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Chapter 737 Yeltsin's Wisdom

Chapter 737 Yeltsin’s Wisdom

The Bagua array cannot operate smoothly and lacks changes. Its overall defense capability is not as good as that of an ordinary circular array. The essence of the Bagua array lies in the octagonal rectangular array and the yin-yang circle array and long snake array in the middle. There are a total of eleven changes in the array.

Cooperating with each other to provide huge lethality. The eight-sided rectangular array moves clockwise and sweeps the open space between the eight arrays, which is equivalent to increasing the defensive area.

Once the eight formations cannot operate smoothly, and you stand still and fight against others, the problem will be huge. The Bagua formation covers a large area, but the biggest problem is the empty areas between the eight formations. Originally, these empty areas were dead areas, but the formation

If the method cannot operate, these vacant areas will not be dead areas but living areas. At that time, the Russians may attack along both sides of the undefended space area or attack the Chinese army from the inside. In short, they will be very proactive. In this way,

The octagonal rectangular array cannot be coordinated and connected, so it is really an isolated rectangular array and can be manipulated by anyone.

Zhou Dingshan had seen with his own eyes the disastrous defeat of Kaqige. Yeltsin relied on this move to defeat the circle one by one and eat away at it bit by bit, so he was more anxious than anyone else, "Superintendent, if this is really the case, we are afraid that

There's going to be big trouble."

"What Dingshan said is true, and I am also worried about this. The battle of Kaqig has taught us enough lessons. If we still follow the original plan, I am afraid we will make the same mistake again. Therefore, I have decided to

Be prepared to assemble the matrix. In addition, the cavalry will be withdrawn from the matrix. As for the Chinese army waiting for the opportunity, in short, no matter what, it must not collapse. After all, the Russians have a military advantage. Once they are allowed to break through, it is likely to be overwhelming."

Tie Mo was far less relaxed than before. War is so subtle, and it is possible that a small detail can affect the overall situation. Thinking back to the bloody battle in Wuzhou City, if the Xijing soldiers and horses could successfully occupy a corner of the city wall, then what would have happened if our side had been holding back a corner of the city wall?

The tone will inevitably leak. With the ability of Xijing soldiers and horses, it is not easy to extend the full name?

The situation we are facing now is the same. It seems that the morale of the Northern Shanxi Army is high and they firmly grasp the initiative. But in fact, the hearts of the soldiers are tense. As long as one string is broken, there will be a flood.

retreat. The Bagua formation is the core of morale. If the formation is not disordered, it can withstand it with this tone. When Tie Mo wants to pull out the cavalry, Zhou Dingshan has nothing to say. Several commanders also have heavy expressions. Hua Ziqing said, "Supervisor

Division, we also need to be on guard against another issue. In yesterday's continuous battle, the Russians did not use their bows and arrows. I am afraid that they are holding back some damaging moves."

Tie Mo nodded secretly, this is indeed a strange thing. The octagonal rectangular array has long been prepared to deal with enemy ammunition. There are many light wooden boards prepared in the array, which are very suitable for resisting the rain of bullets. As a result, after waiting for a long time, Russia

No one used the bullet rain offensive. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Dingshan next to him, "If I am not mistaken, these ammunition are prepared for our cavalry brothers. This Yeltsin is really very human. He lost so many soldiers yesterday."

Horses don't waste any ammunition. Therefore, the cavalry must be restrained next. They must not rush out of the formation without orders, giving the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of them."

Zhou Dingshan and several commanders nodded solemnly. At this time, no one dared to underestimate the Russians. An urgent meeting lasted until Mao was over, and the pot was buried to make rice. After a while, a new meeting was ushered in.

One day, the dawn sun pierced the clouds, and the soldiers in the camp began to march towards the New Nicola Plain. The scouts had already sent the news. After a silent night, the Russians once again attacked from the east and west directions.

A new battle is coming, and everyone is mentally prepared. This time the battle will be more cruel, and no one can guarantee that they will survive in the end. When the war comes, no one can stay out, and Tie Mo still bases himself on the Chinese army.

The Bagua formation was reorganized, and the cavalry was withdrawn and assembled outside the Chinese army, forming a long snake formation. Yeltsin was determined to win today, and he did not intend to give the opponent too much time. In his opinion,

, the Oriental people have not changed much, the rectangular formation still looks around, and the eight-sided formation is evolving with endless killing intent.

After receiving lessons from the past, the Russians learned well and suggested that the carts carry a lot of wood, and the soldiers held shields in front. In this way, the so-called rain of rockets would not be such a threat. If they could help ignite the wood on the carts,

, on the contrary, it saves trouble. For this day's battle, the Russians have made sufficient preparations. Loads of trucks of timber are blocking the front, too many to count. Following Yeltsin's order, more than 2,000 Russian death squads carried the timber with them.

