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Chapter 777

Chapter 777 Surrender

Everyone was immersed in military discussions and unconsciously felt that after two hours, it was already time for lunch. Elizabeth put on a goose-yellow noble dress and stood beside Tie Mo calmly, "Supervisor, at noon.

We've arrived, Royce and the others have been waiting outside for a long time."

"Oh? I forgot about this." Tie Mo smiled, stood up and stretched his arms, "Since it's dinner time, let's have some light food together so that we can meet the red-topped knight outside."

Everyone happily agreed. There was a layer of red soup in the corridor outside the castle hall. At this time, a dozen German youths dressed in noble aristocratic costumes were waiting anxiously. These people were the red-crested knights headed by Royce.

They have been arriving at the Gerginets Manor for an hour. Seeing that noon is passing, the governor has not yet ordered a summons. For this meeting, more than a dozen red-top knights have been preparing for a long time. They all came to the Lorraine noble family, with

With their prominent status, they were looking forward to meeting the governor so that they could make some plans for the future of the Kingdom of Lorraine.

But after an hour, no summons was received, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Royce also began to worry. The lack of summons for an hour was obviously intentional. Could it be that the supervisor had changed his mind for being so negligent?

Royce had to be afraid, because the attitude of the governor was related to the life and death of hundreds of red-top knights. These people were all from the Lorraine nobles. They chose to surrender after listening to Royce's words. If surrender was still difficult,

Wouldn't it be a joke to escape to death? A Germanic young man tugged on Royce's sleeve and said uneasily, "Royce, has something happened? Otherwise, let's go back."

"No, everyone listen to me and calm down. It shouldn't be that serious. If the Orientals want to attack us red-top knights, the defense in the corridor will not be so lax, especially at the entrance of the castle. There are only four guards. That means the Orientals

They have no intention of restricting us from leaving." Royce said a few words of relief, and then walked towards the soldiers of Ruifeng Battalion guarding the inner gate, "Brother, can you please go in and pass the message again, just say Royce.

Bring the red-crested knight and everyone to ask for an audience."

"Brother, you'd better wait a little longer. The supervisor is discussing important matters with his wife and others." This time the guard guarding the door did not go in to pass the message. He had already gone in four times. It was obvious that the supervisor had important things to do.

The governor had no time to tease these German noble prisoners. Royce's heart skipped a beat, what was going on? Could something really have happened? At this moment, there was a creak, and the inner door slowly opened, revealing the part-time palace.

Zhou Dingshan, the captain of the personal guard, strode out and said, "The supervisor is already waiting in the living room. You can come with me."

Hearing Zhou Dingshan's words, Royce frowned, and the big stone in his heart finally fell. No matter what, he could finally see the Eastern Governor. Although Royce was a Lorraine noble and a member of the Vineyard family

He is a rising star, but he has not participated in the Eastern Expedition and has never met Tie Mo. The name of the Eastern Emperor is only often heard from people. It is a blessing to meet him today.

Following Zhou Dingshan, a group of people walked carefully in the corridor, passing by the red low sugar. At the end of the long corridor was the huge living room. At this time, there was a dazzling array of delicious food on the long table in the living room. A dozen people were sitting around the table, talking and laughing.

, sitting on the main seat to the north was a handsome oriental man, and beside him sat two women with their own merits, one with a smile like a flower, a jade-faced hibiscus, and the other as cold and charming as frost. Seeing these people, Royce was heartbroken.

My heart was shaking violently. None of these people were stomping and trembling.

There is no need to say more about Zhou Dingshan. That man with a fluttering beard and thick eyebrows once killed the German warriors in the Kachivel River and frightened the German warriors. The cold and charming woman is even more familiar. Isn't she the princess of the Ivan family?

I didn't expect that there would be so many big shots in the living room. If a fire was set off and the entire castle was burned down at this time, would the entire Eastern Empire fall from heaven to hell? Royce and the Rowling nobles behind him quickly stood up with one hand.

He put it in front of his chest and bowed with a heavy salute, "Royce brought the Lorraine nobles to see the governor to express his gratitude for the governor's kindness in not killing."

"You are Royce. Well, you are indeed very handsome." Tie Mo looked up and down and said with a flat smile, "Since it's a coincidence, let's sit down and have something to eat together."

