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Chapter 92 Dorgon

Chapter 92 The young and mature Dorgon

Ba Khanlie died, but Dolei seemed to have lost something.

"Minte, why are you doing this? Ba Khanlie is mine!"

"Really?" Minte glanced at Dorey with disdain.


Wusuza rushed to the Chakma Grassland as quickly as possible, but in the end he was still a step too late.

In fact, when he learned that Minte and Bayan Khan were working together, he knew that the fate of Bukhan Lie was in danger. But Bukhan Lie was his son, so he always held a trace of luck in his heart.

Until I saw the bloody head, all hope was shattered.

The cool breeze blew, the torch flickered, and a long spear stood on the ground, with a familiar human head poked on the barrel.

Seeing that face, Wu Suzha felt the blood surge in his chest. He covered his heart, screamed in pain, and rolled down from his horse.

Naturally, Minte and Bayan Khan would not let go of such a good opportunity and immediately ordered a strong attack. Without Wusuza's command, Naiman's more than 6,000 troops were in chaos and had to retreat.

Fortunately, the generals Org and Batu fought to the death and were able to snatch Wu Suza back.

In this battle, from Chou Shi to dawn, Naiman's tribe suffered a disastrous defeat, and the remaining troops retreated southwestward under the leadership of Orger.

Although Org has little education, he still has the necessary military knowledge from the past years of fighting in the south and the north. There are still more than 5,000 warriors in the Naiman Department headquarters. Minte and Bayan Khan want to swallow them all, but it is not possible.

So easy.

When the Naiman headquarters is still relatively stable, escaping towards the headquarters is definitely the stupidest behavior.

Once the defeated troops fled back to their headquarters, not to mention panicking the people of the headquarters, Guangminte and Bayan Khan took advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them, and they were able to wipe out the most important tribes of the Naiman tribe along the way.

Out of basic military common sense, Orger decided to retreat to the southwest. He believed that the princess would definitely find a way to solve the predicament at hand.

Kachin Khan Wusu Zha had long since woken up, but only for two hours, Wusu Zha seemed to have aged more than ten years, his eyes were dull and there was no trace of life.

"Khan, you must hold on, the princess is still waiting in Zhangbei."

"Aqige..." When she mentioned her daughter's name, she burst into tears and suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

Org and Batu looked at each other and sighed at the same time. It was over. Once Khanlie died, Khan's fighting spirit was gone.

Orger suddenly felt that his future was bleak. Khan was not a strong careerist to begin with, and now that his son was gone, what was the hope for the Naiman tribe in the future? Princess, can she support the entire Naiman tribe?


The dawn sun shone on the grassland, and a troop of soldiers and horses slowly walked on the land.

Tie Mo looked at the golden light on the horizon, but his heart trembled with coldness. He had already heard about the war situation in Chakma Grassland, but he didn't know how to tell Aqige.

Along the way, Tie Mo spoke little and seemed to deliberately avoid Aqige's eyes.

Aqige is a smart and sensitive girl. She chased her for a few steps and asked in a deep voice: "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I...Hey, you will know sooner or later. I just hope you can hold on."

Aqige's eyes were cold and he said urgently: "Say it quickly!"

"An hour ago, Shadiao sent back news that Minte and Bayan Khan set up an ambush on the Chakma Grassland and fought all night. Brother Bhanlie failed to escape. The army led by the Khan was also defeated miserably and was heading towards

Zhang Bei retreated..."

"What?" Aqige's beautiful eyes widened, and there were faint tears. She tried her best to endure the pain in her heart, and clenched the horse's reins tightly with both hands.

"Brother..." She was heartbroken, but Aqige had to force herself to calm down. She knew that her father would not be able to survive the death of her eldest brother, and now the entire Naiman Department was counting on her to take charge.

He stopped his horse and calmed his painful heart.

Aqige closed her eyes and shook her head vigorously to get rid of the thoughts in her mind, and also got rid of the tears in the corners of her eyes.

I can't fall down, absolutely not!

After a long time, Aqige opened her beautiful eyes and stared at Tie Mo opposite, "I want Bayan Khan to die!"

"Yes, sooner or later, you will kill Bayan Khan with your own hands. But now, we have to save the Naiman tribe first!"


Bah Khan Lie was killed and Naiman's tribe suffered a disastrous defeat. Minte and Bayan Khan joined forces and their momentum was at its peak. At this time, taking the initiative to attack Minte or Bayan Khan would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Although the training of Zhang Bei's soldiers and horses went smoothly during this period, after all, most of them were new soldiers, and the total force was only more than 3,000.

With three thousand soldiers and horses, there is no chance of winning in a head-to-head fight between Min Te and Bayan Khan.

Withdraw without fighting? It is obviously impossible. If Bayan Khan and Minte are allowed to swallow up the Naiman tribe, then Bayan Khan's next step will definitely be to swallow up Zhang Bei.

This battle must be fought, but how should we fight it?

It is definitely not possible to rely only on the few soldiers and horses of the Naiman tribe. Ask the Xuanfu to send troops to help? In the final analysis, this is an internal fight between Mongolia. The court wants the Mongols to fight even worse, and there is no way they can send troops to help.

Stabilize the situation.

Finally, with no other choice, Tie Mo turned his attention to Dorgon.

After saying what he was thinking, Aqige smiled bitterly and felt that Tie Mo was crazy.

"Those Jurchens are here to be fishermen. Is it possible to ask them to help us fight off Minte and Bayan Khan?"

Tie Mo frowned and said firmly: "If Dorgon is smart enough and ambitious enough, then he will definitely help us."

Once you have made a decision in your mind, just go for it, but the person sent to lobby must be someone who can speak well. Tie Mo would definitely not be able to go, so after much thought, he decided to let Chen Zilong give it a try.

Under Tie Mo's coercion and inducement, Chen Zilong reluctantly became an envoy.


Dorgon, who was less than 18 years old, had already conquered many tribes with Huang Taiji and made many military exploits.

Dorgon was young and handsome, with both civil and military skills, which earned him a lot of fame among the Jurchen tribes. However, Dorgon was not as complacent and sharp as other young people.

On the contrary, Dorgon is very humble and even looks a bit cowardly to outsiders.

Dorgon doesn't care much about what others say, whether it's ridicule or praise. Because he knows what he's facing and what he wants.

Dorgon's maturity and calmness are far beyond those of his peers. However, Duduo has a fiery temperament and is far less calm than Dorgon.

"Second brother, we have been here for several days, what are we waiting for?"

"Duduo, how many times have I told you, brother? Control your temper, otherwise, one day, you will suffer a big loss."

Duduo disagreed, wiped the steel knife in his hand, and squinted: "You always say this, but you don't necessarily suffer much."

"You..." Dorgon really had nothing to do with his biological brother. Maybe only E Niang's words would help. Unfortunately, E Niang was gone.

Dorgon lay back and couldn't help but fall into memories.

This chapter has been completed!
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