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Chapter 691 Skinning Family

Chapter 691 The Skinned Family

Not long after, Zhou Dingshan walked in and placed a military report on the table. The military report recorded the recent details of the reception of civilians in eastern Tomsk, as well as the garrison and baggage distribution plan. Expedition to the Western World,

There are no court officials around to deal with government affairs, so Tie Mo has to take charge of many things personally. If Li Gang and Zhang Yi are here, many things can be done. Holding the military newspaper in his hand, Tie Mo smiled while reading it. He was so happy.

It was so obvious that Zhou Dingshan frowned and asked, "Supervisor, what makes you so happy?" It's no wonder that Zhou Dingshan was confused. He didn't see Tie Mo so happy when he successfully controlled the plague.

There was nothing important in the military report. He read it once and threw it on the long table. He leaned back and sat more comfortably. "Dingshan, do you know who the woman sent by old man Samara is?"

?Haha, that woman is not simple. Her name is Katie, the eldest daughter of King James of the Scottish royal family, and the most noble princess in the kingdom. Do you think this governor can be unhappy? This is simply a piece of cake in the sky. "

Zhou Dingshan's mouth was half open, as if he was choked. This is too surprising. The eldest princess of the Kingdom of Scotland, this thing always feels like a dream. What is going on with the Kingdom of Scotland, Zhou Dingshan doesn't know,

But his many years of political career told him that with Katie's card, the Northern Shanxi Army's western strategy would become much smoother.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing that falls in the sky. Haha, the old man Samara, the supervisor, probably doesn't know the identity of that woman." Zhou Dingshan was surprised. Tie Mo nodded naturally, "I definitely don't know. If he knew, that woman

The old man will probably ask for some benefits, and it is impossible to make such a happy relationship. No matter what, you must keep an eye on Katie, and I will leave this matter to you."

"Supervisor, you can rest assured. Someone will be assigned to take charge in the future, and nothing will happen to Katie. Oh, by the way, Supervisor, General Sha just sent back news that the Slavs in the west seem to be showing signs of taking action.

But the specific situation is not clear yet!" When talking about the war, Zhou Dingshan was much more serious. Tie Mo raised his eyebrows but didn't take it seriously. With the current situation of the Northern Shanxi Army, he was not afraid of the Slavs taking the initiative to stir up trouble.

Volkan knew how bad the situation in Tomsk was. In addition, the Easterners played a trick to destroy the family, which was so destructive that most of the dozen principalities in the west lost half their lives. Their strength was obviously damaged.

Active provocation will not bring good results, but Volcon has to find a way to take the initiative to fight and gain the initiative. Otherwise, he will have to wait for death.

In the castle of Ukrainka Manor, several confidants were sitting by the fire with sad faces. During this time, there was constant bad news. The only good news was that Chaidov returned to the manor alive. Yeltsin and others hated the Northern Shanxi Army and wanted to think about it.

Naturally, he tried his best. Zeidov had an idea in his mind, but he frowned and hesitated whether to say it or not. Volkan felt a little annoyed and said with a sullen face, "Zaidov, when did this happen?"

Why are you so hesitant? If you have any ideas, just tell me immediately."

Zaidov smiled bitterly, pondered for a moment, and then said hesitantly, "Grand Duke, everyone, I think you have not forgotten Yelinburg in the north. Now the people in the East are powerful, and they have just captured Samara.

The momentum is strong. The Germans are busy eradicating bad things in the country and can no longer support us with troops, so it is impossible to disrupt the Easterners through conventional channels. In this case, why not consider Yelinburg?"

Yelinburg is located in the northwest corner of Tomsk. Although Yelinburg belongs to Russia, it is outside the major principalities. Even the Russians themselves keep a distance from the Yelinburg people.

Volkan also hates Yelinburg. In his eyes, Yelinburg is simply an alien. Yelinburg's inheritance is very stable and has been owned by the Krigtisk family for thousands of years. Krigtisk

The family is well-known in Tomsk and even in Northern Europe. It is no exaggeration to say that it has a vicious reputation. This family admires wild wolves and is cruel by nature. They are brave and fierce and like to fight. Whenever they conquer others, they like the most.

What they do is skin their dead enemies. More than two hundred years ago, the Krigtisk family conquered the Sea Lion family on the Baltic Sea coast and skinned hundreds of people. The bloody and skinless corpses were hung in the Sea Lion family castle.

It was blowing outside for more than ten days.