Hiss, how dare Royce and others dare? They are a group of prisoners. There is no reason to eat at the table. They still have some self-knowledge, so Royce and others all took a step back and knelt on the ground.

, facing Tie Mo, they had no intention of resisting at all. For some reason, they always felt that the eyes of Governor Dongfang in front of them were like torches, as if they could see through everything, "Master, calm down, we don't dare, we don't dare..."

Seeing the reaction of Royce and others, Tie Mo smiled reluctantly, and then realized that it seemed a bit abrupt. He really just wanted these people to sit down and have a light meal and get closer. How could he have thought about these people?

He was overthinking it. Zhou Dingshan snorted coldly, glanced over, and said sternly, "The Superintendent asked you to sit down. If you don't sit down quickly, why should I invite you?"

Zhou Dingshan's words were filled with a strong air of fierceness. In Cenweiboke, Zhou Dingshan's application image left a deep impression on people, so most Germans were afraid of Zhou Dingshan. After Zhou Dingshan gave a sharp shout, he quickly got up from the ground, and Qian

I sat down at the long table gratefully. Although I took my seat, these people just sat in a polite manner, not daring to eat or drink.

Tie Mo thought it was quite interesting, but he didn't expect that just one sentence could frighten these people like this. Royce and the others just sat there, and Tie Mo didn't force himself, and followed the others to change cups and eat.

Lehu, this lively scene made Royce and others very depressed. Looking at the fragrant food in front of them, their stomachs growled. They have been eating simple meals these days, and they have long missed the food. The temptation of food is

Commonly, gradually, there was a red-top knight who couldn't stand it. He couldn't use chopsticks, so he used a fork to get some food and put it in his mouth to chew. It was delicious and fragrant. His eyes suddenly lit up, and then he took another bite. Someone took the lead.

, these starved Germanic prisoners gradually let go, even if they died, they would have to live as hungry ghosts.

Hai Lanzhu had a smile on her face. She understood Tie Mo's thoughts. She wanted to use this meal to develop a relationship with these Lorraine nobles. After having enough wine and food, Tie Mo asked people to remove the plates and said to Royce and others.

The man showed a kind smile and said, "You don't have to be afraid. This supervisor is not a man-eating tiger. As long as you don't do anything extraordinary, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you. But there are some things I still want to say.

Understand, I cannot blame this governor for what happened to Cen Weibok. This governor is sitting in Siberia and wants to work hard to turn Siberia into a rich land of our Ming Empire. He obviously did not launch troops against your Holy Roman Empire, but why do you insist on it?

Are you going to attack our Istria Highlands? Speaking carefully, I have no hatred against you. You Lorraine people will not have any conflict with our Ming Dynasty because they are so far apart. Why bother fighting for Lothair's ambition?

Are you going to fight to the death? Even if you get the Istria Highlands, how much benefit will the Lorraine people get? To be honest, the governor has already started to build a national highway that runs from east to west. By then, you can follow this national highway to reach directly from the Baltic Sea.

In the Central Plains of the Ming Dynasty, there is this national road, and we can generate endless wealth. Why do we need to fight to the death?"

Tie Mo's words were half true and half false. Naturally, Royce and others would not believe them all, but equally, because they were half true and half false, they had no choice but to believe them. Many of what he said were cruel facts, regardless of whether the Eastern Empire was really interested in the Holy Spirit.

The Roman Empire had little interest, but the Istrian War was initiated by the Holy Empire, and the Easterners were just passive defense. There was no need for the Kingdom of Lorraine to get involved in this war. The Lorraine people wanted wealth, trade, and generals.

The wine from the vineyard is sold in more places, rather than occupying more land. Even if the Istrian Highlands are finally captured, when the war divides the interests, the first ones will definitely be the Saxons, the eastern nobles and the Danube nobles.

First of all, the Lin people are not interested in a strange land, and secondly, they cannot compete with the three major powers of the empire.

Thinking about it this way, following Lothair into the Istria Highlands is really the stupidest thing to do. And the Imperial Highway that the Superintendent mentioned will be of great benefit to the Kingdom of Lorraine. Once the Imperial Highway is completed, Lorraine will

The kingdom's goods can be sent to the distant east via this imperial highway. Without starting a war, you can get many benefits. Even a fool knows how to choose.

