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Chapter 642 Minusinsk

Chapter 642 Minusinsk

"Master Han, will something happen to Elizabeth? Why don't you, General, lead your troops to go out and look for her?" Evanjie couldn't help but feel worried. There have been fewer and fewer local people who dare to cause trouble in recent years, but we must not take it lightly. The situation in Siberia is worse than

The southern part of Bashu is more than ten times more complicated. Coupled with the dense mountains and complex terrain, it is impossible to truly understand this place. Especially about the situation near the Yenisei River, we know basically nothing.

Han Niu'er looked anxious, but he still shook his head and rejected Evanjie's proposal, "It snowed, and the previous footprints have long been covered. We have no way of knowing where Elizabeth went. In this environment, reckless

It is not wise to go out and search. We can only wait patiently now, nothing will happen. Elizabeth is much more familiar with this land than we are."

For two whole days, Siberia City still did not receive any news from Elizabeth. Gradually, Han Niuer became a little unable to sit still, so he scattered all the scouts in Siberia City. After half a day of searching, he finally found someone in the south.

Traces of Elizabeth were found near the Tunguska River. Han Niu'er and Ivanjie were discussing the response plan, but they heard reports from the guards outside the city that Elizabeth had brought someone back. Han Niu'er and the two hurriedly went out to greet Elizabeth, looking at Elizabeth's side

The two people frowned tightly together.

I saw those people supporting each other, and there were countless injured people. It was obvious that they had gone through a fierce battle. Han Niuer couldn't help but be worried. There were more than a thousand soldiers and horses, which was quite a lot in the Siberian city. Who dared to attack Elizabeth?


Elizabeth rode across the crowd on horseback. Although her face was stained with blood, fortunately she was not seriously injured. Han Niuer and Yifanjie were relieved. Walking into the city lord's palace, Elizabeth warmed up her body and spoke in impure Chinese.

He scolded, "Why did the Toltecs gather so many soldiers and horses, but we didn't know anything about it? As soon as I led the people to the Tunguska River, they were attacked by the Toltecs and failed to reach Minusin at all.


Toltecs? During Han Niuer's tenure in Siberia, the biggest enemies he encountered were the Toltecs. The Toltecs have lived in Siberia for thousands of years, longer than the Evenki and Buryats.

, considered the strongest indigenous tribe near Baikal. About two years ago, Han Niuer led his troops to attack the Toltecs many times, successfully captured the Mayan Toltec Castle, and killed the tribe leader Horat.

Under the strong coercion of the Northern Shanxi Army, the Toltecs chose to flee westward. They originally thought that the Toltecs did not dare to come back, but they did not expect that these people not only came back, but also attacked Elizabeth's army in the Tunguska River.


In fact, the Toltecs had no choice but to return to the vicinity of Tula. To the west of the Yenisey River, Tsarist Russia continued to expand, and the Toltecs were unable to gain a foothold at all. In the end, they had no choice but to return to the east of the Yenisey River.

The Toltecs lived under severe cold and scorching heat. Almost every young man was a strong warrior. Although the Toltecs had been freed from slavery, their original life style had not improved much. They drank hair and drank blood.

It is commonplace that these people are a group of powerful beasts.

Han Niuer has strong confidence in defeating the Toltecs, but what he is worried about is why the Toltecs will return to this sad land. Is it really because Tsarist Russia has stepped up its expansion? According to

According to Tiemo's instructions, the Siberian Front Army must fully control the Yenisei River Basin before June next year. If Tsarist Russia also steps up its expansion, seizing the Yenisei River will not be as easy as imagined.

Hearing what Han Niuer said, he felt worried. Ivanjie nodded with a heavy expression, "If it is as expected, I am afraid that the Tsarist Russian army has already begun to cross the Yenisei River. The matter of taking over the Minusinsk Department must be

The schedule has been accelerated. The general feels that the Toltecs should be wiped out as soon as possible, take control of the Tunguska River, and open the road to Minusinsk."

The fact is just as Han Niuer guessed. The turmoil in Tsarist Russia ended. After Romanov I ascended the throne, Mikhail, also known as Romanov, became the Tsar, but he was weak in character and had no real power. The power of Tsarist Russia fell to the Boye nobles.

in hand.

