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Chapter 864

Chapter 864 Luoyang Lao Wang’s Family

A war horse ran out from the crowd, raised his hand and shot an arrow towards the city. This person was Shangguan Wen, "Officials and soldiers in the city, listen up. I, King Jia Chuang, have a good life and do not want to do more to kill you."

, As long as you are not enemies of our army, our ministry will allow you to take away your relatives and return to your hometown. But whoever dares to attack our army will have the heads of your relatives on their necks."

An arrow with a piece of paper attached to it. When you open it and look at it, it is almost the same as what Shangguan Wen said. Who are the bandits? They are just a group of bandits who kill people and steal goods. They can even eat people. What else is there?

Is it something they dare not do? So many Luoyang guards were afraid. They didn't know what to do. Should they defend the city, or should they give up defending the city and take their families home.

At this moment, countless soldiers in the city of Luoyang were faced with the choice of human nature. Should they want their country or their family? In fact, the answer is obvious. When everyone hesitates, family has already occupied a more important position.

Although the thieves still did not attack the city on this day, this is not a good thing. When attacking the city at this time, some people will have no time to think and will instinctively choose to resist. But if you give those soldiers some time to think, more and more people will come.

Choose to give up Luoyang. Maybe Luoyang is a majestic and solemn place for countless heroes of the Ming Dynasty. It is the old capital of several dynasties and represents a kind of glory. But for these ordinary soldiers, no matter how beautiful Luoyang is, it is still not as important as their family.


I don’t know what Sun Chuanting thinks, but at least Tie Mo has his own ideas. No matter what choices these soldiers make, Tie Mo will not blame them, because they have the right to choose their own families. They are all said to have national talents.

He has a family, but Tie Mo has always scoffed at this. Whether he is selfish or has no faith, in short, he feels that the Chinese civilization has continued to this day because of the concept of family and the strong sense of family.

To have a home is to protect the country, because there is a home in the country. If the home is not here, who is willing to defend it to the death?

Where glory and light accompany each other, there is a dream in the sky, soaring ninety thousand miles.

Speaking carefully, no one has the right to blame those Luoyang children. They enlisted in the army to defend Luoyang, but the Ming Dynasty allowed their relatives to fall into the hands of thieves. In the final analysis, it was the court that could not deal with these young soldiers, not these young soldiers.

Don't live in the imperial court.

Somehow, I thought of the Great Northeast in later generations. At that time, Manchukuo was established and produced countless puppet troops outside the Pass. They helped the Japanese maintain law and order. From the current perspective, they behaved like traitors, but they should be criticized from a high position.

At this time, can your conscience be at ease?

They once resisted, and they paid taxes to support the country, but in the end the country gave up on them. What should they do? If they don't do some things, their family members will die. Of course, there are many heroes in the world, but most of them are ordinary people.

They have families, they are afraid of death, and they are afraid of many things. Not to mention outside the borders, how much helplessness will the Japanese invade from the north to the south?

Tie Mo has always felt that when a country cannot even protect its homeland, stop blaming the people. The people have the right to live. If you can't protect them, they have to find someone who can protect themselves. Chinese Civilization

,Ancestral Glory, I’m sorry, your majestic court can’t protect it. Do you want ordinary people to protect it with their lives?

On the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month in the eighth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng, who had been silent for two days, began to attack Luoyang fiercely. Liu Zongmin and others led the troops to attack the city, and Shangguanwen took custody of the people. Under such circumstances, Luoyang, the former eastern capital, declared its fall with just one charge.

Is the city of Luoyang not high and the walls not thick? No, Luoyang was the old capital of several dynasties and the city is high and the walls are thick. But the problem is that the city’s confidence has collapsed. If a city loses its confidence, even copper and iron walls will turn into a pile of rubble.

Tofu dregs.

Tie Mo was not stupid enough to send troops to attack the left wing of the bandits. Just leave Luoyang. He did not need to risk his life for Luoyang City. At least, he would not confront Li Zicheng before Shang Kexi's army returned.

No one thought that Luoyang would be lost, let alone that it could be lost so easily. Tie Mo had a cold face and said nothing. Who made these Luoyang children become numb cowards? It was the imperial court. If the imperial court had been able to do so earlier,

If Li Zicheng was destroyed, why would their family suffer? Now all the imperial court has given them is bitterness, and they no longer have the determination to fight their last breath for the imperial court. They are patriotic, and they love their family even more.

Look up at the sky, haha, the morning sun has just risen, and Luoyang has fallen. Those people in the cabinet are high above, hiding in the Forbidden City. Do they know the sufferings of the people in the world?

