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Chapter 741

Chapter 741 Returning in a disastrous defeat

With the addition of Russian musketeers, the pressure on the Northern Shanxi Army increased. The soldiers withstood the Russian attack while guarding against the ammunition above their heads. They were in a hurry. The number of casualties rose sharply, while the morale of the Russian side further improved.

Quadrema screamed, and many Russians were shirtless, imitating Quadrema, raising their arms and shouting, "Ula... Huh... Ula... Kill the Orientals...

.They can’t hold on anymore.”

Some people were roaring, and some were laughing wildly. In their eyes, victory was already a matter of time. Tie Mo raised the corners of his mouth and his eyes became gloomy. He raised his hand and said calmly, "Send the flag and order the cavalry."

Go out to battle and let out all the prepared cattle and sheep."

Flags were fluttering, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and while they were fighting bravely, the sound of "baa baa" sounded on the battlefield, accompanied by the sound of "moo".

The Russians were completely confused. They didn't understand the situation at all. How could there be the sound of cattle and sheep braying on the battlefield? Although they had heard such sounds before, they were very sparse and weak, and no one took them seriously. Now they are everywhere.

The cry rang out, and the sound got closer and closer. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army who were still resisting tenaciously took the initiative to separate the road, and groups of cattle and sheep rushed out. A war horse in front was wrapped in red cloth, and some cattle and sheep had tails

Still carrying fire, the cattle and sheep seemed to be going crazy at this moment, rushing forward with great courage.

With a rumble, a Russian soldier opened his mouth wide. Before he understood what was going on, he was lifted into the sky by a mad cow. When he fell down, blood was pouring from two large holes in his stomach.

Quadrema never dreamed that such a change would happen. He held the knife in a daze and didn't know what to do for a long time. The next scene once again stunned Quadrema. After the cattle and sheep rushed out,

They started running around, and many Russian soldiers became jealous. The quality of these Russian soldiers varied. Some had only been in the army for a few months. Most of them were from poor backgrounds. They became jealous when they saw cattle and sheep. In their hearts, this was a huge deal.

Huge wealth, even if you win the battle, you may not get a cow. So, someone began to besiege a big ox, trying to capture the fat cow.

Others went to catch sheep, and for a while the whole formation was in chaos. At this moment, the rumble of horse hoofs sounded, and the silver cavalry appeared again. It was a gloomy day, with dark clouds on top, just like Quadrema.

In such a mood, hundreds of war horses galloped in front of me, and even more jumped in my heart. After a long time, Quadrema spit out a curse word, "I will fuck your mother, do you want this?"

At this time, Quadrema just wanted to cry. It wasn't that he didn't want to stop it, but he couldn't stop it. Those Russian warriors had long forgotten what attacking was, and they were all trying their best to attack the cattle and sheep. In the messy formation, a fatal thing happened.

The cavalry, the result can be imagined. The Russian attack array was rushed to disperse, the chain of horses reappeared, the iron ropes were connected, divided and strangled. The Russian army, which had an absolute advantage a quarter of an hour ago, became clueless, facing the invisible force of the cavalry.

After strangulation, some people ran for their lives, some continued to indulge in cattle and sheep, and some wanted to continue attacking.

At this time, the circular formation also began to expand outward in cooperation with the cavalry. As long as the Russian soldiers were wrapped in the circular formation, they would definitely die.

At this point, even if you think about it with your buttocks, you know it's not going to happen. Quadrema ran away with a dark face, but he was wearing red armor and stood out in the crowd. Not only the Yunfu cavalry was interested in it, but he was also interested in it.

Those ferocious old scalpers were also interested in him. A mad cow pounced on him. Fortunately, Guadrema reacted quickly enough and rolled to the side to avoid it. Otherwise, his buttocks would have been poked.


Wiping off cold sweat, he just got up from the ground when a crashing sound came. Quadrema stared and secretly said, "I'm going to die." A group of horses rushed over mercilessly. What speed was that?

, before Quadrema could jump up, her legs were hugged and painful, and she fell forward. Then a cold light flashed, her neck felt cold, and blood spurted out. Quadrema covered her head

The wound kept twitching, and he watched the pair of chain horses walk away unwillingly.

Not even a strong general like Quadrema could escape the fate of being killed, not to mention those ordinary Russian soldiers. At this time, they only hated their parents for losing two legs. Who would be willing to continue the attack? Those who ran away

Those who move slowly will either be strangled by the cavalry or trapped in the circular formation. In short, they will not end well.

