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Chapter 99 Zhangbei Raiders

Chapter 99 Zhangbei Strategy

Just as Tie Mo expected, after a few days of calm, there was another storm near Zhangbei.

Bayan Khan took Duolei as the vanguard, bypassed the Xiaoyellow River, and attacked Zhangbeicheng. Before that, Bayan Khan also sent Sunit's general Tuobuhua to penetrate into the hinterland of Naiman's tribe and kill Batu's troops.

Press firmly on the north side.

Bayan Khan's strategy was very simple, which was to use a small number of troops to contain Batu, and then concentrate his forces to first eliminate the Nannaiman tribe entrenched near Zhangbei.

The reason for this is because Bayan Khan can see further than others. It seems that Batu's tribe is stronger, but in fact the real threat is the Nannaiman tribe led by Aqige. With the help of the Han people

, it only takes two years for Aqige to recover. By then, the Sunit tribe will be annihilated.

After Duo Lei led his troops to the east bank of the Xiao Yellow River, he immediately attacked the small surrounding tribes, and the war officially started.

Zhangbei Moon Palace, looking at Kachin Khan lying on the bed sleeping soundly, Aqige's beautiful eyes were red, many words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

Nowadays, when the people of the tribe are in a life-or-death situation, my father is very drunk. He has tried to persuade him many times, but to no avail. Gradually, Aqige has become desperate.

If you can really live your whole life in confusion, it may not be a bad thing. Father Khan can no longer count on him, but she, Aqige, is still there, and she must continue to fight with her people.

He turned around, took one last look at Kachin Khan, who was showing all the vicissitudes of life, and took a long breath.

Aqige was relieved, but at the same time, she also felt that the burden on her body was heavier.

After a while, I walked into the class room. At this time, the room was full of people, waiting for Aqige.

In fact, there was no need to discuss too much, Tie Mo just said simply, "Aqige, you have to find a way to lure Bayan Khan's people to Zhang Beicheng. It is best to let them take the initiative to attack Zhang Beicheng.


"Yes!" Aqige knew what Tie Mo meant, and she would try her best to do so.

With Zhang Beicheng's current strength, there is no way he can compete with Bayan Khan. The only way is to attract troops from the Xuanfu to intervene, but there must be a sufficient reason for the Xuanfu to send troops.

Since the battlefield was near Zhangbei, Tie Mo had to stay and guard Zhangbei in order to protect Zhangbei City. All the fighting on the outer edge of Zhangbei fell on Aqige.

The meeting ended quickly. Aqige dressed in military uniform and rode away. In order to ensure her safety, Tie Mo also asked Liu Guoneng and Li Wanqing to follow her.


The war between the Sunit Tribe and the Naiman Tribe has touched the hearts of many people, and there are even undercurrents surging in Zhangbei City.

More than half a year has passed since Zhangbei opened up wasteland. All affairs in Zhangbei are proceeding in full swing, and the wasteland reclamation is also very smooth. Although the wasteland and land reclamation were delayed at that time, at least there was a harvest this year.

If there is a harvest, it is a good sign. According to this trend, there will definitely be a good harvest next year.

In a few days it will be harvest season, and this is also the time when trouble is most likely to occur.

In addition to Tie Mo's side, there was also a Shanxi merchant group headed by the Kang family who were opening up wasteland in Zhangbei. Tie Mo would naturally not allow the Kang family to take away the grain, otherwise it would be a joke.

If you can't stop the Kang family from farming, and you can't stop the Kang family from harvesting grain, what else can you do, Tie Mo? At that time, the Chang family, Cao family and other Shanxi merchants should consider Tie Mo's future.

Therefore, Tie Mo will definitely set up obstacles for the Kang family and other Shanxi merchants.

At the beginning of the month, Tie Mo discussed with Chen Zilong and formulated a series of targeted plans. The first one was to seize half of the grain of several Shanxi merchants headed by the Kang family.

Originally, Tie Mo thought that the Kang family would cause trouble, and then took the opportunity to cause trouble, but the other party turned out to be extremely honest.

I thought it was strange at the time, but now that I think about it, everything makes sense. It seems that the Kang family had already had an affair with Bayan Khan, otherwise Bayan Khan would not have been so determined to send troops to Zhang Bei.

Martial law has begun in Zhangbeicheng, and the south gate is closed, but even so, some people in the city are still panicked. It was noon, and a large number of people attacked the guards at the south gate, trying to escape from Zhangbeicheng.

In the Moon Palace, there was also tension. Chen Zilong frowned and looked very unhappy.

"Now there has been trouble in Nancheng. According to the investigation, the Qiao family should be the instigator behind it."

"Qiao family? Don't worry about it for now. Let them make trouble. If that doesn't work, just open the south door and let them run away. But there is a prerequisite. Since they have left, Zhang Bei's affairs will have nothing to do with them in the future. Oh,

Mr. Chen, don't be idle, see which family has escaped, and quickly collect the good things left by those people."

Tie Mo sighed matter-of-factly, Chen Zilong squinted his eyes and understood clearly in his heart. Tie Shouwei's move is very cruel. If you give me eye drops at this time, then I won't be polite. If you leave Zhang Bei with your front foot, I will with my back foot.

Your family property in Zhangbei was confiscated.

No wonder Tie Shouwei didn't restrict people from the Kang family from coming to work in Zhangbei. Ganqing had already planned to harvest these people.

"Tie Shouwei, your idea is good, but I am worried that those people may have other conspiracies. Otherwise, they will not lure Bayan Khan to Zhangbei."

Tie Mo nodded and said with a sinister smile: "Of course things are not that simple. With the energy of the Kang family, these are not the only things they want to do. However, take this opportunity to pull out all the hidden dangers hidden in the dark.

It’s not necessarily a good thing.”

Chen Zilong thought for a while and finally agreed with Tie Mo.

This method is very dangerous, and it may cause the Zhangbei trade that was finally built to collapse. But similarly, if the troubles are successfully eliminated, Zhangbei's future development will become much smoother.

By the middle of the month, the chaos in Zhangbei City spread to the entire ancient city, and a large number of people rushed towards the city gate. They were afraid that Zhangbei had experienced a catastrophe decades ago, and no one wanted to be killed by the Mongols.

Revenant souls, it is understandable that these people want to escape.

But in the vast land of Zhangbei, there is a group of people who have different ideas.

They gathered in groups, shovels and hoes in hand, and headed towards Zhangbeicheng in excitement.

Most of these people were refugees who had arrived in Zhangbei to open up wasteland. For them, in the past six months, they had food, shelter, and some hope for life. After a long period of stability, war broke out again.

Most of them come from northern Shaanxi, which is prone to famines. If they can survive, who would be willing to leave their hometown and come to Zhangbei to open up wasteland?

But there are always people who make it difficult for them to live. This time, they were angry.

No matter if he is an officer or soldier, or a Mongolian Tatar, if he doesn't let me live, I won't let him live.

The people who opened up wasteland spontaneously organized themselves to defend this hard-won habitat and preserve the ancient city that suffered many disasters.

This chapter has been completed!
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