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Chapter 638 Wind on Kongtong Mountain

Chapter 638 The wind on Kongtong Mountain

In Yiyang City, Zhang Xianzhong was naturally very angry. Facing the Northern Shanxi Army, he really had no chance of winning. He was beaten and held down from the beginning to the end. He didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he fled to Yishui.

When they were crossing the river, Fang Han was also killed. If Ai Keqi was still here, he would definitely come up with some good ideas for Zhang Xianzhong who was in trouble. Unfortunately, Ai Keqi died long ago. Now the only people with him are Du Fuchong and Huang Zhongshi.


What made Zhang Xianzhong angry the most was that the young lady of the Yang family was also missing. When he thought of the beautiful face of the young lady, he felt a pain in his heart, as if a piece of flesh had been dug out of his heart.

"Everyone, what should we do now? The Northern Jin Army is powerful and invincible. Can our troops defend Yiyang successfully?"

Du Fuchong had already thought about this, so when he heard Zhang Xianzhong asked, he immediately held up his hands and said, "Big leader, we must not defend Yiyang. I don't know what the situation in Yong'an and Dengfeng is now. Once Liu Guoneng solves the problem in the east, he will lead his troops forward."

Come on, our troops will be trapped and die in Yiyang City."

After Du Fuchong finished speaking, the others nodded. In fact, Du Fuchong's concerns were normal. For rogue bandits, they had to move around to become more comfortable. If they stayed here for a long time, they would feel at ease.

Zhang Xianzhong now has a headache. He really wants to have a good sleep, but the more unhappy you are, the more bad things will happen to you. Evening passed, and the officers and soldiers still did not attack the city. Instead, they buried pots and made rice not far from the city.

The strong fragrance of broth drifted into Yiyang City along the north wind, causing the greedy soldiers guarding the city to flow out. The two sides were relatively calm, and Zhang Xianzhong felt much more settled. He sat in the room drinking porridge and thinking.

Wondering what to do, the sound of footsteps was heard. He looked up and saw that it was Zuo Chongli who had arrived. He thought it was a night attack by officers and soldiers. Zhang Xianzhong wiped his mouth and hurriedly touched the machete standing next to the table, "

Did the officers and soldiers come over?"

Zuo Chongli swallowed his saliva, but shook his head. His face was frightened, as if he had been frightened. "Leader Zhang, something big has happened. I just got the news. Thousands of officers and soldiers arrived in Dengzhou City not long ago. They have already arrived today."

At the end of the day, he launched a fierce attack on Dengzhou City." As soon as Zuo Chongli finished speaking, he saw Zhang Xianzhong's body swayed and almost fell to the ground. At this time, Zhang Xianzhong's face also became gray and gray like Zuo Chongli's. No wonder Cao Cao

Wen Zhao and Liu Guoneng were so calm and allowed the rebel soldiers to build fortifications in Yiyang City. How dare they not target Yiyang City from the beginning. When they stormed Dengfeng, they did not forget to divide their troops to fight.

Dengzhou City.

This Dengzhou City is just north of Xiangyang. With the officers and soldiers occupying Dengzhou, the tens of thousands of rebel soldiers are really trapped in the Central Plains. If you want to survive, you can only go eastward and enter the boundary of Kaifeng Prefecture. To the west? Are you kidding? Go and fight with the Jin Dynasty.

Is the Northern Army fighting for territory?

Zhang Xianzhong originally planned to go south to Xiangfan, but Xiangfan couldn't stand still and could continue to go south. Now that the Ming Dynasty lacks control over Huguang and Bashu, how can the court stand up to him there? There are countless treasures looted from Luoyang, among the vast mountains.

In the middle of the country, he could recuperate and build up a force in less than two years. But if he couldn't go south to Xiangfan and was under heavy siege by the imperial court, no matter how much money he had, it would be of no use.