The cart began to rush forward, and there were many cannon fodder soldiers in front of it.

There were a total of five thousand soldiers and horses. Their only mission was to rush into the formation and form a wall of fire. Of course, it was unlikely that these people would survive. Even if the wall of fire was lit, it would be difficult for them to withdraw. But Yeltsin didn't care.

As long as a wall of fire is successfully created, the Easterners' formation will be destroyed.

At the same time, a small hot ball rose up in the center of the Bagua array. The hot ball was actually a simple hot air balloon with a mirror hanging on top. The mirror was held up by a bamboo pole and there was a mirror below, using the periscope principle.

, as long as it rises ten feet, you can have an overview of the whole situation through the mirror. The entire Bagua array is too big. From the long snake array in the center to the periphery of the octagonal rectangular array, there is a distance of three miles. Such a long distance, if you want to see clearly the situation in the distance,

It's so difficult. Looking in the mirror, people in the distance look like a group of black ants.

However, Tie Mo could still roughly see the situation in the distance. When the first fire lit up, he knew that the scene he least wanted to see happened. Yeltsin had indeed made sufficient preparations.

The Russians carried wood and charged without fear of death. The signs pointed directly at the open space between the ground formation and the wind formation. At this time, the Bagua formation began to operate, but these Russians were not afraid of death at all. More than 2,000 cannon fodder troops formed two lines.

The platoon used their bodies to hit the ground defenses. Although the effect was not good, relying on this short block, other Russians had already rushed in with wood for a certain distance.

Hua Ziqing was in charge of commanding the ground formation. He saw the Russians' intentions at a glance and immediately ordered, "Let go of the shields, the musketeers step forward, shoot flatly, and extinguish these Russians. They must not be allowed to ignite the fire."

The soldiers were well-trained and received orders. They tilted their shields one by one to make way for them. The spearmen retreated and the musketeers began to shoot flatly. For a moment, the Russians fell one after another. If there were no accidents, after several rounds of bullets rained down, these Russians

All the people had to be killed here. In order to cooperate with the ground formation, the wind formation also took the initiative to open the gap, relying on bows and arrows to block the Russians' pace.

From a distance, Yeltsin had been observing the situation on the battlefield. When he saw that the attack was blocked, he certainly would not sit still and immediately ordered, "The archers and musketeers began to suppress the two rectangular formations. Don't be stingy with ammunition."

"This... Your Excellency, the Grand Duke, if you attack two rectangular formations, you will be covered by bullets, which will inevitably cause accidental injuries to your own people." Before the captain finished speaking, Yeltsin waved his hand to interrupt, "You can't care so much.

Accidental injuries are inevitable, as long as we can ensure that the wall of fire is ignited, we will have won half the battle, and all the sacrifices will be worth it."

The commander could only curse and curse. He didn't care about the cannon fodder troops that rushed forward, but those more than 2,000 elite death squads were his own soldiers. Death in battle was not terrible, but dying in the hands of one's own people was really chilling.


Feeling the threatening look from Yeltsin, the commander could only pass the order bitterly. In a blink of an eye, the Russian musketeers began to suppress the wind formation and the ground formation like a storm. Even though the Northern Shanxi Army had already responded, they still

Inevitably, there were heavy casualties, the pressure increased, and the pressure on the Russian side became relatively small. Hua Ziqing was secretly annoyed, and watched helplessly as the Russians successfully built a fire wall about a mile long. Faced with such a huge fire, no one could

Even if you have an iron wall, you wouldn't dare to rush in. The rotating Bagua formation came to an abrupt stop. Although the wall of fire could not block the entire rectangular formation, if one half stopped and the other half continued to move, the entire formation would not be disrupted.

I finally saw the ruthlessness of the Russians. They were willing to sacrifice the lives of more than 5,000 people for a wall of fire. But Hua Ziqing also understood that it was all worth it. As the wall of fire burned, the heaven, earth, wind, thunder, and water

The large formations in all directions in the Huoshuo Lake have stopped operating, especially the water and fire formations. Since they did not stop at the same time, they are now clustered together. This change directly caused many soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army to be unable to deal with it calmly.

Yeltsin was a well-known old fox, so how could he miss this opportunity? The broadsword was raised high, and more than a dozen ramming trees appeared again, but this time the main attacker was more than 2,000 Russian cavalry. They

The target was directed at the ground position near the fire wall. Behind them were more than two thousand infantrymen clearing the way, and finally there were more than a dozen ramming trees. The cavalry swept over from both sides and squeezed towards the ground formation.

