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Chapter 809 Merlin Avenue

Chapter 809 Merlin Avenue

I am afraid that at this time, I am hoping that the Luke family will go to make trouble. He will have good reason to further weaken the opposition. Decades of experience have taught Rufford to understand that big things cannot be accomplished by being reckless and brave. He must be truly in control.

To look at the overall situation, we must first see through the situation. Before seeing the situation clearly, the only thing we can do is to stand still. Sometimes, the more we do, the more mistakes we make. The senile Rufford always gives people a feeling of weakness, but who can

Have you really seen through him? Rufford has been waiting, waiting for the interests of all parties to lose patience and surface.

With the strength of the Luke family, it is wishful thinking to deal with the Wei Ting family. Even if all the family's armed forces are concentrated, it is already less than one-tenth of the Wei Ting family. However, Rufford has his own family wisdom, and he is not afraid of being weak.

, the scary thing is not knowing how to use force. When the guard ran in to help, Rufford smiled, after waiting for so long, the person finally came.

Surrounded by guards, Moore walked into Nanlin Manor. This manor was not grand, but it was small but capable, just like Rufford, who was plain but energetic. Looking at Moore in front of him, he said

It’s not surprising at all. That’s impossible. Moore represents the royal Henry family. The Henry family actually has the idea of ​​attacking the Wetting family. It’s really unexpected. Even Rufford didn’t expect that the Henry family harbors evil intentions. Then Hall

Nan would never have thought of it.

Moore looked up and down, then curled his lips, secretly feeling unhappy. What on earth did his father think that he valued Rufford so much? This old man was dying and his eyes were dim. What use could he have? Rufford keenly captured the disdain in Moore's heart.

, he was not worried, and just motioned for Moore to sit down and talk, "Superintendent Moore came really quickly. I thought Caron would be the first to come. It seems that the royal family and the Council of Elders are not willing to accept it after all."

Moore was extremely surprised, and the contempt in his heart also disappeared a lot. He frowned and whispered, "Sir Rufford, do you know the purpose of my coming? Or, you have expected that I will come to you?"

"Isn't it? It seems that the royal family can't get involved in Marina's marriage. Since they can't get involved, they can just send an attendant from the Senate. Why send a prince? Royce lives there.

In the Varro Manor, the Weiting family is likely to fall to the Easterners. The most anxious person at this time should be Caron, but the first one who can't help it is you." Rufford was still drowsy, opening his eyes

He didn't open his eyes, but his words were full of wisdom, which made people unable to extricate themselves. Rufford also intended to teach Moore a lesson. This young boy, with his eyes higher than his head, should learn a lesson, "Hey, if what you expected is good,

, I’m afraid the royal family has already made a deal with the Lewis family before coming to Merlin City, right?”

Moore was a little disapproving at first, but the more he listened, the more solemn his face became. Finally, his right hand trembled slightly and he almost dropped the wine glass on the ground. At this moment, he no longer dared to underestimate Rufford. This old man seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

It's really scary. You must know that all this comes from Rufford's analysis. His only reliance is the situation. The transaction between the royal family and the Franks is very secretive. Even many people in the Senate don't know about it. It's so secretive.

However, he did not hide it from Rufford. Putting down the wine glass, Moore stood up and bowed respectfully, "The Earl is indeed very wise. Since you have guessed it, I will not hide it. The royal family is indeed

There was a deal with the Franks. The Senate also did not agree that the Kingdom of Lorraine would turn to the East, so the royal family reached an agreement with the Louis family. The Louis family would support the royal family in gathering power, and what the royal family had to do was to ensure that Southern Lorraine would not

Fall to the East."

Rufford did not doubt Moore's words. In fact, it was not surprising at all that the royal family made this choice. Whether it was North Lorraine or South Lorraine, the red and white vineyard nobles who turned to the East could guarantee their own interests. Only the royal family

, in order for the Orientals to completely control the Kingdom of Lorraine, the royal family will inevitably suffer unprecedented suppression. Therefore, every noble in the Kingdom of Lorraine can fall to the Orientals, except the royal family. The eastern nobles headed by Frederick and the Danube nobles are unreliable

, the blacksmith family is not strong enough, so after picking and choosing, the only ones truly worth relying on are the Franks in the west.

The royal family made a very correct move, but they must also be careful enough not to leak any information. With the concerted efforts of the nobles of South Lorraine and North Lorraine, the first unlucky one must be the royal family. Who made Tulin City sandwiched between the north and the south?

