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Chapter 721 Bad News Comes One After Another

Chapter 721 Bad news comes one after another

As tens of thousands of Eastern troops returned to Occam City, the pressure on the frontal battlefield in Tara Highlands increased sharply. The outermost defense line had been harassed by the Tula cavalry. The Slavs were unable to stop it and soon gave up the outermost defense line.

Defense line. Without the advantage of the high ground, Tirov could no longer cope with the defense of Tara as easily as before.

Orger personally took charge of the offensive and defensive battles at Tara. This time he was not in a hurry, but carried out the attack steadily, using a small number of troops to test each time. This also caused the traps prepared by the Slavs to lose their effect.

The pressure was increasing, and Tirov soon had the idea of ​​​​retreating. Rosh ran in panting, his face was pale, as if he had been blowing in the heavy snow for two days and two nights. But this was not the middle of winter.

It's a warm spring and there's no chance of freezing snow. "Rose, what's wrong? Aren't you stationed on the flanks of defense?"

Roche's face was full of horror, he took a long breath, and then said tremblingly, "Oh no, a large number of Eastern cavalry appeared in the direction of Cahors. Judging from the armor, they should be the elite iron chain cavalry of the Eastern people?"

"What?" Tilov fell down in his seat. He finally understood why the Easterners were not in a hurry to attack Tara. He thought they were being cautious, but it turned out they had other intentions.

Something happened, something serious must have happened. Tilov's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. The Eastern Cavalry detoured around Cahors. This should not be hidden from Ordos City. With Lord Volkan's ability, he could not

I don't know how to deal with it, but now the Oriental people have arrived successfully, which can only mean that something big happened in Ordos City.

Isn't the purpose of retaking Tara just to find a fighter plane? I think Master Volkan used his cavalry to do other things, but it just failed. At this moment, Tilov felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Why is it that no matter what we do, it doesn't work? In the face of strength, it seems that all conspiracies and tricks have become so fragile. At this time, Russia is more dependent on its fate.

Before Tilov and others could figure out a way to deal with it, the elite cavalry, which was still encouraging, had already launched a tidal wave of offensive against the Slavic camp in the direction of Cahors. At this moment, all that was waiting for the Slavic people was death.

Shang Kexi has been tempered by the flames of war, and has reached the level of proficiency in the use of cavalry. He is especially good at concealed attacks and small-scale combat. The attacks of Yunfu cavalry are as fast as wind and fire, which many Russians have failed to do.

In response, a hundred infantrymen were wandering outside the camp. They looked relaxed and showed no signs of worry.

Since retaking Tara, nothing has happened. Especially in the direction of Cahors, it can be said to be an iron wall. Even if the Easterners attack, it is impossible to choose this direction. Distorted self-confidence fills the entire camp, so patrols

The soldiers didn't pay too much attention. The so-called scouts only sent out five miles. Centurion Yunos walked in the front holding an earthen jar with a pile of meat in it. Yunos was very happy and waited.

Back to the camp, I made a pot of delicious broth and my life was easy.

The stamping seemed to be the sound of horse hooves. Yunos didn’t think much about it. He raised his head and looked into the distance. A black dot slowly appeared. Isn’t that his own scout? With the appearance of this Slavic scout, Yunos’ patrol

The team all stopped to watch, and some even raised their hands to say hello. Yunos had a smile on his face. This scout cavalry was good at horseback riding, and his speed was so fast. Soon the two sides got closer, and only then could they clearly hear that the scout was coming.

Shouting something, "Run, run, the Orientals are coming."

What? Yunos was stunned, and the patrolmen behind him were also in a daze. What the hell? Where are the Orientals?

I just wanted to laugh at the scout, but in the blink of an eye, the ground shook. Behind the scout, countless figures appeared. Under the sunlight, I could clearly see the silver armor on their bodies. "Hiss, Silver Armored Cavalry, run quickly, it's iron."

Chain Cavalry, hell..." Yunos roared loudly, threw the earthen jar in his hand on the ground, and without caring about anything else, he took the lead and took big steps to run towards the camp. It's not that Yunos is timid.

, there is really no way. He has more than a hundred people under his command, which is not enough to fill the gap between his teeth. To the Russians, those silver-armored cavalry are a nightmare existence, with iron chains and armored horses,

Since the war, countless Slavic warriors have died at the hands of this strange cavalry. Yunos did not want to use his own flesh and blood to resist the hooves of the armored cavalry.