What should I do? What should I do? Zhang Xianzhong felt that his head was about to explode. He screamed twice, raised his machete and struck it down. The poor table immediately became two halves. Just when Zhang Xianzhong was furious, Chen Yaofeng

He had already led the cavalry and set off for Dengzhou City. With the cavalry brought by Chen Yaofeng, the thieves around him naturally did not dare to act rashly. Zhang Xianzhong and others also completely gave up the idea of ​​recapturing Dengzhou.

It was three quarters past midnight on the seventh day of September. On this day, strong winds were raging at night. Camping outside was not a happy thing. So, in order to maintain body temperature, the officers and soldiers practiced military formations in the middle of the night, and the loud slogans were heard.

In Yiyang City, the thieves were so frightened that they almost lost their wits. If you wanted to carry out a night attack in this damn weather, you would be either a lunatic or an idiot. Although the possibility of attacking the city in the middle of the night was very small, the thieves had to get up and be strict.

Be on guard, because officers and soldiers often do sneak attacks in the middle of the night.

After about an hour of burning incense, the bandits and soldiers on the top of the city began to curse. They saw the officers and soldiers running around twice outside, and then went back to the camp in groups to sleep.

Nowadays, in the Ming Dynasty, except for the Northern Jin Army, which occasionally organizes emergency gatherings in the middle of the night, other soldiers and horses do not have this kind of training method. The thieves and soldiers were tortured so much, which was frightening and frightening. The officers and soldiers had not yet come over, so they had to torture themselves first.

Lost half his life.

The garrison at the top of the city had a hard time, and Zhang Xianzhong had an even harder time. He had a pair of panda eyes and his eyes were red. In the end, Zhang Xianzhong decided to withdraw. He quickly evacuated to Kongtong Mountain. He did not give the officers and soldiers a chance to besiege Yiyang City. How could he withdraw?

It's a profound knowledge. Having fought against the Northern Shan Army many times, Zhang Xianzhong also had a grasp of the Northern Shan Army's context. The Northern Shan Army mobilized its troops very flexibly, and Cao Wenzhao was an extremely smart man.

It is impossible not to know the importance of Kongtong Mountain, and they will definitely be on guard against this. They are probably just waiting for the rebel soldiers to leave the city.

Suddenly, Zhang Xianzhong thought of a bold idea. After thinking about it carefully, he asked his soldiers to call Du Fuchong, Zuo Chongli and others.

At the end of the Chou period, Zuo Chongli's deputy general, Ni Kui, commanded four thousand soldiers and horses from the east city gate and quietly went around to the north. Cao Wenzhao, Liu Guoneng and others did not expect that the traitors would be bold enough to launch a sneak attack, so they relaxed their defense a lot.

What's more, the weather was cold, and the scouts would always take a nap. Ni Kui was careful and quickly touched a dozen feet in front of the camp. He estimated that the distance was about the same. Ni Kui gave an order, and several rounds of rockets were fired towards the camp.

Shooting, the officers and soldiers camp soon burst into flames everywhere.

There was a fire in the camp, and Cao Wenzhao was awakened. He quickly put on his clothes and hurried out of the camp.

"The shield bearer and the musketeer listen to the order and guard the perimeter. The shield bearer moves forward, and the rest are responsible for extinguishing the source of the fire." Although Cao Bianjiao was young, he already had a bit of a general style when commanding.

As the leaders of the various ministries dispersed, the chaotic camp soon became orderly. Shield bearers blocked the perimeter and musketeers stayed behind to prevent thieves from taking advantage of the chaos to make a surprise attack. The fire in the camp was quickly controlled.

Ni Kui watched clearly from outside. Seeing the officers and soldiers restoring order so quickly, one can imagine the shock in his heart. He was originally going to take advantage of the fire to raid the officers and soldiers camp, but who would have thought that the officers and soldiers would react so quickly. But.

Ni Kui could not retreat. The order he received was to attack the officers and soldiers camp. No matter what method was used, it would be delayed as long as possible.

