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Chapter 819

Chapter 819 Everyone has their own agenda

The matter of Larenque is no longer a secret. If Marina really has a careless character, she would have led the city patrol to Valere Manor to retrieve Larenque’s head by now. The eldest lady seems to have

Although he is ignorant, he is actually very smart. He knows very well how important he is and will not take risks outside Varro Manor.

The eldest lady is actually somewhat witty, but her superficial personality confuses many people. Volkan touched his chin and watched Marina training at leisure, "Although the marriage is optional,

But it is better to get married. The resources behind this eldest lady are rich enough, which will be of great benefit to the empire's westward expansion strategy."

Volkan and Royce were thinking about Marina, and in the castle, Yakuta and Noric were also sitting in Hornan's study. I don't know what Volkan said at the meeting, so Nori

After Ke waited for the others to leave, he returned to Varro Manor. He and Hornan had a good personal relationship, not only because of the family alliance, but more importantly because they were from the same school, so compared to other nobles, their relationship was

Much closer, "Hornan, what happened just now? Letting go of the city gate is obviously not good for us. Why did you agree to Volkan?"

There were no outsiders around. The two of them had always called each other by their first names. Both parties had long been used to it. As a close confidant of Hornan, Yakuta was naturally not surprised. After pouring some vermilion wine, Hornan said with a smile, "There are no outsiders now."

, It doesn’t hurt to say it. According to Mr. Luo Weide, there are two batches of North Lorraine reinforcements, and a group of cavalry will arrive in Merlin City in the near future, so it is beneficial to us to open the city gate at this time."

Norik put down his wine glass, reached out and tapped his forehead. He knew the situation in Northern Lorraine fairly well. Back then, under the call of the royal family, Northern and Southern Lorraine managed to gather together tens of thousands of Red-Crowned Knights. After passing through Yi

In the Battle of Stella Highlands, the Red-Crowned Knights suffered heavy losses. Although many people in Northern Lorraine survived, three thousand cavalry was already the limit of Northern Lorraine.

It really makes people wonder, how did Northern Lorraine organize more cavalry? Norik had doubts in his heart. He was afraid that Volkan was using some trick. Volkan was an outsider after all. Although the Eastern Empire intended to absorb the Kingdom of Lorraine,

But they will not send out a single soldier. After all, even if Merlin City is beaten to pieces, the Easterners will not feel bad. "Hornan, do you believe what Luo Weide said? This man is full of tricks, and we must guard against his scheming.

That's it. You have to know what will happen to Merlin City in the end. It won't have a big impact on Volcon. Therefore, I suggest that Luo Weide be controlled in the past few days. If there is any accident, we will at least have some leverage."

Norik also considered the overall situation and considered the interests of the nobles of Southern Lorraine. Hornan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It is probably difficult. People like Luo Weide are too smart. If we put him under house arrest, it will probably be counterproductive. Before I

I have also thought about the issue of reinforcements. Luo Weide is so sure that reinforcements will come, he must have confirmed the news in advance. With the strength of Northern Lorraine, he will definitely not be able to get more troops, but with the help of the Easterners, it will be different. From

News came from the Hohenzollern and the Danube that the Easterners had completely occupied the Kingdom of Saxony. The Kiev headquarters also moved the meeting place to Suplin Castle. After so many days, it was impossible for the Easterners not to know the situation in Merlin City.

.With the way the Easterners behave, it is impossible to do nothing. If the Easterners provide horses and ordnance, and Northern Lorraine provides soldiers, it will not be a problem to raise a cavalry in a short time. After the Eastern Expedition,

, each lord in Northern Lorraine has nearly a hundred personal guards under his command. These people are equipped and can become a cavalry when they climb onto their horses."

Speaking of this, Hornan couldn't help but envy the Orientals for their wealth and wealth. They were very tyrannical with the resources in their hands. Why were the Orientals able to conquer Siberia in a short time and make the Holy Empire uneasy? It was because of the cavalry under their command. The Orientals under their command

There are nearly 50,000 cavalrymen, which is scary to think about. Raising such a group of cavalry requires more than just having money.

War horses and iron ore are indispensable. The Kingdom of Lorraine is rich, but the iron ore is strictly guarded. You can’t buy it even if you have money. If Lothair and Dorle hadn’t needed a knighthood in the Kingdom of Lorraine to resist

The Franks in the west may not even be able to win over the Red-Crowned Knights. It seems that there are countless rich and noble people in the Kingdom of Lorraine, but in fact they are all big fat sheep in the eyes of the powerful. Norik knows that what Hornan said makes sense.