It can be said that the Krigtisk family advocates skinning. Every time they kill a person, they will cut a piece of skin and sew it on the outside of their clothes. Whoever has more human skin hanging on his clothes in Yelinburg is the most powerful warrior. The Duke will also

Give rewards. The behavior of the Yelinburg people is simply more cruel than the savages in the mountains. The Russians even call the Yelinburg Krigtisk family the "Family of Skinners." Even people like Volkan have some

Look down on Yelinburg, these people are simply a bunch of beasts, no one can hold them back when they go crazy.

"Zhaidov, you have to understand that the Krigtisk family are a group of cruel and greedy people. They will not do anything that is not beneficial. What's more, the Yelinburg people are just more vicious.

If we want to deal with the Orientals, we are still too far behind!" Volkan shook his head and did not hold out much hope in his words. In his heart, he was a little disgusted with Yelinburg. If it hadn't been for the constant troubles in Moscow in recent years, it would have been really difficult.

If you want to lead the troops to destroy Yelinburg, these skinners are almost becoming legends of evil spirits. If there are children who cry non-stop at night, just move the skinners out and it will definitely work.

Zaidov scratched his beard in embarrassment. If there was no other way, he would not have brought Yelinburg out. People in this place are too taboo. "Your Excellency, the Grand Duke, I know what you are worried about."

, The Krigtisk family is very greedy, but we are not without benefits. If we promise to give them three castles in the west of Tomsk after defeating the Easterners, these skinned people will definitely be very happy. As for

How much trouble it can bring to the Orientals is secondary. Using Yelinburg is mainly because of their brutal methods. Once an Oriental is skinned, it will definitely spread, and the atmosphere of terror will hit the Orientals even more.

Morale, this will be of great benefit to our next operations."

After Chai Duofu’s explanation, everyone finally understood. Letting Yelinburg deal with the Orientals is simply killing two birds with one stone. As long as the Yelinburg people cause trouble for the Orientals, the final result will definitely not be good, Yelin

After the castle has lost too much strength, there is nothing to be afraid of. If the strength is not enough, the appetite is not big, so what if some benefits are promised, Yelinburg has to swallow it. What is more important is the behavior of the people of Yelinburg.

The skinned men were hanging before the eyes of the Orientals. Anyone who saw that scene would be frightened. This was a huge blow to the morale of the Orientals.

There were many benefits, and Volkan no longer had any scruples, "Okay, Yeltsin, you should immediately revise a letter and send it to Yelinburg, conferring the title of Count of Tama on Antoli, and assigning the three major castles in the west of Tomsk to Krieg."

It is under the jurisdiction of the Tisk family. In addition, Sir Ya'an will marry a daughter of the Krigtisk family. From now on, Yelinburg may become our nineteenth principality in Russia."

The expressions on Zaidov’s face were colorful, while Yeltsin and others’ faces were even more dull. Grand Duke Volkan was more courageous than Zaidov. For fear of not painting the pie enough, he also proposed the idea of ​​marriage and a principality. Sir Ya’an was

The eldest son of the Grand Duke will inherit the power of the family in the future. With enough leverage, it is difficult for Yelinburg not to be tempted.

Snow is falling in the middle of winter, and Yelinburg, located in the northwest corner of Tomsk, is covered with ice and snow. The grassland highlands are white and foggy, and the world is dim. Antori Krigtisk has a slender figure and a complexion similar to that of an ordinary Slav.

There is a big difference. His face is too white, his nostrils are particularly big, he has no beard, his mouth is a bit cleft, and his teeth are all black and yellow.

Antori is like a sinister ghost that brings chills, but he is not a ghost, and he is extremely fertile. He has more than thirty children and illegitimate children in his family. As for how many women there are, even he himself does not know.

Anyway, Antori thought whatever he wanted. Sometimes he fell in love with a maid and would hug her and play with her on the spot. I heard that the most glorious thing about Sir Yelinburg was actually doing it outside the castle in front of ten people.

Four female slaves were fucked in front of several family soldiers. As for Antori's fertility, it was absolutely a miracle in the cold Tomsk. It was impossible for other family dukes and marquises to achieve such great achievements.

At this time, Antoli was laughing with black and yellow teeth. Two female slaves were kneeling at the low table to pour wine. Sitting not far away was Zaidov. While Antoli was talking to Zaidov, two slave girls

With his hands free, he reached into the slave girl's wide skirt and kneaded it wantonly, without paying any attention to the presence of Zaidov. He had heard of Antoli's bad behavior for a long time, and Zaidov did not care about the scene in front of him.

Feeling surprised, "Lord Krieger, I wonder if you are satisfied with the arrangement of the Grand Duke?"

