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Chapter 681 Conspiracy to sell people

Chapter 681 Conspiracy to sell people

Royce is also very worried. After the holidays, Royce will not demolish Bogor at this time. On the contrary, he will do his best to help Bogor with suggestions, "Bogor, in my opinion, Huang Lin Binghe's

The battle situation is a bit strange. Until now, the Easterners' cavalry has been limited to about 5,000 people, and the infantry has not exceeded 30,000. In the past two days, I asked Bo Tengen to observe secretly, and there is no sign of the Easterners increasing their troops.

Especially the cavalry, they would rather be stationed in the north to confront us than take pictures of Huanglin Binghe to help in the battle. It is really unbelievable. Judging from the current situation, the Easterners must be planning something. What they are doing is not like swallowing Huanglin.

Lin Binghe's appearance is more like nailing us to Huanglin Binghe. If the Easterners want Huanglin Binghe, they only need to send more cavalry to help. With our current strength, we simply cannot resist it."

In fact, Bogor was also thinking about this issue these days. He sat opposite Royce and added a handful of firewood to the brazier. "There is indeed a problem, but for a while, we don't know what the intentions of the Orientals are. Even if we know the Orientals,

There are other ideas, but there is nothing we can do. Do we have to voluntarily give up Huanglin Glacier and give this area to the Orientals?"

What Bogor said is the truth. He said that he has too few soldiers and horses. If he wants to defend the entire Qiusuming Jungle, just relying on these men is simply not enough. Even if you know the Easterners

If you want to attack other places, but you don't have the troops to garrison there, if you abandon Huanglin Glacier, the Eastern Army will march straight in, and then the entire Qiusuming Forest will fall into the hands of the enemy in the blink of an eye.

By guarding Huanglin Glacier, there won't be too many loopholes. Without Huanglin Glacier, the central part of Qiuming will be wide open. Wolkan has no other choice but to guard Huanglin Glacier, but he feels increasingly uneasy.

He was getting stronger and stronger. Facing Royce, he didn't want to hide anything, "Mr. Royce, there are indeed quite a few conflicts between you and me, but I hope that these conflicts will not affect our relationship before returning to the Holy Empire."

Cooperation. I have a feeling that the Tiusuming Jungle will not be able to hold back the Orientals. If the Tyusuming Jungle is lost, I hope to leave Tomsk as soon as possible. You and I have seen the momentum of the Orientals, and I want to join them.

It is simply impossible for them to get a piece of the pie. I don’t want the soldiers of the Holy Empire to sink deeper and deeper. At least, in my opinion, we should not regard the Eastern Empire as an enemy.”

Bogor's words were aimed at Royce, because Royce's previous idea was to use the hands of the Easterners to weaken the Slavs, then quickly withdraw his troops, capture the Istrian highlands, seize Moscow, and bring the entire

The Boyer nobility was incorporated into the Junker nobility system. The high altitude of the Istrian highlands made it easier for cavalry to use it. Whoever occupied this highland would be able to exert a huge deterrent effect on the surrounding areas.

Royce's plan is very good. If his idea can be realized, it will be of great benefit to the future expansion of the Holy Empire. Bogoll also supported Royce's idea before, but as the war deepened,

, he gradually felt that this plan was very risky. Judging from the various actions of the Easterners, their goal was to swallow up the entire Tomsk and establish a huge empire across Siberia. From a military strategic perspective, the Easterners

Impossible to be stupid enough to abandon the Istrian highlands.

On the Istrian highlands, the Suzdal people are just a piece of fat. Once the Holy Empire is unwilling to give up, it is likely to have greater conflicts with the Eastern Empire, angering a powerful Eastern Empire and creating indelible hatred.

, this is an unforeseen disaster for the Holy Empire.

Bogor is not a reckless man. Compared with Royce, he is more tolerant. The most successful thing he has done in his life is to endure. To anger an opponent who cannot be provoked is to seek death. During this period

While busy with military affairs, Bogor never gave up on learning about this Eastern Empire. From businessmen, he learned that this Eastern Empire was very huge. The so-called Siberian City area was only a small part of this empire. This empire was prosperous, vast, and extremely wealthy.


The Siberian garrison is only a part of the empire. In the Eastern Empire itself, there is a huge population and a steady stream of troops. If he had known about the situation in the Eastern Empire before, Bogor would never have agreed to the Eastern Expedition.

