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Chapter 806: The Church Down

Chapter 806 The Church is Destroyed

Now that he has decided to challenge the authority of the church, Dorle will not have any reservations. If he does not kill the snake, there will be endless troubles. The cavalry drew their broad swords and began to sweep across the Ark Church. The soldiers belonging to the church were in a hurry, how could they withstand it?

The sound of killings was loud, and corpses fell on the bluestone road, dyeing the withered grass clippings red. Many church clergy were stunned. In their minds, no one had ever dared to provoke the church like this. Frederick

The eastern noble lords headed by the family turned the area around the Ark Church into a bloody place. None of the private soldiers affiliated with the church could escape. Even if they knelt down and begged for mercy, they were still stabbed to death on the bluestone road.

Dorle's bloody methods killed the church clergy with fear. When all the private soldiers of the church died tragically outside the church, Dorle got off his horse, held a broad sword, and walked into the church with his head held high. Those church members

When the personnel saw Doerle, it was as if they were seeing a devil, and they did not dare to stop him at all.

A Hohenzollern noble wiped the blood on his sword, glanced at the church with cold and ruthless eyes, and smiled sinisterly, "Hey, gather these corpses and clean the battlefield. From now on, no one in the church will

You must leave even half a step outside the church. Anyone who dares to come out will be killed!"

There was so much noise about the killing outside the church. How could Gregor not know about it, but he didn't go out. Over the years, he also got to know Doerle a little. Although he was young, he was resolute and ruthless in doing things. Since he decided

You must be fully prepared to attack the church.

Until now, no nobles have come to the rescue. Gregor couldn't help but feel a sense of desolation in his heart. It seemed that most of the nobles still supported Dorle. In the blink of an eye, the soldiers of the Frederick family rushed into the church.

Occupying every corner, these people belong to Dorle's personal guard regiment, and there is absolutely no problem with their loyalty. A hundred years ago, the Hohenzollern nobles' mutiny failed. A large part of the reason was that the soldiers were bewitched by the church, and too many people defected before the battle.

Doerle didn't want the tragedy to happen again, so only his own bodyguards entered the church. Others might not be reliable. Standing in front of Gregor again, Doerle felt like he was looking down. In the past, he always had to look down.

The church acts with a face, and now it can finally put away the depression in its chest, "Your Majesty the Pope, the sky of the Holy Empire must change its color. The church has received a lot of benefits from the Holy Empire in these years, shouldn't it be satisfied?"

Having launched a mutiny, there was no way out, and Gregorius never thought of persuading Doerle. Being able to defeat many competitors and become the first person in the church, Gregor's courage was naturally unmatched by ordinary people, "Doerle

Your Excellency, do you know what it means to launch troops against the church? What will the people of the empire do once they know what you have done? Since you are familiar with historical materials, you should know about the Hohenzollern Mutiny a hundred years ago, right?"

Dorle smiled slightly. He had learned a lot from the Eastern people. The reason why the church is scary is because people believe in the church. So if you want to kill the church, the first thing you have to do is destroy the sacred and inviolable image of the church.

Gregor was calm and composed. The smile in Doerle's eyes grew stronger and stronger. Gradually, Gregor became a little uneasy. Doerle raised his hand and patted it gently, "Haha, His Majesty the Pope.

It is indeed powerful. Yes, once the people of the empire start to make noise, it is definitely not easy to suppress it. However, the Frederick family is not here to destroy the church, but to purify the church. Your Majesty, listen clearly. I never said that I would destroy it.


Gregor's heart skipped a beat. He was really scared at this moment. Dorle was too calm. A person who was so calm either had someone to rely on or was a fool. Obviously Dorle was not stupid, he was also very smart.

, "Your Excellency Dorle, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. I just heard that many pastors in the Ark Church kept women captive, filthy the church, and insulted the holy God. Therefore, I came here to clean out the church bugs and restore a peaceful world to the people of the Holy Empire. I will use swords and guns in a moment

I have no eyes, I hope your majesty will escape quickly." Dorle said lightly, as if he was telling an insignificant matter.

