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Chapter 935

Chapter 935 Secret Passage

Pfft, Xu Meiling couldn't help but laugh out loud. This old man Wei thought that everyone had such a personality as him, and would even lick the soil where a dead mouse was buried. But at this time, Cai Xiao also believed what old man Wei said. Yes.

Cai Xiao led the way, and hundreds of soldiers casually went to Powa Gang in the south of the city. Kunshan County is a small town. It is only one mile from the Qiaobei Road warehouse to Powa Gang, and there is a small forest in between.

, but after the heavy rain, many trees fell down in the grove, so the road became difficult to walk. After passing the grove, the smell was pungent, and we arrived at Powa Gang.

Powa Gang was the place where Kunshan was renovated and the court took soil. After the soil was taken away, a big hole was left, and this big hole became Powa Gang. All the garbage in Kunshan County and the cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs that died of illness were

They were all thrown into Powa Gang. Over time, this place became a stinky pit. No one wanted to come to this place except to throw garbage. It is midsummer now, and there is a lot of humidity. Those rotting and smelly corpses are so terrifying.

As you can imagine. Under Tie Mo's instructions, everyone found a piece of cloth to cover their mouths and noses. Although the smell was reduced a lot, they still couldn't help but feel numb when they saw the scene in Powa Gang.

There are many corpses of pigs and dogs in the pit, and flies are flying around. Hey, no wonder plagues occurred frequently in ancient times. This is probably one of the reasons. Dead bodies are littered in the summer without being dealt with, and it is easy to happen after a major disaster.

Plague. Go down and ask someone to find some lime powder and quickly clean up these corpses.

Following the dirt road down to Powa Gang, everyone spread out and searched closely. Soon the sand sculpture found something unusual. Some broken tiles and garbage were separated, and there were some wheel marks in the middle. Going further, there were some rice grains and grains scattered on the ground.

Grain. Behind a piece of wormwood, we found the entrance to the secret passage. However, the entrance had collapsed at this time, and it was probably blocked inside. However, at this point, the entire mystery of the missing grain was generally solved.

I don't know who dug the secret passage to the warehouse, then sent people into the warehouse to stun the guards, and poured the grain directly through the opened hole. The people below then used cars and other things to transport the grain out. Sure enough,

You are smart. Only Powa Gang is the most suitable place in Kunshan, because no one usually comes to this place, and no one will notice it even if you work for a long time. Now we generally know how the food disappears, that is to say, the county magistrate Cao Renguang and others

People are innocent and implicated. But the most important thing right now is to find the food. Where will the other party transport the food?

He frowned and looked at the scorching sun in the sky. After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Sha Diao, what do you think?"

"Supervisor, it has been determined that the food has been stolen. We can only investigate from two directions! No matter who the other party is, the food will never be destroyed in order to get it, otherwise there will be no need to go through all the trouble to transport it out.

So, the other party can either use the food to make profits, or use the food to win people's hearts!"

"Well, your analysis is good. Since it is not our Suzhou officials who are responsible for the trouble, the next step is easy. You can secretly give orders and order trusted merchants to buy grains!"

Tie Mo's trick is not clever, it's just to lure people for profit. As long as the other party wants to make money from food, they will definitely be tempted to sell food. Whoever has the most money at that time may be involved.

.If no one shows up for a long time, then there is only one last possibility left, that is, the other party wants to use food to achieve some purpose, rather than simply making money.

At the end of August in the 10th year of Chongzhen, Shang Xuebin, a wealthy businessman in Wu County and Suzhou Prefecture, spread the news about purchasing grain. This Shang Xuebin was the Taishan Beidou among the wealthy merchants in Suzhou Prefecture. In other words, his influence was very large. Of course, Shang Xuebin also won Peng Xuebin's favor by doing so.

The purpose of Xin's order is to see if some abnormalities can be discovered through the harvesting of grain. Of course, it would be good to collect some grain to alleviate the disaster, although the amount of grain that can be harvested is limited.

Although this matter was rumored by the Suzhou Prefecture, Shang Xuebin still knew who really ordered this matter. Shang Xuebin climbed the road to the Governor's Mansion, but Cao Fugui, the fat pig from Hangzhou, relied on the Iron Governor

A rising tide lifts a boat, so when Shang Xuebin does something, he does his best.