In the face of this behemoth, the Holy Empire should not die. Once the empire is angered, it will probably bring huge disasters to the German nation. The core interests of the Holy Empire are in the West and should not shift its attention to the East.

Royce frowned and did not answer for a long time. Of course he understood what Bogor meant, but would everything be that simple? "Sir Bogor, have you ever thought about it, once the Orientals swallow Suzdal, with their

Virtue, the Holy Empire will probably face a lot of pressure."

"There will definitely be pressure, but there won't be much danger. The Easterners occupied Siberia and built cities a few years ago. Why not cross the Yenisey River? This shows that they have not thought about crossing the Yenisey prematurely.

River, after all, this place is too far away from their homeland. If the Slavs hadn't started the war, I'm afraid the Easterners might not have gone westward in a few decades. It can be said that we gave the Easterners the opportunity to stir up trouble. Without us, even if

If the Eastern emperor wants to start a war, the people in the country may not support it." Wolkan spoke sincerely, with a heavy face, and his guess was accurate, "I believe that as long as there are enough interests, the Eastern people will not be stupid enough to provoke

They are angry with us. Their goal is Tomsk, and they may not want to fight us to the death. Again, how do you know something if you don’t try it?”

Royce took a deep look at Bogor. It wasn't until today that he truly admired Bogor. Bogor was indeed not an easy person. This guy had hidden himself too deeply. "You are right, maybe we

It’s time to give it a try. In this case, we have to make more plans for the future... Haha, we can’t let these Slavs stand behind us for us..."

Royce showed a weird smile, like the frost in midwinter, bone-chilling cold. The Slavs would never know that before the war in Tyusuming ended, the Germans had already begun to plan how to use them as cannon fodder. In contrast,

Next, the Northern Shanxi Army did not have many ideas. They only needed to attack step by step. As long as the barbarian army wanted to keep the Qiusuming Jungle, they could not give up Huanglin Glacier. Anyway, the real trump card was not in Huanglin Glacier. They had plenty of time to fight with the barbarian army.


A few days later, the situation suddenly changed, thick clouds came from the sky, and the scorching sun hid itself. Tie Mo frowned, feeling indescribably depressed. The snow would fall later, so as not to cause trouble to Liu Guoneng's army.

Zhou Dingshan had just returned from Huanglin Glacier and hurried over, "Supervisor, the Germans suddenly strengthened their defense against Huanglin Glacier. All three cavalry regiments gathered in the middle of Huanglin Glacier. An hour ago, while

We didn't pay attention and launched a surprise attack. The infantry on the left wing was broken through and the losses were considerable. When I saw that the situation was critical, I withdrew first."

"Huh?" Tie Mo rubbed his forehead, his face full of surprise, "These barbarians are having a seizure. They gathered all the cavalry on the Huanglin Glacier River and left the positions on both sides alone? How dare they launch a counterattack?"

Wang Zuoguan and others also got the news and rushed over. The Germanic people's counterattack obviously exceeded everyone's expectations. Fortunately, the loss was not too great.

Wang Zuogao was lying in front of the map, his brows sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing, his hands folded together, his face a little heavy, "Superintendent, in my opinion, we don't need to take it too seriously. Since the barbarian army has concentrated its forces to counterattack,

Then we will retreat. In addition, we can let General Cao's troops penetrate from the north of Huanglin Glacier to see how the barbarian army reacts. If the barbarian army is still stationary in Huanglin Glacier, it means they don't know how to install it yet.

We don’t need to worry about the situation in Jialing. If the barbarian army retreats quickly, then we should seize the time to launch an attack to prevent the barbarian army from escaping."

Tie Mo nodded slowly, "I guess the barbarian has figured out something. This is just to test us. According to this governor, there is no need for us to get entangled with the barbarian. Order Huang Lin Binghe's first-line troops to issue an imperial edict to Cao Wen

The troops move closer and flank the Blue Shield Cavalry from the north. Hum, we have an absolute advantage now, why should we be led by the barbarians? I am not afraid of what these barbarians will see. I think the princess's side should have already passed.

Angialing Vein, even if the barbarians react, it will be too late."

Wang Zuoguan thought for a while, clapped his hands and laughed, "What the Superintendent said makes sense. Since the barbarians have seen something, we don't need to hide it. We can directly strengthen the attack so that they can't retreat.

As long as it doesn't snow tomorrow, we will concentrate our forces against the Blue Shield Cavalry camp and see how the barbarians will react."

