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Chapter 971

Chapter 971: Retreating openly and advancing covertly

Liu Shicheng was furious and hurriedly sent people to investigate. But at this moment, something happened at Huangfeng Ferry in the north. The sound of horns sounded. Duduo and Wanyan Gao boarded the boat in person, leading more than ten thousand soldiers and horses to rush to the south bank.

Now anyone who is not a fool will understand what is going on. The ringing arrow was sent to the Jurchen barbarians on the other side. This is an agreed signal. However, are there Jurchen barbarians on the south bank of the Three Rivers?

Not to mention, there were not only Jurchen barbarians but also Jurchen cavalry on the south bank of the Three Rivers. The rumble of horse hooves could be heard, and the Jurchen cavalry inserted directly behind the Ming army horses. Facing the sudden arrival of the Jurchen cavalry, it was like seeing a group of heavenly soldiers and generals.

Many Ming soldiers did not recover and were hacked to the ground. There was chaos in the rear, and the baggage could not be brought up. The Jurchens in the north were very determined to cross the Three Rivers, and tens of thousands of Ming soldiers and horses suddenly fell into a dilemma.


No one understands what is going on. Why did the Jurchen cavalry appear on the south bank of the Three Rivers? Under the raging cavalry, the entire Song army camp on the south bank turned into a mess. The head and tail could not look at each other. The Dazhen on the south bank was also unsafe. The Jurchens rushed ashore.

Then he moved closer to the direction of the cavalry. Faced with this situation, Liu Shicheng was furious and couldn't retreat. If he retreated further, he would be in the capital.

He, Liu, was very utilitarian, but he still retained a trace of dignity. As long as he was a man, he could not let the Jurchens go to the capital. The Jurchens went to the capital with iron heels, which was a huge blow to the people of the Ming Dynasty. A few years ago, Huang Taiji led the army

The detention of customs has already dealt a heavy blow to the Ming Dynasty. If the Tatars are allowed to arrive in the capital smoothly this time, wouldn't they want to let the world know that the Ming Dynasty has collapsed, or that the Tatars are too powerful?

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Liu Shicheng ordered everyone to shrink their defenses and gather them all in Dazhai on the south bank. Liu Shicheng also risked his life. Aren't the Jurchen Tatars focused on going to the capital? Then I will lead the people to fight behind the Jurchen Tatars. If you have the ability, I will fight.

Go and don't look back, you may end up sleeping badly.

Not to mention, Liu Shicheng's move really gave Dorgon a headache. After all, Liu Shicheng still had less than 30,000 troops in his hands, so many people were enough to cause heavy losses to the Jurchen warriors.

In order to avoid problems in the future, Dorgon issued a death order to wipe out all Liu Shicheng's troops within two days to eliminate any trouble for the army to enter the capital. The Jurchens crossed the Three Rivers, but because of Liu Shicheng's temporary decision, they were still

The Jurchens were pinned ten miles to the south bank.

On the twenty-eighth day, before dawn, General Qian of the Yifeng Camp of the Ming Dynasty moved to the suburbs and led more than 6,000 troops to launch a fierce attack on Duduo's troops. This time, the Ming army almost came with the intention of death.

Within half an hour, the Jurchens who were not fully prepared were driven back three miles, leaving a space on the right wing of the camp. Liu Shicheng took advantage of this opportunity to lead the army directly into the central army, aiming at Dorgon.

The Chinese army fought and rushed over.

For a while, the Jurchens and the Ming army were entangled together. It can be said that you have me in you, and you have you in me. This is the effect Liu Shicheng wants. I won't fight you head-on. Let's fight randomly to see who can defeat whom. So far.

, Liu Shicheng had no room left, and Yang Sichang of Xianghe City also led most of his troops to abandon Xianghe and join in the chaos. In a short period of time, the Ming army and horses did not fall behind at all, and defeated the high-spirited Dorgon.

It's very stressful.

On the 28th, after a day of chaotic fighting, both sides stopped fighting at the end, and there were no casualties. Dorgon almost sprayed a mouthful of blood on the table. More than 4,000 people were injured in the chaotic fighting in one day, which was simply more than the loss of attacking a fortified city.

Although the Ming army also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties, you must know that this is the hinterland of the Central Plains. On this land, the Ming army can afford it, but the Jurchen warriors cannot afford it.

Azige was also at a loss. The men of the Aixinjueluo family in the handsome tent were all taciturn, and their faces were not very good-looking. I thought I could reach the capital in one go, but who would have thought that the defeated general Liu Shicheng suddenly wanted to change his mind?

As if, thinking of ways to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Jurchen warriors.

"Everyone, what is the best strategy for the current situation? It will not do us any good if we continue to use it like this. The attitude of Tie Mo of the Northern Shanxi Army is confusing. If this person really sends troops to block our army's retreat, then

We are about to be finished." Dorgon said in a serious tone. In addition to the issue of the Northern Shanxi Army, there is another issue he did not mention, which is Woller in Liaodong. Judging from the recent news, Woller is determined to win over North Korea.

