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Chapter 804

Chapter 804: Don’t play by the rules

Moore shook his head in disappointment, not seeing any good things now.

After this happened, the following banquet became much less interesting. After the banquet was over, everyone returned to their residences. When they entered the house, Royce seemed to be exhausted, leaning directly against the door panel and breathing heavily.

He finally saw what it meant to eat people without spitting out the bones. Compared with people like Huo Nan, he was too immature. If he hadn't been so quick to get smart today, he might have really been involved.

Similarly, Hornan was not in a good mood. She had planned to kill others with a borrowed knife, but was ruined by Royce, a brat. After the crowd left, Marina angrily played with the box in her hand, still speaking unforgivingly,

"Father, that Royce is really abominable. With someone like Royce, I guess the Eastern Supervisor won't be much better."

"Shh, good daughter, don't say such nonsense." Hornan waved his hand quickly. This daughter was really lawless and started to speak ill of the Orientals. "But what you said is right, Royce.

It doesn’t look as stupid as it looks. Hey... No, good girl, open the box quickly and see what it is.”

She was a little angry just now, and it was only then that Huo Nan realized what she was doing. Marina didn't know why, so she opened the box as she was told. After taking a look, she couldn't move it away, "Ah... what a beautiful hairpin, what a beautiful hairpin!"

Beautiful gem...."

Hiss, Marina smiled happily, but she didn't notice that her father's face had turned black. Hornan stroked his forehead, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing, "My good daughter

, Your things are beautiful, but do you know what they are?" Marina didn't care at all, playing with the hairpin, and couldn't put it down and said, "Isn't it just a hairpin? Although it is more beautiful, with our Wei Ting

With the strength of the family, it’s not difficult to build one. Father, what’s your expression? Did you say something wrong?”

"You...you really don't know. This is the Queen's Flower. Only the mistress of the Kingdom of Lorraine can wear it. This Royce is really a little fox. If you accept this hairpin today, you will wear it tomorrow."

We, the Weiting family, have to share our anger with the Sousa family. "Hornan is much more mature than Marina. Can the queen's flower be worn casually? Doesn't this mean that the marriage is approved in disguise? Someone has been fooled.

The feeling was very uncomfortable. After Marina knew that this was the Queen's Flower, she felt a little hot and reluctantly put it back in the box. "This Royce is really bad. I'll go there right now."

Find her!"

Marina did what she said, grabbing the box and walking out of the hall quickly. Hornan raised his hand and opened his mouth to shout, but finally closed his mouth again, and soon a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth. Royce, Royce, what the hell?

She was young, but not as experienced as Dekler after all. Besides, Marina was so angry with Royce that she ate the Queen's Flower and went directly to the guest room in the west of the manor. When she saw that there was still light in the room, she pinched the little girl.

Man Yao shouted loudly, "Royce, you bastard, get out of here quickly. I'll give you half a quarter of an hour. If you don't come out, I will burn you to charcoal. Hum, you dare to do it on my head."

You are impatient with your tricks."

Royce was a bit quick-witted, but he failed to calculate Miss Marina. This lady was famous for not following the routine. No, as soon as Royce lay down, he was

The eldest lady knocked on the door. Listening to the shouting and cursing outside the house, Royce's forehead was covered with sweat. How could this aunt be so arrogant? The princess of the Weiting family actually blocked the guest's door and cursed, but Roy

Si didn't dare to do anything to Marina. This was the future princess, unless she didn't plan to have a successful marriage.

After putting on his clothes, Royce hurried out of the house and saw a dozen guards already lighting up their torches. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and he hurriedly saluted, "Miss Marina, what's going on? Has anyone messed with you?"


"Yes, you are the one who offended me. Are you really so bold that you treat me as a fool? What's going on with the Queen's Flower in this box? Even if you want to provoke my marriage, what is that?

Who is the Governor of the East? If he wants to get married, come over here. Huh, isn't that Governor like Louis, who is too old to walk?" Miss Marina spoke eloquently, what was in her mind?

He just said something and shocked Royce half to death.

The Superintendent is in his prime, the most glorious age in life, so why is he so old that he can no longer walk? Can Louis compare to the Superintendent? Royce rolled his eyes and thought for a long time but didn't know how to reply to Mary.