Gritting his teeth and holding onto his spear, Ni Kui roared angrily and led a group of brothers towards the formation of officers and soldiers. In an instant, there was a loud killing sound outside the camp. Under the shining torches, swords flashed and arrows flew.

There was so much noise in the camp in the north of Yiyang City that it quickly alerted Ding Luyan and Cheng Yuan who were parked in the south of Yiyang City. It was dark, so I didn't know how many people were attacking the camp, but listening to the noise, they must be indispensable.

, fearing that the camp would fall and Cao Wenzhao would be in danger, Ding Luyan and Cheng Yuan immediately led four thousand cavalry back to the camp in the north of the city. However, as they left, the sound of horse hooves rumbled, and they were quickly discovered by the bandits. Taking advantage of this

Taking the opportunity, Zhang Xianzhong directly ordered the South City Gate to be opened and all troops to withdraw to Kongtong Mountain.

As for Ni Kui's troops who attacked the camp in the north of the city, I can only say sorry, because they were a group of abandoners from the beginning. If they don't die, the nearly 50,000 rebel soldiers in Yiyang City will die.

Facing Ni Kui's thousands of troops, the pressure was not great. When Hu Yanqing and Qian Lin's cavalry arrived, they plundered from behind and killed all Ni Kui's troops. In the end, Ni Kui also

Died by Yue Fei's gun.

When Hu Chengyuan and Ding Luyan appeared at the camp in the north of the city, Liu Guoneng couldn't help but frowned and thought to himself, if Ding Luyan and Cheng Yuan moved like this, wouldn't Zhang Xianzhong have to escape if he takes the opportunity to break out of the encirclement?


At this time, Ding Luyan also knew that he had been tricked by the bandits. If the bandits really wanted to break through the Beida Camp, they could not have sent thousands of people. Even if they did not attack, there would not be enough 5,000 people. Is it possible to break through the Beida Camp at this time?

Ding Luyan blushed a little. He was a veteran who had led troops for more than ten years, but he was treated like a monkey by the bandits.

When he came to Liu Guoneng, Ding Luyan cupped his hands and said, "General Liu, all generals are incompetent. They rushed to help without thinking carefully and let the bandits go for nothing."

Ding Luyan was very concerned, but Liu Guoneng didn't take it seriously. Even if Zhang Xianzhong fled to Kongtong Mountain, what could he do? In the current situation, Zhang Xianzhong could only lead his tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to hide in the mountains and become savages. Moreover,

Ding Luyan and Cheng Yuan rushed over in a hurry because they didn't know the truth and were afraid that something would happen to him and Cao Wenzhao. With a faint smile, he stretched out his hand to support Ding Luyan who was bowing, "General Ding, don't blame yourself, it's dark in the night."

, the situation is unclear, so it is appropriate to be more cautious. Zhang Xianzhong, on the other hand, is really ruthless, using thousands of troops as a death squad, haha."

"Thank you, General, for your comfort. Most of Zhang Xianzhong's journey will be through Kongtong Mountain. Please allow me to lead my troops to pursue him." After Ding Luyan said this, Cheng Yuan also stepped forward and said, "General, I am also willing to accompany General Ding.

I hope General Liu will agree."

It's okay to let Ding Luyan and Cheng Yuan chase him down. Zhang Xianzhong was let go by these two people. They must be very angry at this moment. They pursue from behind, maybe it will be miraculous, "Two generals

Since you are so sincere, wouldn't you be a fool if Liu didn't agree? It's not impossible for you two to go, but you have to agree to one condition of this general."

"General, please speak!"

"You can only bite the traitors, never force them. As long as you can hold the traitors for three days, the two generals should be credited with the first achievement!"

"General, don't worry, we promise, let alone three days, even ten days we will hold off the bandits!" Although I don't know why Liu Guoneng didn't rush to attack the bandits, there must be a deep meaning in it.