Shang Kexi came, and his attack was rapid and fierce. When the patrols on the periphery saw these cavalry, they had no intention of resisting and fell apart in an instant. The shouts of the camp in the direction of Cahors were loud, and Captain Guarcha tried his best to attack them.

He wanted to appease the camp, but the soldiers had long been frightened out of their wits by the silver-armored cavalry and could not be appeased at all. In desperation, Guarcha organized more than 2,000 people to build a barrier in front of the Chinese army's tent.

As for the defense line, he would not be stupid enough to set up a defense line outside the camp. That kind of place is where the opponent's cavalry is most wreaked. With his speed, he can probably defeat the formation in a single encounter.

Guarcha also has some military acumen. After the Eastern cavalry rushed to the Chinese army's tent, their speed had slowed down. Relying on the infantry formation, they could completely block it. The military tents in the camp were connected, and the roads left were narrow.

As for the twist, the cavalry could not form an effective formation at all.

At the beginning of the battle, the Russians guarding outside the camp were in a hurry and could not stop the Yunfu cavalry's attack. More than three hundred Yunfu cavalry relied on their speed and sharp cavalry swords to cut a hole in the blink of an eye.

, a large number of cavalry poured into the camp and began to outflank the camp from the east and west directions. The first line of defense failed to block it, and the remaining Russians could only scatter. They fled in twos and threes, and the Yunfu cavalry was also divided into countless small groups.

A large number of troops were mobilized to capture and kill the Slavic rebels on a large scale.

Everything went smoothly. When attacking the Chinese army's tent, the Yunfu cavalry finally encountered a little trouble. There were many military tents in the camp, just like stone piers that messed up the cavalry formation. On the contrary, Gua'er

However, the police infantry occupied the wide ground and formed a tight infantry formation.

Many Slavic infantrymen held spears more than two feet long in their hands. Many scattered cavalry rushed to the front of the formation, but were poked into a hornet's nest by these spears. Not to mention the cavalry, even the horses could not face the death. The fallen corpses and horses

The cavalry piled up at the intersection, causing huge trouble for the following troops and horses. This time, Yu Yu made a surprise attack on the Cahors camp. The cavalry did not bring anything except food and necessary weapons. They had no bows and arrows, and could not take advantage of mounted archery.

For a moment, the commando team was stopped by the Russians here.

Shang Ke came back from Xiju and saw that the perimeter had been occupied. He nodded with satisfaction and led two commanders towards the camp. Along the way, a few Russians wanted to make a sneak attack, but they were all cut down by the soldiers.

When they arrived at the center of the camp, Shang Kexi saw many cavalry gathered together, all with anxious looks on their faces, but they couldn't rush in.

Some of the cavalrymen were so anxious that they wanted to set fire to the surrounding tents, but there was an order from the army to keep the camp intact as much as possible, so that after the battle was over, it could be repaired as a camp. Seeing this situation, Shang

Ke Xi frowned, and the commander, Maoxiang, leaned over with a sullen face, flicked his whip, and said loudly, "What's going on? Why are you all stuck here?"

"Back to the general, the open space in front is occupied by the Russians. They have formed a tight spear formation. Many of our brothers have died in their hands. However, there are too many military tents around here, blocking the road. No, the brothers are in a hurry

Go up." A soldier replied hurriedly, his eyes still nervously looking inside. From here, he could still see bursts of fighting coming from inside.

Maoxiang frowned and hurried back to report, "General Shang, the Russians have formed a spear formation and used the surrounding military tents as cover. The road is narrow and the brothers can't rush in. Otherwise, order the burning of the nearby tents."


"No." Shang Kexi directly vetoed the proposal. When they came, the team was lightly packed and had no tools to set up a tent. This Slavic camp is the place where they will rest in the future. "Tell all the soldiers and horses that they must not set fire. At this time, Nuan

In spring, it is dry in the camp and the wind is strong. Once the fire cannot be controlled, it will not only burn the Russians. Moreover, we also need this big tent, otherwise, you will let the brothers sleep on the grass in the future? We have traveled a long distance, and we are exhausted.

This battle requires a good rest."

Maoxiang was speechless. He also understood that what Shang Kexi said was the truth. He rubbed his hands with a look of urgency on his face, "Then what should we do now? We must think of some way, otherwise the brothers may suffer a lot of casualties."


Shang Kexi snorted, and with a flick of the steel knife, he jumped off his horse, came behind everyone, and shouted loudly, "Everyone dismounts and forms eight assault formations. You bunch of idiots, you only know how to charge on horseback, how can you get down?"