A great situation turned into a disastrous defeat in the blink of an eye. The Russian soldiers fled in a hurry. They were no supervising team or grand duke at this time. Only survival was the most important thing. It’s not that they didn’t fight hard, they really didn’t have the capital.

Ah, if you rush forward at this time, that is not fighting for your life, but seeking death.

Quadrema died, and Vasilev was not much better. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have been left behind by the chain of horses. In this way, Vasilev's right arm was also cut with a large gash.

Yeltsin almost fainted. What on earth was going on? He was fine just now, but now he was defeated like a mountain. After all his efforts and calculations, he was defeated by a herd of cattle and sheep. This

Who the hell are he talking to to reason with? At this moment, Yeltsin really didn’t want to live anymore. He had never encountered such a cunning opponent in his life. Tie Mo was indeed cunning, but in fact Yeltsin was also at fault. In the final analysis, Yeltsin was still responsible for intelligence.

There is a lack of attention. If the movements of the Northern Shanxi Army could be known in advance, they would have done something to deal with it, and they would not have been defeated like a mountain. The mad cows were still charging wildly, and the sheep were bleating in a show of force. At this time, the Russian warriors turned pale.

, that is not a group of sheep, but a group of wolves in sheep's clothing. The Russian soldiers can be said to have let this herd of cattle and sheep into grandma's house.

The defeat was decided, and Yeltsin was still a bachelor. When it was time to accept his fate, he had to accept his fate and retreat with the remaining soldiers. The Yunfu cavalry did not pursue it deeply. Zhou Dingshan still understood the principle of not pursuing the enemy when the enemy is desperate. Although he won, in reality

The Russian troops and horses were not seriously damaged. They were fully capable of resisting. If they chased too deep and waited for the Russians to turn around, the Yunfu cavalry would suffer.

After the Russians escaped back to the camp, they all sat on the ground breathing heavily, with inexplicable horror in their eyes. In the past, they always ridiculed those weaklings as lambs to be slaughtered, but now that I think about it, even lambs don’t want to be killed.

As long as they are used properly, a flock of sheep can keep the Russian warriors away.

Today is an eye-opener. The dignified Russian men were defeated by a herd of cattle and sheep...

Yeltsin fell down in front of the case with a disgraced face. He no longer had the glory of the past. At this moment, his confidence really collapsed. He had worked hard enough and done everything he could, but he still couldn't win. This is God.

Omsk was not Yeltsin's will, but... he was unwilling to give up, even if he died.

More than a dozen captains gathered in the commander's tent, all with panic expressions on their faces. Although they had escaped back, they were still frightened. Previously, a soldier was stabbed in the abdomen by a bull's horn. He carried the man forcibly and ran for more than ten feet, with blood and internal organs flowing out.

Along the way, the most terrifying thing was the Eastern cavalry, which was killing people like crazy. No one knew how to fight this battle.

If Yeltsin had understood the Ming Dynasty, he would not have suffered such a tragic defeat. There are many examples of this kind of driving cattle and sheep to charge in the history of Chinese civilization. If he had understood it, there would be some ways to deal with it. Unfortunately, Yeltsin did not know how to deal with it.

When I saw that scene, I was confused and had no idea how to deal with it. It was precisely because of Yeltsin's confused state that the battle suffered great losses.

This battle was not devastating. Although nearly 15,000 people were lost, the Russians at this time were still capable of fighting, especially Vasilev's eastern troops. The losses were not

It was too big, and the overall strength was not greatly affected. It was obviously still capable of fighting, but everyone in the army, from the captain to the ordinary soldiers, looked mournful, as if it was the end of the world.

Not to mention them, even Grand Duke Yeltsin became taciturn. Usually, even if the army was defeated, Yeltsin would stand up to boost the morale of the troops and maintain the cohesion of the troops. But this time, Yeltsin said nothing. For those Russian soldiers

, what is really fatal is that Grand Duke Yeltsin's confidence has collapsed.

In the evening, the captains walked out of the commander's tent with their heads down one by one. As soon as they came outside, everyone sighed, smiled bitterly and shook their heads. The atmosphere of despair had spread, and they could clearly feel the

There was a lifeless atmosphere. The Grand Duke really collapsed this time. It seemed that the Russian warriors still had an absolute advantage in strength, but in fact, these advantages had disappeared. The night attack on the Western Camp of the Easterners was definitely

The best opportunity for a decisive battle, but even so, we still failed to defeat the Easterners, and instead lost our own troops.

