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Chapter 1039 The Ninth Star Ring

Chapter 1042 The Ninth Star Ring

Xu Qing's mind was in turmoil.

This scene, of course, does not exist in Xue Chenzi's memory.

And he has been looking for it so far, and now he is staring at the face of the stars, and he has completely understood in his heart...

This must be the reason why white dust appears in Xuechenzi's soul!

Although he didn't know what the white dust was, Xu Qing didn't hesitate at all. He suddenly raised his right hand, and the next moment, a vast hand appeared in front of Xu Qing.

Grab the face that appears on the star.

Getting closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger, and when it finally got close to the collapsing stars, the big hand transformed by Xu Qing had expanded enough to cover the stars.

But the moment the hand covered that face and fell... a sudden change occurred!

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the collapse of the collapsing star reached the point of collapse at this moment, and then the entire star suddenly collapsed and fell into pieces.

It shattered into pieces in all directions.

The face that was shattered together was also included.

The mountains that turned into noses were erased in an instant.

The lake that formed the eyes was filled in an instant.

The canyon that formed the mouth... collapsed directly.

Giant face, no more!

And as the star collapsed, a force that destroyed the heaven and earth also surged out from the star, erupting with a terrifying momentum.

The big hand that Xu Qing transformed into was the first to be touched by this destructive storm.

The next moment, a huge roar shook the sky, the rumbling sound was deafening, and the aura of destruction swept through everything. The big hand that Xu Qing transformed into could not stop it, and it shattered directly.

It itself also fell backwards in an instant, until it retreated a hundred thousand feet, and then barely avoided the shattering power of the stars.

Looking into the distance again...

That star has turned into dust...

This dust is white.

It's exactly the same as what's on the thread of Xuechenzi's fate.

Xu Qing was shocked, raised his hand and immediately tried to collect it.

It's just that the white dust is disappearing quickly at the same time it appears.

And many methods are ineffective in collecting this object. After all, Xu Qing tried many times to collect the white dust in the thread of fate of the Blood Dust Child, but failed without exception.

But he was not willing to do this.

Perhaps the white dust at this moment has a different state because it has not been integrated into the thread of destiny. So after Xu Qing changed a variety of methods, he finally collected a little bit by relying on the jade bottle that was dually blessed by divine source and authority.

At this moment, he lowered his head and stared at the jade bottle in his hand, thoughts rising in his heart.

He knew the origin of the white dust in Xuechenzi's destiny.

He had seen the collapse of other stars and worlds here before, but none of them had the appearance of this white dust. However, in the destruction of this star, this kind of material appeared.

The difference here is obvious.

"When the stars or worlds where that face appeared, white dust would appear at the moment of collapse!"

"It's a pity that I tried my best to collect it before, but this mysterious substance dissipated too fast, and the amount I collected was too small..."

Xu Qing looked at the jade bottle and noticed that despite his own authority and the blessing of the divine source, the white dust in the jade bottle still disappeared irreversibly.

Although the speed is somewhat slow, it will all disappear within a day at most.

"one day……"

Xu Qing frowned.

Time is too late.

And his caution also prevents him from integrating this mysterious dust into the thread of his own destiny without experimenting and researching.

"So the point is not actually the white dust, but that face..."

Xu Qing raised his head and looked in all directions.

"That face, is there a second one?"

Xu Qing pondered for a while, and sent a spiritual thought to Xiaoying from the bottom of his heart. Soon Xiaoying quickly merged with Xu Qing, causing Xu Qing's eyes to become dark again.

He was going to rely on his shadow to carefully explore this secret area to find out if there was a second face.

After the fusion, Xu Qing did not waste time. He quickly moved forward in the secret realm that had become a picture again, relying on his shadow eyes to search carefully.

Time passes.

Even though this secret realm of the world is like a picture, it is not static, but dynamic, and there are many of them.

The most important thing is that because the red candle is still burning, both light and heat, as well as the risk of being assimilated, increase as Xu Qing continues to explore.

Two days later, Xu Qing had to move back some distance, away from the red candle fire area. After looking at it from a distance, he felt gloomy in his heart.

"In two days, only 30% of the area was searched, and most of it was the outer parts."

"If you want to explore them all, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it if you don't have ten days. And the closer you get to the red candle, the greater the risk of being assimilated."

"It won't work if we continue like this."

Xu Qing was silent. After a while, a decisive thought arose in his heart. He still had a trump card that he could use.


Xu Qing closed his eyes, and the divine source inside his body roared, churning continuously, and there was a seed of divine authority shining bright golden light on the ruins.

This light became more and more intense, eventually illuminating the entire ruins, spreading from Xu Qing's body, and finally gathered together to form a golden thread, which was wrapped around Xu Qing's fingers.

Staring at this golden thread, Xu Qing's eyes showed anticipation.

Because the divine power of this golden thread belongs to the lucky divine power he obtained from the monk named Long from the Northern Ming royal family!