With Zhenhai Mansion as its foundation, Woller gradually developed southward and now occupies most of North Korea. Recently, it seems that the Korean royal family has shown signs of surrender. This is not a good sign.

In short, the Qing Dynasty really can't delay it any longer. The more time you sneak around, the more danger you will face, especially that Tie Mo. This bastard is simply a ferocious wolf king. Once his fangs are exposed, he will become addicted to it.


Duduo raised his brows and opened his mouth to say something, but Azig didn't speak, so he closed his mouth again. Duoduo knew what this brother was worried about, so he reached out and comforted him, "If you have anything to say, just say it.

It’s time, if you still care so much about what to do, no matter what you say, I won’t blame you as a brother.”

After receiving Dorgon's assurance, Duduo said solemnly, "Brother, I wonder if you still remember how I captured Yangwucheng. We might as well repeat our old tricks. This time we will not advance but retreat. If the Han people come again tomorrow,

, let’s all evacuate northward and take a boat to Huangfeng Ferry.”

As soon as Duduo said this, Azig immediately became angry, pointed at Duduo and cursed, "What are you talking about? You think Sanhe Ferry is the same as Yangwu City. If you go back, you can come back again. We have to work hard."

It took a lot of hard work to open up the main road. If you retreat this time and the Han people are on guard, how will you fight back?"

I don’t blame Azig for scolding Dodo, it’s just that Dodo’s idea was too scary. He finally fought across Sanhe and then retreated, that is, if Dodo was replaced by someone else, Azig would definitely chop him down with one blow.

Ergon quickly raised his hand and scolded, "Brother, if you don't hurry up and sit down, it's your brothers who are making trouble and making people laugh."

Dorgon felt that Duduo's idea couldn't be so simple. Obviously, there were some things that he hadn't said yet. He waited for Azig to sit down glumly before he said, "Go on, why do you want to go back, and what will happen next?"

How to cross the three rivers?"

Duduo had to sigh secretly, pondered for a moment, and whispered, "Brother, things are different now. Let's go back to Sanhe. There is really no hope of crossing Sanhe through Huangfeng Ferry. But why do we have to go through Huangfeng Ferry?"

Where to cross Fengdu Pass? Don’t forget, because of yesterday’s chaos, most of Yang Sichang’s troops have arrived here from Xianghe City. When we return to the north bank, we only need two hours to seize the empty Xianghe City in the east. Yes.

Once we reach Xianghe River, the initiative is in our hands. Even if Liu Shicheng has the power to reach heaven, can he still garrison heavy troops in both places? Regardless of whether the Ming army has enough numbers, the south bank of the three rivers of Xianghe River alone is unsafe to defend, which is enough to give Liu Shicheng a headache.

When we cross the Three Rivers from the Xiang River, the Han people will rush to block us. At that time, our Jurchen warriors will be able to wait for work, and with the advantage of cavalry, they will definitely be able to wipe out the armies of Liu Shicheng and Yang Sichang in one battle."

After listening to Duduo's explanation, everyone in the tent began to think carefully, and soon the most mature Fuchachun nodded slightly towards Duoduo, obviously agreeing with Duduo's idea.

Duoduo's move seemed a bit of a waste of effort, but after mobilization, he took the initiative into his own hands again. There was one thing that Duoduo agreed with very much. It was definitely not a good thing to keep fighting with the Han people like this.

The Jurchen warriors are still good at fighting on the battlefield. Their infantry is brave and their cavalry are sharp. They can completely defeat the Han people.

The idea was made and quickly implemented. The next day, Liu Shicheng tried to hold back the Jurchens and repeated his old tricks, but this time he made people attack the right wing. This time the Jurchens' reaction was a bit beyond Liu Shicheng's expectation.

Well, they didn't even engage in a head-on confrontation, but retreated directly. Especially the army in the middle, they simply fled northward, taking a boat and destroying the Huangfeng Ferry on the north bank.

The Jurchens ran away, running faster than a rabbit. Standing on the shore, looking at the dilapidated dike, Liu Shicheng felt as if he was in a dream. What was going on? Why did the Jurchens withdraw? They didn't want the capital.

Really? If the Jurchens are afraid and no longer want to attack the capital, then Liu Shicheng will not believe it. If you let the old cat sleep with salted fish on his pillow, how can he not be tempted?

Now that the Jurchen Tatars have arrived in Sanhe, with the capital in sight, if you ask them to give up, isn't it the same as asking the old cat to give up the salted fish on his lips?

