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Chapter 751 It's Just Torment

Chapter 751 is simply torture

There is only a small city of South Tomsk that can do too little. At this time, Volkan is not as high-spirited as before, and some are just discouraged. He does not think about winning now, he only thinks about how to serve the people of the city.

Found a way out. At this moment, a letter was delivered to the city.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Volkan finally opened it and read, "Surrender, the soldiers and people will be like the city of New Nicholas. If you don't surrender, the city of South Tomsk will be massacred." Of course, there are

Elizabeth's name. Volkan smiled bitterly. This letter came at the right time. This was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. In this case, could there be a second option?

In just one sentence, there was an irresistible domineering tone in her calmness. Elizabeth wanted to tell Volkan clearly that now Nantomsk is within her grasp, and she can fight as many as she wants. In Omsk, maybe

It was a difficult and fierce battle, but here, the Northern Shanxi Army had an overwhelming advantage and was confident in speaking. After a period of tossing and the battle entered a slugfest, Wang Zuoguai ordered an encirclement on all sides and surrounded the people outside Nantomsk.

The resistance forces have been completely wiped out. It can be said that the area around South Tomsk is now more stable than the city of New Nikolay. The city of South Tomsk has become a completely isolated city.

The letter was sent to the city, and Elizabeth was not busy arranging the siege. She did not want to storm the city of South Tomsk unless it was absolutely necessary. Volkan was a respectable opponent. With Volkan in charge, she could storm South Tomsk.

Tomsk will inevitably pay a heavy price. At present, Siberia has been basically taken, and Warfrey has also submitted a letter of surrender. In this case, a heavy price must be paid, which is not worth the gain.

Early the next morning, the army generals came to the temporary wooden house. The weather at the end of July was not only hot, but also rainy. Wang Zuogao didn't want Elizabeth to live in a tent, so he had this wooden house built. The Northern Shanxi Army

It can be said that it is powerful near the city of South Tomsk. When Elizabeth arrived, everyone thought that they would launch a fierce attack on South Tomsk immediately. Who would have thought that two days later, Elizabeth still looked calm and unhurried. Shang Kexi and Li Wanqing were the most anxious.

, "Princess, brothers are ready, why haven't you ordered an attack yet. After our blockade for this period of time, the Slavs in the city, ah no, those lackeys of the Boye nobles have been tortured to the point of death. At this time

If you don’t attack, what are you waiting for?”

Orger was actually very anxious. After all, he could not help but be jealous when he saw Zhou Dingshan being in the limelight. But he did not act rashly and take the lead. After all, he was also a Mongolian, and he was not in the same system as Shang Kexi and others. Shang Kexi and others.

Fortunately, these people are the direct relatives of the Governor, especially Shang Kexi himself, who is loyal to the Governor and can be said to be a die-hard faction. Even if Mrs. Hai Lanzhu is unhappy, for the sake of the Governor, she will not be too embarrassed.

Shang Kexi and others.

There was some resentment and resentment in Shang Kexi's tone. Elizabeth frowned unhappily, and put the hot porridge in her hand on the table. Her eyes swept over the generals, and finally stopped on Shang Kexi. Feeling the power

Under the pressure, Shang Kexi touched his neck with a guilty conscience, "General Shang, it is a good thing that you are eager to fight, but if you can take down the city of Nantomsk without any blood, why bother to attack by force? From Yun Mansion to Siberia,

The journey is long, and it will take at least four months for a new batch of expeditionary troops to arrive. During such a long time, we, less than 100,000 elites, have to guard the vast Siberia. In two months, it will be the autumn harvest season. It is precisely the time to employ people.

On this occasion, if the attack on the city of South Tomsk results in heavy losses and affects the governance of Siberia, will you be responsible for this?"

"This" Shang Kexi has a reckless temperament, but he is not a fool. He also knows how important soldiers are. Elizabeth's eyes were sinister, and Shang Kexi couldn't help but shiver. He did not dare to refute, so he could only ask in a low voice, "General

You can’t bear this responsibility. It’s just a princess. Volkan is famous for his bad temper. He wants to take down the city of South Tomsk without a single blow. Is that possible?”

"It doesn't matter how tough your temper is. Today is different from the past. Since I have arranged it this way, I will definitely be able to convince Wolkan." Elizabeth glared at Shang Kexi with an unkind expression, and slowly stood up, wearing a red scarf and soft armor, with a handsome appearance.