In a short period of time, it has been difficult for the Russian warriors to launch a new round of offensive. Their morale has been hit hard, they have fallen into the ice valley, they are exhausted physically and mentally, and they urgently need time to rest. But what Omsk lacks most now is time. Orientals can

Are you not a fool and will let the Russian warriors survive this difficult period safely? It is obviously impossible. During this period, the Russian commanders have long seen how powerful the Easterners are, especially in today's battle.

What's even more shocking is that a group of cattle and sheep turned a narrow escape situation around.

After the captains wisely left, Yeltsin still sat motionless on the cushions. The curtain of the handsome tent was wide open, and a stream of hot wind blew in. Although it was already evening, the heat did not diminish. In a short period of time, Yeltsin

It's like I have aged ten years. I was once full of pride and high-spirited, but now I have lost all hope in life.

Yeltsin knew better than anyone that after today's defeat, he had lost hope of victory. Of course, he could still fight again after taking a rest. The question was, would the Easterners be so stupid as to do nothing? Everything was despairing. This was Yeltsin's state of mind at this time.

Outside the commander's tent, apart from a few soldiers, only Warfrey, the captain of the golden guard, was left. Warfrey was usually taciturn, as cold as ice, and kept strangers away, but he was the only one left except Warfrey.

Besides Konov, Yeltsin's most trusted person.

There had been no movement in the tent. Warfrey frowned and walked into the tent. Seeing Yeltsin's lack of fighting spirit, he was also shocked and said, "Your Excellency, Grand Duke, maybe we don't need to fight anymore.

If we continue to fight, it will only increase casualties. Now we can't take down the Easterners. When the Eastern army from the direction of New Nicholas arrives, we will have no place to escape. You once told me before that as long as you live,

, there will be no lack of hope. There are still many Russian men today, so retreat quickly and retreat to the Caucasus. No matter how powerful the Easterners are, they can't do anything to us."

Yeltsin raised his head, curled his lips slightly, and revealed a sad smile, "Do we really want to go to the Caucasus? Haha, once we go to the Caucasus, we really can't come back. From now on, west of Omsk and east of Omsk

Siberia will no longer exist, and we will forever tremble under the feet of the Easterners. Warfrey, you know, I really don’t want to give up. Archduke Volkan has sacrificed too much for Siberia.”

Warfrey was in a heavy heart, but he was helpless. In order to create a great Russian empire, Archduke Volkan spent countless efforts in Moscow, and all the Russians paid a lot for it. Who can be willing to get to this point?

Yeltsin looked outside the tent. At this time, there was a hint of coolness in the wind, the night was completely dim, and torches had been lit in the camp. He had thought of retreating to the Caucasus Mountains countless times, but every time he thought of this, Yeltsin would secretly swear,

Even if he dies, he doesn't want to retreat to the Caucasus and live a rat-like life. At least, in his opinion, that kind of life is simply worse than death. But now, he discovered that many times, the so-called honor and the so-called dignity become

He is extremely humble, he is not alone, every move is related to the fate of many people.

Wolfrey is right. Although the defeat is certain, there are still more than 20,000 Russian warriors who depend on him for survival. These loyal Russian warriors have the right to live.

Seeing that there was finally some light in Yeltsin's eyes, Warfrey finally breathed a long sigh of relief. What he feared most was that Yeltsin could not withstand the blow and chose to commit suicide. Once Yeltsin committed suicide, the Russian warriors near Omsk would be leaderless.

The defeat could be even worse. As long as Yeltsin is still alive, these Russian warriors still have hope of survival. Even a little hope is good. Although Yeltsin has not made a choice yet, he has begun to waver.

The evening breeze blew, and the soldiers around Omsk were in different moods. Although the Northern Shanxi Army also suffered heavy losses, their morale was greatly boosted. After this battle, the Russians were no longer able to launch a new wave in a short time.

It's time to attack.

In this way, the Northern Shanxi Army could reverse the previous situation and change from passive to active. It can be said that this battle was the turning point of the entire campaign. This night, the officers and soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army finally slept peacefully. For a whole night,

Not to mention the night attack, the Russians did not even conduct tentative damage. Obviously, both sides were exhausted to the extreme, and no one was capable of carrying out any night attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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