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Chapter 822

Chapter 822: When it’s time to withdraw, we must withdraw

Looking at the father and daughter who worked well together, Volkan smiled bitterly. After asking Hornan to sit down, he slowly said, "Your Majesty, even if the Northern Lorraine Cavalry is at Varro Manor, how much effect can it have?"

?The central defense area is so narrow that it cannot be deployed at all. Should these cavalry be dismounted and become infantry?"

What Volkan said was true. If a large number of cavalry could be used, the royal family would have sent the main cavalry over long ago. He frowned, and Hornan still said unwillingly, "There is no need to send it to the Reach."


"Why can't we send it to the Reach? Hasn't your lord, the Duke, never thought about it? Why have we been so passive since Merlin's mutiny, and now, we have been suppressed? It's because all wars are started by the rebels.

"From the beginning to the end, we have been led by others. The rebels can fight wherever they want. If this continues, we will lose." Volkan's tone was indifferent, but no one knew that he

How long have you been thinking about it before, "Now, if you want to reverse the situation, there is only one way, which is to take the initiative to open another battlefield, attract the rebels there, and reduce the pressure on the front of Varro Manor. The Reach is a good choice, and the royal family wants to

Taking care of the interests of the Luke family, they have slowly withdrawn their troops. The Luke family rebels have not sent reinforcements in time. With the fighting power of the Northern Lorraine cavalry, they will definitely be able to retake the Reach in one fell swoop. With the Reach in hand, you can

Threatening the Luke family's nest to the south, it can also strengthen the southern gate. The rebels can't do it without rescue. Of course, even if the rebels make a desperate move and completely abandon the Reach, we don't have to worry. Who can control the southern gate at the moment?

, whoever can win the final victory. Merlin City belongs to Merlin City, and the real winner is not at Varro Manor, but at the South City Gate."

Huo Ernan thought quietly, and Marina, who was usually fiery, also lost her voice. Both father and daughter were thinking about the meaning of Wolkan's words. After a while, Marina's eyes lit up and she spoke with Huo Ernan.

Ernan looked at each other, and Ernan finally smiled a little, and looked at Volkan with some excitement, "Lord Volkan, you mean to say that the new North Lorraine reinforcements are coming soon?"

Volkan just nodded slightly. The Northern Lorraine reinforcements were coming soon, but he didn't know when they would arrive. The Northern Lorraine cavalry attacked the Reach just to prepare for the reinforcements. As for the Southern Lorraine cavalry,

Whether the Lin nobles can hold out until reinforcements arrive is their problem. Volkan has no obligation to work for the Southern Lorraine nobles. Everything he does is based on the interests of the empire. But for Hornan

, these were enough. After a while, Hornan led Marina away, but Royce did not move. Instead, he sat down and asked anxiously, "Mr. Volkan, our

Can people arrive in time?"

"Who can say for sure? Anyway, as long as we can control the South City Gate, we will be invincible. If the Luke family and the Weiting family both suffer losses, we will take the opportunity to cripple both forces.

, the power that supports us. If the royal family and the Luke family cannot take over the Varro Manor, we will cooperate with the nobles of South Lorraine and work together to annihilate the royal family. Even if there is no chance of winning, we can still be safe and sound.

"Retreat to Northern Lorraine." Facing Royce, Volkan seemed to be a different person. He was no longer as harmonious as before, and his eyes became sharp. "Royce, you must understand the interests that the empire can really control."

In North Lorraine, as for South Lorraine, we can take what we can. There is no need to lose too much for South Lorraine. Anyway, we only need to keep Marina. With Marina here, we can affect South Lorraine at any time.

decision making."

This is the first time that Wolkan has spoken out his true purpose. Royce was dumbfounded. Maybe this is the real Wolkan. In the eyes of the Superintendent and people like Wolkan, Southern Lorraine is a piece of fat.

Eat a piece of meat if you can cut it off. All alliances and agreements are just for fools. No wonder Wolkan's attitude towards marriage is completely different. In the final analysis, the situation has changed.

When the royal family and the Luke family concentrated their forces on the northern defense zone, three thousand Northern Lorraine cavalry appeared in the Reach. There are not many defenders in the Reach now. Faced with such a large number of Northern Lorraine cavalry, the rebels

He was beaten and retreated in panic. Rufford did not go to the battlefield in person. At his age, he was indeed not suitable to command on the battlefield. Suddenly he frowned, and then a guard rushed in in a panic, "

My lord, it’s not good. The Northern Lorraine cavalry suddenly attacked the Reach. Our people have been repulsed. Now the northern part of the Reach has been taken by the opponent. Memphicius asks your Excellency to send reinforcements."

