces while they were still sleeping.


The sneak attack on Changhe Town went very smoothly. After taking Changhe Town, they stayed far away to garrison. Without stopping, they led their troops towards the Coron River. It only took two hours to get from Changhe Town to the Coron River. As long as they arrived

The Coron River is very close to the royal court of Lin Dan Khan.

Changhe Town fell and the Northern Shanxi Army advanced near the Corun River. At this time, the Mongolian nobles on the Uzhumu Grassland were completely panicked.

This chapter has been completed!
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