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Chapter 988 Dorgon's Pain

Chapter 988 Dorgon’s Pain

Ma Jue came, and Liu Zhongxun played the last card. Ma Jue was like a sharp knife, piercing the defense line that Duduo had worked hard to build. However, everything was already too late, just in the south where the setting sun was like blood.

, the rumbling sound became louder and louder. It was not muffled thunder, but the Jurchen cavalry. The Jurchen reinforcements were coming. No orders were needed at this time. Almost everyone knew what the next result would be. Facing the Jurchen cavalry,

, if you want to escape, then you are like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, kill, kill all the trapped Jurchens, and you will have to support them even if you die.

If the previous Ming troops were warriors, then these Ming troops now have become bloodthirsty beasts. They are not afraid of death and injury, but they want to hurt both sides. Facing a group of madmen, Duduo has nothing to do. On the contrary, when there was no way to survive before

The Jurchen warriors are not afraid of death, but when they have a way to survive, they have room for survival. They no longer want to die. Everyone has the instinct to survive. No matter how much Duduo roars, it will not work. The crazy Liu Zhongxun army attacks the Jurchens behind him.

No matter what, they only knew to rush forward, and just like that, Duduo tragically found that his troops were getting fewer and fewer, and they were getting weaker and weaker.

Crazy Ma Jue and the crazy Ming army, their charge regardless of casualties, caused the greatest damage to the Jurchens, but they could not change their fate in the end. The Jurchen reinforcements that followed were simply unable to withstand them. Ma Jue had disheveled hair and was in great shape.

Like an evil ghost, those red eyes are always looking for their prey, which is Dodo.

He chuckled, as long as he killed Duduo, it would be worth it for all his brothers to die cleanly. There were more than 400 tribesmen around him. He pointed his sword at the Jurchen holding a silver gun and roared angrily, "That's the Tatars."

Fourteen Belle Dodo, brothers, take the head of Dodo's little dog, and I will kill him with a smile on his face!"

The sound of killing shook the sky, and howls filled the land. Duduo did not want to die here. He could be defeated, but he should not be defeated in a fierce fight. He organized the last cavalry, took the lead, and rushed to the south. He could only join with the reinforcements.

Only in this way can this life be saved.

In the south, Qi Erhan was also watching the entire battle situation, visually inspecting the battlefield, and soon he asked the charging troops to withdraw half of the troops. Looking at this situation, the Han people did not care about life and death and wanted to rescue the fourth prince safely. Except for

Strength largely depends on luck, so pressing all the troops and horses has the same effect as dividing half of the troops and horses. What he is thinking about now is how to make his contribution bigger, preferably so big that it is worth it.

Because of the sin of the fourth prince's death in battle, now, only the old man can save him on this battlefield.

"Warriors, whoever seizes the flag with a certain general and kills Liu Zhongxun will be promoted to the real and beautiful women!" A roar was like a soul-chasing song, and the sound of horns was louder than the wave, and then a large number of cavalry rushed towards them.

He raised the beige flag, and under the battle flag, the old man raised his sword and charged against the bloodthirsty wolves.

The last charge in life, the charge of death, but he was smiling like an old man, so what could he do? What could a dozen soldiers do? A rain of arrows flew by, leaving the horse alone to look for its master, that majestic man.

He fell down and touched the hearts of countless people. Qi Erhan laughed, but more people cried.

"Old General...Old General..." The sad cry shook the whole sky. Countless men turned around and chased the fallen man. They no longer cared about the life and death of the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Jin. Compared with the old general, the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Jin was nothing.


The arrows on his chest trembled, and Liu Zhongxun coughed up blood at the corner of his mouth, but he still stood up little by little. He looked like he would fall over when the wind blew, but he was as steady as a mountain. The sword was gone, and he held the big flag with both hands, using all his strength.

Use your strength to drive the flagpole into the soil.

His turbid eyes stared at the south, without regret or pain, but with a trace of a free and easy smile. His smile, like the spring breeze sweeping across, added a bit of color to the sky, but life was passing by little by little. He joined the army when he was more than ten years old and traveled north and south.

, he fought in all directions, he had a great reputation and did not lose the honor of his family, but he lived a very hard life. He chose loyalty, but loyalty made him see the ruin of life and the widespread resentment among the people. But a loyal person is difficult to change. In the end, he sacrificed his life for loyalty.

After giving up life, you can also be freed from a lifetime of suffering.

"Da Ming... Daming... the late emperor... the late emperor... ministers... are here..."

There are no heroic words, but the last cry in life is like nostalgia. It does not sound tragic at all, but it is so touching. This cry is full of Liu Zhongxun's lifelong helplessness and lifelong pursuit.

Liu Zhongxun is dead. The old man who dominated Shandong and carried half the sky for the Ming Dynasty for decades passed away. He opened his dry eyes, but did not fall.