The old cat may still throw away the salted fish on his lips, because mice will sometimes appear, but the Jurchen Tatars will never give up the fat on their lips, because the Northern Shanxi Army, which poses the greatest threat to the Jurchens, has not moved at all, especially

On the Hanhai Prairie side, Minte was as stable as a copper bell. Liu Guoneng was even more straightforward and directly posted the list, saying that his troops here were limited and could not control the affairs of the capital. Besides, the Northern Shanxi Army just wanted to go.

Capital, does your Majesty dare to give in?

What conspiracy and conspiracy are the Jurchens hiding? If you don't know this, you will be very passive in the future, because no one expected that the Jurchens would retreat northward to Huangfeng Ferry, and no one would have thought that the Jurchens would have such a difficult time.

After crossing Sanhe, they would run back again, so the boats on the shore were not destroyed, and there were quite a few. Now the Jurchens were allowed to play like the wind. You want to chase? Don't be kidding, the lessons from Yangwucheng are not enough


Yang Sichang was also troubled by recent events. The two military commanders were sitting in the tent and worried. I don't know who said, "Privy Tong, since the Tatars have retreated, should we go back to Xianghe?"

Someone's unintentional words immediately caused the tent to become silent, and you could hear the drop of a needle. Almost in the blink of an eye, Liu Shicheng jumped up, slapped his forehead, and said in great pain, "It's broken, why did Liu say that?"

Are you blind and have forgotten Xianghe?"

Liu Shicheng was like this, let alone Yang Sichang, without saying anything, he led his army and quickly left the camp. Two hours later, when Yang Sichang arrived on the other side of the Three Rivers of Xianghe River, he was greeted by more than 2,000 remaining soldiers. Just now

, Fu Chachun led his troops to attack Xianghe, and defended the empty Xianghe City for only a moment before being captured by the Jurchens. After hearing the news, Yang Sichang screamed, his face became extremely pale, and he was swaying. Fortunately, there were

Several soldiers were supporting him, otherwise Privy Tong would have been sitting on the ground right now.

No one knows how depressed and angry Yang Sichang is. Defending Xianghe has done something good, and now he is counting on Xianghe City to win a way out for him. Now, Xianghe City has also been lost, and he still lost it.

So thorough.

If you want to hate, then you should hate Liu Shicheng. If he hadn't ordered the army to rush to rescue, how could Xianghe City become empty. After learning that Xianghe City had fallen, Liu Shicheng also felt that he could not help Yang Sichang. Now Xianghe has simply become Yang Sichang's last

The life-saving straw was lost because he, Liu, was lost. Liu Shicheng kept saying words of comfort to Yang Sichang, but only God knows how effective it was.

Everything was as designed by Duduo. Taking Xianghe was effortless. The Jurchens withdrew to the north bank, but Liu Shicheng found that the situation now was even more sad than when the Jurchens crossed the Three Rivers. South of Xianghe

There is no danger to defend. Why don't you want to build a camp on the south bank of the Three Rivers of Xianghe River without thinking about Huangfeng Ferry? The village alone is enough to defend it for half a month?

Will the Jurchens give this time? They relied on Xianghe City to protect the Three Rivers. Who would be stupid enough to build a camp on the south bank.

On the first day of February, Fu Chachun personally led the troops and crossed the Sanhe River from the Xianghe River without any effort. Then the five thousand Jurchen cavalry slowly crossed the Sanhe Ferry and could defend the south bank of the Sanhe River without any danger, becoming the Jurchen army's biggest reliance. Now.

All the problems have been thrown to Liu Shicheng. Are you here to stop us? If you don't stop us, the army will go directly south to the capital. If you stop us, we will face a decisive battle with the army.

Liu Shicheng had no choice at all. There was no one left at Huangfeng Ferry, so he decisively ordered a retreat and consolidated nearly 50,000 troops to the south of Xianghe River.

The ancient Three Rivers have given birth to so many nations. The turbid river water is surging all the way to the east. The years are gray and the heroes are brave regardless of their origin. When standing here, every brave person is a hero. Look up and see a circle in the sky.

On that day, under the sunshine of early spring, nearly 100,000 troops gathered on the south bank of the Xiang River.

There was almost no prelude, and a great battle began. Liu Shicheng was in charge of the central army, and an army of 10,000 pounced on the right wing of the Jurchens. This time, the Jurchen central army still retreated. Seeing an opportunity, the army in the middle rushed in to attack them.

The Jurchen soldiers and horses on both wings carried out crazy attacks. In a short period of time, the Ming army really dealt a heavy blow to the Jurchen army's formation. But gradually, everyone felt that something was wrong. The Jurchen formation spread out more and more.

The army retreated deeper and deeper, and the two wings gradually spread out, as if a bag had been opened, waiting to be tightened.

Liu Shicheng was sitting on the horse and could see more clearly. The situation was not good. Now the Jurchens' left and right wings had surrounded all the army. If a large army came from behind at this time, all the 50,000 troops would have to be packed in.

In the pocket.

This chapter has been completed!
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