What about Lorraine? Of course, Rufford will not be moved by Moore's words. The royal family's control over South Lorraine is not very good. If they want to control South Lorraine, the first thing they have to deal with is the Wei Ting family.

Red Grape Noble, this is probably Moore's purpose, "Supervisor Moore, do you have any plans? The Luke family has thousands of lives, so there can't be any ambiguity."

Rufford’s words were unclear, but Moore still understood the meaning. This was to see the strength of the royal family. If they were strong, then they would join forces to kill the Wei Ting family, control Merlin City, and slowly gather the red grapes.

If the nobleman is not strong enough, then he should be grateful and go back and forth. Rufford's face was so calm that no one could tell what he was thinking.

Moore sat down again and continued in a weak voice, "The royal family has sent five thousand troops to ambush outside Merlin City. As long as the wind and snow stop, they can reach Merlin City. The Earl has lived in Merlin for a long time. I think there are ways to open the city gate. Yes.

With the royal army, coupled with the Luke family and the Weyland family, Hornan hastily responded and will definitely lose."

Five thousand troops is quite a small number. The Kingdom of Lorraine is not a military power like the Eastern Nobles. The high-ranking royal family and the Council of Elders can only gather more than 10,000 people at most. Taking half of them at once is definitely considered a move.

Abundant. Rufford did not answer immediately, but squinted his eyes and calculated carefully. The real manpower that the Wei Ting family and the Red Grape family can use is about 7,000 people, the royal army is 5,000 people, the Luke family and the Wei family are

The Lan family can also gather more than two thousand people. The strength of both sides is almost the same, but Huo Nan will not think of the ambition of the royal family, so the chance of this battle is still great. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were suddenly full of energy, and Rufford was caressing him.

Huzi said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, Governor, the North City Gate can be opened at any time. As long as the royal family can abide by the agreement, the Luke family will become the Lord of Merlin afterwards, and there cannot be another Luke family in South Lorraine."

"Your Majesty, the Henry family has kept its promise and will never break its promise. If the Wei Ting family is destroyed, the Luke family will dominate South Lorraine." Moore is young, but has an indescribable old age. He drank a glass of wine.

And it’s all done, showing the free and easy meaning.

About half an hour later, Moore wrapped in a black leather cloak and quietly left the Nanlin Manor. He was careful along the way, but everything still fell into the eyes of others. As time approached, Wolkang received the news from his attendants.

He keenly felt that he had guessed correctly, and beneath all this calmness, there was a greater crisis hidden.

Gu Ling

The spies who came to Merlin City were all outsiders and were not familiar with the affairs of the Kingdom of Lorraine. Wolkan still didn't know who the man wrapped in the black leather cloak was, and he didn't know his identity, so what?

How to respond? After thinking about it, I could only make a dangerous move, "You should know the guards guarding Nanlin Manor at that time. If you capture one of the guards secretly, you must find out the identity of the other guard."

"Lord Luo Weide, is this a bit hasty? Once we take action, we will not be able to hide our whereabouts." The attendant persuaded with a worried face. Wolkan tightened his face and smiled coldly, "If we can't hide it, we won't be able to hide it."

Hiding, I will go to see Royce tomorrow, and it seems that I want to meet Hornan early. The situation in Merlin City is a bit dangerous."

With Wolkan's order, the people outside quickly took action, and finally figured out the identity of the other party at dawn. After getting the news he wanted, Wolkan could not feel relaxed at all, but felt a little heavy. He ran south

The person in Lin Manor is not Caron, let alone the nobles of Southern Lorraine, but the harmless little prince Moore. Standing behind Moore is the royal family. No one knows what the little prince is planning, but for Merlin City,

Said, it must be a huge plan. What exactly is Moore going to do? Why would he dare to get involved in the affairs of South Lorraine?

Wolkan felt that he still knew too little about the Kingdom of Lorraine, and the limited information could not see through Moore's plan. Yes, Caron, why didn't Caron show up? Wolkan suddenly seemed to understand something, Moore is here

, Cuarón did not come, the person who should be anxious the most is not impatient, and the person who should be least anxious is anxious instead. If there is a reasonable explanation, it can only be that Moore and Cuarón have discussed it long ago. After dawn, the cold wind subsided

However, snowflakes were falling one after another, and Merlin City turned into a white city. The goose feather snowflakes fell on the coat and took a long time to melt. There were still only a few pedestrians on the road, and the vendors did not know where to hide. Wolkan left the tavern.