Zhuo, "I hope you can hear clearly. In the past few days, without my order, no one is allowed to get closer than ten feet to the city wall. Anyone who disobeys the order will not be spared. The outer earth wall will be heightened, and more rockets will be purchased at night.

Fire missiles indiscriminately in the city. The surrounding defense areas must also be strictly guarded and guarded without any slack. I will randomly check the defense areas from time to time. If anyone dares to neglect their duties, don't blame me for not remembering the old relationship."

Everyone in the room felt an inexplicable pressure. Elizabeth's power was growing day by day. She had always said she could do it. Everyone headed by Shang Kexi quickly surrendered. Shang Kexi just discovered today that the one who used to only know how to hide in the ordnance

The woman playing with firearms actually has such a side. No wonder the governor would bring her to Siberia. This old princess of Tsarist Russia is still very powerful.

Elizabeth finally nodded with satisfaction. After arriving in Nantomsk, she first observed various defense areas. What made her angry was that the defenses in many places were lax and did not take the Slavs in Nantomsk seriously.

Son. When marching and fighting, one must be rigorous and not slack off at all. A small oversight may lead to the loss of advantage and capsizing the boat in the ditch. After Shang Kexi and others exited the wooden house, Orger touched the cold sweat on his forehead and whispered

Sighing, "What kind of medicine is being sold in this gourd, princess? Will that old guy from Wolkan really surrender?"

"No matter what, now we just have to defend our respective defense areas. The desire to storm the city is no longer something we have to think about recently." Li Wanqing stroked his beard regretfully, with a look of disappointment on his face. He was very eager for military glory.

But what the princess said was not unreasonable. She wanted to control the whole of Siberia, but the current military strength was still a bit small, so she couldn't afford to lose it. A few people got together to complain for a while, and then returned to the defense zone. The time had not passed,

The earthen wall outside the city, which had been dormant for some days, began to be busy again. The young Slavs carried shovels and baskets and began to work in a hurry.

The earthen wall is several feet high and stretches continuously, like an earthen mountain, surrounding the city of South Tomsk. The top of the earthen hill is even higher than the city wall of South Tomsk, and now it needs to be even higher, causing the faces of the Slavic soldiers in the city.

Grudge. Although the Northern Jin Army did not launch a siege during this period, the Slavic soldiers in the city did not feel comfortable. They were often greeted by catapults on the mountains, and the security situation in the city was also worrying.

Kaqiluo is an authentic Nantomsk native. When the Easterners attacked the Turov Principality, he was promoted to an ordinary spearman. He looked at the busy situation outside the city, and the mountains of earth

The height is getting higher and higher, which means that the opponent's projectile advantage is becoming more and more obvious. Kaqiluo leaned on the battlement and poked his head out, with a look on his face, "What on earth are the Orientals doing? This is to force them.

Are you going to torture us to death?"

Next to him, Shi Chang had blurred eyes and dirty cheeks. He was leaning against the wall of the city. He looked so haggard and weak that he really didn't look like someone to be a leader. In fact, Shi Chang was also a strong-blooded man, but he was so cheerful.

His pride had long been smoothed away by the ruthless reality. Hearing Kaqiluo's question, he didn't even raise his head, "They must torture us, otherwise why would we raise the earth wall?" I passed by on the street last night

, I accidentally overheard the conversation between the captain and the others, saying that Princess Ivan was back, and now that the Orientals are doing this again, there will probably be a big move. Pity us people, the next days will not be easy, even if we can save one life.

God bless."

Throughout the day, although the Slavs were on full alert and careful vigilance, the Northern Shanxi Army did nothing else except raise the earthen wall. The two sides lived in peace, and at night, it was still peaceful. However, as soon as Haishi arrived, the situation suddenly changed.

, the trebuchets on the surrounding mountains all fired up, and countless rockets, stones, and kerosene were thrown into the city. For a time, the city of South Tomsk was like a huge firework, with firework everywhere. Many Slavic soldiers and civilians were confused by this sudden change.


