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Chapter 26: A Discussion on Swords

Today the Sword Discussion Conference has finally begun, and any boy aged twelve to sixteen years old can participate.

When Sun Yu saw this rule, he was full of slander!

The village owner’s daughter is twelve years old this year, so the age at which the village owner is looking for a son-in-law is between twelve and sixteen. Sure enough, this sword discussion meeting was held just to find a son-in-law for his daughter!

The first session of the Sword Discussion Conference is the audition examination. There are only ten questions. Everyone who wants to participate must answer these ten questions. Only those who answer nine questions correctly can participate in the next session, which is the afternoon session.


The audition venue is a huge room with many small compartments. In each compartment, there is a candidate doing test questions. In the corridor of the venue, there are people from the villa, patrolling inside and watching.

Is anyone cheating?

Although Sun Yu didn't know what the sword discussion at the meeting was about, the results of Sun Yu's bad sword skills before finally showed up. Sun Yu was able to answer all ten questions.

When Sun Yu left the audition venue after handing in the test papers, she saw two groups of people confronting each other outside the venue.

Needless to say, the two groups behind them are the Tiansha Sect of Qi State and the Guiji Sect of Wei State.

I saw that the clothes worn by the Tianshamen of Qi State were all dark and tight. They were not those big robes. They were probably dressed like this for the convenience of their fists and kicks.

On the other hand, Wei Guo's Guijimen all wear more retro clothes. Although they are also black, they are also slimmer and look more elegant.

I saw two young men of fifteen or sixteen years old, standing in front of two teams facing each other. Both teams were about five or six people.

I saw the young man from Qi State say:

"Ghost brother, are you here to ruin my good deeds again?"

The young man on the other side of the Ghost Machine Gate hugged him respectfully and said:

"Young Master Sha is joking. I was just passing by this place and happened to see a sword discussion conference about to be held here. I was so happy that I wanted to come and experience the swordsmanship of the Wu Kingdom. I didn't know that Brother Sha was also here."

And the boy over there returned:

"Don't do this, you are such a ghost. I believe you are the one who has the ghost. Tell me! What are you planning this time?"

The ghost master smiled helplessly and said:

"I really didn't do anything! I hope Brother Sha will step aside and let me go back and rest."

Mr. Sha replied:

"Who is blocking you? This is not your home. Why do you want me to give way?"

Mr. Gui, on the other hand, had a wry smile on his face. Anyone who meets such a person would probably have a headache.

Just then, someone suddenly shouted:

"Everyone, please pay attention! The audition in the morning has ended. I will post the names of those who passed the audition on the bulletin board here. There are a total of twenty-seven people who passed the audition. Let's go back to have lunch first. We will go to the school ground in the afternoon.

Let’s discuss swordplay at the venue, so don’t be late.”

He repeated this sentence several times before stopping. Sun Yu looked at the crowded audition site. It was estimated that there were more than 300 people participating in the audition, but only 27 people were selected.

Sun Yu squeezed over and looked at the shortlist, and sure enough her name was on it, so she was ready to go back.

At this time, Sun Yu also saw that Mr. Gui and Mr. Sha had separated and went their own ways.

Sun Yu didn't hear the ghost master talking in his room last night, so he was curious about the ghost master, so he followed the ghost master and his group without leaving a trace.

I found that this ghost young master was very law-abiding and he led a group of people back to the small courtyard where he lived without saying a word along the way.

Sun Yu was very surprised. Could it be that he couldn't hear this ghost master talking in the yard at night simply because he didn't like to talk?

Sun Yu had no choice but to go back to his small courtyard. After dinner, he went to the afternoon meeting to discuss swordsmanship.

The afternoon sword debate was held in the school grounds. Right in front of the school grounds, there was a high platform. There were five groups of people sitting on the top of the stage, and the seats under the stage were filled with guests who came to watch.


What Sun Yu didn't expect was that Sun Yu's Xia Escort Agency was also invited to sit on the stage.

The group of people sitting in the middle of the stage was the deputy owner of the Red Sword Villa, and there were a few others who looked like they were senior executives of the Red Sword Villa. There was also a lady sitting next to the deputy owner.