If you have a horse, you won't be able to fight?"

Shang Kexi roared loudly, which woke up many people, and many Yunfu cavalry soldiers reacted. Yes, this is not suitable for cavalry charges, but there is no problem at all with infantry. The Yunfu cavalry has withstood

They have been trained by infantry, so they are no strangers to infantry fighting methods. Under Shang Kexi's command, the cavalry quickly dispersed. They dismounted and found various shields, and some found thick wooden boards.

, some found the Russian round shields, and in an instant, more than a thousand cavalry turned into infantry.

Although Guarcha's infantry occupied the open space, it was not a complete infantry formation. Due to the numerous military tents, the open space was divided into many small open spaces. The Russian infantry formation was also cut into six formations.

Fortunately, he took the lead and led a hundred-man sharp knife team to launch a fierce attack on the outermost Slavic infantry. The Russians were armed with two-foot long spears. These tight spear formations were very effective against cavalry, but they were a little weak when facing infantry.

, the soldiers moved forward slowly against the thick wooden planks. Most of the Russian spearheads were stuck on the wooden planks. When they got closer, the Russian spears lost their advantage. Shang Kexi led his soldiers to charge forward.

Entering the enemy's formation, the cavalry sword took advantage of melee combat, slashing and stabbing, and the Slavic soldiers holding long spears fell to the ground one after another. At this time, the infantry formation was tight, and people were touching each other. How could they swing a two-foot-long spear, but the cavalry sword was not immune to the chop?

The impact, the blade is sharp, and those wooden gun handles can't stop it at all.

Guarcha's eyes widened. As several peripheral positions were defeated, he finally fell into despair. Everything has pros and cons. The spear formation caused huge trouble to the Easterners before, but they also faced the same problem.

When fighting in close quarters, the spear array will also lose its advantage. The Easterners are really not simple. They made changes so quickly. The cavalry turned into infantry. Just a little change turned the situation around.

The spear formation was collapsing, and the Slavic soldiers who had lost hope began to collapse. Maoxiang had been waiting for an opportunity. As soon as he saw the opponent's formation collapse, hundreds of cavalry dispersed. Half an hour later, the tight spear formation was gone.

There were only the miserable voices of the Russians, and Shang Kexi's killing intent was overwhelming, like a demon rushing towards the Slavic bearded man in the cloak. Guarcha had already seen Shang Kexi's bravery, and he quickly held up his broad sword to resist with all his strength.

But he was not a worthy opponent. The spear shook like a pear blossom, and he stabbed out a fatal shot in the air. Guarcha groaned and was stabbed to the ground.

After seizing the camp in the direction of Cahors, Shang Kexi began to rest and recuperate, and did not launch an attack in the direction of Tara. However, Tirov and others did not feel comfortable because the Org army created greater pressure on them.

In half a day, Orger accelerated the attack. Ten thousand Tula servants cooperated with five thousand soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army to launch a fierce attack on the southern part of Tara.

There are only more than 4,000 Russians stationed in the southern highlands. They are surrounded by heavy sieges. How can the Russians be their opponents? What's more, when defending the south, they have no geographical advantage. The Tula people are good at riding and shooting. They continue to launch fire along the perimeter.

, brought endless trouble to the Slavic soldiers.

In the evening, a group of black-armored soldiers held up heavy shields and began to launch a frontal attack. Countless sharp spears were hidden behind the shields. Although this heavy offensive formation was very slow, it crushed them like a torrent of steel.

By the time Xu arrived, the entire southern camp's defense line collapsed. After the defeat, the Russians were like crazy goats, fleeing in all directions.

News of the collapse of the southern camp soon reached Tara Castle. Tirov's face turned cold, and Rosh and others also looked dull, no longer as arrogant as before. The so-called Tara Defense Line was like a joke.

Facing the powerful offensive of the Orientals, they could not hold out for even three days. If the outer perimeter could not be defended, could the city of Tala be able to defend it?

Rosh was very unsure, and even Tirov didn’t have much confidence. Liaosha Noor was hunched over. He seemed to have aged more than ten years in just a few days, "Tilov, what should we do now? Cahors

Almost all the troops in that direction were wiped out, and only 2,000 remnant soldiers from the southern camp escaped. Now we don’t even have 8,000 available troops. It’s really difficult to stop the Easterners with this small force.


This chapter has been completed!
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