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Chapter 675 Battle of the Holy Crusader Cavalry

Chapter 675 Battle against the Holy Cross Cavalry

There is no skill in catching and fighting face to face. The battle is about who is more ruthless and who is braver. The Yunfu Cavalry has experienced countless tragic battles. Their ancestors have paid a lot of blood to achieve today's prestige. Therefore, they will not back down. The Cavalry

The sword was full of cuts. The Yunfu cavalry threw away the cavalry sword. Looking at the Germans rushing over, he suddenly jumped up, hugged the Germans and rolled to the ground. He put his right hand into his boots and quickly pulled it out.

With a short knife, he stabbed the Germanic man on the forehead hard. Once... twice... He roared like a madman and kept poking at the Germanic man's forehead.

His head was bruised beyond recognition and turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

But the crazy soldiers forgot that there were enemies around them. When a Germanic cavalry saw that his companion was stabbed in such a miserable state, his eyes suddenly turned red. He rushed over with his horse and cut off the head of the Yunfu cavalry.

On the battlefield, both sides had already become hysterical and crazy like wild beasts. No one was willing to give in. Geng Zhongming's eyes were heavy and his face became more and more ugly. Judging from the other party's performance, this was not the Blue Shield Cavalry, but more like the Blue Shield Cavalry.

It was the fierce Knights of the Holy Cross. When I opened the corpse of a Germanic man, I saw a golden left cross on his armor.

It was actually the Knights of the Holy Cross. No wonder it was so difficult to deal with. The southern army had limited cavalry. Geng Zhongming really didn’t want to lose his life to these Germanic lunatics. Cao Dong and Qi Lin came together, their expressions were indescribably serious. They also saw the situation.

Somewhat pessimistic, "General Geng, is there an error in the intelligence? It seems that the other party is not from the Blue Shield Cavalry Regiment."

"Well, it is indeed not the Blue Shield Cavalry, but the elite cavalry of the Holy Cross Knights. Damn, it is really unlucky. It seems that it is impossible to continue the pursuit. Cao Dong, hand over your thousand-man team to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin, please lead two thousand-man troops. Don't join the battle. Detour from the side, and then outflank them from the back. Cao Dong, lead a few people to the east of Tagil. Tell the princess about the situation here and ask her to lead the infantry here quickly.

Help us out. Since we can’t bite the German main force, let’s eat this Knights of the Holy Cross.”

Qi Lin and Cao Dong did not dare to neglect. Being able to swallow up this enemy force now was a big gain. Qi Lin followed the military order and inserted diagonally from the north, while Cao Dong also ran towards the east. It can be said that Liu Guoneng

He arrived in time and saw Liu Guoneng leading his troops towards Tagil Farm. Cao Dong ignored his fatigue and gritted his teeth and chased after him, "General Liu... we were fooled. The Blue Shield Cavalry regiment stationed in the south was not at all, but the Blue Shield Cavalry Regiment stationed in the south.

They are the most capable Knights of the Holy Cross. General Geng is afraid of heavy losses and hopes that General Liu will give up the pursuit and work together to eat the remaining Knights of the Holy Cross in the south first."

Liu Guoneng frowned slightly, tilted his head and glared at Cao Dong, "Are you sure it's the Knights of the Holy Cross? That Royce has water in his head and actually sends his precious direct descendants to do dirty work?"

I really don’t blame Liu Guoneng for not believing it. To be honest, Royce is the one who suffers the most. If Royce heard Liu Guoneng’s words, he would definitely point his fingers at God and scold his mother. Only a devil would let the Knights of the Holy Cross do the dirty work.

What's more, that bastard Bogor actually led the Blue Shield Cavalry to fight. Cao Dong smiled bitterly and explained bit by bit, "It's really the Knights of the Holy Cross. These people can really fight."

Liu Guoneng's expression changed. He also understood that if the opponent was really from the Knights of the Holy Cross, even if Geng Zhongming swallowed these people, the losses would not be small. Looking to the north, he could only give up the pursuit, and he lacked the help of cavalry.

It was difficult to catch up with the Germans. In desperation, Liu Guoneng could only lead the infantry to cooperate with Geng Zhongming to strangle Sipkes' troops. With the addition of the infantry, Sipkes suddenly fell into despair.

Sipkes wanted to run away. Facing the surging infantry formation, anyone who didn't want to leave was the big wolfdog, but it was no longer possible. Suddenly he felt a little envious of Bogor, that guy ran really in time.

The Knights of the Holy Cross carry the reputation of the Junker nobles. Most of them are well-educated. In the era when chivalry was prevalent, they advocated duels and violence. On the battlefield, marching forward bravely is the true aristocratic style, so

Even though they knew that the rearguard's chances of survival were slim, these Germans still exerted strong fighting power. The crazy Germans turned this battlefield into a Shura hell.

