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Chapter 999: Strange Outer Sea

The sky is not completely dark!

The blood cloud became a light source, spreading blood in all directions!

Xu Qing and Ii Niu stood in the clouds, listening to Yu Liuchen's words while gazing at the sea!

On the sea surface, black and purple spliced ​​together to form an endless streak!

Like a dividing line, it divides the Forbidden Sea into inside and outside!

Although the inland sea is dangerous, it is relatively controllable!

Whether it is Yinghuangzhou or Nanhuangzhou, or the Nanyu area and countless islands on the sea, they have been extensively explored for tens of thousands of years!

Although the scope of exploration is different due to different cultivation levels, with the efforts of generations, the inner sea... is no longer mysterious to a certain extent!

But the outer sea...even when the sun and moon once patrolled the world, it was still a forbidden place for all sentient beings!

Those who are qualified to step in are extremely rare!

If your cultivation level has not reached a certain level, if you step on it forcefully, it won’t take long for both body and soul to be destroyed!

Many times, you may not even know how you died!

Not to mention the death of the brother and sister, Prince Jinwu and Zhigeng, tens of thousands of years ago, leaving the outer sea without the sun and moon, and being swallowed by darkness all year round!

Those who can go explore are naturally even rarer!


Mystery and unknown have increasingly become the masters of the outer sea.

Yu Liuchen's words about the outer sea, even though the first veil of the outer sea has been lifted, under this veil, there is still

Endless secrets!

Endless depth!

ii Niu was silent, not knowing what he was thinking, but his eyes looking out to sea showed some complexity!

And Xu Qing is also filled with thoughts!

What Yu Liuchen said about the outer sea, combined with what he had seen while riding the dragon chariot and the inheritance he had received, made him very clear that what the other party said was most likely true!

"The history of the outer sea is older than that of the Huangtian Divine Clan..."

"The Huangtian Divine Clan comes from the outer sea..."


So what exactly is this so-called outer sea? Xu Qing had a vague guess in his heart. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, at the remains of the god's face suspended high above Wanggu!

"Why...why did he come to Wanggu?"

This question has been lingering in the minds of all living beings for tens of thousands of years.

In my heart, there is no answer!

At this moment, when speculation was rising in Xu Qing's heart, Yu Liuchen took a deep breath and spoke softly!

"Do you smell it!"

Xu Qing nodded!

That's the smell of blood!

Coming from the open sea... To be precise, this is the smell of the open sea!

It is similar to the fishy smell of the Inland Sea, but the essence is completely different!

"Actually, before Father God came, the color of this outer sea was like this. The black color was the divine aura of the Huangtian Divine Clan, mixed with the unknown blood, so... the color of the sea became purple!"

"After God the Father came, the divine breath enveloped the heaven and the earth and also invaded the outer sea. Therefore, this divine breath is what you cultivate.

The heterogeneous things in the scholar's mouth are more numerous, more complex, and extremely rich!"

"It creates such a wonderful taste."

"This reminds me of a legend spread across all the rings!"

Yu Liuchen took a deep breath again, tasting the blood of the open sea, with a strange light in his eyes!

The words that came out of his mouth fell on the ears of Xu Qing and Niu Niu. They couldn't help but look at each other, and then Xu Qing spoke in a low voice!

"I wonder what the legend said by senior is?"

Yu Liuzuo glanced at Xu Qing meaningfully, then picked up his head, looked at the vast remnant face hanging high in the sky, and heard a faint voice!

"That's the legend about God the Father!"

Yu Liuchen obviously didn't want to mention the details of this legend. At this moment, he raised his right hand and waved, and the red cloud where he was suddenly spread towards the limit of the outer sea!

Next, Xu Qing and ii Niu are surrounded by red clouds, crossing the boundary between black and purple!

Really stepped into the open sea.

Here, the red cloud did not continue to move forward, but quickly dissipated!

At the same time, Yu Liuchen’s voice also echoed at this moment!

"Next, you need to go out to sea on your own and move as far as possible toward the depths of the open sea!"

"You don't need to do anything extra. You guys who appear here are already bait!"

Along with the live stream, there was also a repulsive force, pushing the figures of Xu Qing and I Niu out of the dissipating red cloud!

Falling into the purple sea!

At that moment, the big wing of Xu Qing's old woman model appeared out of thin air and landed on the sea!

If it were an inland sea, if the big wing fell, it would definitely cause a big wave!

But in the outer sea, even if it is just the edge, the sea water is obviously more viscous, so the waves are not detectable. If you don't look carefully, you can't detect the waves at all!

The entire sea surface is like stagnant water, motionless!

The big wings on it are like this!

Xu Qing and Ii Niu, who were standing on the big wings, felt the thickness of the open sea. They were wary in their hearts. The mystery from the open sea turned into inexplicable pressure. Along with the breath of terror, it was mixed with unknown substances to form what they saw. An invisible spiritual storm is coming towards them!

Xu Qing was shocked all over, and Er Niu was also short of breath!

They all felt the vibration of their souls here!

A strong feeling of palpitations rose uncontrollably in my heart and spread throughout my body!

This feeling reminded Xu Qing of his first experience at sea in Qixuetong!

