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Chapter 880

Chapter 880 Xizhou

The sharpest weapon of the cavalry is not the knife, but the powerful impact. When there are countless iron plates with barbs on the ground, the war horses suddenly go crazy and knock off many Uighur cavalry. If facing the Mongolian cavalry, this

This caltrop can effectively organize cavalry charges, but in the face of the Uighur cavalry, the effect is very small, because most of these cavalry are in dispersed formations, with two or three feet between the front and rear men and horses, which gives them enough reaction time. Tie Mo is not in a hurry.

Just hold off until Orger's cavalry joins Zhou Dingshan's cavalry, and it's time to counterattack.

"Array" Geng Zhongming held up a snake spear eight feet high, shining with dazzling light under the scorching sun. The Northern Shanxi Army quickly divided into more than a dozen square formations, then the longbowmen were in the middle, the shield bearers were at the front, and the spearmen and swordsmen were

Behind the shield bearers, the shield bearers gradually surrounded the entire formation, and the tall shields formed a compact circle.

More than a dozen large circular formations were constantly rotating. The Uighur cavalry could rush in smoothly, but they could not rush in too much in a short period of time. It seemed that the Northern Shanxi Army was divided and surrounded, but in fact it was the Uighur cavalry that was harmed.

The scimitars of the Uighurs only made a clanging sound when viewed against the thick shields. On the contrary, the bows and arrows of the Northern Shanxi Army could continuously harvest the lives of the Uighurs.

Although Qie Ge has lived in the Western Regions for a long time, he has also practiced the art of war. He seemed to understand it, but he did not understand it. The more than a dozen circular formations kept changing their positions. It looked like the Thirteen Yin and Yang Formations created by Cao Hong in the late Han Dynasty, but

It's not like that. Because the Yin-Yang Thirteen Formation is composed of spearmen and swordsmen on the periphery, and the soldiers also occupy a position for each team of soldiers and horses, and they will never overlap with each other. But the large formation in front of us is more powerful than the Yin-Yang Thirteen Formation.

It was much bulkier, but unfortunately, such a bulky formation had solid defense and good lethality. After watching it for a while, Sieg decided that he could no longer rush like this. He called for his soldiers and said seriously, "Send the order to Fei Ming to concentrate our troops."

Bite off the outermost circular formation in the southwest, and don't charge inward."

Siege's decision was not wrong, but how could it be so easy to capture a phalanx? After Fei Ming received the order, he mobilized 3,000 cavalrymen to surround the outermost circular formation in the southwest, trying to

A gap was opened. At this time, other circular arrays slowly moved closer to the southwest. Then, one circular array dispersed, then another circular array dispersed, and then three circular arrays formed a larger circular array.

Fei Ming's 3,000 soldiers and horses were forcibly ensnared. As time went by, Fei Ming and his 3,000 men had to be wiped out by two large circular formations inside and outside.

Seeing this, Siege's scalp was numb and he was sweating profusely. He didn't know how the Northern Shanxi Army was trained, and how it could change its formation according to the specific situation during the battle? Siege couldn't just watch Fei Ming's troops die, he planned to

With his heart on his mind, he became furious and stared at the golden dragon flag in the distance, "Young men, I and I will take that flag away!"

Capture the thief first, capture the king, capture the formation first, capture the flag, and destroy the flag of the Northern Shanxi Army. This is what Qie Ge has no choice about. But the flag of the Northern Shanxi Army is not so easy to capture. Since the rise of the new Northern Shanxi Army in Guanzhong,

, it had never happened that the military flag was discarded. Qi Ge led his troops and rushed over. Without waiting for Tie Mo's orders, three generals rushed out on horseback. These three people were Shi Wengong, Deng Yuanjue and Wu Song.

Shi Senming was riding a horse and galloping. He took his sights on Siege and raised his hand to fire an arrow. The arrow was as fast as a shooting star. Siege could barely avoid it, but the cavalryman behind him was injured. The Han dog was so powerful, but his archery skills were so good.

have to.

Sieg was a little scared. What's the use of being scared. If he retreated at this time, the battle would not be fought. Although Sieg was brave, he could fight against Shi Senming alone. The result can be imagined. He only lasted three days.

In the first round, Shi Senming's Fang Tian Painted Halberd knocked off his arm, and immediately knocked Siege's head out of place.

Although Siege was not the best warrior of the Uighurs, he was not a kind person either. However, he was chopped into pieces by several Han people as soon as he met him. Now all the surviving Uighur cavalrymen were panicked. At this moment, Orger and Zhou Dingshan

When the leader of the army arrived, as the iron chain horses and light cavalry attacked, the entire Uighur army was in chaos. Due to the lack of Qi Ge, the generals' orders were inconsistent, causing some of the nearly 20,000 Uighur cavalry to move forward and some to retreat to block the Han cavalry.

With the formation in chaos and low morale, even if the Uighur cavalry had the numerical advantage, they were still no match for the Northern Shanxi cavalry.

