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Chapter 734 Disadvantages

Chapter 734 Disadvantages

Not long after the camp was set up, the tent was set up. Tie Mo, Hai Lanzhu and others gathered in the tent to discuss the current situation. A soldier walked in quickly with a military report in his hand, "Report to the Superintendent, what's ahead?"

An urgent report has just been sent that the enemy troops in the direction of Vladimir have crossed the Suzdal River, and now the vanguard troops have occupied Nosla. It is estimated that they will reach the stone bridge stronghold in half a day."

Hai Lanzhu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but admire, "Tsk, tsk, the Russians came so quickly. It seems they really want to devour us and reverse the situation in Omsk."

Before he finished speaking, a silver-armored soldier rushed in. He was covered in blood and had a bandage on his shoulder. As soon as he entered the commander's tent, he said anxiously, "Supervisor, Cao Yuan's troops are blocking the enemy at Kaqig Farm, but the Russians

They rushed into the formation with a wall of wood, but Cao Yuan's troops were defeated and defeated Kaqige. Now the remaining troops are withdrawing to the Chinese army's camp, and General Zhou's cavalry is also coming here."

Hiss, Tie Mo's face finally showed a bit of solemnity. Cao Yuan had five thousand elite soldiers, and Zhou Dingshan's cavalry fought in coordination. In the end, they were defeated and fled. I really didn't expect that Kaqige was defeated. In fact, there was not much.

The question is, at least Cao Yuan completed the task of blocking the enemy and allowed the Chinese army to successfully reach the front line of Shiqiao stronghold. Tie Mo was worried about the extent of the local defeat in this defeat. "How was the loss of Cao Yuan's troops?"

"Return to the Superintendent... Although there will be no time to count the casualties in the future, judging from the previous battles, the casualties were heavy. It is estimated that the number of soldiers and horses lost is not less than 3,000." After the soldier finished speaking, he lowered his head. Tie Mo stood up suddenly.

Standing up, his whole body exuded a terrifying aura. What did Cao Yuan do with such serious damage? At this moment, Tie Mo had his mind set on killing Cao Yuan. As Qian Deng and Wan had previously told him, preserving strength should be the first priority.

Mission, I didn’t expect that in the battle of Kaqige, the losses were so great. If Zhou Dingshan hadn’t used his troops like a god and the cavalry had not appeared in time, Cao Yuan’s entire army would have been wiped out.

Nowadays, Tie Mo is in a high position and his temper has been calmed down for a long time, but at this time, he still couldn't help but burst into anger, "This Cao Yuan is really hateful."

The seven or eight commanders in the tent were all silent and did not dare to speak for Cao Yuan. Alas, Cao Yuan really made a big mistake this time. Now every soldier is very precious. Hai Lanzhu can understand Tie

Mo was angry, stood up and pulled the man's sleeve, "Husband, it's too late to say anything at this time, the next battle is particularly important."

Half an hour later, there was a noise outside the Chinese army camp. Zhou Dingshan and Cao Yuan's troops finally returned. Although they returned to the Chinese army camp alive, Zhou Dingshan and Cao Yuan both looked disheveled. Although they killed countless enemies in this battle,

In fact, they have already lost. The loss of so many soldiers and horses in Kaqige will inevitably have an immeasurable impact on the subsequent front-line war at Shiqiao stronghold. Zhou Dingshan and Cao Yuan must bear this responsibility.

The news of the defeat of the Kaqi army was not a secret. Many soldiers stood on both sides and looked at Cao Yuan with some sympathy. Then Commander Cao felt uncomfortable. The commander had become more and more powerful over the years, although not

How to get angry, but as long as you get angry, someone will definitely be burned to death. Entering the Chinese army's tent, seeing Tie Mo standing in front with a cold face, Cao Yuan's throat twitched, and tears couldn't help but burst out. He took two steps forward and stood upright.

He knelt down and said, "Supervisor, the general is incompetent and has caused the brothers to lose their lives."

"Hmph, it seems that you also know that you are wrong, Cao Yuan, what did the king tell you before, and what did you do? If Yang Shaolie hadn't appeared in time this time, all my five thousand men would have been defeated by the enemy. You

Do you still have the nerve to kneel down in front of me and cry in mourning? Kill you? If you kill you, those dead brothers will come back to life?" Tie Mo pointed at Cao Yuan and said angrily, "Take Cao Yuan's general token, and from now on

, Cao Yuan went to serve as an ordinary soldier under Yu Bing. Cao Yuan, if you still have some masculinity, get out of here right away. The provincial governor will be upset when he sees you."

Cao Yuan handed over the token and left the tent in a daze. None of the few close friends in the tent dared to speak for Cao Yuan. Kaqige suffered heavy losses in the defeat. It would be good if Cao Yuan survived. Tie Mo felt heavy.