At this time, the ground formation was restored to its original state, with shields outside, spears standing everywhere, and musketeers starting to fire. Even if the prison was covered, they still could not stop the cavalry from approaching. These cavalry were like human shields, attracting all the firepower. The wind formation and the sky formation were all

Released the rain of bullets, trying to prevent the Russian cavalry from approaching by relying on large-scale destruction. The vast rain of bullets was flying, and even the Russian cavalry could not forcefully break through. Many war horses were nailed into hedgehogs, but in this short opportunity, the Russian infantry approached with their shields.

Breaking the wind formation, they stepped over the corpses of horses and cavalry and launched a fierce attack on the wind formation.

At the same time, the Russian musketeers showed their strength again. They ignored the accidental damage and suppressed the Northern Shanxi Army. Hua Ziqing's eyes were red. He never dreamed that at this time, the Russians could ignore the accidental damage and unleash a hail of bullets.

Suppression. Accidental injuries are inevitable, but under such suppression, the crashing tree also arrived in front of the wind formation.

Not to mention Hua Ziqing, even Cao Yuan couldn't say anything. In order to defeat the Eight Diagrams Formation, look what the Russians did. First, a death squad of five thousand people lit a wall of fire, followed by cavalry in front and infantry in the back.

Their task was to clear a path for the wall of enemies behind them. It can be said that every step of the Russians was purposeful, link by link, with the cavalry clearing the way for the infantry. This was rare in a century, but Yeltsin succeeded.

The remaining Russian cavalry began to shrink, and the infantry gave way to cover. Dozens of infantrymen in thick armor rushed towards the wind array carrying the ramming logs. This collision was filled with anger that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time.

With a bang, the shield array at the forefront of the wind formation was knocked open, and many soldiers were knocked to pieces. Then another wall hit the city wall, and in an instant, the outermost defense of the wind formation became fragile.

Unbearable, at this time the remaining Russian cavalry began to cooperate with the strangling wind formation, and the defense of the formation was peeled away little by little. Without the front row, the musketeers and spearmen were just lambs to be slaughtered.

Yeltsin seized the opportunity, and more than 3,000 elite soldiers who had been prepared for a long time began to rush forward. Facing the wall of the wall and the encirclement of numerous Russian soldiers and horses, the wind array could not withstand it. The ground array and the thunder array tried to rescue, but failed

There is nothing you can do to help. Once the two formations get closer, the entire Bagua formation will fall apart, and a chaotic fight will begin, which will do no good to your side at all.

In an instant, the wind formation collapsed, and the ground formations were also implicated. The two rectangular formations had lost more than 5,000 people, which was basically half disabled. More and more Russians came up, and at the same time, the east

Vasilev also mobilized soldiers and horses to contain several rectangular formations on the other side. At this moment, the Bagua formation has reached a life-or-death moment. Maybe in the next second, the Bagua formation will collapse.

Tie Mo remained calm and composed. Even though Zhou Dingshan looked anxious, he still did not issue an order to withdraw his troops. From the mirror, he could see that the wind formation and the ground formation were being quickly eroded, and even the thunder formation showed signs of instability. When another

When a large number of fresh Russian troops rushed to the front of the wind formation, Tie Mo finally gave the order, "Dingshan, lead three thousand cavalry out to strangle, but remember, as long as you provide cover, don't be reluctant to fight."

Zhou Dingshan handed over his hand, and not long after, the rumble of horse hoofs sounded, and three thousand Yunfu cavalry rushed out from the long snake formation, killing towards the outside along the sides of the still burning wall of fire. At the same time, several ringing arrows rose into the air,

Hua Ziqing and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. Damn it, we can finally retreat. Facing the Russians' mad dog-like attack, he did not dare to delay at all, "Brothers, retreat quickly."

The wind formation shrank toward the center, and the other seven rectangular formations were also shrinking. Zhou Dingshan's cavalry arrived at the same time. Facing the swarming Yunfu cavalry, the Russians obviously failed to cope with the situation, and were killed in a short time. Everyone fell on their backs. Yeltsin was

Looking from a distance, his scalp was numb and his heart ached, but at this time, he did not dare to say anything about suppressing the hail of bullets. This was not like before. Tens of thousands of troops had already gathered in front, half of them cannon fodder, and half of elite soldiers. Even if he

No matter how cruel they are, they would not dare to unleash a hail of bullets on so many of their own people. Without the suppression of the hail of bullets, the Russians cannot assemble to form an effective defensive formation and can only be passively beaten.

This chapter has been completed!
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