The chain-linked horses once again showed great power in the Western Regions. This time the arrogant Uighurs finally saw the Northern Shanxi cavalry, which was even more ferocious than the Mongolian cavalry.

In the front, the infantry of the Northern Jin Army were guarding and defending, while in the back there were cavalry raiding the formation. After a charge, the Uighur cavalry suffered heavy casualties. In the end, most of the Uighurs who knew there was no hope chose to surrender. All the forces in the Western Region believe in the strong.

As long as you win, you will be respected as the master. Is it shameful? In fact, there is nothing to be ashamed of. This is just a cultural difference.

After tying up more than 10,000 Uighurs, Tie Mo was very happy. Not only did he get more than 10,000 young captives, but most importantly, he got nearly 30,000 war horses.

After defeating Siege, he released Siege's deputy general Fei Ming to the south city gate. He only wasted a few words and forced the defenders in the city to open the city gate. The reason for this is very simple. Fei Ming is not an ordinary person.

He is the only son of Fei Guyang, the Uyghur Daqijin (that is, the military marshal), and he will also be the young chief of the Tuqishi tribe in the future. Most of the people who guard Datun City are from the Tuqishi tribe.

Forcing the Han people to kill Fei Ming? Just kidding, as soon as Fei Ming dies, Fei Guyang will operate on their family. Yes, Ashina She Gu Shen is the Uighur Yeling King, but if you think that the Yeling King's family is the only one

, that would be a big mistake. Fei Guyang, as a Uyghur Daqijin, leader of the Tuqishi tribe, holds an army of 30,000 strong, and occupies Yizhou, so he has no fear of King Yeling's revenge.

Datun City was occupied, and Shadiao was stationed in Ruoqiang. In the blink of an eye, the entire southern Uighurs had become the sphere of influence of the Northern Shan Dynasty. From Datun City to Puchanghai, it was only half a day's journey. In other words, from now on, at least Puchanghai

The four nearby horse farms have already belonged to the Northern Shan Dynasty Army. Of course, some people were happy and some were worried about the fall of Datun City. King Yeling knew that he had been fooled, but what could he do besides being angry? But King Yeling was a ruthless person after all.

Since the Han people's goal was not Korla, they simply gave up guarding the northern mouth of the Kongque River and gathered nearly 50,000 troops to march toward Datun City in a menacing manner.

If the Uighurs were waiting for work in leisure before, now it is the army of the Northern Shan Dynasty who are waiting for work. From Xizhou to Datun City, there are more than two hundred miles of desert between them. With such a long supply line, Tie Mo really has no reason to be afraid. Moreover,

What he relied on was not just a Datun city, but something far more powerful than a fortified city. Yizhou was located southeast of Yidu. When King Yeling was plotting Datun city, a group of troops left the Tianshan Mountains from Guigukou.

He sneaked into Yizhou City at night.

Fei Guyang's life was not easy. His only son fell into the hands of the Northern Shan Dynasty army. How could he not be anxious? Fei Guyang did not write a letter asking King Yeling to negotiate with the Han people because he knew that it would be useless to write a letter.

King Yeling is looking forward to the Han people killing Fei Ming. The Tuqishi tribe has always been a serious concern of King Yeling. King Yeling wants to cut off the Tuqishi tribe, but there is no good way. Now the opportunity has come. As long as

Once Fei Ming dies, Tuqishi will lose his future leader, and there will be civil strife. Then King Yeling can take the opportunity to use some means.

No matter what, Fei Guyang wanted to save Fei Ming's life, not only because Fei Ming was his son, but also for the sake of the tribe. However, Fei Guyang was also hesitant because he had never dealt with Han people.

Especially His Highness the King of Qin. I just heard that this man is wise, wise, fierce and domineering. Can he spare his son's life? If he can, what price will he have to pay?

In a few days, Fei Guyang had already thought clearly. He could form an alliance with the Northern Shan Army, or even send troops to help the Northern Shan Army. However, he could not completely fall over to the Northern Shan Army and become a subordinate of the Prince of Qin's Palace.

First of all, they will be strongly dissatisfied by the tribesmen. Secondly, if you do that, the Northern Khalkha people will definitely join forces with King Yeling and destroy the Tuqishi tribe first.

Fei Guyang is not a heroic national warrior who is not afraid of death and has noble sentiments. He is not opposed to surrendering to the King of Qin, but at least the Northern Jin Army must first defeat the Northern Khalkha people and occupy the Northern Khalkha Kingdom. Because of that,

The Tuqishi tribe does not have to suffer from two sides. Moreover, Fei Guyang also clearly knows the bottom line of the North Khalkha people. The North Khalkha people can turn a blind eye to the cooperation between the Tuqishi tribe and the Northern Shanxi Army.

Yes, but if they really fall in love with the Northern Shanxi Army, the Northern Khalkha people will definitely try their best to eliminate the unstable factor of Tuqishi first.