Although the Orientals often used earthen walls to harass people before, they had never been like this before. They were all surrounded by fire, with rockets raining down, accompanied by stones, and even wood thrown in. Many places had become a sea of ​​fire, and many houses

Holes were smashed out. Fires were everywhere, and wailings filled the city. The Slavic people whose houses were destroyed could only run to the streets. The rain of arrows did not stop. Countless people ran away with their heads in their hands. The entire city of South Tomsk seemed like the end of the world was coming.


The city was in chaos, and Kaqiluo also escaped from the city. Now the defense area he was stationed in had turned into a sea of ​​fire. More than half of the entire team was damaged, and even the amiable commander died under the rocks. Kaqiluo

There was no color on his face, and he had lost the courage to continue fighting. In front of the Eastern people, the city of South Tomsk was like a toy, and the people in the city were just other people's playthings.

It was obvious that the city of South Tomsk could be captured, but the Easterners refused to attack, which was simply an inhuman suffering. Panic spread throughout the city, and in this sense of loss, some nobles in the city had begun to have other ideas. And there were others.

How many people are willing to accompany the city of South Tomsk to destruction? It is simply not worth it.

In the city lord's palace, the gray castle was shrouded in the night. Volkan stood on the top of the castle blankly, watching the fire in the city with an expressionless face, and bursts of screams hurt his heart. At this moment, he realized that all his persistence

, all seem pale and powerless in front of the methods of the Easterners. This is the gap in strength, and there is no room for resistance.

After this night, I don’t know what the city of South Tomsk will look like. After this storm-like blow, the blow to the soldiers and civilians in the city was catastrophic.

That night, no one slept, and the soldiers and civilians in the city suffered a lot. I don’t know how much they paid. Finally, it was dawn. Some places were still on fire, but the embarrassed people had no idea of ​​putting out the fire. They escaped this time, but what about next time?

For the soldiers and civilians in the city, the danger they face not only comes from the Easterners, but also from the city of South Tomsk.

After a long siege and destruction, many people in the city have begun to run out of food and now have no place to live. In despair, people will always do crazy things in order to survive. When I think of some nobles and wealthy businessmen taking the opportunity to drive up prices and bully good people

Good, those people who had lost hope began to gather together.

Soon after, the rioters began to attack the east city where the nobles lived. Not only the common people, but also many Slavic soldiers were mixed in. At this time, they had only one thought, which was to survive. Under the large-scale attack by the rioters, the Judicial Officer of South Tomsk City

The Terlan family was the first to suffer disaster. Rioters broke into the manor where they lived, smashing, smashing, and looting. Legal officer Terlan was beaten to death by the excited rioters, and his family was dragged to the street.

Terlan's thirteen-year-old daughter was defiled and was dying. Terlan never dreamed that after working so hard to defend the city of South Tomsk, Terlan would not die in the hands of the Easterners, but would be destroyed in the hands of his own people.

People who lost their minds were causing chaos everywhere. On this day, beast-like atrocities could be seen everywhere on the streets of Nantomsk, and the nobles became a vent for hatred. There was chaos in the city, and news continued to spread to the city lord's palace. Volkan fell down in despair.

In the chair, his eyes were dull and without any luster. This is the method of the Easterners. They don't need to attack the city at all. As more and more people join the riot, this ancient city will eventually collapse.

He didn't want to see this great city destroyed by his own people. Perhaps it was time to make up his mind. The captain of the guard, Hu Lesi, stood beside him like a stone statue. Volkan took a long breath and said to Hu Lesi

Ji said, "Call all the captains and nobles of the city to the city lord's palace. I have important matters to discuss."

"Yes." Hulvsky carried out the order firmly, as if the chaos in the city had nothing to do with him. Half an hour later, more than 80% of the captains and nobles of South Tomsk City came to the city lord's palace. Walked in

In the front courtyard of the city lord's palace, they felt something strange. Wolkan was sitting in the courtyard with an expressionless face, like a dead man.

"A few days ago, the Orientals have promised me that as long as the city of South Tomsk is sacrificed, everyone in the city will be spared death. Everyone has seen the current situation. I have decided to open the city and surrender. I don't know if you

What are your opinions?" Wolkan's voice was not high-pitched, but it fell on everyone's heart like a heavy hammer. Many captains showed incredulous eyes. In their eyes, Wolkan was a arrogant person. Because of his

Because of his loyalty and integrity, he was loved by everyone and controlled the Knights of the Hammer. But now, Volkan wants to surrender.

This chapter has been completed!
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