Kongtong Mountain is located in the southeast of Yiyang City, with Maling Pass in the middle. Unfortunately, because bandits have been rampant in Dengzhou for a long time, Maling Pass has long been dilapidated, and the people in the city have gone elsewhere. Maling Pass

There was no protective capability, so Zhang Xianzhong did not stop at Malingguan at all, but directly crossed Malingguan and arrived at Kongtong Mountain in the south. Kongtong Mountain runs east-west, stretching for more than 400 miles from east to west, and is connected to Huoshan and Shenwu Mountains.

, spanning more than 80 miles, such a large mountain range can be regarded as the favorite place of thieves. There is a hilltop of Kongtong Mountain in the southwest of Ruzhou, called Jijiajiaojian. A huge stone stands on the top of the hill. From a distance, it looks like a straight line.

A singing rooster.

It is now September, and there are often strong winds on Kongtong Mountain, blowing on the face like a knife. The terrain at Jijiaojian is steep and the road is slippery. The soldiers have difficulty walking. Many people slip under their feet and hit their foreheads on the stone surface. Suddenly,

He kowtowed to the point where his head was broken and bleeding.

Today's Kongtong Mountain is not that of later generations. At that time, Kongtong Mountain was a scenic spot in the Central Plains and suitable for sightseeing. However, today's Kongtong Mountain is surrounded by vast forests and has a harsh climate. No one wants to stay for a long time. Several hundred miles away, Kongtong Mountain is truly suitable for sightseeing.

Yu lived in Jinxing Ridge, because there was a Laojun Temple there. Since Shangguanyi ravaged Kongtong Mountain, he occupied Jinxing Ridge. The Taoist priests in the mountain escaped, and those who did not escape were killed as wild wolves in the mountain.

We were walking west from Jijiajiaojian to Jinxingling. It was already evening, and it got dark early in winter. It was supposed to stop and set up camp for a rest, but Zhang Xianzhong didn't do that. He sat on the flat stone and took a rest.

He led the people to the west. The wind was howling at night, but Zhang Xianzhong was sweating profusely as he walked. This was Kongtong Mountain, and the horses had long been killed and thrown at the foot of the mountain.

The thirty-mile radius around Jinxingling is a vast primitive jungle. Zuo Chongli once stationed in Funiuha with Shangguanyi and others for a period of time. He can be called the local snake of Kongtong Mountain, but the primitive jungle of Thirty-mile Land is

The jungle still holds a heart of awe. In the mountain forest, it is cold and humid, and the chill is overwhelming. Under the night, it is like being in hell. The cold wind passes by, and there are waves of whimpering sounds, as if there are a group of old women.


Zhang Xianzhong was leaning on a tree and panting. He had traveled by horse most of the time. He had never walked across the mountains on two feet. So Zhang Xianzhong was very tired and rested. Unknowingly, he lowered his head and dozed off. Suddenly there was a gust of cold wind.

Attacked, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but shudder, then raised his head with a look of horror on his face, holding the machete in front of his chest, his eyes wide open, full of fear, looking around, and after a long time, he sighed.

Zhang Xianzhong didn't dare to tell others that he was scared, he was really too scared. What he was afraid of was not the officers and soldiers who wanted his life. It didn't matter if the officers and soldiers were great. The worst he could do was give them his life. Zhang Xianzhong had enjoyed it for so many years.

, even death is enough.

But there are other things to be afraid of. Zhang Xianzhong has never believed in gods, let alone hell. If there were gods, Zhang Xianzhong would have died long ago and would not be alive until now. But just now, he had a dream. In his dream,

I saw many people, old and young, mostly women. Their clothes were in rags, their faces were stained with blood, and some had swollen bodies, as if they had been boiled in hot water.

What frightened Zhang Xianzhong the most was that there was an eleven-year-old girl with two braids blinking. She was naked and covered with a layer of burnt scars. Zhang Xianzhong remembered her. Three years ago, someone threw that girl into the

It's fried in the pan.

This chapter has been completed!
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