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Chapter 64 Jointly Suppressing Bandits

Chapter 64 Joint Suppression of Bandits

Tie Mo quickly sat up and said in surprise: "Nunu, why are you here? Are you crazy? You came here alone? Are you not afraid of encountering robbers on the way and kidnapping you?"

Nunu grabbed the corner of her clothes and pouted: "No, Shiniang and Sister Lian'er came to Zhangbei, so I came with them."

"Shi Niang is here?"

He lifted up the quilt, washed his face hastily, and dragged Nunu into a trot to the side room. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a familiar figure busy at the table.

"Shi Niang, why are you here? Brother Hanhu didn't tell me!"

"The Great Cao returned to Zhuangzi earlier and said that you might have to stay in Zhangbei. He thought that you would have no one to take care of you, so he brought Lian'er over here."

While talking, Yu Lian quietly entered the house carrying a basin of porridge.

"Tie Shou...are you up?"

"Ahem, sister Lian'er, what are you talking about? We are all members of the family, why do we call them Iron Guards? It's still the same as before!"

Tie Mo had a tigerish expression on his face, and Yu Lian smiled shyly, "Brother Tie."

"Hey, that's right!"

Just as he was about to sit down to eat, Shi Niang lifted him up. Shi Niang glanced at Yu Lian, pulled Tie Mo to the corner, and murmured in a low voice.

"Xiaotie, you really have to think of a solution for that matter, otherwise, my mother will be rude to you."

Tie Mo didn't react for a while and said numbly: "Master's wife, my dear mother, what is going on?"

"Humph, you brat, you really don't take it to heart. What else could it be? It's about Hanhu and Lian'er!"

"This matter..."

Tie Mo was stunned immediately.

There's nothing I can do about this matter.


In July of the first year of Chongzhen, the scorching sun began to scorch the earth, and the vast Zhangbei Plain came to life again.

A large number of refugees poured into Zhangbei, and what followed was land reclamation. Regardless of whether it is a good time for sowing, as long as the wasteland can be developed, it is a good thing.

Refugees poured in, and the Zhangbei garrison began to recruit troops aggressively.

Recruitment benefits are very good, and there are also many conditions.

Just when everything in Zhangbei was waiting for improvement and everything was looking up, a piece of news swept across the north, shocking the center of the Ming Dynasty.

At the end of June, Wang Jiayin's subordinates Gao Yingxiang and Wang Ziyong divided into two groups to intimidate Shanxi. Gao Yingxiang marched eastward along the Mengjiayu Valley and destroyed Xingxian County in two days. The county magistrate Wu Mianwen was killed.

Gao Yingxiang conquered Linxian County, and 20,000 men under his command went straight to Jingle County. For a while, people in Taiyuan Prefecture began to panic. In order to save Taiyuan, the prefect Ye Heng quickly recruited troops from surrounding guards to stop the enemy and save Taiyuan. Fearing that it would not be safe, Ye Heng even

Several official documents were sent, requesting the border troops of Datong Prefecture and Xuan Prefecture to rush to Taiyuan.

During the Taiyuan crisis, all troops and horses in Shanxi were mobilized, and the guards stationed at Ningwuguan also went south as ordered. Not two days after the Ningwuguan army went south, Wang Ziyong, who had been stationary, suddenly led his troops north and out of northern Shaanxi.

He set out from his hometown in Fugu to conquer neighboring Hequ County in Shanxi Province. It took another two days for Wang Ziyong's troops to attack Ningwuguan.

At this time, most of the military households in Ningwuguan had already moved south, and the defense was empty. It only took Wang Ziyong two hours to capture Ningwuguan. After conquering Ningwuguan, Wang Ziyong's troops quickly moved north and captured the wealthy Shanxi town.

After looting everything, Shanxi Town was left in a mess, with deaths and injuries everywhere.

In this way, Wang Ziyong showed victory, conquering several towns along the way, and arrived at Yanmen Pass on the fourth day of July.

Yanmen Pass, the gateway to Daizhou and the waist and abdomen of the Great Wall, has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

As long as Yanmen Pass is captured, Dai Prefecture can be captured by going southeast, and then heading eastward to Wutai Mountain. If there is no obstacle to the east, one can directly enter Shuntian Prefecture. Crossing the Great Wall to the north, one can attack Ying Prefecture, and then threaten Datong Prefecture.