Gregory's heart sank to the bottom. Why did the people of the Holy Empire and even Rome believe in the church? It was because the church pastor was holy, represented holiness, and was the preacher of God. Once it was no longer holy, how many people would still believe in the church?

? Not everyone can be God’s preacher. Doerle’s move is too cruel. It is simply draining the firepower. He is not destroying the church, but wants to control the church. Once Doerle’s mutiny is successful, the church will be in trouble in the future.

Became a vassal of the nobles and served the German nobles.

How can a church that has lost its minions and is just an ordinary preacher compete for profits? At this moment, Gregor felt that Dorle was more terrifying than Lothair. Although Lothair was sophisticated, he did not do much.

Erle was decisive. This guy was really killing the church, like a mad dog. Gregor's breathing became heavier. At this time, there were waves of exclamations and curses outside, mixed with the shouts of women, pushing

He drove the Dorle and hurried out of the house. He held on to the railing and looked down. Gregor almost fell down.

More than a dozen scantily clad women shuttled among the crowd. They put their arms around church pastors and touched their hands. The pastors were in such a panic that they could not hide. Gregor could see that these women were bribed by Dorle.

, Doerle must have promised them countless benefits to make them put life and death at risk, "Your Excellency Doerle, you won. If you do this, don't you worry about the Orientals at all?"

"Of course I'm worried, but facts have proven that the church is a greater threat to us. Neither the Easterners nor we want the church to dictate what to do. Your Majesty the Pope, please go back to Rome. God will definitely tell you what to do.

"I did it." He raised his hand, and several soldiers rushed forward and dragged Gregory down directly. The moment he left the Ark Church, Gregory shed tears. It took thousands of years for the church to establish a huge empire in the Holy Empire.

Power, after today, the empire will no longer be under the rule of the church. Thinking of the efforts of past popes, I am really ashamed. The church will become a tool in the hands of the German nobles. From today on, the innocence of the Holy Empire will really change.

After Gregor was sent away, the priest of the Ark Church was also taken into custody. During this period, troops and horses were mobilized very frequently, and the nearby Germanic people had no idea what had happened. It was not until the next day that explosive news came out

, a large number of priests in the Ark Church kept women in captivity, which was an insult to God, and they will be hanged in three days. When this news came out, the entire Holy Empire was shaken to pieces, especially in the Hohenzollern area, where many church people were shocked

was speechless.

Gu Lei

Three days passed quickly, and a total of more than 30 priests and 27 women were sent to the gallows. The crazy Hohenzollern people clamored to hang these priests who insulted God with their own hands, and their beliefs were also affected.

It was a serious blow. Dorle's heart was as black as ink, and he sneered in his heart, but on the surface he looked distressed, "Today is a shame for every Hohenzollern, these messengers of God actually do such things.

Kill them today, but God will be insulted after all. In order to maintain the dignity of God, starting from today, the empire will form a metropolitan church and fully supervise the church clergy. We will hang all the cultists who insult God and let the church

Become holy again, become pure.”

"Yes, kill them and purify the church." Instigated by thoughtful people, countless Hohenzollerns shouted loudly. Ignorant people are always tools in the hands of rulers. They have long been unable to distinguish who is righteous and who is.

It was evil. With one order, dozens of people were sent to the gallows. Amidst the roars of the Hohenzollerns, lives were passing by one by one.

Hundreds of years later, the Germans are still reflecting on what kind of power made these ordinary and kind-hearted Hohenzollern people do such crazy things? They not only hanged those people, but also set fire to several

The priest who was still alive was burned alive.

History will always leave people with many questions, but the truth has long been buried under the dust over time. Every place and everyone has a hometown complex. They think they are guarding the land where they live and purifying their souls, but they can

In fact, all kinds of behaviors are like the rebirth of demons.

Dorle not only destroyed the Ark Church, but also established the Metropolitan Church. Since then, the Holy Empire has launched riots one after another. Countless Metropolitan Church soldiers have arrested a large number of church personnel. No one has counted how many people died.

Although the church was preserved, it was no longer the original church. It was just a tool in the hands of the German nobles. Of course, the people could not understand this. They only knew that Lord Dorle had exterminated a group of church bugs.

