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Chapter 769: Crisis Zone

Chapter 769 Crisis Zone

Nokikaf is a smart man. Although Orger didn't say much, he still heard something different from it. The Baltic Sea Plan, when everyone still focused on the western part of the Istria Highlands, Tomu

The base camp of the city of Sk has extended its vision to the Baltic Sea. From the beginning, the city of Tomsk did not take the German attack seriously.

Some people take one step at a time, and some people take one step at a time and look at ten steps. The difference in vision and strategic vision directly leads to the difference in thinking. Tomsk seems to be cautious, but in fact it is taking every step and laying a solid foundation for future actions.

Basics. No wonder the garrison in the direction of Yelinburg withdrew so simply. This was to paralyze the Danes and affect their judgment.

If the Danes think that the Tomsk City Base Camp is focusing all its energy on competing with the Germans for the Istrian Highlands, then they will not think about the security of the Baltic Sea. If they want to enter the Baltic Sea, they cannot avoid the Swedes.

The links are getting more and more interesting. Nokikav is very curious about what the Tomsk base camp thinks. The Baltic Sea, the Germans, the Kingdom of Denmark, and the Swedes are all a big deal.

Chess, and the Tomsk base camp is the standard bearer of this game.

The Battle of the Ryazan River has come to an end. Orger's troops have safely withdrawn to the city of Vilnius, and Hailanzhu's troops have not been hindered at all. The Germans assembled a heavy force and easily captured the city of Pusk. At least on the surface, the Germans succeeded.

The city of Pusk was captured, forming a strategic containment effect.

From then on, the Germans occupied a strong city in the western part of the Istrian Highlands, which meant that the Germanic forces invaded the Istrian Highlands in full force. After hearing the news, many Slavs panicked. They thought Tomsk

The city failed. Only failure will lead to the abandonment of the strong city of Pusk. The Slavic people are too eager for peace. They are tired of the war and have finally calmed down. The Germans are coming again. When will there be good days?

The Yelinburg area was too far away from the Ryazan River. By the time the news reached Fayunna's ears, it was already nine days later. During these days, Fayunna and his Danish soldiers lived a very prosperous life, and there was ownerless food everywhere.

Waiting to harvest, in just half a month, the Kingdom of Denmark made a lot of money.

After hearing that the Germans had captured the city of Pusk, the Danish nobles headed by Kasimotu began to prepare for action again, "Prince Superintendent, the Germans have now captured the city of Pusk and can attack Tomsk at any time. We

Should we also launch a dozen attacks southward? If we still stand still, we will not have an advantage when it comes to distributing benefits in the future."

Fayuna looked at these Danish nobles with a headache. These people are really too short-sighted. The battle for the Istria Highlands has just started, and the final destination is not yet known. It is simply stupid to rush to attack now.

However, these nobles have been blinded by the immediate interests. Fayuna took a breath and said slowly, "The Germans have taken the city of Pusk, but I want to ask you a few questions.

Do you really understand the situation of the battle in Pusk? How was the city of Pusk defeated? What was the damage done to both sides before and after? Have you done all this to understand it?"

Fayuna directly asked several Danish nobles a series of questions. Quasimotu thought for a while and said at an even pace, "We have also read the battle report in the Istrian Highlands in detail. The Easterners are here and there.

In several large and small battles, more than 6,000 people were injured, and the Germans lost more than 7,000 people. However, considering that the Germans wanted to attack the city, this loss is acceptable."

Fayunna secretly felt contempt for it. It was just the apparent number of casualties. This was considered to be an understanding of the battle report. It was really ridiculous. He did not want to offend Quasimotu, but to convince these greedy nobles, he could only give

These people were in class and stood up slowly. Fayuna took a booklet from the table behind him and said, "What Sir Kasimotu said is not wrong. The damage on the surface is indeed like this. The damage on both sides is roughly the same."

It's equal, but the Germans took away the city of Pusk. In this way, the Germans still won a game. But... I think differently from you. Here are the records of the Kachivel River and Pusk.

Details of the two battles. You may not know that the Battle of Pusk never happened at all. The so-called Battle of Pusk took place on the Ryazan River. When the Germans attacked Pusk, the Easterners sent all their cavalry to

The Ryazan River rushed to the rescue, and then voluntarily abandoned the city of Pusk. In other words, the attack and defense of the city of Pusk did not exist in a strict sense. You may not understand yet, so I will tell you in detail. The Khachivel River,

In the two battles on the Ryazan River, the Easterners lost more than 4,000 infantry and less than 2,000 cavalry, but the Germans lost all cavalry, including 2,000 Blue Shield Cavalry and 1,000 Knights of the Holy Cross.

