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Chapter 812 those careful thoughts

Chapter 812 Those little thoughts

Next, Hornan began to make detailed arrangements. In the past two hundred years, a battle for the power of Merlin City that determined the fate of the Kingdom of Lorraine began.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month in the eighth year of Chongzhen, the emerging aristocrats headed by the Luke family suddenly dispatched more than 200 family soldiers to launch a fierce attack on Nuremberg south of Merlin Avenue. Nuremberg was the material transit point for the southern Lorraine nobles in Merlin City, and there were hidden treasures here.

There were too many supplies. The Luke family launched an attack here, which immediately alerted the city patrols. A large number of city patrols began to approach Nuremberg. Whistles and shouts rang through Merlin City, and the streets became chaotic.

At this time, when Xu was approaching, there were not many pedestrians on the street. There was a strong cold wind, ice and snow, and the situation outside was so chaotic that many Merlin people were so scared that they hid in their homes and did not dare to go out. The battle between the Luke family and the nobles of Southern Lorraine,

It is not something ordinary people can participate in.

Around Nuremberg, the two sides started a fierce fighting. The Luke family seemed determined to capture Nuremberg. Groups of soldiers were sent here, and the battle lines were constantly pulled. In order to deal with the fierce attack of the Luke family, the nobles of South Lorraine

Reinforcements also continued, and an hour later, more than 2,000 troops from both sides had gathered around Nuremberg. More than 2,000 people, in the dark, beat the surrounding buildings to pieces.

The nobles of South Lorraine were all sitting in Varro Manor. Even if the situation in Nuremberg became more critical, Varro Manor did not send any more reinforcements. Whether it was Hornan or Volkan, they believed that the main direction of the Luke family's attack was definitely not Nuremberg.

Nuremberg seems very important, but the ownership of Merlin City cannot be decided in a short time. Losing Nuremberg will only lose materials and money. Its own strength is not fatal, at least not in a short period of time.

At this time, the more calm you need to be. Under the leadership of Rufford, the Luke family is definitely not easy to deal with. Since you don't know what the opponent's specific goals are, you can only try to find ways to deal with them.

"I hope you will continue to instruct me. No matter what happens, the defenders of the North and South Gates must guard the city walls. As long as there is no problem with the city gates, they will not be able to escape." Hornan's decision was not wrong, and the same was true for Wolkan.

Thinking about it. At this time in Nanlin Manor, Rufford also showed a hint of anxiety. It has been so long since he stormed Nuremberg, but the nobles of Southern Lorraine just didn't take the bait. "Qiao Mi, is there still no movement at the south gate?"

"Your Majesty the Duke, the patrol soldiers in the south are still guarding the south gate. There is no sign of reinforcements in Nuremberg. How about we increase our offensive efforts?" Qiao Mi scratched his head anxiously, daring to fight against the old forces headed by the Wei Ting family.

To break up, they rely on the royal troops and horses. If the royal army cannot be allowed to enter the city, the ending will not be great. More troops?

It sounded good, but Rufford only thought about it for a moment and shook his head heavily, "No, if we allocate more troops, we won't have enough troops to attack the South Gate. The South Gate is the top priority. If

If we want to fight, we must maintain a sufficient advantage and capture the south gate in one fell swoop, without giving Hornan a chance to respond and increase troops."

Rufford couldn't come up with a good idea, and Hornan didn't have a good idea either. The two sides came to a stalemate around Nuremberg. Volkan was very aware of the consequences of continuing this fight and would not induce the Luke family's true strength.

If you come out, you will definitely suffer the consequences in the end. You must find a way to break the deadlock. "Your Majesty, please order the North and South gates to allocate half of their troops to support Nuremberg. But the troops you mobilize should not really marry Nuremberg, and build up your momentum along the way.

, lurking in a scattered formation to see what the reaction is from Rufford."

Volkan's trick is not clever, it is a typical fishing strategy, but it works very well. Rufford and the Luke family do not have time to wait. They will bite the bait as long as they have the opportunity, because for the Luke family

, the opportunities themselves were not many. Hornan's eyes lit up, and he took a deep look at Volkan. He was truly a Siberian veteran, with endless tricks of his own to do.