Almost every Holy Cross Cavalry rushed forward crazily, regardless of death. Even the brave and skilled Yunfu Cavalry was a little unable to withstand this kind of mutual destruction. At this moment, the Yunfu Cavalry had the upper hand in both strength and morale.

Advantage, with this kind of advantage, who is willing to trade lives with the Germans who are like mad dogs? At first, Geng Zhongming also wanted the peripheral troops to interfere with the battle, but looking at the Shura killings in front of him, he gradually felt that it was stupid to do so.

A cavalryman hugged a German and rolled off his horse. The weapon in his hand was thrown away. His groin was trampled by the horse. The soldier seemed to be unable to feel the pain. He opened his mouth and bit the German's throat.

There was a whining sound, and the Germanic man screamed when he was bitten, and he smashed down with his huge fist.

Crazy, already crazy. When he took off his helmet, the veins on Geng Zhongming's forehead swelled. Qi Lin's troops had already detoured back to the north and were planning to make contact with the Germans. Geng Zhongming's eyes flashed and he immediately roared, "Qi Lin...

Qi Lin... retreat, don't fucking rush forward, ask those who are still conscious to withdraw from the battlefield immediately, and expand the encirclement to two miles... Bai Zhe... why are you still standing there, go and give the order


Geng Zhongming's voice was as loud as a bell. He was famous for his loud voice in the Northern Shanxi Army. Qi Lin actually heard his roar. Bai Zhe next to Geng Zhongming was a little stupid. He didn't realize it for a while. He clearly had the advantage.

Why retreat and expand the encirclement? Doesn't this give the German barbarians a chance to breathe?

Bai Zhe wanted to ask something, but before he could open his mouth, Geng Zhongming's riding crop whipped out. With a crack, Bai Zhe's back was sore that he said, "Why are you still standing there? You can't hear the general's order."

Well, I don’t have time to explain to you. If you don’t go and deliver the order, believe it or not, I will kill you right now.”

Bai Zhe was trembling all over, and General Geng suddenly became furious. It was really scary. Bai Zhe was whipped, but he also reacted, and hurriedly went to deliver the order. Orders to retreat and expand the encirclement were sent out, and many did not

The cavalry who got involved kept shouting from the outside, their voices rising and falling, "General Geng has an order, brothers withdraw to the east and west sides, and the encirclement is expanded to two miles...General Geng has an order..."

The sound kept coming, causing many soldiers who were fighting madly to slowly wake up. The more sober soldiers had no time to think too much, and habitually obeyed the military orders and retreated directly to both sides. Suddenly someone from the Yunfu cavalry retreated, directly pulling the battlefield away.

The Germans opened wider and the occupation became clearer. After forcing back their opponents, the Germans, who were looking forward to death, lost their target and regained their sanity. When there was no danger, fatigue struck. Some soldiers grabbed their broad swords and gasped.


How could Sipkes not feel the changes on the battlefield? His eyes were as red as fire, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat. The damn oriental people were so cunning. Dong-dong-dong, suddenly a burst of drums sounded in the northeast.

The flags were waving, and the infantrymen like dark clouds walked slowly, maintaining a compact formation step by step, "嚯...嚯...嚯..."

The thick shield was in front, the hook, sickle and spear were behind. The pace was slow, but the formation was as steady as a mountain. Their steps were in unison, full of strength, and their momentum was like a galloping horse. Sipkes' heart sank to the bottom, how much he wished for the east

The enemy's cavalry could come over and fight to the death, so that they could have a chance to provide more support before death, but the Eastern infantry arrived too timely. As soon as the Eastern cavalry expanded the encirclement and pulled away from the battlefield, the infantry pressed over.

Normally, Sipkes would not really take the opponent's infantry seriously. No matter how tenacious and powerful the Eastern infantry formation is, what can it do? As long as the flanks are detoured, the lethality may not be enough, but the Knights of the Holy Cross can

Come and go like the wind, but now, if you want to run, don't be ridiculous. Looking up, a person appears in the field of vision, yes, it is the General Liu of the Prince of the East, it is her. Sipkes put away the broad sword and took it from the ground.

An iron gun.

Since death is certain, he must risk his life. In the blink of an eye, Sipkes' eyes no longer have fear and panic, but are replaced by determination and ruthlessness, "Yankoler, call over those who can still breathe, and follow

I'll rush and kill that Eastern bandit. The empire will be invincible...kill..."

With his legs clamped together, the war horses sprang out like sharp arrows, rushing toward the infantry formation in the northeast. Yankol also roared wildly, and the Germans who were still alive gathered behind Sipkes, forming a daring line.

Flood. The intention of the Germans became very obvious, which was to use their last strength to surprise the infantry center and kill General Liu Liu Guoneng.

