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Chapter 728

Chapter 728 Confrontation

Haha, even against all calculations, I never expected that the other side would give up their horses. After the initial shock, Volkan slowly calmed down. Perhaps, this is not a bad thing. The lack of cavalry for the Easterners is a good thing.

Right. But where did the Easterners get the confidence to open a battlefield on the south bank of the Great Uvat River and voluntarily give up their cavalry advantage? Do they really think that the Russians have no power to resist?

That's fine, then everyone should gather their troops and fight in a relatively fair manner. If they still can't defeat the Easterners, then Russia should give way.

Since the fall of the town of Nosla, Wolkan ordered the nearby garrison to gather to the west and temporarily put some distance between them and the town of Nosla. Naturally, Tie Mo would not be polite. In just one day, he pulled Nosla to the town.

More than fifty miles between the stone bridge strongholds were all occupied. At the same time, the infantry moved westward, putting tremendous pressure on the Russians, prompting the Russians to continuously mobilize troops and horses from New Nikolay City.

By June 22nd, all the Shanxi Northern Army near the Dawuwat River crossed the river and came to the north bank. However, in order to strengthen the infantry, many cavalry gave up their horses. The original 20,000 cavalry also dropped sharply to 5,000.

At first glance, the strength is much weaker, but Tie Mo does not think so. In many cases, it is not that the more cavalry, the better, but more depends on the coordination of the infantry and cavalry. If the cavalry is compared to a spear, then the infantry is a shield.

, if the shield is broken, no matter how sharp the spear is, it will eventually be risky.

Previously, there were more than 20,000 cavalry and 10,000 musketeers, which seemed to have amazing combat power. However, in fact, this combination was very unreasonable. The terrain near the Great Uvat River was complex and many geological areas were relatively soft, which was not suitable for large-scale cavalry formations and musketeers.

On the contrary, it will play an important role.

Just after the 23rd day of June in the seventh year of Chongzhen, a cavalry force of less than a thousand people came to the Heather Farm, eighty miles east of New Nicholas City. Heather Farm is just a name, but it is a land of thousands of acres of plains in the highlands.

In the core area, there are more than a dozen scattered villages in this area. Ever since the Omsk War started, New Nikolai City has forgotten about this place.

At this time, an armored cavalry broke into the village. The local Russian people were shocked and frightened, and could not even resist. They could see that this armored cavalry was the Eastern cavalry known as the Devil's Cavalry. Mr. Qian

Cao Yuan turned over and dismounted, looked at the cheerful villagers, nodded, and the translator behind him stood in front and said loudly, "Don't be afraid, everyone, we are under the command of the cavalry under the governor of the five provinces of the Ming Dynasty, and we are here only temporarily.

Take a rest and take a look at the surrounding situation. As long as you don’t cause trouble, we guarantee that Qiu will do nothing wrong. In order to thank you for your support, we will give you some food and seeds."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone pushed two carts forward. The Russian people gathered in the village all showed expressions of disbelief. How could the Orientals be so kind? Don't they say that the Orientals are murderous demons without batting an eyelid?


Since the failure of the Eastern Expedition, the people in the Omsk Highlands have often heard various legends. Most of them say how evil and terrifying the Easterners are. Some say they chop people into pieces and feed them to wild wolves, while others say they

More ruthless than a skinner. Gradually, most Russian people believed this rumor, which was also the reason why the Northern Shanxi Army encountered huge resistance in the Omsk Highlands.

Now that the Demon Corps came, they did not kill people. Instead, they looked friendly and distributed food. As an old man in the village, Gu Kefa, although he was frightened, still managed to calm down. He stood up from the crowd and asked with some confusion, "What's this?"

Is there really food in the car for us?"

The old man Gu Kefa's words were trembling and a little excited. Since the great plague, disasters have swept across the Omsk Highlands, with countless casualties and casualties, and even food is pitiful, not to mention the need to provide for the Grand Duke's troops and horses.

In the past month, more than a dozen villages near Heather Farm have faced the dilemma of running out of food, and many families have begun to sell their sons and daughters. But even so, the patrol team from New Nicholas City often comes to the village to harvest food.

Food, even the grain crops, have been completely wiped out. The poor people don't know how long they can sustain it. Even if the Easterners don't come, maybe the people of Heather Farm will riot.

