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Chapter 1,013 The New Master of Lingyin

Chapter 1016 The New Master of Lingyin

The sun rises into the sky, lighting up the dark night, illuminating the entire Spiritual Sound Forbidden Land, and covering all directions with light and heat.

Although it is not as good as the real sun and cannot nourish all sentient beings in ancient times, in this forbidden area, the sun rising from Xu Qing's body at this moment is still enough to suppress the world in his eyes.

The forbidden area he looked at was roaring, and the river was violently churning.

The sky where he stood was distorted, and the earth beneath his feet was blurry.

The moment the sun rises, he has become the master of this place.

The aliens belonging to the forbidden land of spiritual sound are still trying to struggle, with strong fluctuations and countless wailings echoing from the void, including the puppet with a broken flute hanging around its neck.

The puppet's body quickly retreated, its one eye showed madness, and a low roar came from its mouth. It was unwilling to do so and wanted to fight back, but any action became powerless in the light of the sun.

At the critical moment, it even took off the broken flute, put it to its mouth and blew it violently. The sharp and harsh sound pierced the sky, hoping to have a decisive battle with Xu Qing here.

Although there were some effects that dimmed the light of the sun, it was only for a moment and everything was as usual.

All that was left was despair, and with its mind in a state of confusion, it briefly regained consciousness and had a bitter look on its face.

It knows that the forbidden area has achieved its own success, but also limited its own growth!

Eventually, with the bitterness of the puppet, the flute sound collapsed and became a residual sound.

Even the broken flute trembled, with several shocking cracks appearing.

As for the puppet, the sound of cracking echoed in the body, and countless fine cracks spread all over the body.

Until the immortal light circulated and illuminated all things, under Xu Qing's bright sun, the puppet's body shattered into half with a bang, and the remaining body was suppressed invisibly and fell from the sky.

With a bang, it hit the spot where the core tree was before. It was like there was an invisible giant mountain on the body. Any struggle would be of no help and it would be difficult to climb up at all.

The heterogeneity of the forbidden land also calmed down as the puppets were suppressed, the rivers stopped flowing, and everything was prostrate.

Only Xu Qing's figure walked from the horizon step by step and stood in front of the puppet, lowering his head and staring.

The puppet raised his head with difficulty, and the sound of scraping sawdust came from his mouth. The sobriety in his eyes gradually dissipated, and turned into chaos and madness again, staring at Xu Qing.

"I realize that it is difficult to improve one's own realm by relying on the forbidden land, so instead of waiting for the remaining face to stare at the upgrade, why not go for it and get rid of the shackles of the forbidden land?"

"So, there was parasitism towards Li Zimei."

"At the same time, I also paid a price. In the process, my own intelligence was dusted and fell into chaos."

Xu Qing spoke calmly and told the truth about what he saw.

The puppet's answer was still struggling and growling.

Xu Qing shook his head and his eyes fell on the unconscious Li Zimei and Qingqiu beside them.

Fortunately for Qingqiu, Xu Qing came in time, so although her vitality was lost, the foundation has not collapsed and she can be saved.

It's just that Li Zimei... is already dying.

Her soul was already riddled with holes and corroded to a terrible state, and now it was half parasitized by the Lord of Spiritual Sound... This half was both her calamity and the survival of her life.

Once the Lord of Spiritual Sound dies, half of the parasite disappears, and Li Zimei's soul will be gone in an instant.

If it had been before encountering Fu Xie, Xu Qing would have been unable to reverse this situation. Unless he sought help from the empress or master, he would have been able to just watch Li Zimei's fate that was difficult to change.

But now, he has a way to change.

Xu Qing's right eye erased the traces of the Dao, shining slightly. He raised his right hand and waved, and suddenly a needle was taken from nothingness, shining coldly in front of him.

This needle seemed ordinary, but with its appearance, everything around it overlapped for a moment.

This needle comes from the son of Fu Xie, and is the treasure left by the former peak emperor in the Holy Land where the other party is located.

It has the power to stitch together cause and effect.

It can be used alone, but it is a little rough, but if it is combined with the authority to erase, everything will be perfect.

Because of the erasure of authority, the world in Xu Qing's eyes is different from what ordinary people see.

He could see threads of cause and effect.

In his eyes at this moment, although the thread between Li Zimei and the puppet had been erased before, it was only temporary and had not completely disappeared. It was in the process of recovery.

Once it is completely disconnected, Li Zimei will die instantly given her current weakness.

Therefore, Xu Qing planned to involve other causes and effects for Li Zimei in order to extend his life before cutting off this cause and effect.

The best cause and effect is right in front of you.

Xu Qing's eyes fell on the forbidden areas around him.