Ma Jue was in grief, anger and pain. The steel knife cut his shoulder, and he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Old General...Old General..."

A group of lunatics, they want to avenge Liu Zhongxun. Facing a group of people who are destined to die, those who want to survive must be afraid. The fourth prince of Jin Kingdom, who is not afraid of anything, starts to tremble, and even panics and says, "Stop these Han dogs, stop them."

, rush over, rush over quickly!”

Duduo was really scared. He just couldn't understand why Liu Zhongxun's soldiers and horses had such strong combat effectiveness. If the Song people were so brave, why did the Ming Dynasty fall into this situation?

There are too many things that I can’t understand, and I don’t have time to think about it carefully at this moment. Ma Jue is not afraid of death, but there are some things that cannot be accomplished without fear of death. Although Duduo was hurt, he could not stop him after all.

The Jurchen reinforcements saw Duduo being surrounded by the Jurchen reinforcements. Blood and tears welled up in his eyes. He was unwilling to give in. He was really unwilling to die. He didn't care at all. What he cared about was that he could not give the old general a backstop.

The tragic battlefield, the cold wasteland, a group of silver-armored cavalry came from the north, staring at the dilapidated Luanhe River, and his heart was extremely heavy. Tie Mo's heart was full of mixed feelings, and he drove all the way, but it was still a little late, Liu Zhongxun, Liu Zhongxun, he

His character has never changed. Even if he could survive if he took a step back, he still did not retreat. His loyalty cost him his life and fulfilled his reputation. He did not hate Liu Zhongxun in his heart. This old man did not want to get involved in political struggles.

, he just wanted to be a pure soldier, abide by the Zhong family's promise, and protect every inch of land for the Ming Dynasty.

"No matter what, take back the old general's body." Facing the crazy Jurchen cavalry, Tie Mo issued an irrefutable order. Liu Zhongxun was a proud man, the god of war whom he admired so much. This pride should not be violated by the Jurchen cavalry.


In fact, there was no need for Tie Mo to give the order. Several fierce generals were already furious. When the order was given, 20,000 cavalry attacked in separate groups. The ferocious Northern Shanxi cavalry, they originated from the northern grasslands, are mysterious and bloodthirsty.

When the Northern Shanxi cavalry appeared, everything became unpredictable. Although the Jurchens relied on their bravery, they did not have the guts to confront the Northern Shanxi cavalry. On the battlefield, no one could defeat them with all their strength.

The attacking cavalry of northern Shanxi, their chain of iron ropes, and their iron pagoda will always be a nightmare.

Being able to save Duduo and kill Liu Zhongxun is already a great victory. Qi Erhan will not be stupid and confront the Northern Shanxi cavalry. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that Tie Mo is here in person, so he should wait for a while

It's better to avoid the edge.

The Jurchens receded like a tide, leaving behind Ma Jue and a group of people kneeling and crying. Tie Mo got off his horse and came to the beige flag. He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar old man. For some reason, tears were already filling his eyes.

With eyes filled with tears, he lifted up his hem and knelt down heavily. When Tie Mo knelt down, thousands of cavalrymen knelt down and said, "Send farewell to the old general..."

"Send it to the old general..."

They shouted in unison, with a momentum that could shake the sun and the moon. Liu Zhongxun did not fall. He stood proudly in the world all his life. Tie Mo, Zhou Dingshan, Ma Jue, and Liu Zhongmin carried Liu Zhongxun's body to the north together. Liu Zhongxun did not need to close his eyes because he was still alive.

We should open our eyes and see how the Ming and Shanxi armies will defeat the Jurchens and win the world by the Luan River.

The wind has never heard of a voice that shakes the nine states. He is a descendant of the Zhong family and has unparalleled loyalty!

In the twelfth year of Chongzhen, it was an unusual spring. When the Luan River flowed from east to west, a strong north wind swept across this land. The cavalry of northern Shanxi who originated from Longmen, Guanzhong, just like this strong north wind, came and went without warning.

He ran all the way from the Luanhe River, but in the end he still failed to save Liu Zhongxun. Looking up at the blue sky, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

For some people, Liu Zhongxun is just a dead person, but for Tie Mo, it means the end of an era. The Ming Dynasty that belongs to Liu Zhongxun is gone, and what comes is a country without refugees, without pedantry, and then forging ahead.

The Ming Dynasty. Liu Zhongxun died, and no one could resist his progress. However, why didn't Cheng Jiming and Wen Tiren die?

During the Battle of Luanhe, I thought I could defeat Liu Jiajun in one fell swoop and make a good start for the decisive battle of Luanhe. Who would have thought that Tie Mo, who wanted to stay out of the matter, unexpectedly came and not only took away Liu Zhongxun's body, but also returned countless

The Jurchen warriors were cast into a psychological shadow.

