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Chapter 1048: The Secret of Immortal Magic

Chapter 1051 The Secret of Immortal Magic

On the black lake, those immortal masters wearing white robes and sitting cross-legged in meditation remained unmoved and turned a deaf ear to Xu Qing's arrival and words.

As for the white Immortal Magic Palace, there was silence inside, and there was also no response at all.

Xu Qing stood in mid-air holding the token of dominance. After waiting for thirty breaths, his expression remained as usual and he spoke again.

"Before being summoned by Emperor Moyu, the Lord told me three times that it would hurt the peace. He couldn't come in person, so he ordered me to come here to see the magic. He will watch it in my memory later."

"If the Immortal Arts Palace doesn't lend it, Xue Chenzi can only tell the truth, and the Lord will come in person at that time."

Xu Qing's voice was low. After finishing speaking, he looked at the white Immortal Magic Palace in front of him.

He knew that this was not a place he could break into at will. It would be useless to carry Lu Lingzi out this time, so he could only think of other ways.

After all, this time, I was actually using tiger skin to act.

Obviously, Lu Lingzi came to Ximoyu this time, and his attitude was shown in the Seventh Lord Mountain. He took the details and took the initiative, and was finally summoned by the emperor.

The attitude revealed by this series of events gave the powerful men of Xi Moyu a better understanding of this new master.

So...after a while, the door of the Immortal Arts Palace slowly opened, and a man and a woman, two monks in white robes, walked out.

The female is in the back and looks beautiful, and the male is in the front and has a handsome appearance.

The moment he appeared, all the enlightened immortal masters around him opened their eyes and bowed their heads slightly to show respect.

Xu Qing looked at it the same way.

In his eyes, the young man who walked out of the Immortal Arts Palace raised his head, looked at Xu Qing, and spoke lightly.

"Immortal magic cannot be understood by anyone but an immortal master, but since you have the Lord's order, I, the West Demon Yu Immortal Magic Hall, can also give you a qualification."

"However, those who seek immortality need to go through five tribulations of life and death, and it does not matter whether they live or die during this period."

"Here at Shexian Lake, if you find any place and sink into it, you will experience five calamities, which is equivalent to a glimpse."

After saying that, the young man looked at Xu Qing coldly.

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and cast his gaze on Shexian Lake below, thinking deep in his heart.

"What, you don't dare anymore?"

Outside the Immortal Arts Palace, the young man spoke calmly.

Xu Qing was unmoved and continued to observe, until a moment later, his body swayed straight down, landed behind the lake, and sank directly into it, disappearing without a trace.

And as he disappeared, all the immortal masters who were comprehending on the lake around him flashed their eyes and looked at the place where Xu Qing sank. Some shook their heads, and some sneered.

"This bloody man is really looking for death."

"I don't know how many losers of the Five Tribulations are buried in Shexian Lake. Even if he survives by chance, he will never succeed."

After everyone's eyes glanced over, they all retracted their attention and stopped paying attention.

Even though Xue Chenzi was famous during this period, it was not as important to them as their own understanding of the magic.

As for the young man standing outside the Immortal Arts Palace, he also had a sneer on his lips, but the woman behind him showed a hint of concern at this moment.

"Senior brother, my master has not returned from his travels, and the new master of Dong Mo Yu is very popular, and Xue Chenzi is also an unusual person. He has become famous in the past half month."

"A person like this, with such a background, comes here to borrow magic. If you refuse according to the rules, why would you lead him into a near-death situation?"

"The Five Dogs Heaven is hidden within the Shexian Lake. It is extremely difficult for intruders to survive. Even if they survive in the end, they will not be able to successfully comprehend it. After all... if you want to comprehend the Five Dogs Shexian, you need a special ritual."

The woman sighed softly.

When the young man heard this, his eyes were still cold.

"Before I went, I informed the danger. There were so many people witnessing it. He wanted to go on his own, not because I was forcing him."

"He is seeking death on his own and it has nothing to do with me."

After saying that, the young man flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked into the Immortal Arts Hall.

The woman looked at the lake and shook her head, knowing that there was no point in talking anymore, so she stopped talking and returned to the Immortal Arts Palace.

At this moment, Xu Qing didn't feel anything unusual after entering Shexian Lake.

Although the lake is pitch black, there is nothing strange in it. Instead, it has a lightness to it. It only hinders spiritual thoughts, making it difficult for people to know the entire bottom of the lake with one thought.

Xu Qing felt it for a while, spread out his spiritual thoughts, and searched around bit by bit.

After burning the incense, Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

When his mind was searching the bottom of the lake, he saw bones...

With the exploration, more and more skeletons appeared.

Finally, when Xu Qing explored the entire bottom of the lake, he saw a large number of skeletons, at least thousands.

There are men and women, old and young.

They all have their eyes open, and their skin is pale. Even their eyes are the same, and even their hair is white.

There were strange expressions on their faces that looked like they were crying but not crying, and they looked like they were smiling but not smiling.

In addition, at the bottom of the lake, Xu Qing also saw a huge rune imprinted on the bottom of the lake.

This rune is white and covers most of the lake bottom, exuding an ancient feel. What Xu Qing noticed most is that all the corpses are... on this white rune.

Xu Qing stared.

After a while, he approached cautiously.

At the approaching moment, his spiritual thoughts had been searched many times, and after finding nothing, Xu Qing thought in his heart. After more than ten breaths, his eyes showed determination.

He took a direct step and stepped on this huge rune.

The moment it fell, Xu Qing's heart was shaken, and he felt like his mind was sinking. Then his eyes blurred. When everything became clear, what he looked around was no longer at the bottom of the lake.