On August 21, a shed was set up in the southern suburbs of Wu County. Many servants were busy. This was where Shang Xuebin collected grain. At this time, there was a long queue of people outside the shed, but although there were many people selling grain, they were all

These are local people. These people are rich and don’t have too much food. If it weren’t for Mr. Shang Xuebin’s offer of twice the market price this time, the people would still be reluctant to sell food. After all, the current situation in Suzhou is unstable and there is no food.

It's better than no food.

Shang Xuebin personally sat on the east side of the shed. Next to him sat a gloomy man, who was the leader of the secret hall. The matter of food was too important, and the sand devil would not let go of any clues. Since the food was collected, then

He would have to keep an eye on it personally, maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

Shang Xuebin was still a little afraid of General Sha. He always felt that General Sha was gloomy, especially those eyes that penetrated people's hearts, like knives. Sitting at the table, it was Shang Xuebin all the time.

While talking, Sha Diao just hummed from time to time. Gradually, Shang Xuebin became bored and simply closed his mouth. The queue outside the shed became longer and longer, but the harvest was very small. The only thing worth celebrating was the grain harvested.

It's a lot more than expected.

It is understandable that merchants near Suzhou Prefecture do not sell grain. Previously, Suzhou Prefecture gathered baggage and sent it to Kunshan, and it was probably bought from these merchants. Now that they are collecting grain, these merchants cannot get it. Jiangnan and North

It's different. The wealthy families in the north all have the habit of storing grain, but merchants in the south of the Yangtze River are different. The things in their hands are more likely to be circulated. The grain is enough, and the surplus will be used in exchange for money. Therefore, it seems that there are many wealthy merchants in Suzhou Prefecture.

, but in fact there is not much food, and most of the food here is transported to Kaifeng and Luoyang in the north. Seeing that the day is about to pass, and nothing is gained, in desperation, Shang Xuebin can only suspend the purchase and wait until tomorrow morning to start again.

Shang Xuebin was a little impatient. He was afraid that this method of harvesting grain would be exposed, so he was a little hesitant to continue. He didn't care about money. Suzhou tycoon had a huge fortune, and he was richer than Taihua Villa, so why not?

Would he care about this little money? He was just afraid that he would be busy for a long time and gain nothing, so he would not be able to please the Governor of Qin. Wouldn't it be a great injustice?

Sha Diao was waiting for someone. Of course he knew what Shang Xuebin was thinking. When he returned to the merchant's mansion in Wu County, he handed over his hands and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shang. The superintendent has already given instructions when he came. Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not, the governor's office will take note of it."

The feeling of help from outside members.”

Phew, with this, Shang Xuebin was completely relieved, as long as the Governor of Qin read it well, he smiled, cupped his hands and said, "What did General Sha say? It is Shang's job to do something to help the people of Suzhou."

Please let me invite you to the general, let’s have dinner first and then talk about it!”

There was a smile in Sha Diao's eyes. He was indeed a well-known merchant in Suzhou Prefecture. His talkative skills were really first-class. On the second day, sheds were set up again in the southern suburbs of Wu County, but today there were many fewer people selling grain.

, as if the fish would not take the bait, Shang Xuebin also increased the price and purchased it at three times the market price. But even so, there were still so few people selling grain. It is easy to understand. What could be sold was sold yesterday, and the rest were all

It is a necessary food for life, and no one will sell it even if it is ten times the price. Shang Xuebin is quite disappointed, but Sha Diao still sits firmly. Sha Diao has a characteristic of being very patient, and he firmly believes in profiteering.

The other party will definitely show their flaws next time.

At the last two moments, a thin man pushed a trolley outside the shed. I saw this man wearing a small hat, a pair of sparse eyebrows, thin lips, hanging eyes, and his eyeballs turned around.

He looked like a slippery man. After just one glance, the sand sculpture felt that something was wrong, because there were three large bags of grain on the cart, and more importantly, there was thick mud on the wheels. The man was sweating on his forehead.

It can be seen that this person traveled a long way to get here.

As far as Sha Diao knows, the richest village near Wu County is Mangxing Village on the edge of Taihu Lake. But even if it is rich, can a villager be able to take out three large bags of grain at once? You know, this is more than 500 kilograms. Normally

A household can only keep 200 kilograms of grain in a year, and it is even less likely to sell so much.

What surprised Sha Diao was that Shang Xuebin also raised his eyebrows, and Sha Diao immediately asked, "Shang Yuanwai, what, do you know this person?"

"To be honest, General Sha, this boy's name is Wang Kai. He is a good gangster and lives in Huangye Village. He usually hangs out in Wu County and makes a living by tricking the hawkers. Over time, everyone gave him a nickname.