In the Tianluo Tower, Wang Zuogao stood blankly at the window. Luoyang had fallen. Why did he feel like he was dreaming? This was Luoyang, the former capital of the East, where the world was prosperous. Why did it become so vulnerable?

It's not even as good as Hangu Pass.

The thieves entered the city, haha, what are the thieves? They are a group of out-and-out bandits. Now, the people of Luoyang are going to suffer. Sun Chuanting, on the other hand, led more than 5,000 of his followers to fight to the death, but his little strength was not as powerful as the powerful ones.

How long can one last in front of the traitors? After adjusting his robes, Wang Zuoguan left Tianluo Tower. In the blink of an eye, the first floor of Luoyang became empty. Soon after, traitors rushed in and robbed everything in the building.

Luoyang Shiyifang, Huayin Wang family courtyard, the courtyard door is closed at this time, the servants in the courtyard are holding guns and sticks, as if they are facing a powerful enemy. As a large family in Luoyang, the Wang family is in the most conspicuous place of the Shiyifang.

Depending on the treasury, will the wolf-like bandit soldiers let this place go? Of course not. The fierce fighting is still going on in Taoguang Street, Bei City. Li Zicheng has already led people to Shiyifang excitedly. For Li Zicheng, Shiyifang

Not only does he have countless wealth, but he also has a legendary fairy.

Flower Fairy Wang Nuran, Li Zicheng has imagined this woman countless times. How beautiful is this flower fairy who became famous in Luoyang a few years ago? Yes, now Wang Nuran has been promised to the Chen family.

Young Master Chen Taolie, but what does that matter? Not to mention that Hua Xianzi is not married yet, even if she is married, so what, Li Zicheng doesn't care at all, he only wants Hua Xianzi's people.

When the thieves came to the Wang family compound, Liu Zongmin stepped forward and kicked the door hard, knocking down the door on the right with just one kick. In the flying dust, a dozen servants in blue could be seen standing in the courtyard, but they were trembling with fear.

The look was ridiculous. Liu Zongmin took two steps forward, pulled out the steel knife, and sneered, "When King Chuang arrives, whoever dares to touch the handle of the knife will be killed without mercy..."

Liu Zongmin was a madman who was killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. His eyes were cold and ruthless. With just one look, the servants of the royal family were frightened and dropped their sticks. Then they all knelt on the ground and cried, "My king, spare your life!"

Your Majesty, please spare my life..."

"Where is the Wang family's wife? Where is the Wang family's ancestral hall?" Li Zicheng looked at these ridiculous servants and asked calmly.

"Madam... Madam is in the west wing... The ancestral hall is in the main hall of the north courtyard... There is a plaque hanging on it. Your Majesty will know it when he arrives..."

Li Zicheng was in a good mood today. Feeling happy, he waved his hands and said with a smile, "Okay, you have nothing to do here. You can go away..."

The palace steward blocked the door of the west wing, but he was no match for Li Zicheng and was directly beheaded by Li Zicheng. As for Liu Zongmin, he went to the Yangfu Ancestral Hall. When he opened the door of the west wing, a faint fragrance rushed into his nose, and he could see clearly

When we arrived at the house, there were three timid women standing there, a middle-aged woman carrying a baggage, and a middle-aged woman with a good face supporting a little girl.

Li Zicheng also met countless women, but after seeing that little girl, he was still stunned. What kind of woman is she?

Her eyes are like stars, her eyebrows are lightly swept, her phoenix eyes are full of charm, spring, and innocence, and her white oval face is like a soft white porcelain pearl, glowing with a light luster. She is so beautiful that there are simply no words to describe her beauty.

Is this the Flower Fairy? Is this the woman who is as shy as the moon and the flowers?

Li Zicheng dared to swear to God that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life. For some reason, when he saw this woman, he could not feel any blasphemy, let alone let her be harmed in the slightest. If he could get her, he would never be able to get her in this life.

He would never be tempted by another woman again. At this moment, Li Zicheng seemed to have seen the disappearing goddess by the Luoshui River. He admired and looked forward to it, mixed with a bit of ardent reverence. No matter what, this woman is his, who is it?

She can't be taken away, and no one can hurt her.

Although Wang Nuran came from a famous family, today, the Huayin Wang family has declined a lot, so she has not really seen many scenes. Facing this man with a notorious reputation, she was so panicked that she could only hide in her mother's house.

Kiss Meng after his death.

Wang Mengshi forced herself to calm down. Now that her husband is still an official in Shu and the old lady is in Huayin, she is the only one who can take charge of the family. She patted Wang Nuran's hand and bowed slightly to Li Zicheng.