A flash of panic flashed in Rufford's eyes, because the Northern Lorraine Cavalry appeared in the Reach, making the entire battle a bit confusing. At least, Rufford did not understand the intention. Why did the Northern Lorraine Cavalry attack the Reach?

, in order to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and reduce the defensive pressure on the front of Varro Manor? No, Rufford thinks it is not that simple. Who is Volkan? That is an old fox who is not inferior to Lothair at all. Would he do such a low-level thing?


"Call the soldiers and horses near the Merlin Avenue to rush to the Reach. No matter what, they must stop the Northern Lorraine cavalry and tell Memphijus that if the Reach is lost, I will want his head." Rufford was very savvy.

, he looked down on Volkan's intentions, but he understood that as long as he firmly defended the Reach and did not involve the energy of the frontal battlefield, no matter how clever Volkan's plot was, he would never succeed. Soon after, Merlin

The Avenue defenders entered the Reach one after another. At the same time, Rufford also sent a letter to Moore, telling Moore that no matter what happened in the Reach, the troops on the front battlefield could not be separated.

Rufford's response was not unwise, but he still underestimated the North Lorraine cavalry and Volkan's determination to take the Reach.

In Varro Manor, the sound of killing outside was loud and the smoke was filled. Not long ago, the Wei Lan family and the royal troops, under the leadership of Moore, launched a new round of attack on the Wei Ting family's defense line. This time the attack was stronger than usual.

The attack was so violent that the Shilou garrison in the west was beaten to a pulp within half an hour. News of requests for reinforcements were constantly sent to Hornan. The situation near the manor was very tense, but Wolkan sat calmly.

Xiyuan concentrated his energy, as if the things outside had nothing to do with him.

Royce was young after all, and he was not as calm as Volkan. In a short period of time, he had already run into the castle several times. After hearing that the Stone Tower garrison was about to fall, he ran away panting.

When he came back, he opened the door and saw Wolkan lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and concentrating. He was suddenly a little confused. Royce couldn't figure it out. This Lord Wolkan didn't look like the old fox.

"Sir Wolkan, the situation is not good. The Shilou garrison can no longer be defended. Hornan can no longer send reinforcements. Once the Shilou garrison is lost, the streets ahead will be attacked from both sides." Royce is also experienced.

Although the man in the battle array suffered a series of tragic defeats in the Battle of Istria Highlands, the experience of blood and fire still brought him a lot of experience, and it was precisely because he had experienced tragic defeats that he became calm.

Wolkan was not too panicked. After actually experiencing the collision of hundreds of thousands of armies, a battle of this scale in Merlin City was equivalent to a child's play house in his eyes.

"Tell Hornan to defend Varro Manor and attract all the enemy's troops. This victory will be ours." Volkan did not place his hope in Merlin City.

Hornan had a headache. Now the pressure was increasing, and the various fronts were retreating steadily. This was something he had never thought of before. According to his idea, his own side was so powerful that even if multiple families from the other side united, it would be impossible to shake the Merlin Empire.


Royce returned to the battlefield and repeated Volkan's words. Hornan could only choose to believe it. After a series of orders, the ministries began to shrink their defense lines. Although the troops headed by the Weilan family advanced smoothly, they finally encountered

The resistance became stronger and stronger, and in the end, it was almost impossible to move forward.

To the west of Merlin City, on the vast mountainous plateau, a cavalry team of more than 3,000 people moved forward slowly. They were dressed in silver chainmail armor, guarding their horses against strange short spears, and had a saber in their left hand. They

Traveling across the Kingdom of Lorraine, the final destination is the city of Merlin in the southern part of the kingdom.

At this time, there was already a stalemate in Merlin City, with both sides forming a stable line of defense around Varro Manor.

As night fell, the southern gate of Merlin City slowly opened. At the same time, Hornan's troops, which had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly launched a full-scale counterattack. Moore was still asleep when he was awakened by his guards.

"Oh no, Lord Moore, Hornan's soldiers suddenly launched a surprise attack in the southern corner. Due to the sudden incident, there has been a big hole in the defense line!"