Of the remaining people, more than half of the Red Robe Knights were lost. There is another news, although it has not been confirmed, but I think it is very credible. The real loss of elites by the Easterners is less than 3,000. Most of these elites were lost on the Ryazan River.

War. After hearing these words, do you still think that the Easterners have failed? More than 6,000 people and less than 2,000 cavalry cost the lives of more than 7,000 German cavalry. If this is called victory, then what is defeat?"

"This..." There was silence in the room for a while, and the Danish nobles all looked horrified. They were shocked by Fayuna's words, but from a numerical analysis, both sides would lose if they fight. But from a quality point of view, the Germans

It would be too tragic.

Fayuna had no intention of stopping. He threw the book in his hand in front of everyone and continued, "Although I don't understand the intention of the Easterners to abandon the city of Pusk, the things hidden in it are definitely not that simple. The Germans occupied

The city of Pusk may not really be able to be defended. If the city of Tomsk can be captured, then it makes sense to capture the city of Pusk. But if the city of Tomsk cannot be moved, how about occupying the city of Pusk to enjoy the scenery? So,

It is too early to say who will win and who will lose. Today I have something to tell you. Please remember that if people survive and the land is lost, everyone and the land will survive. If people lose the land, everyone will lose. Decide on Istria

What belongs to the highlands is not the gain or loss of a city or a place, but who has more power in their hands. Whoever can make good use of the power in their hands can completely control the Istria Highlands. At least, from the current point of view, the Germans

The combat effectiveness of the enemy has been greatly reduced, but the impact on the Easterners is not great. As long as you have enough strength, you can get back what you lost. On the contrary, if you don't have enough strength, even if you are given ten cities, you can hold it.


Fayuna's words lingered in his ears for a long time. Some of the truths were like a heavy hammer, directly changing the way of thinking of some Danish nobles. Quasimotu was not a fool. He was able to sit in the city of Kalmar and deal with the major forces. He himself

He is a smooth person with a clear mind. Fayuna's words sound a bit like raising others' ambitions, but if you think about it carefully, there is some truth in it. The Easterners fought from Siberia to the city of Tomsk, and now they have swallowed up Kipros.

The strength is even higher. In terms of hard power, the Easterners are much stronger, so how could they give the city of Pusk to the Germans in vain?

In fact, the Easterners did not try their best to defend the city of Pusk. Although all the cavalry was sent to the Ryazan River, with the strength that the Easterners had shown before, relying on the strong city of Pusk, they may not be unable to fight. Kasimotu is a winner.

Those who can afford to let go, now that they have figured out the reason, there is no need to make Fayunna unhappy. Seeing that the idea of ​​inciting troops to send troops could not be realized, Kasimotu immediately stood up and saluted the nobles,

"Everyone has heard the words of the Prince Supervisor clearly. It seems that the Easterners may be planning something. There is no need for us to wade into these muddy waters. Let's leave it to the Germans."

In fact, most of the Danish nobles have given up the idea of ​​attacking Rogda Hills. After all, no matter how good the money is, it can't be done without life. Soon Quasimotu and others evacuated the castle one after another, Fayuna's face

His expression was a little uncertain, and this guy Kasimotu was becoming more and more dishonest.

In fact, Fayuna knew very well what Kasimotu was thinking. This guy was ambitious and unwilling to stay in the city of Kalmar. Now the Kingdom of Denmark is using troops against Yelinburg, but its attitude is not firm. Kasimotu did

With so many things, I just hope that the Kingdom of Denmark will have a deadly feud with the Eastern Empire and start a full-scale war. In this case, the status of Kalmar City as the rear area of ​​Yelinburg will be more stable, and the Kasimotu family will naturally become more prosperous and raise thieves to respect themselves.

That's the truth. If we start a war with the Eastern Empire, we don't know whether others will lose or gain, but the Kasimotu family will definitely make a lot of money.