The city of Yizhou had long since become quiet. Only Fei Guyang was not sleepy at all. Suddenly there was a strange noise. When he came to the outhouse, he saw a few more people in the house.

"Who are you?" Fei Guyang did not yell loudly. If these people had any malicious intent, Fei Guyang would have died long ago.

The visitor clasped his hands, and when he spoke, he heard that she was a woman, "Chief Fei, the younger one is under the command of the Iron Superintendent. Today, I am specially ordered by the Superintendent to send a letter to Chief Fei!"

The visitor handed Fei Guyang a letter and took two steps back to wait quietly. Fei Guyang frowned slightly. He did not rush to read the letter, but looked at the woman next to the man. It was strange.

, why is this cold-hearted person even more impressive than the envoy? Knowing that Fei Guyang was hesitating, Xu Meiling raised her eyebrows and said softly, "Leader Fei, you'd better make up your mind quickly, your son's life is at stake.

It’s still in your hands. If it’s too late, it will belong to King Yeling.”

There was something threatening in Xu Meiling's words. Fei Guyang was startled and did not dare to hesitate anymore. He opened the letter and read it several times. Sitting in the chair, Fei Guyang looked very quiet, except for the wrinkles on his forehead.

He has been betrayed. He is indeed the King of Hell, Tiemo, who has revealed everything so profoundly. In fact, the content of the letter is very simple. As long as Fei Guyang sends troops to occupy Xizhou, he can save his life and safely transport Fei Guyang.

Will be sent back tomorrow.

Attacking Xizhou, haha, that would mean breaking up with King Yeling completely. There will be no room for relaxation from now on. If he falls out with King Yeling, Fei Guyang will have to find a backer for the Tuqishi tribe.

The Tuqishi tribe alone cannot defeat the Yeling King. Today's Tuqishi tribe is no longer the Hushi tribe on the banks of the Ili River. At that time, the Tuqishi tribe supported the Turks more than three Hushi tribes.

Now, not even a single Tiger Division can sustain it.

Looking for the Northern Khalkha people? No, the Northern Khalkha people have too much time to take care of themselves. Can they keep the Tuqishi tribe? It seems that the only thing left is to cooperate with the Northern Shanxi Army. Fei Guyang was very unwilling, but he had nothing else After making a choice, he nodded and said, "Go back and tell the Iron Supervisor that I will take Xizhou. I hope the Supervisor can keep his word."

"Chief Fei, don't worry. There is no need for the Superintendent to lie to you." Sanniang smiled contemptuously. This look made Fei Guyang very uncomfortable, but it was also a fact. Today's Tie Mo really didn't need to lie to him. Gu Yang, what can one Fei Ming decide?

On March 21, the ninth year of Chongzhen, on this day when the grass was green and the sun was shining brightly, the army of the Northern Shan Dynasty, which was confronting the army of King Yeling in the north of Datun City, received bad news. Just the day before yesterday, the Lord of Yizhou City, Fei Guyang, the leader of the Tuqishi tribe, opened the gate of Xizhou City and raided Xizhou. In just one night, Xizhou City, the capital of the Uighur King, changed its owner. At the same time, a strange army came out from the Tianshan Mountains. It only took two At that time, they occupied Beiting's Bali City, which was empty of troops. Later, those uninvited guests gave way to Bali City, and soldiers from the Tuqishi tribe quickly garrisoned the city.

In just one day, Beiting and Xizhou changed hands, which meant that the entire Yining prairie from Xizhou to Yizhou fell into the hands of Fei Guyang. Today's Tuqishi tribe is no longer cowering in Yizhou They have the bridgehead of Xizhou and the Yining prairie as a buffer. Besbali City in the north can also serve as horns with Xizhou and support each other.

King Yeling's face was livid, because Fei Guyang not only occupied Xizhou, but also killed King Yeling's family. Of course, Fei Guyang was understandable in doing so, because if he, King Yeling, had occupied Yizhou, he would also Kill Fei Guyang's family, young and old. When fighting against the enemy, cutting the grass without eradicating the roots will ultimately lead to trouble for oneself.

At this point, King Yeling felt that he had no reason to stay near Datun City anymore. If he stayed any longer, once Fei Guyang's troops left Xizhou and attacked Yanqi Town and Anxi City, supplies would not be guaranteed. March 2 At the twelfth hour, King Yeling's army retreated at night, but this could not be hidden from the spies of the Northern Shan Dynasty. After receiving the news of King Yeling's retreat, Tiemo sent two generals, Geng Zhongming and Orger, to pursue the cavalry. This battle is not a simple chase. We must not only allow King Yeling to lose his troops, but also prevent King Yeling from being too seriously injured. To do this, we must have Geng Zhongming and Orger. Send Liu Guoneng and Shi Senming? The two of them were indeed powerful, but King Yeling's troops and horses were probably destroyed by more than half.

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