Royce was silent as he considered the benefits and losses. No one knows what will happen in the future, but at least for now, building a good relationship with the Orientals is the best choice. After a series of wars, Royce has deeply understood

Realizing the power of the Eastern Empire, near the city of Tomsk, the Easterners did not have the full strength at all. They only used two large battalions of troops. There were also several military camps in Vladimir, with nearly 80,000 troops.

Reorganization training is in progress.

There are still 30,000 troops stationed in Yanmar and Komi in the east. Can you imagine what will happen to the Holy Empire once the army near Vladimir rushes towards the city of Tomsk? The more you think about it, the more determined you become.

Attacking Istria is a stupid thing. The attitude of the Eastern Governor has become obvious, that is, he wants to restore friendly relations with the Kingdom of Lorraine.

The Kingdom of Lorraine can have a good relationship with the Eastern Empire, but that would mean betraying the Holy Empire and facing the combined intimidation of the Eastern Nobility and the Danube Nobles. With the strength of the Kingdom of Lorraine, how can it withstand the attacks of these two forces?

"Honorable Governor, as you said, it will not be good for us to continue fighting like this. Lorraine people are peace-loving. We like sweet wine and hate bloody killings. I very much hope to become an Eastern Empire.

Friends, but we cannot represent the entire Kingdom of Lorraine, so everything has to be discussed with the Kingdom Council of Elders. Only King Mattai’s nod can this matter proceed smoothly.” Royce spoke very tactfully, seemingly saying

Tie Mo was not angry, and he did not expect to convince the Lorraine people in just a few words. He believed that as long as the benefits were sufficient, the Lorraine people would definitely break away from the Holy Roman Empire. The Lorraine people

They have always been a special existence in the territory of Holy Rome. They like to do business and have insufficient military strength. This is incompatible with the Germanic culture that advocates conquest.

Nodding gently, Tie Mo said with a smile, "I will not force you to do anything. I just hope that you can convey my goodwill to King Matai and the Council of Elders. Only a truce can serve the interests of both countries."

The people bring a better life. In the past two days, the staff office will conduct statistics on you. Once the statistics are completed, you can leave. You can stay or go as you like. I will never force you to stay. However, the ugly words are ahead. After you return,

If you still dare to go against Ming Dynasty, I will never give you mercy."

Tie Mo himself was very brave, and when he showed his momentum, there was an invisible pressure in the hall. His eyes swept over, and Royce and others couldn't help but shudder. Royce and others were filled with shock. Could it be that

Can we really return to the Kingdom of Lorraine?

Gradually, he felt that what Governor Dongfang said was true, because there was no need to lie, and there was no need to doubt the determination of the Dongfang people. If they met on the battlefield in the future, they would never be merciful again. Royce thought for a while, and relaxed

He stood up slowly and bowed deeply, "Honorable Governor, Royce has to go back and convince my family that no matter what happens to the kingdom in the end, the Sultai family of Lorraine will withdraw from this war. After convincing the family,

I would like to visit the Ming Dynasty, and I hope the governor can make it happen."

"The Ming Dynasty is a country of etiquette. We welcome Mr. Royce to visit the Central Plains. I believe that the Ming Dynasty will not disappoint Mr. Royce." Tie Mo looked at Royce silently. This young man is not simple. He speaks loudly.

There is an indescribable sophistication. Maybe I really made the right move. If I can really win over the Kingdom of Lorraine, it will be like poaching a kidney from the Holy Empire.

Two days passed quickly, and the Tomsk City garrison released the red-top knights as promised. That is, the day after the red-top knights left, the entire Vilnius plan kicked off. Taking advantage of the opportunity, East took half a month.

Tension entered the highlands again. On the seventh day of November, the First Military Battalion stationed on the outskirts of Tomsk was ordered to move closer to Vilnius. The actions of the First Military Battalion greatly stimulated the sensitive nerves of the Germans.

Since half a month ago, Lothair has mobilized troops from the empire. Now nearly 50,000 troops have been gathered in Pusk City. Such a large number of troops are to prepare for the attack on Vilnius City. If the first

Once the military camp entered Vilnius, the strength of Napsk City would not be much advantageous. Wouldn't it be a fantasy to want to capture Vilnius? It can be said that it was forced by the situation. In desperation, Lothair did not have all the baggage in place.

Under such circumstances, the plan to attack Vilnius began to be implemented.

This chapter has been completed!
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