The Boye nobles are greedy, and the Slavs have always had an inexplicable obsession with land ambitions. A few years ago, the Tsarist Russian army fought a war with the Poles in the east. As a result, after swallowing several cities, they were captured by Prince Vlad of Poland.

Dislav led his army to resist and was beaten to a bruised face. He did not get any benefits from the Poles. If he continued to the east, he would have to compete with the French and Germans for territory. Tsarist Russia's current strength was somewhat beyond its capabilities, so the domestic nobles moved

Focus on the east.

At this time, the rising Shanxi Army also sent troops to intervene in Siberia, and it also had an urgent desire for this land.

Among the many noble princes, the most powerful one is Duke Volkonsky. Volkon is ambitious and wants to establish a powerful Principality of Moscow, so he has always had a strong sense of expansion. Volkon is more like another

Peter the Great, under Volkan's instigation, the Boye nobles who actually controlled the power of Tsarist Russia began their plan to advance eastward.

Today, Tsarist Russia's economy and military are not as good as Europe's overall level, but they feel that conquering distant Siberia is not a problem.

The Northern Shanxi Army stationed in Siberia did not know the details of Tsarist Russia at all, but the annexation of Minusinsk could not be delayed. In the sixth year of Chongzhen, when the heavy snow first stopped, Siberia City sent 4,000 troops. At the same time, Siberia City also sent troops

Six thousand, a total of more than 10,000 people attacked the Tunguska River and killed the Toltecs active in this area. In this barbaric land, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army had long been accustomed to what is called cold-blooded ruthlessness.

It is a place where the strong are respected. Only by killing these barbarians will they truly surrender.

In the Tunguska River Basin, the killings did not stop for three consecutive days. In order to completely eliminate the scourge of the Toltecs, the Northern Shanxi Army enlarged the encirclement and closed in little by little. The Toltecs surrounded by the encirclement were massacred.

At the end of September, more than half of the ancient Toltecs were killed or injured, and almost all the young people in the tribe were killed or injured. Under the cold-blooded killing of the Northern Shanxi Army, the Toltecs finally chose to surrender. In the end, all the Toltecs

The Turks were sent to work in the mines in the south. For these Toltecs, going to the unfamiliar Ming Dynasty was an unknown road.

The Northern Shanxi Army swept the returning Toltecs with thunderous momentum, once again proving the Northern Shanxi Army's supremacy over Siberia. The Northern Shanxi Army made rapid progress, and by mid-October, the Northern Shanxi Army finally

Arriving at the Principality of Minusinsk, in the ancient blue-grey castle, Han Niuer finally met the legendary Duke Arctus. Arctus had an oriental appearance, was not burly in stature, and knew how to

Two sentences in Chinese. Ever since the Northern Shanxi Army arrived in the Principality of Minusinsk, Arctus had treated them well, for fear that Han Niuer would use the same methods he treated the Toltecs on the people of Minusinsk.

The northern Shanxi Army taking over the Principality of Namousinsk does not mean that it has control of the Yenisei River, because the traces of the Tsarist Russian army came much faster than expected.

In just a few days, the Northern Shanxi Army completely solved the great scourge of the Toltecs. However, the Northern Shanxi Army still faced a lot of troubles. The first was to solve the road from the Principality of Minusinsk to the east.

East of Sinsk, there is also a powerful tribe active, the Tuva people. It has been hundreds of years since the Tuva people arrived in Siberia. After a long period of development, they are definitely the largest force along the Yenisey River.

The Minusinsk people have been suppressed by the Tuva people. Because of other considerations, Han Niuer did not return to the Siberian city immediately. According to the Iron Governor's plan, the Yenisey River Basin must be firmly controlled.

Yes, since we have come to the Principality of Minusinsk this time, why not solve the big problem of the Tuva people?

As night fell, the cold wind in Central Siberia was raging wildly, but a melodious bagpipe sound sounded from the banks of the Yenisei River. The sound was mixed with the wildness and unruliness of the Northland Plateau, and also revealed an incomprehensible resentment. Han Niu

Han Niu'er didn't sleep for a long time. When others fell asleep, he still had to think about how to deal with the Minusinsk people next. Han Niuer did not want all the Minusinsk people to move to the eastern city. The Yenisei River would need to

People are required to guard it, and the Northern Shanxi Army also needs reliable local people to stay here.

Han Niu'er didn't know how the Minusinsk people lived, so he thought for a long time. Although he had some ideas, he decided to put them aside for the time being. The sun rose the next day, but it couldn't take away the coldness on the plateau.