"Of course I am satisfied. Don't worry, Mr. Chaidov. The Krigtisk family will never disappoint the Grand Duke. There are fourteen daughters in the family, and Sir Ya'an can choose at will. As for the Easterners, there is nothing to worry about, Ye

Linbao has never been afraid of anyone for thousands of years. Within a month, Yelinbao's warriors will peel off the skins of those Eastern nobles."

Antoli is very arrogant, and coupled with his sinister appearance, he is extremely ferocious. Is Antoli ignorant? He is indeed ignorant. In his eyes, the so-called Easterners are no different from those Tomsk families. Chai

Dov sneered in his heart, but he would not tell the truth. It didn't matter whether the Yelinburg people lived or died, as long as they could bring trouble to the Easterners.

Antoli couldn't refuse the marriage alliance, not to mention the three castles in the west of Tomsk. The Krigtisk family has a long history. They are not only cruel, but also cruel and confident. The Yelinburg man has been there since he was four years old.

They had to participate in hunting from the beginning and duels at the age of eight, so most of the Yelinburg people were bloodthirsty fighters. When Antori decided to deal with the Easterners, he quickly made arrangements.

It was another quiet night. More than 20 soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were patrolling by the river west of Balzas. They were walking along the patrol route as usual, but unexpectedly there was a sudden muffled sound in front of them, and then many soldiers rushed out.

When people came, these people moved quickly and used sharp methods. In less than half a stick of incense, the entire patrol team declared collapse. With the destruction of the patrol team, the camp stationed by the river was inevitably hit. After dawn, there was no one left in the camp.

These people had already surrounded the camp, and after a night of fierce fighting, more than a hundred people in the camp died at the hands of the other side.

The Krigtisk family's cruelty has lasted for thousands of years. They are hated by others because of their cruelty, and they are also feared because of their cruelty. Thousands of Krigtisk family soldiers looted the riverside garrison, and there were no soldiers from the Northern Shanxi Army in the camp.

Once they were spared, after taking over the riverside garrison, these family soldiers cooperated with more than 3,000 people from the south to move closer to Umezu.

Mejin is a small town located in the south of Balzas. Since the Northern Shanxi Army captured Balzas, it has focused its attention on the northeastern part of Tomsk, and the small town of Mejin is no longer so important. According to the usual practice, Shang Kexi only sent

With more than 500 people stationed in the small town of Meijin, and more than 500 troops and horses, plus hundreds of soldiers stationed by the river, it is absolutely not a problem to defend the small town of Meizu. Moreover, in the gratifying plan, the city of Meizu is not something that cannot be given up.

, as long as it can provide early warning to Balzas, it is enough.

After midnight, the streets of the cold northern small town were desolate. Not to mention the people, even the mice were unwilling to run on the streets at this time. The military regulations of the Northern Shanxi Army were strict, but in this harsh climate, coupled with the

Meijin Castle has no strategic value, and there are no threats around it. The soldiers patrolling the city will inevitably slack off. After walking through a few streets, the cold was unbearable. A dozen patrol soldiers walked into the corner and started a fire. These Jin soldiers

The soldiers of the Northern Army would never have imagined that danger was slowly approaching the small town of Umezu.

The soldiers of the Krigtisk family all wore gray coats, and there was a huge wolf head on the back of each coat. Late at night, when people were sleeping, many gray soldiers approached the small town of Mezu from all directions, with their infantry in front and their cavalry in front.

The soldiers in the back were very careful. Each of the soldiers in the front row carried a shield. These people were moving mysteriously, like a group of assassins heading towards Umejin. At this time, the ground was freezing and the cold wind was raging, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

The soldiers guarding the city have long been hiding in the corridors and complaining. Who will pay attention to the situation below the city?

The small town of Mezu does not have a strict city wall, only an outer wall one foot high, which can be easily climbed over. The people of the Krigtisk family successfully climbed over the city wall without encountering any obstruction at all.

In the corridor, several soldiers gathered around the fire and complained, "This ghost place is really unbearable. If you are not careful, your fingers will freeze off. I really miss the scenery in Kaifeng city. If it weren't for these Slavic old men,

If Maozi causes trouble, he will come here all his life."

"Da Niuzi, can you say a few words less? I'm almost spitting on my face. Let's go up and guard after a while. Wang Tongzhi is probably coming to inspect soon. If he catches us warming up while guarding the city, we'll have a meal.

The board is indispensable." Another soldier with a beard on his face teased a few words. Although his face was covered with beard, his voice was still very childish.

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