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Chapter 731 Battle of the Stronghold

Chapter 731 Battle of Stronghold

Zhuo Ke stood on the arrow tower and stared at the entire stronghold battlefield with cold eyes. It was all because of Manyer's stubbornness. If he hadn't angered the Easterners, how could the Lion Corps be in such an embarrassing situation? The Easterners' revenge came too quickly.

, was also quite violent. Although it temporarily blocked the opponent's attack, the price was too heavy. In just one hour, the troops stationed outside the stronghold had lost more than 3,000 people. If the attack continued like this, the Russian men near the stronghold estimated that

No one could survive, and it was all just because of Manyer's arrogance. Just as Zhuo Ke racked his brains and thought about the next way out, the rumbling drums sounded again, but the Eastern army that besieged the stronghold slowly retreated.


Zhuo Ke was stunned for a moment. What on earth were the Easterners going to do? Instead of moving forward after hearing the drum, how to retreat, or retreat when they had the advantage? It was simply unbelievable. Could it be that reinforcements had arrived? Zhuo Ke's doubts did not last long.

The answer was soon there. The Eastern Army did not really retreat, but began to change its formation. The original formation of wild geese with the army as the backbone and flanked by two wings gradually divided and turned into two conical formations. What is even weirder

There are two circular arrays composed of thousands of people on the left and right sides of the two conical arrays.

In the blink of an eye, the two armies collided again. The Russians, who had just gotten a chance to breathe, were on the verge of crying. A look of horror finally appeared on Zhuo Ke's face. He finally understood the power of this strange formation.

Two conical formations formed a triangular head with shields, and the spears thrust fiercely. Such a sharp formation cut the crowded Russian crowd bit by bit, looking like a pair of scissors. The circular formations on both sides also had shields on the outside.

, but the inner side is dominated by swordsmen. The circular formation does not cut forward like the conical formation, but only defends on both sides. The formation keeps rotating, constantly harvesting the lives of the Russian soldiers on the outer layer.

It was really a terrifying formation, with the conical formation cutting and the circular formation responsible for strangulation outside, and the coordination was perfect. Zhuo Ke hated Manyerye, but at this time, the only one he could rely on was Manyerye, and he hurriedly slid down from the arrow tower.

, he found Man'erye with a stern face in a few steps, "Man'erye, find a way to break out of the encirclement. The perimeter has collapsed. In terms of head-on confrontation, we are not the opponent of the Easterners. Once the remaining soldiers are trapped in the stronghold, we will

But there is no way to survive at all. Now if we open the way with brave men, we may still be able to escape."

Zhuo Ke was angry with Manyer, and since the current situation was not optimistic, he didn't have much respect for Manyer in his heart, and now he started calling Manyer by his first name.

This time, Manyer did not glare and reprimand, but accepted it silently. He has a flamboyant temperament, arrogant and domineering, but he is not stupid. Judging from the previous battles, the Orientals are really good at fighting, so breaking out is the best way.

The choice was made.

At this time, Man'erye no longer had the arrogant attitude before, and he also felt a little regretful in his heart, but there is no medicine for regret in the world. Besides, with his temperament, he was unlikely to admit his mistakes, so he had no choice but to nod at Zhuo Ke.

, "People in the stronghold, abandon the city, charge with me, and fight a bloody path."

Manyer's marching formation was a little bit worse than Zhuo Ke's, but he did his best to fight before the battle. Like a manic lion, Manyer rushed to the entrance of the stronghold. Although he did not ride a horse, with all his strength, he actually

He smashed the head of the cone-shaped station that was coming towards him. Manrye's strength had reached an outrageous level. With continued strength, the two shield soldiers were shocked to the point where they bled from their orifices and fell unconscious.

Even though the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were well-informed and brave, their hearts were shuddered when they were suppressed by the violent aura on Manyer's body. The key point of the cone formation is the starting part. Once the starting part is broken up, the cone will

The impact of the formation was gone. Manrye was still the same Manrye, as if he was born for war. His joining not only blocked the sharp conical formation, but also brought hope to the remaining Russians.

For a moment, they almost hit the bottom. The Russians who were pinned down and beaten let out a shocking cry. Not only did they stabilize their position, they even started to counterattack.