Na, could only swallow her saliva and said very depressedly, "Miss Marina, the supervisor has a distinguished status, and the military situation in Siberia is urgent. I am afraid that I will not be able to come to Merlin City for a while."

"I can't come here. What are you talking about? A shameless thing wants to marry me. Here, I'll give this thing back to you. Don't play tricks in front of me in the future. If you do it again, I'll break your legs." Mary

Na raised her hand and threw the box over. It was the Queen's Flower. Royce was so frightened that he held up his robe and pocketed the box.

Hey, miss, can you be more normal? If you break the Queen's Flower, wouldn't it be a joke? Marina won't care about the Queen's Flower, let alone Royce's bitter face.

After finishing the work, he turned around and left. Even the dozen or so family soldiers and guards all looked at Royce with sympathy. Lord Royce was also considered a young hero. When he met Miss Marina, he could only sigh and feel helpless.


Royce sat down on the grass, feeling powerless all over his body. He knew that marriage was a difficult task, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult. Marina was like an invisible mountain.

In the study, Huo Nan drank sweet soup happily. Things that were originally very difficult were solved directly without any effort when meeting her good daughter. Sometimes it is good to not follow the routine. Is this typical?

Is it wise to be foolish? Even if Marina was angry, it was only half a cup of tea. At this moment, she had put aside the previous things and chatted with Huo Nan carelessly, her pretty face was full of

Smiling, "Father, you don't know that Royce's face is as red as pig liver."

Grain dip

"That's fine. I'll teach Royce a lesson so that this kid won't rely on Dekler's power to do anything wrong in the future. But, my good daughter, you really need to think carefully about the marriage." When Hornan talked about the marriage,

It's a bit of a headache. Marriage is almost an unchangeable outcome. Even if he can agree to Marina choosing her own husband, the Red Grape Nobles will not agree. Marina's marriage is related to the future of the Red Grape Nobles. Marina obviously

He didn't take it to heart and tilted his head nonchalantly, "Ah, you old man is really long-winded. You'd better solve the Luke family's troubles first."

"You... you are so heartless, I have raised you for so many years in vain." Huo Nan could only curse with a helpless smile. As for the Luke family and the Weilan family, he had already dealt with them. If nothing unexpected happens, it won't be a big deal.


Undercurrents surged in Merlin City, and the attack and defense of Yumsburg in the distance finally kicked off. After dealing with the enemies in the misty forest, Tie Mo began the offensive and defensive battle of Yumsburg. Now the offensive and defensive battle of Yumsburg has begun.

At the peak of the battle, tens of thousands of soldiers were fighting bloody battles at the front. Tie Mo was also planning the next step in the commander's tent, "I didn't expect that the resistance in Youmsburg would be so fierce. It was a bit unexpected. However, according to the spies' observation,

The fort defenders may not be monolithic. The current city lord Yuriko was originally a Prussian, and he was named the Lord of Yumsburg after the defeat. We might as well put some effort into this aspect. Old Liu, you will withdraw the soldiers and horses attacking the south city in the afternoon.

, concentrate our forces to attack the west city wall where the church soldiers are stationed. In addition, throw the prisoners captured before into the castle of Yumsburg. I want to see if Yurico cares about the life and death of these prisoners."

Liu Guoneng was overjoyed when he heard this. Soon after, the offensive and defensive situation of Yumsburg changed. Originally, the Northern Shanxi Army attacked on three sides, but now they withdrew in two directions and concentrated most of their troops to attack the west wall where Turik was stationed. This

These changes made the defenders of Yumsburg nervous, especially Yuriko, who couldn't understand the current situation.

Near the end, another change occurred. A large number of German prisoners were thrown into the city. This scene shocked the defenders at the city. Looking at the prisoners under the city, Yuriko frowned, as if there was a knife hanging on his neck.

, the captain next to him asked anxiously, "Master Yurico, what should we do, should we let these prisoners in?"

"No, wait a minute. These are all prisoners of the Orientals. The Orientals took the wrong medicine. Let these people go?" Yuriko had to suspect that any normal person would worry about fraud. Of course, these people

They are all Hohenzollerns. If they were all Yumsburg people, it would be a different story. If they were not our own people, we really couldn’t believe it. The prisoners were freezing under the city. How could they bear it? They shouted and cursed at the top of the city.