Although he captured the Luanhe River, Dorgon's expression was gloomy and terrifying. Almost everyone who returned from the Luanhe River, including Duduo, had fear on their faces. Dorgon knew that these Jurchen warriors were afraid.

They were defeated by the most courageous cavalry of the Northern Shanxi Army. Fuchachun had led the army for many years, and Dorgon could also see the problems that he could see. Now it seems that the Qing Dynasty is winning every day, but in fact

The above are all victories against the Ming Dynasty. From Xiangshan to Zunhua City, from Zunhua City to Luanhe River, almost every head-on collision with the Northern Shan Army ended in the defeat of the Jin warriors. It is not the fault of the warriors.

Always feeling uneasy.

"Master Beile, we must rectify our morale and rush to Luanhe as soon as possible. The longer this situation drags on, the worse it will be for us, and... we must prepare for the worst!" Fu Chachun narrowed his eyes and raised his forehead.

His face was full of wrinkles, and he always sounded a little helpless. What Fu Chachun said actually meant that he was trying to demoralize others and destroy his own prestige, but isn't that what a general is like, calculating defeat before he wins.

Fu Chachun pointed out that Dorgon knew clearly that this was Gyeonggi Province and belonged to the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Now the Northern Shanxi Army sneaked into Zunhua City and built fortifications on the Luanhe River. If the Northern Shanxi Army was really allowed to defend the Luanhe River,

As Li Jiuzheng went to Jizhou and other places, the hundreds of thousands of Qing warriors were about to become toads in a pit, waiting to die. Moreover, the most unfavorable thing was Woller's Yuan Dynasty.

The power is growing more and more. If they cannot escape and return to Liaodong in time, Huanglong Mansion may soon be in danger.

We have to fight, and we have to fight as soon as possible, but I really don’t have much confidence that I can win the Northern Shanxi Army. Dorgon doesn’t want to die here. As long as he keeps the green hills, he won’t be afraid of running out of firewood. If he loses, he just needs to return to Liaodong.

Who can guarantee that he will not be able to make a comeback?

If he loses, he must not lose everything, let alone let the Northern Shanxi Army go too smoothly. He knows very well what Tie Mo wants. Since he knows it, he must leave him enough trouble. Think about it

Among them, Dorgon raised his eyebrows, clenched his right fist, and shouted outside the tent, "Send the order, order Nalan Rongxi to come to the tent quickly, I have something important to do!"

The soldiers outside the account promised, and soon Nalan Rongxi, the commander of the Black Mountain Battalion, hurried over. Nalan Rong Xi was less than thirty this year, but he already commanded 8,000 Black Mountain Battalion. This man fought very bravely and faced Dorgon.

He is also loyal, so it is very reliable to leave some matters to Nalan Rongxi. Nalan Rongxi had obvious doubts on his face. He didn't know what important matter the king could ask him to come to at this time, or whether to summon him alone.


"Your Majesty, what's the matter with the general?" Nalan Rongxi sat on his knees in the tent. Dorgon looked solemn. He stood up and came to Nalan Rongxi, "Nalan, you don't have to cross the Luan River with the army tomorrow. I ordered you to do so."

You lead the Heishan camp to escort the Han people back to Shimen City, and wait for the opportunity to wait for the battle situation ahead. If our Qing Dynasty defeats the Northern Shanxi Army, you can escort the Han people across the river."

Listening to Dorgon's words, Nalan Rongxi frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, what if our Golden Warriors defeat Luanhe? Your Majesty, let me let my general follow you across the river.

You can send others to escort the Han people to Shimen City!"

Nalan Rongxi instinctively felt that something was wrong. He didn't want to go to Shimen, because if he went there, he might never be able to return to Baishan and Blackwater. Unfortunately, his proposal was obviously of no use. Dorgon shook his head without hesitation.

, "No, Nalan, you are more suitable than anyone else. Listen carefully. If the Qing Dynasty is unfortunately defeated by Luanhe, you don't need to lead the troops north. Release the Ming people immediately, surrender to the Ming court, and do everything you can.

Be loyal to the Ming Dynasty."

Looking at Nalan Rongxi's face, a trace of pain appeared on Dorgon's face, because he wanted his beloved general to become a traitor, and in Jurchen, rebelling is the most disgusting and unforgivable thing.


For a moment, Nalan Rongxi was a little dazed. He was still thinking about Dorgon's words, and his heart was surging, beating his heart in waves. The king actually asked him to surrender to the Han people. Nalan Rongxi soon thought

Understand Dorgon's painstaking efforts, if the Qing Dynasty defeats Luanhe, its vitality will be severely damaged. With this victory, the Northern Shanxi Army will be at its peak. Facing the crazy Northern Shanxi Army, how long can the Qing Dynasty last?

It can't be stopped. The only way is to let the Han people stir up chaos. Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan are obviously Tie Mo's biggest trouble. As long as the strength of the Ming Dynasty increases, the Northern Shan Army will not be able to march north without any constraints.


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