Cao Yuan was at the rear and saw everything clearly. He was almost done, but a huge change happened. After a fierce battle, although the Russians suffered heavy casualties, their own side also suffered considerable losses. Until now,

, there are less than 4,000 people under Cao Yuan who can really continue to fight. In other words, in terms of military strength alone, the Russians do not suffer much, and even have a real advantage.

Cao Yuan had a headache. Now the two conical formations had penetrated into the Russian formation, and they could not retreat even if they wanted to. At this time, Cao Yuan also secretly blamed himself for being a little impatient. He thought he could rely on his troops to swallow them up in one go.

These Russians did not expect that the other party would be so brave and did not collapse in the face of continuous suppression. Under the leadership of Manrye, the Russians' counterattack became more and more fierce. Many soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army rushed into the formation.

They were also surrounded by angry Russians. The circular formations on both wings were also in a bad situation. Although they killed countless enemies, the Russians were less pressured and slowly began to circle around the circular formation, with a strong tendency to surround the circular formation.

Cao Yuan's skin went numb and he quickly waved his hand, "Ming Jin, order all troops and horses to quickly get rid of the entanglement and withdraw from the battle."

Cao Yuan had no choice but to do this. If he did not withdraw his troops at this time, his troops would really be swallowed up by the Russians who were madly counterattacking. As soon as the Jinming signal was sent, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army began to shrink back.

The circular formations on both wings also slowly retreated to both sides, but even if they reacted quickly enough, nearly a thousand soldiers still died in the Russian counterattack. Manrye was very excited, with his eyebrows raised and a look of arrogance on his face, hum.

, the Orientals also bully the weak and fear the strong. Zhuo Kobimaruye thought more clearly, don’t look at the Orientals taking the initiative to retreat, it does not mean that they are afraid, I am afraid they are conserving their strength and do not want to cause more casualties. Who knows if the Orientals have any back-ups?

What? Under Zhuo Ke's call, most Russians consciously formed a long snake formation and began to evacuate the Shiqiao stronghold.

Sometimes I have to say that Zhuo Ke has a crow's mouth, and he does whatever he wants. As soon as he breaks out of the siege, he falls into another dilemma. This time, the shock to the Russians is even greater, because countless Eastern

The cavalry appears in view.

Manyer's face turned pale. What does it mean that a large number of Eastern cavalry appear at this time? It means despair and death. No matter how arrogant Manyer is, he doesn't think he can defeat the elite Eastern Cavalry. This means

It was like he had just emerged from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. At the same time, Cao Yuan finally showed a smile.

Zhou Dingshan's cavalry always appears so timely and always appears where it should appear. Sometimes even Cao Yuan is a little frightened. Zhou Dingshan's attainments in cavalry have reached an outrageous level. The Russians have just escaped from death.

Zhou Dingshan's cavalry rushed out immediately, directly causing a devastating psychological blow to the Russians.

The Yunfu cavalry has strict military drills. Even if a lion fights a rabbit, it must try its best. The chain of horses once again appeared in front of the Russians. Two thousand-man teams separated left and right, cruising around and killing in a light cavalry posture. Just as they escaped, the ones who escaped were hit.

The Russian soldiers and horses were arranged in a mighty long snake formation. This long snake formation was simply defeated by the chain horses. Team after team of chain horses accelerated their speed and came with a destructive attitude.

The Russian soldier on the outermost side screamed, and his whole body was scraped into two pieces by the sharp iron chain, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. The scene was very cruel.

The chain of horses ran over them, and the Russians suffered heavy casualties. Even those who did not fall were directly killed by the light cavalry that came later. Not counting the outermost areas, there were more than 500 cavalry in formation. They stood still.

It was obvious that they were dealing with an unexpected situation. Anyone who slipped through the net would not be able to escape their pursuit. Right now, it was an Asura hell, with one-sided killings.

Zhou Dingshan's face was cold and solemn, without any waves. He was used to killings and massacres. The battle at the stronghold was just a record in his life experience. Cao Yuan reorganized the formation and began to attack the Russians. This situation

Under the attack, the Russian soldiers could not fly even if they had wings. Manrye's horse was cut on both legs by the chain iron chain. Now the brave Manrye could only stand on the ground and rely on his skills to charge the enemy cavalry. Manrye

Ye is simply a freak. After a series of fierce battles, his physical strength has been maintained very well. When facing a team of ten people, and everyone else looked desperate, his eyes shone with a look of madness.

Not only did he not flinch, he leaned forward and bumped into him.