, with a bad look on his face. At this time, the specific situation of the Kaqige war has been sent to his hands. In one battle, more than 5,000 elite soldiers were involved, and not even 1,000 of them escaped. In order to cover the withdrawal of the remaining soldiers, the Yunfu cavalry also sacrificed.

There were hundreds of casualties.

Since entering Omsk, he has never experienced such a disastrous defeat. It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire army was wiped out. After a long time, Tie Mo finally calmed down and said, "Dingshan, tell me what happened.


Although Tie Mo was angry, he also knew that Cao Yuan was not incompetent. If he was just a foolhardy man, he would not be able to reach such a high position as a commander. Zhou Dingshan looked bitter and said slowly, "Supervisor

, in fact, the disastrous defeat of this battle cannot be entirely blamed on Cao Yuan's improper command. In this battle, Yeltsin initially used the vanguard to consume our army's ammunition. Cao Yuan did not know the specific situation, and the ammunition was exhausted, making it impossible to stop the Russians' ramming wood.

. Even the general did not expect that Yeltsin would be so ruthless and send the vanguard army that had not been formed for a long time to the battlefield. If he had known it in advance, Cao Yuan could have saved part of the ammunition to block the ramming trees, and the formation would not have been scattered so quickly.

As long as we persist until the general's cavalry arrives and launches an attack on the local central army, even if we cannot win the battle in Kaqig, we can at least draw a draw."

After saying this, Zhou Dingshan shook his head with a wry smile. He had personally observed the dead vanguard soldiers. It can be said that there were old and young, and they were all mixed. There were even children as young as ten, and there were also old people in their fifties.

A few. In order to win the battle of Kaqig, Yeltsin used all his tricks and exposed all his bargaining chips. Cao Yuan's defeat was not unjust at all.

Tie Mo, Hai Lanzhu and others looked at each other. They did not expect that the specific situation was like this. Yeltsin was really cruel to use tens of thousands of Guards soldiers as cannon fodder. You must know that the Guards are not a servant army, but a servant army.

They are all Russians. Tie Mo also has Russian servants under his command, but they have never been used like this.

"Husband, if everything is as General Zhou said, I'm afraid you need to be more careful in the next war. This Yeltsin is really difficult to deal with." Hai Lanzhu has been with Tie Mo for so many years, and he is well-informed, but he has very little knowledge.

Saw this kind of thing.

Yeltsin is like a lone wolf, but I have to admire it. This is also Yeltsin's last bargaining chip. He is barefoot and is not afraid of wearing shoes. This is the truth. The current situation is complicated. The area of ​​​​New Nikolay is surrounded by heavy troops and more than 50,000 people.

It can be said that the army is stationed and it is inevitable to win, so there is no need to worry about the direction of New Nicholas. "It is estimated that the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses coming from New Nicholas have been stationed in Nosla. They have come from a long way, and they are bound to be exhausted."

, it is difficult to launch an attack on us immediately. If there is no offensive on the Nosla line in the east, Yeltsin's troops in the west will probably rest in the Kaqig area, so there won't be any big problems in these two days."

Tie Mo nodded in agreement. Today, the Russians' biggest reliance is to attack from both sides. As long as they fight, they must attack from both sides at the same time. A smart man like Yeltsin will never be stupid enough to give up his advantages and expose his shortcomings.

.To put it bluntly, if we don’t attack from both sides but rely on an army from one side, we are just giving away food.

Yeltsin is not a fool. He should understand that in successfully winning the Battle of Kachige, the cannon fodder of the vanguard played a great role. Once others are prepared, the role of these cannon fodder will be very limited. "Although

So, but we have to deal with it carefully. In the battle of Kaqig, our troops were further reduced. Now we can only use 20,000 people, including 5,000 cavalry. On the other hand, the Russians have at least 30,000 elite troops on the east and west sides.

The remaining people, plus the cannon fodder of the vanguard, number as many as 60,000. The situation is not optimistic. The commander feels that under this situation, there is no need to defend the Shiqiao stronghold. The 5,000 defenders there can be withdrawn to the center.

The army is here."

"Well, under the current situation, the best way is to gather troops. The more dispersed they are, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. Although we lost the battle of Kaqig, there are still many merits. It is best to deal with it in a defensive formation.

"Wang Zuoguan has been thinking about specific strategies to face the enemy. This time he was attacked from two sides, and it is difficult for ordinary formations to work. Tie Mo was not too worried about this, and put a drawing on the case, "We are completely

We can learn from the circular formation and set up a Bagua defensive formation based on the circular formation."

"Bagua formation?" Zhou Dingshan and others frowned. The Bagua formation evolved from the circular formation, but it was more than ten times more complicated. It can be said that the Northern Shan Army was proficient in the formation, but the Bagua formation was a bit unfamiliar. The most terrible thing was that the soldiers under his command

Many of them are not pure infantry, but dismounted cavalry. Can these cavalry correctly exert the power of the Bagua Formation?