In the Blue Shield Cavalry Camp, Bogor's face was as gloomy as ice. He had just discussed with Royce and decided to concentrate his forces to fight back. As a result, as soon as he achieved some results, the Easterners quickly withdrew back. From the East

Judging from the performance of the people, they had never thought of swallowing Huanglin Binghe in one gulp. This also strengthened Bogor's view that the Easterners must have a back-up plan. Royce was also waiting in the tent, and it didn't take long for him to pay his respects.

Si'er and Bao Tengen hurriedly returned to the big tent. Bai Si'er ran all the way, sweating profusely, "As expected, the Easterners did not completely withdraw from the Qiusuming Jungle. They retreated for a while and then gathered to the north.

The scouts reported that there are signs of troop mobilization in the Eastern Camp."

Royce glared and clenched his fists tightly, "The Orientals really have a conspiracy. We have to hurry up. If what we predict is true, the Orientals may not be able to bear it and send more troops to Qiusuming Jungle." Bai

Tenn, you return to camp immediately, lead troops to Huanglin Glacier, switch defenses with the Slavs at the bend, and let the Slavs there guard the northern border area. The Boyo Cavalry Regiment abandons the southern river and moves closer to the Chinese army camp.


Bo Tengen didn't react for a moment and couldn't help but ask, "Legion Commander, isn't Huanglin Glacier the main attack area of ​​the Easterners? If we go there, aren't we going to cause trouble for ourselves?"

"Huanglin Glacier? Do you think the Easterners really want Huanglin Glacier? They want to use Huanglin Glacier to drag us to death. Now that the Easterners want to increase their troops and break through in one fell swoop, they will definitely not attack Huanglin Glacier. They will definitely

They will concentrate their forces against us. As long as the Knights of the Holy Cross and the Blue Shield Cavalry are swallowed up, what use will those Slavs have? Therefore, the Easterners will no longer focus on attacking Huanglin Glacier." With Royce's arrangement, it is natural that there will be

His own deep meaning was even a little vicious, "Just do as I say. If the Easterners attack the north, our people can quickly evacuate from Huanglin Glacier without much resistance. Even if they die, it will be these Slavs."

People die in front.”

Bogor didn't have much objection to Royce's arrangement. Since he decided to sell the Slavs, he should sell them thoroughly. Only when the Slavs held back the Easterners, the German cavalry could have enough time to retreat.

Bogor and Baisier were still standing in the tent, and Bogor was also a little angry, "Why are you two still standing there? Why don't you go quickly? When the Eastern army approaches, the Slavs will understand.

If you want to change defense at any time, the Slavs will not agree."

As he spoke, Bogor stood up and kicked Bai Sier on the butt. Seeing that Bai Sier was kicked, Bo Tengen did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly agreed and ran out. Bo Teng En is also an old man.

After finding the defender at Huanglin Glacier Bend, he looked unhappy. It seemed that if Royce hadn't forced him to come, he wouldn't have agreed to change defenses even if he was beaten to death.

After the defense change, thousands of Slavs were extremely happy. They had been stationed at the bend for so long, so many people had died, and they didn't even have a chance to breathe. Now they could finally go to the Knights of the Holy Cross camp to have a good rest.

The Slavs are too naive. They don't even think about it. How can there be any good things in this world? Royce and Bogor are not philanthropists. How can they be good enough to consider the Slavs?

In any case, Botenen successfully deceived the Slavs to the north. Baisier followed suit and deceived the five thousand Slavs from the south to rest just north of the Blue Shield Cavalry camp. Baisier pretended to be better.

Thoroughly, he roared at the Slavic consul Legler, "You need to take a two-day break and come back quickly. I don't want to defend the defense zone for you."

On the surface, Legler agreed happily, but he was already scolding him in his heart. If I were to replace your mother-in-law, I would withdraw this time and never come back. These Germanic people are simply too much. They are just cavalry, aren't they?

People from the Holy Empire always feel that they are superior to others. Let them have a taste of the power of the Easterners. Don't the muskets and swords in the hands of our Cossacks have no fighting power? Legler never dreamed that he would never come back from this trip.

Jumped into a pit.

I have to say that Royce and Bogor were too insidious. They just made a big bag and put the Slavs in it. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to. Tomsk is not without wise men. If Volkan, Yeltsin, Chaidov and others

If someone is here, you will notice that something is wrong. Unfortunately, these people are not here. The only one who feels that something is wrong is Cesar of the Komi Principality, but Cesar is a small captain, and no one can say anything.


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