Rufford, an old fox, met Walcorn, which is like a salted fish meeting an old cat. How could Hornan not know the secret, so he naturally went to give instructions. As for how to only create momentum and how to deceive the other party, if these are still needed

According to the Volkan religion, the nobles of Southern Lorraine should buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

The battle in Merlin City was inextricable. Thousands of miles away in Suplin Castle, Tie Mo was also facing a huge problem. News just came from Mu Island that the Danes had increased their troops in Yelinburg.

, the Swedes near Lake Hellalon also began to be unwilling to be lonely. The Helllarn nobles, headed by the Chris family, began to unite some Norwegians to form the Baltic Guard.

Among them, the person who controls this army is Prince Scotto from the Swedish royal family. This matter is too unusual. You must know that the Swedes have been developing their fleet for many years. Even in the era when Viking pirates were prevalent, they also used warships as the basis.

Lord, I have never thought of setting up a huge land army. Now that I have created an army of more than 30,000 people and three regiments of troops in one go, it is difficult for people not to think too much. Sam felt that something was a little strange, so he sent

People rushed non-stop to Suplin Castle. It took nearly half a month to get from Mu Island to Suplin Castle. No one knows what the situation is near Hylaron now.

Elizabeth was also thinking, and gradually came up with some ideas of her own, "Are we too worried? The Swedes are doing this just to gain more say in future negotiations and compete for more benefits."

"Whether it is true or not, this momentum is definitely not a good thing for us. Our ambitions are growing little by little. If we let the Swedes taste the sweetness, there will definitely be more trouble later." Tie Moke is well aware of the disadvantages.

No one is born a careerist, they all grow up step by step. Once the Swedes' ambitions inflated, it was not the Ming Dynasty that was unlucky, and it did not help control the Baltic Sea at all.

Elizabeth nodded secretly. She must find a way to let the Swedes know how powerful they are. "I'm afraid we can't wait until the situation in Lorraine comes to an end. We need to deal with the remaining German soldiers active in the Istrian highlands as soon as possible. Let's do this, the day after tomorrow.

Let Dingshan and Liu Guoneng lead troops to Fistak City and cooperate with the high officials to clear out Lothair's remaining soldiers. As long as Lothair's remaining soldiers are wiped out, even if the Danes are brave, they may not dare to attack Siberian soil.

They fought with us."

"Well, that's all we can do now. I really didn't expect anything bad to happen to the Swedes." Tie Mo smiled bitterly, and the truth slapped these profit-seeking Swedes to death.

Similarly, the Danes did not expect that when the kingdom was fighting in Siberia and wanted to show off with the Easterners, the Swedes were restless and lonely and quickly rose up in Lake Hellalon. Fayuna got the military report from Lake Hellalon and his eyelids

My heart jumped wildly. To be honest, the kingdom has never paid attention to the Swedes. What else can these Swedes do besides building ships and selling supplies?

It is this long-standing contempt mentality that has caused the kingdom to suffer a heavy loss. No matter how much fighting power the Swedes have, standing up and intervening at this critical moment is a variable after all. Send troops to Lake Hylaren and kill the Grams.

The Reese family is easy. The key is the Orientals. What if the Orientals take the opportunity to make a sneak attack? Fayunna hates the Swedes and is also very anxious. I hope Lothair can hold on for a while. Really speaking.

, still underestimated the Easterners. Who would have thought that the Easterners would advance so fast and directly push Lothair's army into a desperate situation.

Fayunna is not a reckless person. He knows very well what consequences will come if he fights with the Easterners. He has to be cautious in the danger of war, so in order to launch a large-scale military operation in Siberia, he has calculated every step

He was very careful, for fear of finding any loopholes. But God decides what he wants to do, so who would have thought that the Germanic people would collapse so quickly?

The Eastern troops marched into Festak, captured the Suplin Castle, and swept across the empty Saxony Kingdom within a few dozen days. What was even more terrifying was that they used thunder to suppress the rebellious German nobles. If

It's just that, the situation is not irreversible, but Lothair's attack was frustrated, further pushing the German army into the abyss. In the past, Fayuna admired Lothair. Although the kingdom and the Holy Empire were in constant conflict, this old Saxon man was really difficult to deal with.

, clever skills, now, it is really looked down upon, the main elite of the Eastern people have all gone to the Kingdom of Saxony, and the remaining people are mainly from the original Janmar and Turov garrison, the real elite is less than 30,000, so

With a good opportunity and a desperate situation, he failed to defeat Vladimir and ended up in disgrace.

It is no longer important whether Lothair is really incompetent. What is important is the next choice of the Kingdom of Denmark. In my heart, without the strong support of Germany, Fayuna no longer wants to continue to anger the powerful Eastern Empire.