The Bagua array uses a circular array as a template, surrounded by eight rectangular arrays of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, volcanoes, and swamps. Each rectangular array represents a direction, and each direction contains ever-changing changes, such as when to move, when to use hooks, sickles, and spears, and when to move.

The formation expands, when the formation shrinks, when the ammunition is used, everything has a semaphore, and all parties cooperate with each other.

Within the eight matrices, there is the Yin and Yang array evolved from Tai Chi. Yin and Yang are in opposition, with two circular arrays running in different directions, and in the middle is a killing move composed of a long snake array. The Bagua array is already very complicated to demonstrate.

, once in actual combat, it will be ten times more complicated.

Zhou Dingshan is not too unfamiliar with the Bagua Formation, but it is precisely because he is not unfamiliar that he is even more worried. When he used this formation to deal with rogue bandits, something almost went wrong because the rogue bandits found a weakness.

Tie Mo could see the worries in the hearts of Zhou Dingshan and others. He said confidently, "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. The Russians don't know us very well. Although this formation is complicated and prone to problems, the Russians may not be able to find our answers."

Weaknesses. And there is nothing we can do about it. We can compete with the Russians through conventional methods to consume troops. We are no match for them. We can only take this opportunity to use the Bagua Formation to severely injure Yeltsin."

Zhou Dingshan and others were silent. This was a bloody fact. The Russians had so many cannon fodder soldiers and were not afraid of wasting them. As a result, the situation where the number of troops should have been about the same changed.

Cannon fodder soldiers are also soldiers, and we also have servant troops, but we dare not use them. Whether they are Tula people or Russians, they are very unreliable in a bloody battle.

The Northern Shanxi Army is making preparations intensively, and the Russians are not idle either. Everyone knows that the next battle is a real life-and-death duel. Whoever loses will give up the city of New Nicholas, and

The whole of Siberia was given up. The war was right in front of us, and everyone felt great pressure. Yeltsin was also racking his brains, thinking about how to fight the next battle. After the battle of Kachige, he finally saw the Eastern people

The formation is so powerful that rushing through it is not a good idea. You have to find loopholes in the formation. This method of hitting a wall can only be used once. Orientals are not fools. How can they be unprepared?

"Grand Duke, there is news from the east. The New Nicholas Front has been stationed on the Nosla front line and is now resting. Over in New Nicholas City, Lord Volkan also used all his troops to kill the Easterners.

Dragging in New Nikola, but recently the Easterners have the intention of dividing their troops on the Suzdal River. Master Volkan hopes that we can launch a decisive battle as soon as possible. Once the Easterners rush to rescue desperately, the army on the front line of Nosla will fall into the tiger's mouth.


Yeltsin waved his hands, knowing clearly in his heart. Volkan was anxious, but he was not in a hurry. The Eastern Army near New Nikolay wanted to rush to the Suzdal River and could reach it within two days. Volkan wanted to delay

The army living in the East must have used up all their energy to feed themselves. Regardless of whether there is news about Volkan or not, the decisive battle must start as soon as possible. As time goes by, the morale boosted by the Kaqig battle is probably very high.

It will be drained quickly.

On June 29th of the seventh year of Chongzhen, thousands of soldiers and horses stationed at Shiqiao stronghold withdrew southward to the Chinese army camp. At this point, all the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army on the south bank of the Suzdal River were gathered together, and the Russians continued to

Concentrate, the troops are constantly gathering, and they attack the Northern Shanxi Army from the east and west. The goals of both sides are obvious. After completing the victory in one battle, no one wants to waste any more time. At this point, the Northern Shanxi Army has concentrated a total of 30,000 people, while the Russian troops on the east and west sides

The total number of horses totaled a terrifying over 60,000.

In terms of combat power, the Northern Shan Army is naturally superior, but in terms of military strength and geographical advantages, it is naturally the Russians. Therefore, this battle can be regarded as a fair and decisive battle. The south of the Shiqiao stronghold is a vast plain. Tie Mo chose

The location of the decisive battle is also very particular. The fields here are wide and the strategic space is sufficient. In this kind of place, it is difficult to plan any conspiracy. The outcome of this battle will depend on both sides' methods.

Over the years, I don’t know how many life-and-death battles I have experienced, from the bloody battle in Wuzhou City to the fierce battle at Yongding River, and then to the bloody bitter battle in Liaodong. Today, Tie Mo has long been unfazed by favors and humiliations. He has no pressure, but that does not mean that ordinary soldiers do not have pressure.

After all, the Russians have concentrated more than 60,000 troops. If they cannot rush to the New Nikola direction in time for reinforcements, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

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