Get up, "Let us enter the city quickly. The Easterners are far away now, and it will be too late to open the city gate later. We want to see Lord Turik. We are soldiers of God and should be saved."

Yuric cursed in his heart. The soldiers of the church were different. They were confident enough to be prisoners. Yuric originally wanted to let these prisoners die on their own, but the news soon reached Turik's ears.

How could Rick watch his soldiers being slaughtered? He immediately ran to the south wall, looked down, and said to Yuriko, "Sir Yuriko, the city is all people of the church, so there should be no problem. Regardless of the Easterners,

Is there any conspiracy or conspiracy? We all have to save these people, otherwise the morale of the army will be weakened and Yumsburg will not be able to defend it."

This time, Yuliko did not listen to Turik's words. He frowned and refused without any hesitation, "Impossible. What if these people were instigated by the Easterners to rebel? I hope Lord Turik can put the overall situation first.

, don’t be emotional.”

Yumsburg is the territory of the Yuliko family. How can Turik, an outsider, feel sorry for him? For Yumsburg, Yulico does not want to take any risks. Other local children of Yumsburg also hold the same views as Yuliko.

They are all a group of Hohenzollerns. What does life and death have to do with them? Why take risks for these people? Gradually, Turik's face became very ugly. He did not expect that Yuriko would refuse so simply.

, but the prisoners below the city are all watching helplessly. If nothing is done, what will the church soldiers in the city think, let alone the prisoners?

After just thinking for a moment, Turik clenched the hilt of his sword and said righteously, "These people must be allowed into the city. Lord Yuliko, at this moment, you and I should unite sincerely. Sir, you can rest assured that nothing will happen."

, I, Turik, will bear the responsibility alone. Come, open the city gate and let those people enter the city."

Turik had no intention of discussing it. The soldiers who belonged to the church went directly to the city gate. Soon after, the city gate opened and prisoners rushed in. Yuliko said nothing from beginning to end, but in his heart, Turik had already

As a dead person. This Turik will kill everyone sooner or later. At this moment, Yuriko finally has the idea of ​​​​surrender. Of course, all this is not only because of Turik, but also because the Easterners are too powerful. Yuriko has long since

Hope of defending the city has been lost.

The first batch of prisoners had just entered the city. Within half an hour, the second batch of prisoners was thrown into the city again. This time, Yuliko smiled and accepted the first batch of prisoners. What to do with the second batch? Turik, ah Tuli

Gram, isn't this a hot potato for yourself?

Tie Mo and others held telescopes to observe the battle situation in Yumsburg. When he saw the first batch of prisoners entering the city, he relaxed. Orger smiled disdainfully and said, "Supervisor, this Turik is still the same as usual.

Stupid, he has offended Yuriko to death now. As for the second batch of prisoners, it doesn't matter whether they can enter the city or not. It's time for our people to withdraw, and there is no need to continue fighting."

"Well, let's pull down the soldiers and horses in the west. Let's all take a good rest and prepare to attack again tonight." Tie Mo put down his telescope and stretched easily. It saved him a lot of trouble when he encountered a fool like Turik.

The Northern Shanxi Army withdrew, and there seemed to be no danger. After Turik repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem, he opened the city gate again, and the second batch of prisoners entered the city. From beginning to end, the ancient town cavalry did not interfere.

In the evening, Turik and Yuriko went to rest elsewhere. At this time, a Slavic man who sneaked into the city handed a letter to Yuriko, "Your Excellency, the Superintendent and Superintendent can guarantee that as long as the Yuliko family releases

Opening the city gate will definitely protect the interests of the Duke's family. Otherwise, it will be of no benefit to anyone to attack the city by force."

Yuriko was not surprised at all that enemy spies were among the prisoners. When the Easterners withdrew from the battle on the west wall, he knew that Turik was already dead. This is Yumsburg, not a church.

In the core area, when they arrived at Yumsburg, Tulik still couldn't let go of his status as the leader of the church army. If he didn't die, who would die? To be precise, Yuric, like all German nobles, had an innate aversion to the church, and the influence of the church was pervasive.

No one is willing to share their interests with the church.

This chapter has been completed!
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