But if you don’t want to do it, others will force you to do it. Since the Battle of Festak City, the Easterners have begun to approach the high mountains in the north, not only wiping out the local tribes, but also blocking the road leading to the south from the Baltic Sea.


The intention of the Easterners is very clear, which is to extend their hands to the Baltic Sea region. The interests of the Danish Kingdom in the North Sea have been gradually reduced, and it has almost no power on the island of England. If the interests of the Baltic Sea are also controlled by the Easterners, the Kingdom will not immediately fall apart.

?The current Danish Kingdom is no longer as strong as it appears on the surface, and is full of internal contradictions. The gradual separation of northern Norway and the Swedes already illustrates the problem.

Without benefits, how many of the northern nobles would be willing to fight with the Easterners? For this matter, Fayuna thought for a long time. He felt that he must attack Siberia to attract the attention of the Easterners and limit the battlefield.

There are many benefits in Siberia. Once the war spreads to the kingdom itself, those potential conflicts will probably be exposed bit by bit.

"This Lothair is really incompetent. If the Germans can resist for two months, we can pin the Eastern Army to Siberia. Even if we can't win, at least we won't lose too many benefits. Now, we are forced to

To the point of desperate effort." Fayuna complained loudly. Kasimotu walked to the door just in time, followed by Grana with a gloomy face. Before he entered the door, he heard Fayuna curse loudly.

Quasimotu couldn't help but curled his lips. In the kingdom, Prince Fayuna has always been known for being stable and elegant. What could force him to yell? The matter of the Germans is not a secret. Prince Fayuna If he wanted to scold him, he would have scolded him 800 times already, so why wait until today? Grana had experienced the anger of the Prince Superintendent, so he didn't care about touching Fayunna's brow, so he slowed down and followed Kasimotu.

Quasimotu felt like a mirror in his heart, but he was too lazy to argue with a villain like Grana. Entering the castle, he could feel the gloomy atmosphere coming from Fayuna. Quasimotu bowed respectfully. Said, "Prince Superintendent, the Bird Knights have been prepared, and Duke Vascolo's troops have also entered the southwest of Yelinburg. We can launch an attack on the Rogda Hills at any time."

"We have finally arrived. I ordered Duke Vasko to cooperate with the Yelinburg garrison to attack the Rogda Hills tomorrow. I must capture the Rogda Hills within two days." Fayuna clenched his fists, with a nervous expression on his face. Beating, Quasimotu couldn't help but be startled, are you so impatient? "Prince Superintendent, can you wait a moment? The Duke's soldiers and horses bypassed the Baltic Sea. Because the Mengshan people started fighting, they were in such a hurry to attack Rogge. Da, I’m afraid it’s not good for us.”

Before he finished speaking, Kasimotu felt the cold wind whistling on his back. Fayunna looked at him with a solid gaze, his eyes full of ridicule, "Hey, Your Excellency Kasimotu, what do you think of this governor?" The division has been leading troops across the North Sea for many years. Do you still need to teach me this truth? You may not know it yet, but the Swedes have united with the Norwegians and established a regiment of more than 30,000 people under the leadership of the Swedish royal family. , we will be able to launch an attack on the kingdom’s lands near the city of Kalmar in the near future.

The Orientals have also solved the Kingdom of Saxony and have sent an army of more than 20,000 people to approach the mountains. How can I not be anxious? If we don't fight, we will drag the Orientals and the Swedes to death. Now Luotai Your Germans are more or less capable of cooperating with us in our fight against Siberia. In the first half of a month, haha, after the Easterners have wiped out all the Germans, how can we defeat the Easterners with stronger troops and horses based on our military strength alone?"

Quasimotu frowned. He had no idea that the situation had collapsed to such an extent. Not only did the Easterners forcefully approach the Baltic Sea, but the Swedes also followed suit. , the Swedes are really smart, they don’t do it sooner or later, they have to take action now.

With the Swede's little strength, he can survive the tossing of the Baltic Sea. If he wants to show off his strength on land, it is tantamount to courting death. But the timing is very appropriate. Now it is not only the Kingdom of Denmark that is interested in the Baltic Sea, but also more powerful ones. The outsider in the Eastern Empire. The Swede can get more benefits with this little strength in his hands. He is truly a businessman, and he can calculate so clearly at any time.

This chapter has been completed!
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