The war horse was extremely fast. In an instant, Manyer's shoulder hit the side of the horse's front leg. With a bang, everyone was stunned. The war horse was actually knocked down by Manyer. Although the chain horse was very powerful,

, but it also has a flaw, that is, if one link is broken, the entire team will be implicated. Under normal circumstances, just take off the hook lock connecting the war horse, but what happened now is so sudden, who would have thought that one person could

Knocking a speeding war horse to the ground.

A horse fell down, and then under the chain of iron ropes, the neighing sound of the war horses sounded. All the war horses in the ten-man team were affected. Some were dragged down directly, and some were held around their necks. The war horses suddenly fell to the ground, and those

The Yunfu cavalry was also thrown to the ground, and suffered injuries in the blink of an eye.

Manyer is a freak. His actions gave the Russians a boost of confidence. The Russians who suddenly lost hope shouted loudly again. Manyer was really brave and unstoppable. Zhou Dingshan frowned and quickly locked in

Man Ye, a man with blond hair and a burly body, looks like a wild lion. This Man Ye is truly amazing in strength. However, there is no fear on Zhou Dingshan's face, but only confidence as he gets into the spear and roars.

, the entire battlefield was silenced by Zhou Dingshan's roar, a horse roared, and then a man and a horse pierced the entire battlefield like meteors, aiming directly at the majestic Man'erye.

Facing the menacing Zhou Dingshan, Man'erye did not retreat. He didn't even feel any danger. He licked his lips as if he saw prey. He waved his broadsword with both hands and arched his body, wanting to repeat the same trick, planning to lean on it.

Inhuman strength was used to eliminate this man and horse.

Perhaps Man Ye's aura was too great, or perhaps Zhou Dingshan's reputation was too scary. All the people on the battlefield were attracted to the two men for a while. Many Russian soldiers looked happy. Man Ye was born with supernatural power. He had just stopped the battle with one person.

After dismounting the chain horse of a team of ten people, and now the opponent is riding one person at a time, how to make Man'erye's opponent, haha, this arrogant Easterner is dead, it seems that this Eastern general is still the biggest commander,

Kill him and the Russian comrades can take advantage of the chaos to escape. The Russians showed eagerness and joy in their expressions.

Boom, they finally collided, but all the Russians were stunned. The fact was not what they expected. The war horse did not fall, but jumped up suddenly, and a spear flew out and pierced Manyye's chest.

, then, a cold light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, only a headless corpse was left behind. The burly body sprayed blood mist, and finally fell to the ground.

Manyer is brave and good at fighting, and his tyranny has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone thought that this would be a fight between dragons and tigers, but no one expected that it would be like this. The extremely powerful Manyer had his head chopped off in just one round.

, but the Eastern general was unscathed.

Manyer paid the price for his arrogance. He underestimated Zhou Dingshan and actually used his strength and two broad swords to stop a man and a rider. Zhou Dingshan was not a pedantic person, so how could he let this go?

He had a good opportunity, so he barbed his spear and quickly swiped his cavalry sword, killing this extremely arrogant Slav.

Manye's death was so complete that the remnant Slavic soldiers, whose morale was already on the verge of collapse, immediately fell into despair. Zhuoko was also in a state of misery. She did not expect that Manye would die in this way, facing the strangulation of cavalry and infantry.

, the numbers were also at an absolute disadvantage, and it could be said that there was no hope at all. Zhuoko threw away the broadsword in his hand and chose to surrender. Seeing Zhuoko like this, the other remaining Slavic soldiers stopped making unnecessary resistance.

The Shiqiao stronghold suffered two battles, blood soaked the earth, and a sunset was painted with the red color of death. Manyye was defeated. In the end, he had tens of thousands of elite soldiers, but only more than a thousand survived. Cao Yuan's cold words

His eyes swept over the swarming Slavic prisoners, and the corners of his mouth turned up, rather cruelly, "General Zhou, what should we do with these Slavic people? Keep them, or..."

Zhou Dingshan frowned and looked over. As if it were real, all the Slavs lowered their heads.

Zhuoko and many Slavs are uneasy and full of fear. They don't know what their next fate will be. Do they place their hope on the kindness of the Orientals? Haha, under normal circumstances, they would still have hope, but Manrye will

When General Dongfang's head was propped on the wooden stake, he was destined to be unable to receive mercy. Just think about the fate of the Skinners.

This chapter has been completed!
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