, but reason told him that the Orientals may not really be so kind. "The Orientals came to Saxony and were like savage beasts. I really don't know whether they are good or bad for us."

"Norik, sometimes you just think too much, which makes no sense. At least for now, it seems that making friends with Easterners is of great benefit to us." Hornan is a person who can take things and let go. The so-called suspicion

You don't need people, you don't trust them. Now you have to rely on Volkan in all aspects. If he is still under house arrest, there will definitely be no good results. As he spoke, he felt something was wrong. He looked at Yakuta and said something.

Asked, "Where is Luo Weide?"

"It seems to be going to the west." Yakuta is still very interested in Wolkan. To the west is the eldest lady's residence, which is heavily guarded. He is not afraid of anything happening to Luo Weide, so Yakuta does not follow. "It should be to the big lady."

The lady is over there, Royce is also with him, and Guard Captain Molino has been following him, so I don’t think anything will happen.”

"Weird thing, why are you going to Marina?" Hornan felt that he could not understand Wolkan more and more. Judging from the previous situation, Wolkan had always been disinterested in the marriage.

Attitude, why are you so concerned about Marina now? If you want to say that Volkan is really going to get married, Hornan doesn't believe it. If it was before, it would still be possible. Now, Merlin City is in chaos and the Easterners have taken over.

Now that we have the upper hand, there is no need to use marriage as a bond. The alliance of interests between the two parties is already very strong. Norik thought thoughtfully and then smiled, "Maybe Volkan is really interested in Marina.


No matter what, Huo Nan shook his head with a wry smile. For now, it is more important to solve the troubles in Meilin City. Nowadays, the situation in Meilin City is tense, and every move of the Wei Ting family involves the interests of many parties. The patrol soldiers retreated in large numbers, and the entire city was retreated.

The South City completely gave way. On the surface, it seemed that he was afraid of the alliance between Rufford and Larenque, so Larenque did not have the slightest doubt. In the name of the head of the Lux family, he ordered Fabian to open the South City Gate.

On the twenty-third of the first month of the sixth year of Taikang, after more than ten days of hard fighting, Meilin City finally reached a critical point. The royal army that had been waiting outside the city immediately marched into the city.

At the same time, the Northern Lorraine cavalry also detoured from the Lubo Mountain Valley and entered Merlin City from the north gate. Merlin City ushered in a more fierce and fierce battle. The two sides opened the city gates and more soldiers and horses entered Merlin City.

As soon as the war expanded rapidly, from Merlin Avenue to Lishui Bay, the Luke family and the royal family divided their troops and attacked from many sides. The war broke out, and the people of Merlin City were the most unlucky. With the help of the royal family's elite soldiers, the rebels gained momentum.

A group of soldiers led by Qiao Mi came from Merlin Avenue and rushed all the way to Varro Manor. The attack on Varro Manor was a plan jointly formulated by Rufford and Moore. Now that they had sufficient troops and had the advantage, they had to hurry up.

The battle is decisive. As long as the Varro Manor is captured, the resistance of the conservative nobles in South Lorraine can be directly defeated.

Gu Xiao

The addition of royal soldiers and horses directly led to the fall of Merlin Avenue. Now Varro Manor has become a key target of attack. The entire Southern Lorraine nobles finally feel a hint of danger.

In Varro Castle, legal officers and guards came and went, and it was a busy scene. Hornan and Walkan were sitting in the hall, directing the battle of the manor. Walkan did not expect to lose Merlin Avenue so soon, so , the situation became a little passive, "The top priority is to defend the two streets near Varro Manor. Lishui Bay has lost its defensive value. Your Excellency, I suggest that the Lishui Bay garrison be transferred back."

"Okay." Hornan deeply agreed with Volkan's proposal. Before the order was issued, a guard hurried in, "Your Excellency, the rebels have broken through the first line of defense on the outside and are now heading towards Second line of defense attack.”

"So fast" Wolkan also felt a headache. Did he believe too much in the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Wei Ting family? The first line of defense defended by nearly 800 soldiers was broken through in less than an hour. It was really disappointing. People are extremely disappointed. If there are two thousand imperial soldiers in hand, why are they so passive? The Kingdom of Lorraine is indeed not a military kingdom, and the noble soldiers in western Zhejiang have not experienced war for a long time, and they seem too immature. Disappointment is a disappointment, but we must We must find a way to withstand it. "Transfer the Lishui Bay defenders back as soon as possible, pass through from behind the first line of defense, and try to harass the rebels from the flank streets. Chief of the Yakuta Guards, please lead the guard battalion to sit at the end." A line of defense.”

