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Chapter 304 The Son of God's Scourge - Li Er.

 In Li Er’s room.

“No, no, no, I will never be wrong about this matter. It will only be you who are wrong.” Li Er said with great certainty.

Li Yi frowned. He didn't know where Li Er got his confidence. Does this guy understand politics?

“Boy, do you understand that the British have been in this land for decades, a hundred years, and they have already developed a mature method of managing people.”

Before Li Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Li Er: "Brother, listen to me this time, just for once. I know very well what the British are like. They speak loudly, but they do very dirty things behind their backs.


“Hey, it’s good if you understand!” Li Yi also interrupted Li Er: “Since you know that other people’s methods are poor, you are still contacting the mainland with such arrogance. Do you know that you may have been targeted?”

 Li Yi had a headache. Li Er always used the banner of "just once" and had made himself listen to him again and again, so many times.

“No! I haven’t gotten in touch with it yet? Are British people so stingy?” Li Er also had a headache.

Li Yi looked at Li Er as if he were an idiot.

Li Er is a fan of the authorities. If the mainland had not accepted his overtures, how could they have sent Yang Jianhua to live in his home.

 In fact, all forces want to recruit talents like Li Er, but this guy's initial initiative was too abnormal, which made Yang Jianhua confused.

Usually, it is Yang Jianhua who sends people to contact and then offers various conditions. Although it cannot be said that it is the first time for an unconditionally patriotic guy like Li Er, it is rare. At least Yang Jianhua has been working for so long, and she has not

I have met such a person before.

"Oh! I'm such an idiot!" Li Er slapped the back of his head very hard. Under Li Yi's idiotic look, this guy suddenly realized that Yang Jianhua had already accepted him. Go ahead, this is too damn implicit.


"Hey!" Li Yi sighed and reached out to pat Li Er on the shoulder: "Second brother, with your IQ, don't lower the overall IQ level of patriots. If you really can't survive, come back and sell barbecued pork to me.

Let’s eat!”

 “Huh?” Li Er’s face was full of confusion.

“Boss, then you agreed to my investment and construction of factories in the mainland.” Li Er quickly blocked Li Yi with words.

Li Yi stopped and looked at Li Er seriously.

“Second brother, others don’t understand, but the eldest brother knows that you are the one who contributed the most to our family today.” Li Yi said with great certainty: “But”

Li Yi paused for a moment, turned around and asked Li Er seriously: "Our family's life is already very good now, is it necessary to take more risks? Especially the risk of overturning the nest."

Li Er’s face flickered.

“It shouldn’t be that serious!” Li Er said hesitantly.

"Second brother, I never like to tell you big truths, because you are very smart, and you will understand what you should understand in the future. But now I want to remind you, don't have any illusions about the character of politicians, Bo.

Those street girls on Lan Street are more moral than them." It was rare for Li Yi to educate Li Er like he did today.

Li Er’s face was very exciting. He had just been cuckolded, and now he was scolded by the boss again. He was not feeling well.

 Li Yi: "Big brother won't listen to you this time. Give up the idea of ​​building a factory in mainland China!"

 Li Er: “Brother!”

Li Yi has already opened the door and walked out.

 This is the first time the brothers have had such a big disagreement.

Li Er was looking downcast when the door was opened again.

 Li Yi: “How much money is needed?”

 Li Er: “Damn!”


 “Ms. Yang, I’m sorry, this room is a bit small, so I’m sorry for you.” Wang Gangsheng said to Yang Jianhua while spreading the bedding.

“Sister-in-law, you’re pregnant, just let me do it!” Zhu Wanfang quickly took over the work from Wang Gangsheng. She just seemed to see Yang Jianhua quickly put away something similar to a stethoscope.

"Ms. Wang, you're welcome. This room is not small anymore. The dormitory at my workplace is even smaller than this." Yang Jianhua said with a smile on his face: "On the contrary, I am going to cause you trouble."

“No trouble, no trouble!” Wang Gangsheng quickly waved her hand and said. Her second uncle had told her that the woman in front of her was very important and she must treat her well!

Wang Gangsheng and Yang Jianhua are both from the mainland, and they do have a lot in common, but Yang Jianhua seems to be more interested in the family relationship between Li Er and Li Er, and deliberately leads the topic to the upper level and inquires about the news sideways.

Wang Gangsheng and Zhu Wanfang, each one more innocent than the other, who were Yang Jianhua's opponents, quickly exposed all the secrets of Li Er, especially Zhu Wanfang. Yang Jianhua praised her for being beautiful and well-behaved, but she innocently treated Li Er as a child.

The glorious history of mischief and mischief has been exposed.

'So Li Er suddenly changed his temper starting from February last year!' Yang Jianhua's mind was spinning. She had just eavesdropped on the conversation between Li Er and Li Yi and found that Li Er really didn't look like he grew up in Hong Kong Island at all.


 This change started on February 2 last year.

'There must be a master behind Li Er. It was he who trained Li Er from a confused traffic policeman to a young and talented elite police detective. The most rare thing is that he changed Li Er's high sense of identification with the country.

This expert is undoubtedly a truly patriotic and loyal man.'

Yang Jianhua couldn’t help but stand in awe when he thought of this.

What she didn’t know, unfortunately, was that the loyal man she respected was a very wicked guy. He once almost drove Li Er crazy with a fictitious excavator.

 The other side.

People from the Political Department of Hong Kong Island were also busy. They checked all the files and found out that Li Er was a native of Hong Kong Island. They were immediately relieved. I have to say that Li Er is really a pig's trotter.

Shit luck.

"Pete, pull your people back! It's just a small mainland policewoman. The mainland is not even willing to send out a serious police officer. It can be seen that it is just a formality to deal with the task. We will go back to England in two days.

Report it, don’t cause trouble for yourself." Vincent, the leader of the British Royal Patrol Group, smiled easily.

What the Political Department considers a very serious matter is an insignificant trivial matter in Vincent's eyes. In fact, anything in Hong Kong Island is trivial to Vincent. He needs to earn enough money to return to life.

It's a big deal.

 Money! Vincent has got it.

There are many rich people in Hong Kong Island, and they are very worried about their future, so Vincent is very happy to make money. This old guy does not want his schedule to be disrupted by a little thing.

 ‘Er Li? This name is tacky and hard to pronounce!’ Vincent shook his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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