At this moment, with a pinch, the golden lucky thread began to burn.


But everything around him was as usual.

Xu Qing glanced over and saw nothing surprising, but after all, this was his first time to develop this divine power, so he was also exploring it.

After a while, he took a deep breath, rushed into the light and heat of the red candle flame in front, and started searching again.

But this time... after burning the incense, Xu Qing felt something different.

He saw traces of rules and regulations.

To know the benefits of this world source secret realm to Yunshen monks, the key point is the rules and regulations.

There are too many worlds and stars here. They collapse and reassemble all the time. This will provide sufficient reference and insights for Monk Yunshen to shape his own new world.

But rules and laws, except for the most basic ones, are different in every star and world.

Some of them are suitable, some are not suitable, and different monks have different needs according to their world of Yun Shen. In addition, the time points to pay attention to are also particular.

It is best to be able to see the complete change of a rule from its emergence to its destruction.

If you only see part of the changes, you need to look for similar rules many times to understand them.

And because you can’t stay too long, there is an element of luck.

Although Xu Qing's previous journey was focused on finding that face, he would occasionally observe the power of rules and laws that emerged in the world's destruction and rebirth.

However, on the one hand, it is just a quick glance, but on the other hand, everything you see is incomplete, and only occasionally is it complete.

But now... a strange scene appeared.

A complete thread of law unexpectedly appeared in front of him, taking the initiative to show its own evolution process.

And not just once...

As Xu Qing moved forward, similar things happened frequently. A large number of rules and laws were displayed infinitely like a peacock opening its tail as Xu Qing approached.

It seems like there is a rush!

If an outsider saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked and unbelievable.

And this is not the most exaggerated thing. What shocked Xu Qing himself was that some stars that were clearly collapsing actually collapsed due to some inexplicable accidents when he looked at them, or the rules of collapse were unusual.

of exposure.

Everything is to let him see more comprehensively and carefully.

As for the shadows in this secret realm, they are also affected. They often find Xu Qing as soon as possible and instinctively rush away. However, every time they approach, they are suddenly attracted by other things and then roar away.

What's even more astonishing is that whether the stars collapse or the shadows recede, they indirectly block the firelight from the red candle for Xu Qing...

This made Xu Qing's journey extremely smooth.

The second face he was looking for also appeared in Xu Qing's eyes a few hours later.

Xu Qing's mind was in a state of confusion. He suppressed his heart that was shaken by the power of luck, paused, and looked into the distance.

There is a collapsed star there.

Among the stars, there is a continent, but most of it has been preserved by the fragmentation of the stars.

The mountains and lakes above it form a face.

Originally, under the fragmentation of the stars, it was difficult for this continent to be complete. Even if it was complete, it would be obscured, making it difficult for people passing by to see it.

But by chance, Xu Qing saw it.

But almost as soon as he looked at it, the face became blurry. In an instant, the mountains and lakes above it collapsed, and the face disappeared.

The storm of collapsing stars spread in all directions at this moment, and the outline of a human face was vaguely revealed in it, escaping into the distance.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed and he galloped towards him at full speed.

The outline of the human face moved at an astonishing speed. Although Xu Qing moved forward at full speed, he was still a little behind. After chasing a stick of incense, the outline of the human face suddenly disappeared.

Three breaths later, Xu Qing roared and appeared in the place where the face disappeared. After quickly looking around, his eyes locked on a slight crack in space.

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes. Instead of searching aimlessly, he chose to explore the crack where the face was most likely to be hidden, so he rushed and flew directly into the crack.

The moment he entered, a scene that shocked Xu Qing's heart came into view.

Inside this crack is a realm of nothingness. There is no red candlelight in it, but... it is still a photo!

The jade slip where the Jie Yuan Secret Realm is located has not one layer, but two layers of images inside it!

Under the layer where the red candlelight was, the second layer of photos that caught Xu Qing's eyes was a star map that shocked the mind!

Thirty-six star rings of different sizes form a majestic picture!

Each star ring is composed of multiple star fields and countless stars. It is so bright that it is difficult to describe its vastness in words.

The inside of the first star ring is blurry, but the others are extremely clear. The fifth star ring within it has the outline of an old man sitting cross-legged in the center.

That's a mark.

Xu Qing recognized at a glance that this old man... was exactly the old man he and his senior brother met overseas!

What made Xu Qing's mind shake the most was the ninth star ring.

Because, at the very center of the ninth star ring, he saw the mark of a broken face!

The moment he looked at it, a sudden realization came to his mind.

This is... Gods in the Wilderness! So its location is naturally the Wangu Continent!

And in the ninth star ring, around Wanggu Continent... there are other terrifying marks!

To the east of the star ring, a giant beast sleeps.

In the north of the star ring, a golden river flows.

To the south of the star ring, stands a black tower.

To the west of the star ring, there is a paper figure sitting cross-legged.

This chapter has been completed!
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