, walked slowly towards Varro Manor.

Varro Manor looked even more beautiful under the heavy snow. The quaint castle was dotted among the greenery, and it was like being in a magical wonderland. Since Wolkan was not well-dressed, he was freezing all alone.

Trembling, the guards at the door mistook Wolkan for a homeless man on the street. The two guards held sword hilts and stretched out their hands to push Wolkan, "What kind of gangster are you here? Are you allowed to enter this place?"

Don’t you want to get out of here?”

Wolkan was originally in a good mood, but after being scolded by two guards, he immediately wanted to get angry. He really looked down upon others, and the Wei Ting family was really used to being arrogant. People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and felt angry in their hearts.

Still with a smile on his face, he said, "Excuse me, Lord Royce, if you live in the manor? Could you please let me know that my old friend from the east is visiting?" Since ancient times, the King of Hell has been easy to mess with, and the devil has been difficult to deal with. Wolkan will keep it in his pocket

After holding out the gold coins, the two guards finally softened their expressions.

"I didn't expect it to look inconspicuous, but it does have some money. Just wait, I'm going to tell Mr. Royce. As for whether I'll see you or not, I can't say." The guard took the gold coins and entered the manor happily. Wolkan also

He could only sigh and feel helpless. It was less than noon, and it started to snow again. Royce hid on the couch and closed his eyes to rest. Hearing a knock on the door, he wrapped himself in clothes. The guard looked at Royce.

He said calmly, "Lord Royce, there is a bearded man outside looking for you, saying he is from the east."

"Coming from the east?" Royce didn't react for a while, but he soon understood and quickly got dressed, "Let him come in. It's probably an old friend who has arrived. I didn't expect that he also came to Merlin City in this weather."

The guard did not doubt that he was there and went to pick him up. Anyway, this was the west side of the manor and was not part of the core area, so nothing could happen. Wolkan had been freezing outside for a long time. After entering the house, he quickly sat down to warm himself by the fire. Royce

Standing aside, he rubbed his hands in embarrassment. His heart was already filled with turmoil. Unexpectedly, the Supervisor actually sent Wolkan here, "Lord Weide Luo, how come you... didn't notify me in advance?"

"The base camp has made an impromptu decision. It's too late to notify you. Sit down first. I'll discuss some important matters with you." Wolkan explained what happened in Nanlin Manor in detail. Royce listened.

He was stunned that the royal family was actually colluding with the Luke family. Royce soon understood the meaning. He knew that what Volkan really wanted to see was Hornan, but he needed to meet quietly. Luke

The family has been standing in Merlin City for so many years, so they must have their own eyes and ears. They went directly to see Huo Nan. It is estimated that the news reached the Luke family before they met Huo Nan.

Seeing Royce's silence, Volkan laughed softly and said, "The matter is not as serious as imagined. After all, the Weiting family is also a wealthy Merlin family. In fact, the alliance between the Luke family and the royal family is not all bad, at least.

It is still beneficial to us. If there is a threat from the royal family, the Wei Ting family must listen to us."

"Your Majesty is right, but how to meet Huo Nan, you have to make a good plan. I'm afraid there are many other people's eyes and ears around Huo Nan." Royce thought for a while, tapped his forehead, and said with a wry smile, "Also

You have to accept your grievances, and whether you can successfully meet Hornan depends on Miss Marina."

"There is no grievance or grievance. Just try your best to make arrangements." Wolkan is not the kind of pedantic person. He is free and easy, flexible and flexible. Royce no longer had any scruples, chatted for a few words and left the room in a hurry. A quarter of an hour later,

Royce appeared outside the castle, and after just waiting for a moment, Marina walked out leisurely. In her free time, Marina always dressed in leather armor and worked vigorously, "You're not dead yet, tell me."

Well, what are we going to do this time?"

We have been in contact with each other for some time, and Royce knows Marina well. This eldest lady is soft-spoken rather than tough. It would be nice if she could be coaxed more, "Miss Marina, I just had a friend over there. He

But isn’t the eldest lady, a famous swordsman in Hohenzollern, always saying that she wants to find a good teacher? Why don’t you let him try?”

This chapter has been completed!
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