"What's going on? Why did Hornan launch a counterattack?" Moore was very curious, and his doubts were soon solved. A group of strange soldiers and horses suddenly came to Merlin City. They helped Hornan's soldiers and horses launch a full-scale counterattack.


This is a troop from the Eastern Empire. They have been on the battlefield for a long time. They swept across the Istrian Highlands, occupied Suplin Castle, and defeated the Principality of Saxony. The Germanic people who were once prosperous were also defeated by the Eastern Empire's army.

He has no temper, and is still hiding in the south licking his wounds. This is an elite division, definitely not comparable to the soldiers and horses of the Weilan family and Tulin City. There are only three thousand soldiers and horses, spread out, and the attack is overwhelming.


Overnight, the situation in Merlin City was completely reversed. In Varro Manor, a silver-armored general stood in the castle, holding a red tassel helmet in his hand, looking heroic and majestic.

In the entire Northern Shanxi Army system, Chen Yaofeng is just a young rising star. This is the first time he has led an army alone, so victory is particularly important.

In full view of everyone, Wu Chen Yaofeng actually bowed to Marina first, "Miss Marina, the Superintendent wishes you eternal youth and a smile!"

Marina looked at Wu Lin blankly. Is this the general of the Orientals? Their soldiers and horses are really powerful. What is the commander like?

The arrival of Chen Yaofeng only eliminated the suspense about the ownership of Meilin City. After Hornan took control of Meilin City, just a few days later, the red grape nobles of the southern Meilin City reached an alliance agreement with the white grape nobles of the northern Lorraine. Next, the kingdom

The largest war in the past century broke out. Under the joint attack of the northern and southern Lorraine nobles, the city of Tulin owned by the royal family of the kingdom was captured two months later.

The kingdom announced an alliance with the Ming Empire. As a result, Tie Mo's western strategy was finally completed, and the Northern Jin Army occupying the Siberian Highlands would be invincible.

When the battle in Meilin City ended, Tie Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, the Northern Shanxi Army had accomplished all its strategic goals. The vast Siberian land east of Omsk belonged to the Ming Dynasty. Now the Northern Shanxi Army was repelled.

The Germans and Danes, who wanted to take advantage, allied themselves with the Frankish nobles, forming a substantial pincer attack on Russia.

After a series of defeats, especially after the loss of Omsk, Russia has actually become extremely weak. In fact, the biggest blow was when Archduke Volkon of Moscow surrendered to the East, which can be said to be a severe slap in the face of the Russian aristocracy.

Of course, the Boye nobles wanted to regain their face, but the rapid decline in strength forced them to hold their noses and admit it. It was not that the Boye nobles did not want to regroup their forces and launch a counterattack, but reason told them that doing so was seeking death. Dongfang

People are really smart in what they do. Under the guise of revenge for the old Tsar Ivan, they pushed Princess Elizabeth to the forefront, which made the Russian people not feel much resistance.

What's more, the lives of the people living in Omsk and Tomsk are not only not affected, but even live a better life. They have no reason to resist Princess Elizabeth. Is the Tsar a member of the Ivan family or a Romanov? Ordinary people

Not too concerned.

As the only direct blood relative of the old tsar, Elizabeth's rule over Russia can be said to be justified, and the marriage contract between Elizabeth and Tie Mo also made the Northern Shanxi Army's rule of Tomsk and Omsk reasonable.

In June of the eighth year of Chongzhen, after a long period of conquest, Siberia became quiet. Not only did the Russians retreat to the west to lick their wounds, but even the Northern Shanxi Army began to shrink in strength. Now that the Northern Shanxi Army had taken advantage of the victory, it was time to pursue

At that time, Tie Mo suddenly ordered the withdrawal of troops, which caused many people to complain. The most prominent one was Shang Kexi who was eager to make achievements.

In the city of South Tomsk, although it was a temporary meeting, almost all the prominent figures from the Northern Shanxi Army arrived. Liu Guoneng and others were also doubtful about the retreat, but they were somewhat patient, but they were happy but couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Superintendent, I don't understand, why are we withdrawing our troops at this time? The Danes have been scared away, and the Franks in the west have also decided to help us contain the Germans. Now is the time to attack westward in one go, how can we withdraw our troops?"

Shang Kexi became more and more excited as he spoke, and gradually his face turned red, "Superintendent, why not do this? You give the general a troop of troops, and the general will capture Moscow within a month. The general dares to issue a military order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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