The consequences of a full-scale confrontation with the Eastern Empire are unpredictable. If it could really defeat the Eastern Empire, it would have already used troops against Kypros. Hum, once the war started, if it could not defeat the Eastern Empire, the Kingdom of Denmark would inevitably retreat, Cassie

When the time comes, the Motu family will bow in another direction and become the pawns of the Eastern people. They hope that the Kasimotu family will remain loyal to the Kingdom of Denmark unless the sun rises in the west.

He came to Kipros to reap the benefits. If he could, he would withdraw. If he couldn't, he would withdraw and start an all-out war with the Easterners. Fayuna was not that old fool yet. At least, the current Danish Kingdom must not follow suit.

There is a full-scale conflict in the Eastern Empire. The Germans in Zealand are pressing forward step by step. The English are getting more and more troubled. The Norwegians and Swedes in the north are making moves to break away from the Danish royal family. It can be said that the current Danish Kingdom has to solve things.

Too many. It is true that the Easterners are ambitious and may not stop at Kipros, but even if the Easterners want to cross the Baltic Sea, they must first solve the Germanic problem. Therefore, as long as the current Danish Kingdom remains consistent with the Germanic people,

Just don't let the Germans collapse too quickly.

After the Yelinburg Conference, the Danes began to recycle. As time went by, it soon entered October. Yelinburg is located in the Northland, and it gets cold earlier. It was just October, so when traveling, you need to have thick clothes on the boat.

Wearing thick leather clothes, Fayuna led a few soldiers and wandered among various military camps. To his delight, these soldiers were quite obedient and did not harm the people of Kipros.

If you kill the Slavs, the nature will change. Things can be robbed, but if you slaughter the Slavic people, I am afraid the Easterners will not give up. The garrison in the Rogda Hills has not been reduced. At the end of September, more than 3,000 cavalry entered Rogda.

The vicinity of the Gedda Hills greatly enhanced the mobility of the Rogda garrison. Fayuna was glad that he was not instigated by Kasimotu and others. If he attacked the Rogda Hills, he would probably be in bad luck. The Orientals

It's not that they don't have the ability to start a war, but they just don't want further conflicts. Fayuna has been waiting for the Orientals to negotiate, but the Orientals have no intention of negotiating at all, which is really surprising.

After more than two months of construction in Tomsk City, the streets are clean, the security situation has improved tenfold, and the market is bustling. The original rat area is still being renovated intensively. The newly established trade area is bound to become Tomsk.

It is the most prosperous place in the city of Sk. As October comes, the weather is getting colder and colder. Although the city of Pusk has fallen, it does not have much impact on ordinary people. They can live their lives how they want.

At noon that day, Tie Mo accompanied Hai Lanzhu to the small flower garden in the north of the manor. In the late autumn season, the flower garden was in decline. Hai Lanzhu was wondering if he could plant some wintersweet. It seemed calm, but in fact, military reports were being sent from everywhere.

When they arrived at Tomsk City, Hai Lanzhu waved the flower hoe in his hand, and Tie Mo moved a chair, so he could sit down and watch the fun, which made Hai Lanzhu look angry and said, "You are such a real person, you can't help me."

Help? There is news from the Rogda Hills that the Danes have further reduced their forces. It seems that they do not want further conflicts. Do you really not want to talk to the Danes? "

"What to talk about?" Tie Mo smiled and shook his head. He had no intention of negotiating with the Danes. "There is nothing to talk about. If we negotiate, we will inevitably have to make some agreement. I will not do such stupid things.

On the road to yoke. This is good. If the Danes don't attack, we won't attack either. Anyway, the Danes' crime of plundering Kypros is proven. When we regain our strength, we will have sufficient reason to attack the Baltic Sea. So.

Ah, negotiations are definitely out of the question. Once an agreement is made, there will be no reason to attack the Baltic Sea. Although I don’t care much about these things, but if you can learn from others, why do you have to be a rogue bully? You must

We must remember that we are now a kingdom in heaven and the embodiment of justice, and we must have an upright reason for everything we do."

Hailanzhu's delicate body trembled, and the flower hoe in her hand fell into the soil with a splash. Her delicate face was flushed with shame, and she turned her head and gave her man a white look, "Just your mouth, you can say that black things are white."

Yes, you have obviously planned to swallow the Baltic Sea a long time ago, and you have to flaunt yourself as the embodiment of benevolence and righteousness. In my opinion, the Danes will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if they encounter you."

This chapter has been completed!
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