Sun Yu's mother told Sun Yu that this was Hong Ling'er's mother and asked Sun Yu to behave well in front of her.

The two groups sitting next to the deputy owner of Red Sword Villa were the Guiji Sect of Wei State and the Tiansha Sect of Qi State, while a group of people from Xia's Escort Agency on Sun Yu's side sat on the far right side of the high platform.

There is also a group of people sitting on the far left side of the high platform. I heard that they are people from the Xuyang Sect, another sect in Wu Kingdom.

Sun Yu was speechless looking at her mother sitting next to her and her second uncle who was restless and excited.

Obviously, being able to sit on this high platform on such an occasion is undoubtedly a symbol of identity and status.

As for Xia's Escort Agency, where his mother works, it has no status in the world. Being able to sit on the high platform and show off one's face today is definitely an honor for Xia's Escort Agency.

Sun Yu couldn't help but look at Gui Gongzi's group, because Sun Yu felt that although this group of people looked honest, there was definitely something wrong with them.

There are six people in Mr. Gui's group. Mr. Gui sits in the front and center seat. The two people sitting on both sides of him are like his bodyguards, and there are three people sitting behind him.

And Sun Yu gradually turned her attention to the person sitting in the middle behind, because that person's presence was too weak. If you didn't pay attention, you would have thought that there were only five people in Gui Gongzi's group.

I saw that the man was wearing a bamboo hat, and there was a black gauze in front of the bamboo hat, blocking his face.

When Sun Yu was about to take a closer look at him, the man suddenly turned his head and looked at Sun Yu. Sun Yu quickly looked elsewhere, thinking that this man was really alert.

After the deputy gang leader of Red Sword Villa made many high-sounding opening remarks, he finally announced that the sword discussion at the afternoon meeting had begun.

At the beginning, candidates from two small factions were called to the stage for debate.

Then Sun Yu finally found out what they were doing during the sword discussion at the venue.

After the two players on the stage said hello, only one of them said:

"I used the second move of the Fengyun Thirteen Swords, the second move of the Feng Jue Sword, the Wind Rising Move. I don't know how the brother on the other side plans to break it!"

And another said:

"This is simple. You only need to use the second-end sword of the Six Ultimate Swords, the earth-ending sword, to break it. I will use a sword, the third-level sword of the snowy night sword, the third of the earth-level sword.

How to solve the problem of Zhaoxue has fallen?"

Listening to the debate on stage, many people started talking:

"The Earth Ultimate Style among the Six Ultimate Swords can really defeat this move. How come I didn't discover it before?"

"This move is very clever! It seems that the man on the stage knows swordsmanship very well."

Following the discussion in the audience, the two people on the stage began to use sword moves and how to break the move. Finally, after one of them said a move, the other person couldn't match it. In the end, the referee judged that the first person won.

In fact, people who don't understand swordsmanship will definitely be confused by such a sword discussion.

But people who know swordsmanship will be confused. To discuss swordsmanship here, you must not only master various swordsmanship in advance, but also be proficient in various swordsmanship, know the strengths and weaknesses of various swordsmanship, and understand the differences between each swordsmanship.

Only by transformation can one use sword moves to defeat sword moves.

This was the knowledge that Sun Yu had been hoarding in the past, but Sun Yu had always learned from his second uncle's experience.

Although his second uncle can be considered a veteran, after listening to the sword discussion here, Sun Yu discovered that his second uncle actually still had many fallacies.

So Sun Yu began to learn the swordsmanship knowledge of these players on the spot.

Whenever the contestant below said which move, Sun Yu would start to demonstrate that move in his mind.

When another player said the cracking formula, Sun Yu started to demonstrate the cracking formula in his mind to see if there was a cracking relationship between them.

In this way, more than 20 people slowly came to the stage. This time it was finally Sun Yu's turn to take the stage, and Sun Yu stepped forward directly.

But Sun Yu's opponent was the ghost young master, which made Sun Yu stunned. Why did it come to such a high level of difficulty in the first place?
This chapter has been completed!
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