There are tens of thousands of elite border troops stationed in Datong Mansion, and with Xuan Mansion rushing to support, Wang Zi's rabble is no match at all. Therefore, the possibility of Wang Zi using his troops to threaten Datong Mansion northward is very small. The most likely possibility is that

Pass Wutai Mountain and enter Shuntian Prefecture.

Once Wang Ziyong leads his troops into Shuntian Prefecture, following the usual style of rogue bandits, the entire western part of Shuntian Prefecture will be burned, killed, and looted, and it will become a purgatory.

Shuntian Mansion is an important place in the capital. If rogue bandits really flow into Shuntian Mansion, it will be a huge blow to the entire Ming Dynasty.

The rogue bandits were threatening Yanmen Pass. Now the big men of the imperial court who were hiding in the capital could no longer sit still. This time, everyone in the court was surprisingly unanimous. No matter what method was used, Yanmen Pass must be protected and the rogue bandits could not continue to advance eastward.

Qian Longxi, the newly appointed bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, proposed to mobilize the border troops of Xuanfu and Datongfu to go south to quickly eliminate the rogue bandits, or at least drive the rogue bandits out of Shanxi.

It didn't take long for Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian to agree to Qian Longxi's suggestion. In Zhu Youjian's opinion, the situation in Shaanxi had become irreversible and irreversible, but the situation in Shanxi could not get worse.

In this case, the imperial edict was issued to Xuanfu and Datongfu.

Xuanfu and Datong Prefecture are a bit dumbfounded. They are just a group of rogue bandits. How dare they break through the Yanmen Pass and enter Shuntian Prefecture? The rogue bandits are not stupid either. They entered Shuntian Prefecture and looted it, and then were cut off by the border troops of Datong Prefecture and Xuanfu Prefecture.

A way out?

The rogue bandits were just here to rob. Even if they broke through Yanmen Pass, they could only rob for two days before returning to Shaanxi. Even if they were brave enough, they would not dare to ignore the border troops and break into Shuntian Mansion.

But the imperial edict was issued, and Hou Shilu and Man Gui had to act according to the order. They couldn't go so far as to say that Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand military affairs and command blindly, right?

In fact, from a military point of view, it is a good thing to allow the rogue bandits to advance eastward. As long as the rogue bandits dare to advance eastward, they are guaranteed to be destroyed under the iron hooves of the border army.

The advantage of rogue bandits is that they can move around. Once the scope of their activities is restricted, the rogue bandits will be destroyed soon.

You know, you know, Hou Shilu and Man Gui will not watch the bandits attack Yanmen Pass, otherwise they will not be able to explain to the court.

After careful consideration, Hei Yunlong, Li Jiasheng and another part of Tie Mo's troops were ordered to go south to suppress the bandits. Anyone with a discerning eye could see when this military order was issued that the real main force in suppressing the bandits were Hei Yunlong and Li Jiasheng. Tie Mo was purely taking credit for his training.


I have to say that Hou Shilu was really nice to this young man Tie Mo, which made Ma Fang and others a little jealous.

But jealousy is the result of jealousy, and no one can say anything. General Hou is jealous of Tie Mo. That's because Tie Mo is really capable. From the military household to the garrison of Zhangbei, he can fight with real swords and guns, and fight through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Yes, the credit is real.

Due to imperial edict, Hou Shilu also went south with the army this time.


Zhang Beicheng looked at the official document in his hand and Tie Mo didn't know what to say. The bandits are just a bunch of rabble, do the big guys in the court need to be so panicked? And the prefect Ye Heng, it's just that he fails to succeed and fails to succeed.

, Taiyuan City is a thousand-year-old city with strong defenses and thousands of soldiers and horses stationed there. Do you need to be afraid?

If Ye Heng hadn't made a mess and transferred the soldiers and horses near Ningwuguan, would Wang Ziyong have easily attacked Yanmen Pass?

Qi returned to Qi, but there was no difference at all. After the Tumubao Incident, the Ming Dynasty was dominated by civil servants, and the status of military generals was getting worse year by year. Man Gui, a shameless guy, also had a good life, if he hadn't met him

Supervisor Sun has a keen eye for recognizing talents. He would be damned if this guy could be the commander-in-chief.

In this way, Tie Mo led the recruit Danzi, who had not been trained for a month, to leave Zhangbei and go to Baideng, where he met Li Jiasheng and Hei Yunlong who were waiting there.

This chapter has been completed!
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