A vigorous purification movement was launched in the Holy Empire, and the imperial army led by Tie Mo finally crossed the Elbe River. The Kingdom of Saxony was vast and divided into Upper Saxony and Lower Saxony. Upper Saxony included the north and south parts, of which South Saxony

It is sandwiched between the Hohenzollern and the Danube. Tiemo is not interested in South Saxony. Isn't he asking for trouble by running to South Saxony?

The imperial army crossed the Elbe River and rushed straight to Suplin. A few days later, the city of Suplin was surrounded by water. As the core of the Kingdom of Saxony, the city of Suplin has a long history and high walls. However, it is also the most defensive place.

Weak points. Lothair II's eastward expedition to the Istria Highlands almost emptied the troops west of the Elbe River. The old, weak, sick and disabled currently stationed in Suplin City add up to less than 5,000 people.

This is already the maximum amount of troops that Suplin City can muster.

Lothair II had a total of fourteen sons, and the one who now controls the voice of Suplin Castle is the eldest son Gamasi. Lothair's sons have different qualities, but at this moment they are unusually united. They are very

It is clear that once Suplin City cannot be saved, others may survive, but the Lothair family will definitely die without a burial place.

Gamacy had a headache. He had tried his best, but he could not find any reinforcements. The principalities that had previously been attached to the Kingdom of Saxony had also severed ties, and the nobles in the south had also become silent. Frederick had already been given the opportunity.

The family sent more than a dozen letters, but they were all thrown into the sea. Gamasi knew very well that these German nobles had given up on the Kingdom of Saxony. "Hey, these stupid nobles, do they think they can maintain their strength by doing this? Oriental

People's ambitions definitely don't stop there, these idiots can't let go of their prejudices and keep fighting among themselves."

Infighting among the nobles of the Holy Empire has been going on for a long time, but if they can't work together at this time, there are some muddy things that can't hold up the wall. Gamasi thinks others are stupid, but in fact the real stupid one is himself, with Dorle

The German nobles headed by them would never give up their Saxon interests easily, because the losses would be too great.

In addition, Tie Mo deliberately did not attack South Saxony, which was equivalent to acquiescing to the situation at hand, and everyone would not invade each other. For their own interests, the German nobles had no choice but to abandon Saxony. Likewise, Tie Mo was not arrogant enough to challenge

The entire Germanic aristocratic system attacked Saxony because there were sufficient reasons. Lothair took the initiative to attack the Istrian highlands first, and the imperial army attacked Saxony to occupy the legal territory. No one else could say anything.

Looking at the Suplin City in front of him, the dome-shaped castle stands tall, as if connected with the sky, and there is a sense of heroism in its magnificence. Tie Mo observed for a while, handed the telescope to Hailanzhu's hands, and looked at the surroundings.

The generals asked, "Suplin City has high walls and thick walls. How do you think we should fight? Now that we are sure of victory, I don't want our soldiers to suffer unnecessary casualties."

As a dog-headed strategist, Wang Zuogao naturally had to be the first to stand up. He rubbed his chin and thought for a while before speaking out, "Supervisor, this battle must focus on attacking the heart. Our army will go all the way through Feistak."

, the top of Nushui Mountain, Yumsburg, it can be said that there have been consecutive battles and victories. The Germans stationed in Suplin City are probably some old, weak, sick and disabled. How much fighting spirit can this group of people have if they are forcibly concentrated in the city?

What? If the prediction is correct, Lothair's eldest son should be in charge of Suplin. As long as we create strong pressure on Suplin City, and then use the excuse of a duel to bring out Lothair's son, we can kill Lothair.

Sons of Tire, who will defend the city with all their heart?"

Zhou Dingshan curled his lips and smiled unnaturally, "Mr. Wang, do you think Lothair's sons are fools? Will they foolishly run out of the city to fight with us?"

Duels are not uncommon in the West, especially in the era when chivalry was prevalent. There were countless duels between noble knights in order to compete for women, lives, etc. Especially in Saxony, there is a law that clearly stipulates that in the case of the death penalty

Next, you can choose to duel. If the duel is successful, you can be exempted from the death penalty. This law is respect for the noble knights. Of course, not many can succeed in the duel, because there are rare invincible knights.

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