At that time, the inland sea was both mysterious and dangerous to him!

Just like this moment!

It took a long time for II to get used to it. After looking at each other, Erniu sighed!

"I thought they were going to take us directly to our destination and then take us out for fishing. Unexpectedly... we were actually left free-range!"

Niu Niu was a little helpless. He felt that the god Yu Liuchen was really a bit lazy. He only used himself and little Aqing to fish, but he just put the bait and ran away!

“It doesn’t look professional at first glance!”

Er Niu squatted down and looked at the purple sea water around him!

After Xu Qing thought about it, he reminded him!

"Elder brother, on the golden black dragon chariot, I roughly saw some of the interior of the outer sea. There are too many terrible things here, so you... don't seek death!"

Niu Niu suddenly became unhappy when he heard this!

"Little Ah Qing, how can you say that to your senior brother and me? This is so hurtful. I never do anything to seek death. Otherwise, how could I still be alive and well now!"

ii Niu is dissatisfied!

Xu Qing didn't say anything, just looked at Er Niu calmly!

Under his gaze, Niu slowly felt guilty, and finally coughed


"Okay, okay, I won't make stones!"

They are broken and floating on the sea, seemingly unsinkable!

Every piece exudes an ancient atmosphere, as if it has witnessed endless years!

Xu Qing had seen a similar scene on the dragon chariot before. He knew that many areas on the outer sea were filled with floating ruins. He wouldn't have been too solemn at first, but at this moment, there was a faint light in his eyes!

"Elder brother, something is wrong..."

Xu Qing said, walking to the edge of the big wing in one step, looking towards the direction of the floating stones, God Source focused his eyes and looked over!

On the dark sea, behind those rocks, there is still a ruins!

It's like a city collapsed, and after being torn into pieces, the ruins were spread out on the sea. The area is not small!

And in the middle, there is a leaning ruined temple.

On the ruined temple, there was actually a young figure.

It was a little girl wearing ancient clothes, sitting on the broken wall of the temple, with her bare feet and two legs swinging up and down, seemingly very happy!

Its mouth was open, as if it was singing, but no singing sound came out!

Only the ghosts, the number of which is astonishing, are densely surrounding it, as if they are worshiping it!

The moment he saw this little girl, Xu Qing's heart was shocked, and a feeling of horror rose inexplicably from the bottom of his heart!

That is the instinct from the soul, revealing a strong sign of danger!

As for Erniu, he also saw this scene through his own methods at this moment. His pupils shrank suddenly and he took a breath!

"What the hell is this?"

"It doesn't look like a ghost, it doesn't look like a god, and it can't even be a cultivator. This thing doesn't even have the breath of death!"

Xu Qing nodded, raised his right hand to make a hand gesture, and the protection of his big wing suddenly opened. While protecting the four directions, with his blessing, the special big wing that looked like an old woman roared and moved forward slowly.

Time passed and three days passed!

During these three days, there was no distinction between day and night in the open sea, it was always pitch black!

It’s relatively quiet!

The sound of waves rarely appears, so much so that it gives people the illusion that they are not at sea!

But the humidity from the sea and the increasingly rich blood always remind Xu Qing that this... is indeed the open sea!

Especially the big boat they were on, a giant boat with strong protection whether in the inland sea or Wanggu Continent, had been in the open sea for only three days, and its surface was covered with a purple mist!

A sense of corrosion gradually appeared!

After feeling it carefully, Xu Qing and Er Niu both looked solemn!

It is a kind of decay caused by the passage of time!

"This outer sea is indeed evil. Not only is it dark and silent, but it is also more heterogeneous and denser, and its influence on external objects is obviously even weirder... In three days, what it showed on this big wing is like a thousand years have passed!"

Niu took a deep breath and raised his hand to touch the water mist on the surface of the big wing!

Xu Qing looked solemn and was about to speak, but the next moment he raised his head and looked into the distance!

Team Changna also noticed it and looked at it the same way!

With their cultivation level, in this dark outer sea, although their vision cannot be completely clear, they can roughly see the outline. At this moment, they have noticed the floating objects on the sea ahead!

"There are still some irregularities, no, there is no breath at all."

"Is this the god Yu Liuchen wants to catch?"

"But why do I feel that this thing is even worse than Yu Liuchen?"


Niu Niu was breathing rapidly. His intuition had always been accurate. At this moment, it was clear that a crisis beyond Yu Liuchen was erupting!

"Little Ah Qing... Do you think that guy Yu Liuchen caught a shark while fishing and killed himself?"

iiNiu trembled and quickly sent a message to Xu Qing. Xu Qing looked solemn and controlled the large wing, preparing to avoid this area!

But at this moment, the little girl sitting on the ruined temple that they were looking at suddenly turned her head, her dark eyes

, look at them!

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

The next moment... Xu Qing's mind was shaken, and the source of energy in his eyes collapsed in an instant. Even his sight disappeared, his vision went dark, and he was blind!

At the same time, he felt an instant coldness on his back, as if there was something lying on his back!

Then a childish voice came from behind him as clearly as if it was against his ears!

"Little brother, don't keep walking. The end of the sea is ahead of you, and it is also the end of life!"

This chapter has been completed!
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