Yakuta did not agree immediately, but looked at Hornan. Seeing that Hornan expressed no objection, he nodded heavily. At such a critical moment, there was no need to worry about the suspicion of overestimating the guest. Wolkan He quickly entered the state, as if he had returned to the battle against Festak and the siege of Yumsburg, "Everyone, no matter what kind of festivals everyone had before, but now it has reached a moment of life and death, I hope everyone can put aside the past grudges and jointly defend the enemy. .I know that many of you are taking chances. If so, it is best to give up this little thought. The Luke family and the royal family have joined forces to take the entire South Lorraine. If the royal family wins, we No one of these inherent forces can survive, and no one can survive."

The substantial gaze seemed to pierce people's hearts. Some of the nobles in Southern Lorraine felt a little nervous before they realized what was happening. In fact, many people were taking a chance and thought that this was just a power struggle between the royal family and the Wei Ting family, and the royal family might not be able to do so. Kill them all. But Volkan's words completely dispelled everyone's illusions. Hornan secretly miscalculated and should have thought of this a long time ago. Everyone's escape route must be blocked first, so as not to be trapped when the time comes. Try your best.

At this time, the situation outside Varro Castle was already a mess. Volkan personally mobilized, and with Hornan leading by example, the nobles of South Lorraine no longer held back. Marina was obviously a restless person. She heard that the rebels The fight was almost outside Varro Manor, and he led his female guard to break out. Royce was like a little follower, guarding her every step of the way, which made Marina very dissatisfied, "What are you doing with me?" ?”

"According to Lord Luo Weide's order, to protect the safety of the eldest lady." Royce's expression remained unchanged. He would not flinch even if he was beaten to death. Marina looked over and over, but there was nothing she could do about Royce, so she could only accept his fate.

On the last line of defense, Qiao Mi was dressed in shining silver armor, with an iron helmet covering his head, with only two eyes exposed. The previous attack went smoothly, but on this line of defense, the royal army suffered a heavy loss. The conservatives did not know

Where did they get so much kerosene? They blocked the street with a fire and a fight broke out. More than two hundred people were killed. "Come here, punch through the wall next to me and go around from the back. I

I can’t believe it, a living person can be choked to death by urine.”

With Qiao Mi supporting them behind, a group of people had no scruples and tried their best to smash the wall next to them. The people living inside could not bear it. Several people ran out and knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, "Sir, you can't

Smash the wall, if you smash this place, how can our family survive?"

Several common people were lying on the ground crying. Qiao Mi was indifferent and kept a straight face. If he was not forced to do so, who would be willing to do such a thing of giving birth to a child without an asshole? The nobles of South Lorraine were on the road in front of Varro Manor.

Heavy defenses were deployed, and various methods were used. They attacked several times, but suffered heavy losses. Looking not far away, a new round of attacks was pushed back again. Many soldiers were dejected. If this continues, morale will be severely damaged. Qiao Mi was angry

He stared at the mourning men and women and shouted forcefully, "If you don't want to die, get out of here. Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy. What are you doing standing still? Go and break through the wall in the evening."

Before that, I will launch a new round of attack."

"Yes." A group of Weilan family soldiers dared to be nagging. A few people wanted to argue, but they were all detained. It didn't take long before they remembered the sound of clanking, and walls kept rumbling and collapsing. In fact, Qiao Mi

We are also facing a lot of pressure. The Weilan family is not very powerful and has to rely on the Luke family in all aspects. Therefore, the first thing to ensure is the interests of the Luke family.

Although the royal family supports the Luke family's attack on the inherent forces in Southern Lorraine, it is nonsense to say how well-intentioned the royal family is. It relies on itself to gain status. The more territory it takes, the harder it will be to distribute post-war benefits.

Take the initiative. The Reach and South City Central Street were all conquered by the royal army. To ensure that sufficient benefits can be obtained, Varro Manor must be captured. If you own Varro Manor, you will have enough say.

Marina walked out of the manor in a hurry, and immediately led her female guards to fight with the rebels who rushed over. The eldest lady was so pampered that she didn't have any stage fright on the battlefield, and she would kill whenever she asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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