Gu Kefa obviously didn't believe that the Easterners were so kind. Cao Yuan smiled slightly and waved his hands. Two soldiers threw a bag in front of the old man Gu Kefa. The old man with dry skin opened the mouth of the bag tremblingly and looked at it.

There was white rice inside, and the corner of his mouth was trembling, and two lines of turbid tears flowed down. Gu Kefa was holding a handful of rice, and fell to his knees, "Thank you to the regent of the East, merciful God, we are saved."


It was really rice. All the villagers looked shocked. Did the Orientals really send food? Someone exclaimed and knelt down behind Gu Kefa. More than 200 people in the village fell to their knees.

, at this time, they no longer thought that the Orientals were demons, but more like angels. Cao Yuan was also a little surprised. Now he finally understood why the supervisor sent him to Heather Farm.

The common people are really very simple. They don’t have much reason in their hearts. They only pursue a good life. Russia and the glory of the empire have nothing to do with them. If they stand up and fight, it is also because they want to protect their own lives.

.Hey, it is really not as foresight as the governor. After this incident, I am afraid that the resistance of the Russians will not be so strong. Similarly, this has also created endless troubles for the nobles of New Nicholas City. Cao Yuan knew very well,

Today, half of Russia's combatable troops come from the Omsk Highlands.

Cao Yuan stayed at Heather Farm for a day and then left in a hurry with his men. It didn't take long for the news about Heather Farm to spread. It didn't take long before the same news spread from a place forty miles away from the plain of Heather Farm.

Voice. Not only did the Orientals not destroy the village, but they also gave away food rations and seeds. If the speaker was an Oriental, no one would believe it, but if the speaker was an out-and-out Russian, others would not believe it. Yes.

These things have caused countless Russians to have other thoughts. Since the Orientals are not destroying Russia, why do they still fight so hard?

So many Russian families sent messages to their children, asking them to go home quickly and not to waste their lives on the battlefield. At first, it was only a few people, but gradually more and more people heard this call. Ukino

He is an ordinary Russian boy. He originally did not want to be a soldier and just wanted to live a peaceful life. However, he was forcibly recruited six months ago and became a soldier.

If you become a soldier, you will have food to eat. If you perform meritorious service, you can also share some food with your family. So gradually, Ukino got used to this kind of life. But just yesterday, an old salesman from the village came to visit.

, brought shocking news. When the Orientals arrived in the village, they not only did not massacre the villagers, but also distributed the food. Now every household does not have to go hungry. With the seeds, if you wait for three or four months, you will have something to eat.

The old salesman advised Uchino to flee home quickly and not to lose his life in vain, and even secretly cursed the Grand Duke as a liar.

Uchino was very confused. He was not the kind of person with strong opinions. He didn't know how to choose for a while. Of course, he was also quite dissatisfied with Volkan and the Duke, who actually deceived all the Russian people. Orientals are not

A murderous demon without blinking an eye.

Tonight, it was Uchino's turn to be on duty. He was standing on the archery tower with the cool breeze blowing. He was lost in thought when a slight rustling sound came from his ears. He looked down and saw several figures sneaking out of the building.

Camp, he didn’t think much about it. He carried the current to the arrow tower, pointed at a few figures and scolded, "Why are you going? The centurion just gave an order that no one is allowed to leave the camp after midnight. Think about it."

Go back if you are alive."

"Ukino? It's you, don't yell, I'm Mia." But I didn't expect that a familiar voice came from the other side. The speaker was Mia, a young man who came from the same village as Ukino. Mia was afraid of disturbing other people.

He pulled the stunned Ukino into a corner and said, "Ukino, I won't hide it from you. I will go home with the others tonight. There is news from home that the Orientals are not here to massacre us.

They treat us much better than the Grand Duke. They don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately and distribute food to the village. We won’t have to go hungry for at least a month. No matter what you think, I won’t sacrifice my life for the Grand Duke anyway.


Uchino was shocked. He didn't expect Mia to be a deserter. Looking at the people behind Mia, there were more than a dozen people. He couldn't help but worry secretly, "Are you all going to leave? Aren't you afraid that the Grand Duke will send someone to retaliate?"

