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Chapter 74 The First War Fortune

Chapter 74 The first war fortune

"Brother Tie, your life is really big. My brother thought you were just gone!"

"Brother Yunlong, why do I listen to you? You seem to be quite unhappy that my little brother is not dead?"

"Hey, what's this? Isn't this such a surprise? I'm happy, so happy." Hei Yunlong patted his chest, then grinned and laughed. The laughter was thick and thin, so it didn't penetrate people.

After joking with Hei Yunlong, the two hurriedly went down the mountain to see Hou Shilu. Hou Shilu was also overjoyed to learn that Tie Mo was not dead.

Everyone was very curious about how Tie Mo survived the hell. Tie Mo patiently explained the cause and effect of the incident. Hou Shilu sighed secretly, and had to say that Tie Mo's life was really tough.

He made it through this dangerous situation.

If Tie Mo hadn't made a sudden move and subdued Liu Guoneng and Li Wanqing, even if Tie Mo had a hundred lives, he would have been thrown into Taihe Ridge.

"Xiao Tie, where are Liu Guoneng and Li Wanqing?"

"On the mountain!" Tie Mo gestured to Zhou Dingshan, and not long after, Zhou Dingshan brought the two of them over.

Hou Shilu looked at it carefully and said in a serious tone: "Since you have abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, let the past things be forgotten. I promise you that as long as you follow Tie Shouwei with peace of mind, no one will hold you accountable for the past things."

Liu Guoneng and Li Wanqing were overjoyed. They both knelt down and said, "Thank you, General Bing, for not killing me. We will definitely follow Tie Shuwei with peace of mind and be loyal to the imperial court."

"Okay, everyone, get up!"


After cleaning the battlefield, Hou Shilu ordered to evacuate to Daizhou. In Daizhou City, Tie Mo not only saw Sun Chuanting, who would become famous in later generations, but also Mangui, who was marching in a hurry.

Tie Mo was full of resentment towards Man Gui, but he didn't have the courage to complain to Man Gui. Hou Shilu and Man Gui had their own arguments about these matters.

The military affairs of Daizhou were under the jurisdiction of Datong Prefecture, so Mangui directly occupied the guard room of Daizhou Yamen. Two general soldiers kicked everyone out, closed the door and started to quarrel.

A group of people were posted at the door, listening with great interest. It was not common for two general soldiers to quarrel with each other.

Most people stood by the doors and windows and listened to the excitement. Only Sun Chuanting leaned under the pillars, his brows furrowed and he looked worried.

To be honest, Tie Mo was really jealous of Sun Chuanting. Sun Chuanting was not only talented in both civil and military affairs, but most importantly, he was handsome.

No wonder Sun Chuanting was able to marry his fourth wife, Mrs. Zhang, I heard, but Mrs. Zhengfang still favored her. Although Sun Chuanting was already over thirty, he was still in the prime of life and most charming, so it was like young and old alike.

Now that Sun Chuanting is at home, he can be said to be a white man. But even so, Tie Mo would not think of recruiting him.

Recruiting Sun Chuanting? That is asking for trouble.

Sun Chuanting was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli Dynasty, and he had been an official in the capital before. Even though he is in vain now, he can make a comeback at any time as long as he is willing.

"Brother Sun, now that the bandits have retreated, you have made great achievements, why are you still not happy?"

"Huh?" Sun Chuanting cupped his hands with a look of confusion on his face, "Who are you?"

"Oh, my younger brother Tie Mo is from Anzhuangbao in Zhangjiakou and currently serves as a guard in Zhangbei. I have the honor to come with the General Marquis this time, so I can take some credit!"

Sun Chuanting looked surprised and couldn't help but observe Tie Mo again.

"It turns out it's you. Sun Mou has heard that the fierce bandits who occupied Yehuling and brought trouble to Zhangbei for many years were wiped out by you in one battle. Sun Mou is very impressed!"

"It's all a trivial matter. How can it be compared with Brother Sun? You took out a piece of Heavenly Mother Divine Jade and turned the bandits around. When the bandits retreated, you should be the first to do so!"

"What the hell, Brother Tie is ridiculous. If General Hou hadn't rescued the siege in time, Sun would have become a dead soul killed by the bandits! But you, in Taihe Ridge, were able to escape under the noses of the bandits.

This is an amazing move!”


Tie Mo smiled sheepishly, feeling weird in his heart. How could there be a sense of business bragging?

In fact, what Tie Mo said was the truth, and what Sun Chuanting said was also the truth, but the two parties were not familiar with each other, so the conversation was a bit awkward and they could only compliment each other.

After chatting for a while, Sun Chuanting asked about the affairs of Taihe Ridge. Tie Mo did not hide anything and explained the matter in general.

Sun Chuanting was frightened when he heard this, not to mention that Tie Mo said it was easy, but if the situation was slightly different at that time, he would have died without a burial place. At the same time, Sun Chuanting was also shocked by Tie Mo's decisiveness and courage.

There are many smart and skillful people, but not many people are so courageous.

How many people can do such a thing, leaving the lives of all their subordinates in the hands of a man who has just taken refuge for half an hour?

At least, Sun Chuanting felt that he couldn't do it.

Perhaps most people think that Tie Mo dares to gamble. Sun Chuanting does not think so. Tie Mo dares to gamble because he has a unique vision and can see people more accurately.

If he didn't have some trust in Liu Guoneng, Tie Mo would not have put his life in Liu Guoneng's hands even if he risked his life to support him.

Gradually, Sun Chuanting gained a deeper understanding of the seemingly honest and honest warrior in front of him. Perhaps, the previous annihilation of Yehuling was not won by just a bloody spirit.

While talking, the door to the room was kicked open with a bang, and Man Gui walked out with a dark face.

As soon as he went out, Man Gui stared at Tie Mo, breathing heavily, as if Tie Mo had done something wrong.

Tie Mo looked confused, what did I do? Come to think of it, it was you, Man Gui, who tricked me. Why do you look at me like I am the one who tricked you?

"Nai Qiu, you are really a golden man, your life is very valuable!"

After leaving a few words, Mangui left angrily.

At this time, Sun Chuanting's laughter came from behind: "Brother Tie, it seems that the Manchu Army gave up a lot of good things because of the Taihe Ridge incident."

Tie Mo chuckled and raised his hand to rub his nose.

Isn't it right to give up some good things? A sneak attack on Yanmen Pass. For such a big thing, you have to at least communicate with the friendly forces. It's better for you that you didn't think of informing me until the matter was done.


At night, Hou Shilu summoned several of his favorite generals to start the final meeting to divide the spoils.

Not surprisingly, Tie Mo received the most supplies. Neither Hei Yunlong nor Li Jiasheng had any objections to this point. Who made Tie Mo almost cheated to death by Man Gui? In the final analysis, these supplies came from Man Gui because of the Taihe Ridge incident.

snatched from hand.

As for where the supplies in Mangui's hands came from, everyone knew very well, but no one would go around making noises.

The thieves broke through Yanmen Pass and plundered Yanmen and Shanxi Town. They must have stolen a lot of things from the local gentry. In the end, before these supplies could be transported away, they all fell into Mangui's pocket.

Of course, Mangui will return some of the supplies to the local gentry, but returning them all is impossible.

The gentry in Shanxi Town also know this, and will not make trouble. The soldiers and horses of Datong Prefecture help you snatch things back, and they should get some benefits. Otherwise, they will not get back any supplies.

All in all, Tie Mo is quite satisfied.

This is the first war fortune made!

This chapter has been completed!
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