But the sky!

The sky was blue and filled with white clouds, but under his feet there was no earth visible, only a thin white line a hundred feet thick, winding into the distance...


It's like a white hair magnified countless times.

Xu Qing did not act rashly. He dispersed his thoughts and observed the thick white line under his feet.

After looking at it from a wide perspective, Xu Qing immediately saw that this white line formed a rune.

This rune was exactly the same as the rune he saw at the bottom of the lake.

"It seems that this place is the place where the young man mentioned the Five Tribulations. This person obviously has evil thoughts in his heart, but...since I choose to come here, I will not be deterred by evil thoughts."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart. He did not move forward immediately on this white line, but the authority belonging to the Six Thieves in his eyes shone brightly.

"Human beings cannot live forever because of the six evil deeds of birth: their eyes see wrongly, their ears hear wrongly, their noses wrongly smells and smells, their mouth talks wrongly about taste, their bodies work wrongly, and their minds think wrongly. Therefore, they will never be able to return to their roots."

Daohen circulates, and the Six Thieves' Immortal Technique suddenly rises in Xu Qing's body.

The threads of seven emotions and six desires spread out invisibly around Xu Qing.

"The six thieves and the five dogs are originally one body..."

Xu Qing squinted his eyes and stepped forward on this white line, sensing everything through his own authority of the Six Thieves.

At the same time, the information about the Five Dog House Immortal that his senior brother had told him at the time also appeared in his mind.

"The five dogs are stinginess, greed, ignorance, evil, and cliff."

"Being unable to give up on all things is called frugality. Wanting to have unsatisfied desires is called greed. Being ignorant of rules is called ignorance. Not knowing the true nature and winning by arguing is called evil. Failure to achieve nothing is called delusion.

If you reject three coatings, it is called a cliff."

"As for the Seven Kills and Eight Evils, Yue Dong and his junior sister don't understand either."

"The simple expression of this magical technique is... a thrifty dog ​​will lose his treasure if he enters the house; a greedy dog ​​will be tied up if he enters the house; a foolish dog will fall into life and death if he enters the house; an evil dog will fall into hell if he enters the house; and a greedy dog ​​will lose his body forever if he enters the house.


Think, feel, and move forward.

But while walking, Xu Qing suddenly stopped. The threads of emotions and desires around him were fluctuating violently, as if they were blocking something, and even became concave.

But what I saw in front of me was nothing.

Until the next moment, the seven emotions and six desires returned to normal.

Xu Qing was vigilant and observed carefully, but no matter what, he didn't feel anything unusual.

After making sure it was okay, he frowned and continued moving forward.

But after only three steps, Xu Qing's face darkened.


"The threads of the seven emotions and six desires transformed by the six thieves cannot be so abnormal for no reason, so what is the problem..."

Xu Qing frowned even more, but after thinking about it, he still found nothing.

But the feeling of uneasiness kept rising.

So Xu Qing did not move on, but recalled all his previous actions in place.

In the end, I discovered that the abnormality in the Seven Emotions and Six Desires thread seemed to have occurred after the information told by my senior brother came to mind.

So he immediately recalled the memories that had surfaced before.

Then, Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

"There seems to be something wrong with my previous memory..."

He was vaguely aware that his memory just now seemed to be a little abnormal, but he couldn't find out the reason, so Xu Qing did not hesitate, and the dark eyes in his body suddenly opened.

This eye can break through virtual barriers!

The moment it opened and closed, Xu Qing instantly noticed the source.

In his own memory, Yuedong actually has an additional junior sister!

And Yuedong has no junior sister.

Lan Yao is not Yue Dong’s junior sister.

But the figure of this junior sister eluded Xu Qing's perception and merged with his memory as if blending into it.

It even penetrated all the images of Yuedong in his memory.

For example, in the scene where Feng Lintao, Lan Yao, Yue Dong, and Xu Qing met for the first time, there was Yue Dong's junior sister beside the three of them.

Later, when he and his senior brother captured Yuedong alive, they also captured him along with his junior sister.

It's just that due to his own soul search, Junior Sister Yuedong's soul was scattered.

This memory made Xu Qing's eyes shrink.

In his feeling, this is indeed his memory, and it seems to be the case, but in Ming Fei's eyes, this memory is foreign!

"Then who is this Junior Sister Yuedong who appeared out of thin air in my memory?"

Xu Qing's face turned gloomy for a moment, especially when he realized that even if he could see that this memory was wrong with his own eyes, he could only see it but could not erase it. After that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the power of destiny in his body suddenly exploded.

break out.

The carving knife she transformed pierced through fate and struck hard at Junior Sister Yuedong in that memory.

There was a click.

The figure of Junior Sister Yuedong instantly collapsed and fell into pieces.

However, Xu Qing's heart still sank.

Because, at the moment when Junior Sister Yuedong's figure shattered into pieces, that memory image turned into a withered white hair, penetrating half of his memory.

In those memory scenes that have been penetrated, white hair is integrating, and the number is increasing and spreading.

This feeling is hard to describe and extremely weird.

It's like a painted work suddenly changed and countless white hairs were added.

Vaguely, a sentence from Wu Gou She Xian Li appeared in Xu Qing's mind.

"Being unable to give up everything is called frugality... If a frugal dog enters the house, the treasure will be lost."

The appearance of these white hairs is like opening a door in a closed secret room.

This door is round.

At this moment, the hole suddenly opened, emitting white light.

Like a white eye.

Greedy dog, enter the house!

This chapter has been completed!
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