"Humph, of course I have to leave. So what about revenge? The Grand Duke must be really capable and stop robbing people and food. In the past, it was always said that the Orientals were the apostles of the devil and came to harm the Russian people. But now, the Orientals can't

He is not a demon apostle. The Grand Duke has lied to all of us. Whoever works for him is a fool." Mia snorted coldly and reached out to grab Uquino's arm. "Ukino, what on earth are you thinking? Don't you?

Will you let us leave?"

Uchino hesitated for a moment, looked at the archery tower in the distance, and suddenly gritted his teeth, "Mia, I'll go with you, but don't take the east road. Deserters often appear recently, and there are many hidden sentries posted in the east. If

If these secret sentries are alerted, none of us will survive. Come with me, we will go around from the south. If nothing happens, we can escape before dawn."

A smile finally appeared on Mia's face. A dozen Russian youths followed Uchino and quietly left the camp, and they were just a small part of the many deserters.

Near the Great Uvat River, the desertion phenomenon in the Russian camp became more and more serious, and Volkan had no choice but to do anything about it. Just when he didn't know what to do, good news finally came. Consul Machie hurriedly

Walking into the castle, he said with a serious expression, "Grand Duke, there is news from the east that the troops and horses rushing to Omsk have entered the predetermined position. Now we have almost 45,000 troops on the east and west sides, including 3,000 cavalry.

We can launch an attack on the Easterners at any time."

Phew, Volkan breathed a long sigh of relief. The Omsk army finally arrived, and it was timely. If it had arrived a few days later, we would really have to worry about whether the morale in the camp would collapse directly. The longer it was delayed.

, the more variables there are, Volkan pressed hard on the table and said with some ferocity, "Order the troops stationed by the river to attack the Shiqiao stronghold at midnight tomorrow and launch a counterattack around Nosla where the Easterners are stationed.

Tell them that success or failure depends on this one move. After this battle, it will be life or death!" After that, Volkan walked to the door, picked up his broadsword, and strode away. He was going to the front line to personally command the battle.

, if you win, you will continue the great cause of Russia; if you lose, you will stay here forever.

He has his own pride for loving everything, and he doesn't want to go to the Caucasus to linger. Living like that is simply a kind of painful suffering.

In the small town of Nosla, the sun was shining brightly and the surrounding scenery was pleasant. Tie Mo looked leisurely while blowing the breeze and breathing in the scent of green grass. The Russians secretly gathered troops and horses, so naturally they could not hide it from him, but there was nothing to worry about.

I am still very confident in this battle. Although Hai Lanzhu has always been with Tie Mo, he rarely gets involved in government affairs and just quietly does what he should do. "Husband, the Russians have been

There were a lot of deserters, and morale was low. At this time, Volkan ordered the attack, and he was a little anxious."

"Hey, he can't help but be in a hurry. The longer it drags on, the more serious the situation will be. He must fight with us before his morale collapses. Hum, this guy really thinks we are easy to bully!"

He looked up at the sun and saw that it was already approaching midnight. He gathered his mood and walked towards the handsome tent in the distance. "It's almost time. Let's see what Wolkan has to offer."

After arriving at the commander's tent, the generals stood up and saluted. Hai Lanzhu just nodded slightly and continued to make arrangements. The plan had already been made, and Tie Mo had nothing to add. He waited for the arrangements to be completed before saying with a solemn expression.

, "The Russians have assembled more than 45,000 soldiers and horses in this battle and want to defeat us from both sides. I have only one request for you, the commander-in-chief, to show off the majesty of our Ming Dynasty."

"Don't worry, Commander, we will do our best to win the victory!"

Zhou Dingshan stood up, his voice not loud but extremely firm.

South of the Bolshoi Uvat River, west of the town of Nosla, on the vast plains of Kiev, a great war is brewing.

On June 25th of the seventh year of Chongzhen, vast black clouds appeared in the southwest of the Shiqiao stronghold. In a distant place, flags were fluttering, swords and guns stood numerous, and more than 10,000 Russian infantrymen blocked the sky and the sun. Endless, huge pressure swept over.

The stone bridge stronghold at this time is so small, like a broken sailboat in the sea, which will be overturned at any time. The earth is shaking, birds are flying far away, in this world full of death, no living thing is willing to


The scorching sun brings the heat of early summer, and the vision is a little blurry. Bathed in the sunshine, you can't feel any warmth. The coldness of death stimulates everyone's heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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