This was a life-or-death charge. Geng Zhongming was immediately startled. If Liu Guo could do anything good, it would be better to let the Yunfu cavalry fight to the death. Now Cao Wenzhao is still leading the army to rush here.

In other words, the life and death of the southern army currently depends entirely on Liu Guoneng.

Liu Guoneng must not let anything happen to him. If something happens to him, the results achieved by the South Army in the past few days will be meaningless. At this time, he no longer cares about the identity of the general in the army. Geng Zhongming grabbed a spear and took his own soldiers.

The team rushed over, even if they died, nothing could happen to General Liu. The war horses galloped, these brave animals seemed to know that this was the last shining in their lives, they were as fast as flying, and Sipu Kesi was also a famous horse with thousands of miles under his crotch.

, the war horse ran to the front of the infantry formation, suddenly used both hooves to leap into the air, and directly passed the front row of shields.

The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army did not expect that this man and his horse were so brave. The hook and sickle were only suitable for pulling down the road, not for assassination. It was too late to stop him. Just like this, Sipkes miraculously rushed into the infantry.

Formation. Many soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were startled by Sipkes, causing them to be stunned for a short time. Sipkes had already put life and death aside, and there was no pause at all. His iron spears swept left and right, urging his horses, and violently

Rush forward.

Facing the menacing Germans, Liu Guoneng looked calm and not panicked at all. A German general rushed left and right with extraordinary bravery, but she still had no fear. As they got closer, Liu Guoneng raised his hand, and the guard next to him raised his hand.

Pass the knife over. He, Liu Guoneng, is not the kind of strong man who came from an ordinary bandit. He did not get the title of breaking into the sky for nothing. Is he so easy to be killed?

Holding the sword tightly, the horse ran forward to meet the rushing Sipkes. Liu Guo directly faced Sipkes and leaned back at the same time, avoiding the fatal blow of Sipkes.

Si gasped. He really didn't expect this bandit leader to be so skilled. He instinctively turned his head to the left and managed to escape, but his neck felt chilly. Liu Guoneng was known as breaking through the sky, so of course his methods were not limited to this. Seeing this

When he missed the blow, he slapped the horse's back with his left hand and jumped into the air. In mid-air, he quickly reversed the gun's head with his right wrist and turned it around at an incredible speed, stabbing Sipkes in the back.

With a pop, Sipkes felt a sharp pain in his back. He looked down and saw the blade passing by from the side. What a powerful guy. Sipkes ran a few feet away and walked away from the station.

He fell down immediately and died completely.

Liu Guoneng killed Sipkes with thunderous means and poured a basin of cold water directly on the head of the crazy Germanic people. At this time, the Germanic people knew that this Eastern bandit was not that easy to bully and he could be beaten and killed.

When Sipkes died, the Germans' last desperate counterattack was doomed to be strangled in the cradle. Geng Zhongming led the cavalry to squeeze from the flanks. After an hour, there was no longer a living German cavalry on the battlefield. The battle was over, and Liu Guoneng was left to

There was a lot to think about. It should have been a victorious battle, but in the end, more than 2,000 cavalry were sacrificed, and more than 600 infantry were injured. The overall casualties were almost one to one.

This kind of victory is extremely heavy. Everyone who has experienced fighting will not have the joy and pride of victory.

After a fierce battle, both the infantry and the cavalry were exhausted. They took a rest and cleaned the battlefield. Liu Guoneng sat cross-legged next to a haystack in the farm, with no joy on his face. The dozen or so generals around him also had sullen expressions, "

It seems that we have underestimated the Germans before. The Knights of the Holy Cross and the Boye Cavalry are completely different. If I hadn't arrived in time with the infantry, I'm afraid we would have ended this battle with a tragic victory."

"General Liu, the last general is incompetent." Geng Zhongming lowered his head, his face uncertain. More than 5,000 elite cavalry were defeated by more than 3,000 Germanic cavalry. These were more than 5,000 elite cavalry.

Geng Zhongming took over the responsibility. Liu Guoneng glanced at him indifferently. He didn't know whether he was happy or angry, "General Geng, of course you have to bear some responsibility for this surprise battle. You should have made a judgment and intervened long ago.

The opponent is not the Blue Shield Cavalry, but the Knights of the Holy Cross. You should not be brave. If you had ordered the cavalry to retreat to the east and fight at the same time, and actively cooperated with the infantry to kill the enemy, our losses would not have been so.


Liu Guoneng absolutely needed to remind himself. Not only Geng Zhongming, but all the generals present were dazzled by the victory. They always felt that as long as they dealt with it properly, they would win easily. This time, Geng Zhongming made it clear that he did not take the opponent seriously.

I always thought that I could defeat my opponent with more than 5,000 elite cavalry under my command. After fighting, I was held back by the Germans.

This chapter has been completed!
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