"King Chuang, although my Wang family is not a wealthy family, it is quite wealthy. I can give all my belongings to King Chuang. I hope King Chuang can protect my family from harm."

Yang Mengshi was very particular about what he said. He did not scold Li Zicheng explicitly, but also made his attitude clear. All the things in the Wang family were allowed to be taken away, but the people in the house were not allowed to be touched. But who was Li Zicheng? Nowadays, Nuo University

With all the wealth already in his hands, how could he care about the Wang family's money? What was even more surprising was that Li Zicheng actually bowed and cupped his hand to the Meng family, "Madam, you are overly concerned. Li will not touch the Wang family even a penny."


The more Li Zicheng behaved, the more worried Yang Meng was. If Li Zicheng didn't want money, he was looking for something else. Moreover, Li Zicheng's eyes were always staring at Wang Nuran behind Meng. Even an idiot could see what he was thinking. Meng

Although she is a woman, she still has some courage. Standing in front of Wang Nuran, Meng frowned and said, "King Chuang, what do you want?"

Naturally, Li Zicheng would not mince words, because that would be too tiring, "Without him, Li intends to marry Miss Wang, and hopes that she will fulfill her wish."

As expected, Meng felt extremely bitter in her heart. At this time, she really wished that her daughter would be uglier. The peerless appearance brought not benefits, but a ferocious wolf. Marrying Li Zicheng? Let alone marrying, as long as she falls in love with Li Zicheng

, my daughter’s life is ruined, “Your Majesty, I’m sorry, my daughter has already been promised to Chen Taolie, the eldest son of the Chen family in Kaifeng Mansion, there is no reason to marry two of them.”

"Chen Taolie? What Chen Taolie? Li has never heard of it. Since he has never heard of it, this engagement cannot be made, so I still ask my wife to fulfill it." Li Zicheng is not a reasonable person. He is reluctant to hurt Wang Nuran.

But she won't be too tolerant to Meng. Humph, she just wants to talk to Meng for the sake of the little lady. This Mrs. Meng really regards Li Zicheng as the kind of sour Confucian scholar who talks so much.

Li Zicheng just clapped his hands, and the commander of the soldiers, Bai Yuedeng, stepped in and said, "Come on, madam, please sit down. Aren't you tired of standing all this time?"

No matter what happened to Meng, Bai Yue took two steps forward to forcefully separate Meng and Wang Nuran, pressed her into the chair, and at the same time held her hand on the handle of the knife. At this time, Li Zicheng smiled lightly and said,

"Little lady, what do you think?"

Wang Nuran has never encountered such a situation. She has been surrounded by tenderness all her life, and everyone treats her like a princess, but today she has to face such a choice. Wang Nuran has been deeply influenced by the Wang family and has been smart since she was a child.

I don't understand what Li Zicheng means. He wants to force Wang Nuran to leave the Wang family. If she leaves with Li Zicheng, her life will be ruined. How can an extremely beautiful woman have a relationship with a notorious thief?

What good ending?

If she doesn't leave, Li Zicheng will kill his mother and all the living members of the Wang family. At that time, he can still take Wang Nuran away by force. Of course, he can die with his mother, but Wang Nuran is reluctant to let her go.

, is it really okay to cause the Wang family to bleed like a river for her alone?

Gently closing her eyes, Wang Nuran felt an urge in her heart. She wanted to scratch her face, because this face had brought so much trouble to the Wang family? This appearance was not a gift from God to her, but a gift from God.

A punishment.

Beauty is a good thing for a family, but when it reaches the extreme, it becomes a sin. Wang Nuran doesn't want her family to worry about her anymore. For more than ten years, her grandfather, father, mother and old housekeeper have paid a lot for her.

, now it’s her turn, Wang Nuran, to do something for these families. The old housekeeper is dead, should she still watch her mother die in front of her?

The room became extremely quiet. Li Zicheng was very patient and just leaned against the door and squinted. After a long time, Wang Nuran let out a long sigh and opened his eyes. There was a bit of sadness in his eyes, "Okay.

, the slave family will go with the king, and please keep your word and let everyone in the Wang family go."

"This is natural." Li Zicheng was very happy. He did not hide the smile on his face, but Meng's eyes were filled with tears and he shouted hoarsely, "Pan'er, what are you doing? Don't be afraid, your mother is here, where are you?"

Don’t go either…”

Wang Nuran smiled and shook her head. She walked slowly to Meng's body, half-crouched down, and put her face on Meng's knees. Her pair of smart eyes were already drowned by tears, "Mom, these are

You have done enough for your daughter, how can the child bring trouble to you again? If this calamity is destined to happen, then let it be the child's final destination."

This chapter has been completed!
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