After thinking, he raised his hand and waved, and the needle in front of him suddenly shone brightly, and went straight to Li Zimei, quickly shuttled through her body, and began to sew.

Sew together the cause and effect between Li Zimei and this forbidden land.

At the same time, a pair of rusty scissors appeared on top of the puppet's head out of thin air at Xu Qing's summons. Above it, Xu Qing's authority-erasing power was used to control it, and it was cut hard.

There was a click.

The cause and effect between the forbidden area and the puppets were instantly disconnected.

The puppet trembled all over and let out a shrill wail.

However, due to Xu Qing's cultivation, this disconnection cannot be eradicated, it is only temporary, and the disconnected threads of cause and effect are still trying to be reconnected.

However, the needle that was sewing the cause and effect between Li Zimei and the Forbidden Land on the side was moving faster at this moment, turning into countless afterimages and increasing the strength of the suture.

Just like that, several times later.

With the final cutting of the scissors, the cause and effect between Li Zimei and the forbidden land was finally completely sewn together, thus causing the cause and effect on the puppet to be completely cut off!

The puppet's whole body trembled, with more cracks and a large amount of black blood spilling out. He passed out and the broken flute hanging around his neck dissipated.

As for Li Zimei, the aura on her body rose strongly at this moment, merging with the forbidden land and becoming indistinguishable from each other. Her soul, which was riddled with holes, also began to recover.

A large number of branches spread from all directions, surrounding Li Zimei, and continued to gather together, eventually forming a towering tree.

Half of Li Zimei's body was integrated into the tree, and her face was no longer distorted, showing peace.

And on her chest, a broken flute appeared.

That is the symbol of the Lord of the Spiritual Sound Forbidden Land.

Xu Qing stared at it, knowing that although Li Zimei was still sleeping, when she woke up in the future, she would become the new... Master of Spiritual Sound.

"Li Zimei, I hope you will be better, always better, and always good."

Xu Qing spoke softly and gave Li Zimei's last blessing back then.

This voice fell in Li Zimei's ears. Although she was asleep, her body was trembling slightly. Her eyelashes could not be opened, but there were tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

It crossed the cheek and dripped on the ground.

Perhaps, when she wakes up, small flowers that she will never forget will bloom where her tears fell.

Xu Qing, leave.

He took away the sleeping puppet, which was a gift he prepared for the Ancient Spirit Emperor.

As for Qingqiu, when Xu Qing raised her hand, her unconscious body floated up and followed Xu Qing into the sky, flying towards the Shengtian Pagoda suspended in the sky.

When he was about to enter the pagoda, Xu Qing paused and turned around to look at the distant world.

A moment later, dozens of figures roared towards the horizon.

Among them were the great elders of the Sword-holding Department of Yinghuang Province, as well as those sent from Fenghai County, as well as some strong men from the Li Tujiao and Taisi Xianmen.

When they saw the Shengtian Pagoda from a distance, each of them looked shocked. When their eyes fell on Xu Qing, they greeted Huangzhou Sword Holder and immediately bowed down.

"I've met your Majesty!"

The person who came here from Fenghai County to assist was not someone Xu Qing was familiar with, but a foreign monk recruited by Fenghai County during its development over the years.

Although they had never seen Xu Qing's real body, they knew about the portrait. Now that they saw Xu Qing, their hearts were filled with excitement and they immediately lowered their heads to pay respects.

Also paying homage to him were Taisi Xianmen and Litujiao.

However, the former was obviously a little nervous, while the latter was mostly worried. Among them was Xu Qing, a person he had met earlier.

That's Qingqiu's brother.

He follows behind everyone and belongs to the younger generation.

When he saw Xu Qing, he was in a mixed mood. He learned from Qingqiu that Xu Qing was the child's brother in his sister's mouth.

Although he had known about Xu Qing's current status and heard about his legendary experience over the years, when they met now, he still couldn't suppress the turmoil in his heart.

His mind couldn't help but think of that dirty child back then.

Time flies and is unpredictable.

Back then, he left indifferently. Today, he lowered his head and bowed behind everyone, being ignored.

After a while, Xu Qing walked into the pagoda.

Qingqiu was taken away by the Litu Cult. According to the Litu Cult, they had secret techniques that could speed up Qingqiu's recovery.

At the same time, he respectfully informed Xu Qing that they had left Taoism. Although their teachings were once related to the Holy Land, the thoughts within the religion have now been unified and changed, and they will firmly stand on the ancient side in the future.

And Qingqiu will become a saint from the Taoist religion in the east of Wanggu and accept the inheritance of Siming.