Now that winter has arrived, it is also time to pay tribute. According to the tradition of the principality in previous years, the duke's steward will take people to various villages and towns in the principality to collect tribute. This year, Arctus also asked his castle steward Midorius to lead his troops to collect tribute.

tribute, but this time Ivanjie and several hundred soldiers under his command were also traveling with him.

Han Niuer deliberately arranged for Ivanjie and Midorius to travel together, because Han Niuer wanted to take this opportunity to thoroughly understand the life of Minusinsk people, so as to prepare for the next step. Ivanjie said:

This trip to pay tribute was also very interesting. Generally speaking, the lifestyle of the Minusinsk people was very novel, because the Ming Dynasty had already passed the serfdom stage. Walking southward along the vast plateau, not long after

We came to a village and when we walked to the entrance of the village, we saw many people waiting there. Some of these people were pushing a cart of grain, some were holding two sheep, and of course some were empty-handed.

Dorius skillfully ordered his soldiers to go and maintain order, but Evanjie was obviously not interested in the process of accepting tributes. He explained a few words to Midorius and led the two of them to make money in the village. Evanjie was just wandering around.

He was very careful, and the people around him didn't know what Mr. Ivanjie was looking at.

"Sir, it seems pointless for us to come together this time. This village is very dilapidated, and there is nothing strange about it." A soldier followed him and complained in a low voice. Ivanjie didn't take it seriously.

He narrowed his eyes and laughed, "What do you know? We are not here to protect Midorius. By the way, the most important thing is to understand the lives of the people of Minusinsk. How can the people of Minusinsk survive in this harsh leaf?"

People who have lived near the Nisei River for hundreds of years must have their own methods. No matter how the Yenisei River changes in the future, people will always need to live here. If you don’t understand these, how can you immigrate here? Haven’t you ever thought about it?

, it is difficult to grow food in this cold Siberian zone, how did the Minusinsk people survive?"

Walking on the path in the village, I heard shouts coming from a courtyard, and at the same time I smelled a strong fishy smell in my nose. Ivanjie was curious and couldn't help but push open the courtyard door. The courtyard was not too big.

, there is a long wooden board in the middle, and around a dozen women are busy doing something together. They are dressed in thick fur clothes, their hair is unkempt, and their skin is rough. These women have obviously worked for a long time and cannot be compared with the women of the Ming Dynasty.

Fanjie was really curious, so he walked up and took a closer look. It turned out that these women were working together to twist a ball of cloth, and the fishy smell was coming from the cloth. After watching for a while, Ivanjie figured out what it was.

What's going on? These cloths are wet, but what drips out is not water, but sheep urine. The Minusinsk people have limited conditions, and the cloth cannot be compared with the cloth of the Ming Dynasty. The quality is very poor, so they came up with the idea of ​​using sheep

Urine soaking method, after soaking, the cloth will become strong and cold-resistant.

Ivanjie was wearing a shining armor and military uniform, with a sword hanging from his waist. The women in the village had never seen such a mighty general. They gathered together in panic and looked at Ivanjie with some fear. Ivanjie

I had a headache, so I had to smile kindly, and then walked to the board, ignoring the pungent fishy smell, and pulled the cloth hard. To Evanjie's surprise, this seemingly rough and inconspicuous cloth,

It's actually very strong. Is sheep urine so effective? It seems that the people of Minusinsk can live in a harsh environment for hundreds of years. Sure enough, they have their own method.

In the yard, Ivanjie learned about the usual food again. Looking at the black pancakes in the box, Ivanjie couldn't help but admire these locals. It seems that Master Han is right. Under the current circumstances, let

It is most feasible for the Minusinsk people to continue living near the Yenisei River. People in the Siberian city will not be able to adapt to the living environment here in the short term. If the cloth soaked in sheep urine is spread, who will wear it?

About two hours later, Midorius also collected the tributes, and everything went smoothly, so everyone headed to the next village along the road. The Minusinsk Plateau was vast and sparsely populated, but another village was twenty miles away.

Besides, Ivanjie thought to himself, if he went around like this, it would probably take him half a month. The principality’s serfdom survival model was completely a closed model. At least along the way, Ivanjie didn’t see anything.

Signs of business exchange.

This chapter has been completed!
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