The name "Scammer" refers to his eagerness to deceive people, but looking at this guy's appearance, I don't know where he got this food from, and he probably got it from that big family?"

The sand sculpture smiled disapprovingly. He didn't think he got it from some big family. Judging from the direction Wang Kailai came to, he didn't come from Wu County at all. Looking at the mud on the wheel and the sweat on Wang Kai's forehead, it was certain that he was not from Wuxian County.

He came from Wu County, but from the south. It was Mangxing Village, Huangye Village, or neither village. The sand sculpture remained calm on his face, but he called the two of them and whispered, "Move the grain sold by Lai Tou in a moment."

Come here, and send someone to keep an eye on this person."

Sha Diao has already seen that there is something wrong with Wang Kai, the scoundrel, but he is not sure yet. The scoundrel didn't know that he was being targeted, and he happily sold hundreds of kilograms of grain and received an unknown amount of money.

He left happily. Just as Sha Diao thought, Lai Lai didn't go back to Wuxian, but walked south with the trolley. This made Sha Diao's suspicion of Lai Lai even deeper.

Soon two strong men moved a bag of grain over. When the sack was opened, Sha Diao smiled. Shang Xuebin also looked over, but it took him a while to realize. It turned out that the grain in the sack was

Grain and rice are mixed together. If there is a little mixing, it would make sense, but such a large amount of mixing is a bit strange.

Sha Diao decided to buy grain based on these. The grain stored in the warehouse at that time included rice and grain. At that time, the other party could not throw the entire sack through the hole, so he could only untie the sack and pour the grain down.

This has caused a problem, that is, rice and grains will be mixed together. I didn't have much hope for this method, but I didn't expect it to be effective so quickly.

Lai Lai walked happily on the road. He felt very happy. After all, he had snatched so much food, and the leader would not notice if there were a few missing bags. Lai Lai had a beautiful idea, but he didn't know that there were already two more bags behind him.

Bao Sen and Chen Ke followed him all the way, carefully, and Lai Lai didn't notice it at all.

Maybe it was because he had gained the money that he was in high spirits. Lai Lai walked easily and quickly. When passing by a willow forest, Lai Lai stopped to bury the money under a big willow tree. He looked left and right.

, with a careful look, but he didn’t know that all this had already fallen into the eyes of others. After hiding it, the boss threw the cart into a pile of wormwood and continued walking southward, but he didn’t

It's not Huangye Village, but Qingshi Village to the northwest of Huangye Village.

Bao Sen and Chen Ke sneered and continued to follow. It was already approaching evening, and they saw Mr. Lai coming to a courtyard, reaching out and knocking on the door. Maybe it would sound the same to ordinary people, but smart people still listen.

It can be seen that Lai Lai’s knocking on the door is very rhythmic. First there is a heavy knock, then two soft knocks, and the gaps between them are also very regular. After knocking four times repeatedly, the courtyard door finally opens. After Lai Lai enters the courtyard,

The door closed.

This was probably where Lai Lai and the others were hiding. Bao Sen lay on the high slope and pushed Chen Ke's shoulder, "Old Chen, go back quickly and tell the Superintendent and General Sha that Bao is here to keep an eye on you."


Before Bao Sen finished speaking, his expression changed. He opened his mouth and stared. He was shocked because both he and Chen Ke heard a scream coming from the courtyard, and this scream

It belonged to the deadbeat Wang Kai. Bao Sen's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't care about hiding his identity. He stood up from the high slope and jumped down. He drew his sword and shouted angrily, "No, something happened!"

Chen Ke could really hear the screams, so he drew his sword and rushed to the courtyard with Bao Sen. Bao Sen kicked the door open, but they were still late and saw that the main door was open.

Lai Lai Wang Kai lay silently in a pool of blood. Bao Sen and Chen Ke were also soldiers who walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. However, seeing the scene in the room, they still couldn't help but feel their scalp numb. Lai Lai's hand

It was chopped off forcefully, and it was lying two steps away from the body. The face had also been cut several times, which should have been left behind after death.

Bao Sen didn't understand. Could it be that he and Chen Ke were exposed? Or was it for other reasons? There was no time to investigate in detail, so Bao Sen asked Chen Ke to go back first while he stayed in the house. After Chen Ke left, Bao Sen was in the courtyard.

After searching for a while, he was still disappointed. There was not even a single figure in the whole yard, as if the whole yard was owned by just one person.

This chapter has been completed!
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