As for the issue of Taisi Xianmen, Xu Qing handed it over to the Yinghuangzhou Sword Holding Department, and they will focus on the trial. If Taisi Xianmen really participated in helping the owner of the forbidden land escape, then he must also bear the due consequences.


Then, with everyone's congratulations, the pagoda shone with colorful lights and disappeared into the distance.

Everyone was in different moods and left one after another.

And the sky slowly returns to the night again.

The Forbidden Land of Spiritual Sound was once again filled with alien phenomena, and the faint sound of the flute came from the big tree at its core...

Two days later.

In Fenghai County, where the Wood Spirit Clan is located, above the countless towering trees, the sky is filled with waves, clouds and mist, and the Holy Sky Pagoda descends here.

The moment it appeared, the terrifying pressure dissipated. The leader of the Wood Spirit Tribe, the Great Elder and other powerful people from the tribe rose into the air one after another. Xu Qing's figure walked out of the pagoda in confusion.

Followed by Lao Jiu and Er Niu.

The moment they saw Xu Qing, the chief and elder of the Wood Spirit Tribe breathed a sigh of relief and paid their respects immediately.

After exchanging pleasantries with old friends, Xu Qing revealed his intention.

Hearing that Xu Qing was going to the cave passage in the realm where the Ancient Spirit Emperor was, the Wood Spirit Clan immediately opened up their tribe and cooperated with Xu Qing and his party to reach the dark cave under their clan's secret underground.

Standing on the underground cave, feeling the coldness around him, Lao Jiu walked away expressionlessly.

Xu Qing followed and stepped directly in.

Erniu's face was full of curiosity. It was his first time here. He swayed and stepped into the cave.

The three figures whizzed straight down.

The breath of death spread from bottom to top, and the cold feeling became stronger and stronger, accompanied by waves of inexplicable roars that seemed to come from the underworld.

There is even more repelling force that keeps appearing.

But for the three of them, these are insignificant.

In this galloping, the coercion emanating from their bodies collapsed the breath of death, suppressed the roar, and shattered the rejection.

The distance to the bottom of the cave is getting closer and closer.

"Little Ah Qing, this is a good place."

While galloping, Erniu's eyes gradually shone, feeling all around, licking his lips and transmitting sounds quickly.

"Not within cause and effect, outside the way of heaven, reincarnation, only life and death..."

"Besides being barren, this is the perfect hiding place!"

"Especially, I smell baby!"

Erniu's eyes were shining brighter and he was about to continue speaking.

But at this moment, with the speed of the three of them, they arrived directly at the bottom of the cave, and instantly passed through it, entering a realm of nothingness.

This world is filled with fog, making it difficult to see very far with the naked eye.

However, the Xu Qing of today is no longer the same as before. As soon as his spiritual knowledge was gone, he immediately became clear and led the way to find the giant snake.

Erniu kept smacking his tongue along the way, and his interest in this place became more and more intense.

Lao Jiu was indifferent from beginning to end and said nothing.

Just like this, after burning an incense stick, Xu Qing, who was traveling through the mist, suddenly locked onto a location within the scope of his divine knowledge.


Xu Qing paused and turned his head to look in that direction.

In his spiritual awareness just now, he vaguely noticed a very faint trace, which flashed past;

This trace is ancient and hidden, with a hint of malice.

"No need to pay attention."

Lao Jiu spoke calmly.

The two cows looked at each other and licked their lips thoughtfully.

Xu Qing looked away when he heard this and continued to move forward.

After a while, I finally found my target.

It was a giant rotting snake, with a strong sense of death lingering all over it.

This snake was buried in the mist, and while its body was filled with decay, it also had a big world on its head.

This big world was a blur, and bursts of wailing sounds emanated from it, heartbreaking, falling into Xu Qing's consciousness in the void and mist.

A faint light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes, and his body disappeared in an instant. When he appeared, he, Er Niu and Grandpa Jiu were on the big world above the head of the giant snake.

“This is it!”

Xu Qing's body rushed forward, and the three of them rushed straight to the big world like meteors and left with force.

Getting closer and closer, the body of the giant snake is getting bigger and bigger, and the wailing world becomes clearer and clearer.

Until finally, as the sound of the creation of the world echoed, the three of them broke through the barriers of this world and descended.

The familiar atmosphere, the familiar sky shrouded in mist, there is no sun or moon here, only will-o'-the-wisps like stars, looming in the mist, the pale and dim light turns the sky and the earth into haze.

The land is paved with rotten flesh and blood, with no mountains or trees, only endless death.

Exactly, the ancient spirit world!

Almost at the moment the three of them landed, a huge floating eye suddenly opened on a flesh and blood palace some distance away.

"Damn it, why is he here again?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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