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Chapter 1076: Entering the house and becoming an external evil

Chapter 1079: Entering the house and becoming an external evil

The world of flesh and blood is like a broken mirror, with countless cracks dividing this world into pieces.

Within each piece, there is an independent world.

Among them, the Empress, Emperor Moyu and Mingyan's clone of the Great Immortal Master Dong Moyu were in the middle of a fight.

As for the masters of all parties who were sucked into dry bones, they are now dying and each is in different fragments.

The fragment where Ming Yan and Xu Qing are located is located in the center.

Xu Qing crossed her legs and closed her eyes, as if she had lost all external perception and remained motionless.

In front of him is the incomplete and strange-looking Mingyan, which is half body and half bloodshot.

At this moment, the greed and expectation on Ming Yan's face turned into a ferocious one.

His right hand penetrated the tumor and pressed it on the top of Xu Qing's head. The terrifying breath suddenly rushed into Xu Qing's body.

The hoarse voice echoed throughout the world.

"I have two clones, one is the Great Immortal Master Dong Moyu, and the second... is West Moyu, who is also the Great Immortal Master."

"You possess magical powers, but you don't know that the magical skills of Demon Feather Holy Land were inherited from me."

"So little guy, I know that you have cause and effect, and I know that you have powerful restrictions, but my seizure of your body is not a simple invasion, nor a crude devouring, but..."

"Immortal magic, six thieves are born in vain!"

Ming Yan's voice rose and fell, and along with his breath poured into Xu Qingtian's spirit, countless threads of seven emotions and six desires spread out, covering Xu Qing's whole body, and penetrated into every aperture.

The seven emotions that fluctuate in Xu Qing have the same source as Xu Qing's six desires, making it a hotbed.

Immediately afterwards...

"Immortal magic, Wugushexian!"

If a thrifty dog ​​enters the house, it will lose the treasure; if a greedy dog ​​enters the house, it will be tied up; if a crazy dog ​​enters the house, it will fall into life and death; if an evil dog enters the house, it will fall into hell; if a greedy dog ​​enters the house, it will lose its human body forever.

Although this technique has been passed down through history and has become a strange technique similar to the main killing technique, the real purpose of its creation was actually...

It’s seizing one’s body!

So in the next moment, Ming Yan's memory became a penny-pinching dog and entered Xu Qing's house, covering Xu Qing's memory forcefully, forming countless white hairs that gathered into the door.

This door is the door to entering the house!

When the hole opened in Xu Qing's body, it also formed in Ming Yan's body.

Open at the same time and connected to each other!

Ming Yan's soul turned into strange white eyes, followed the door that appeared in his body, rushed out directly, and entered the door that was opened in Xu Qing's body.

External evil invades and spins into a whirlpool.

"Having insatiable desires is called greed. If a greedy dog ​​enters the house, it will be tied up."

"Wrong rules are called ignorance. If a foolish dog enters the house, it will fall into life and death."

The power of separation exploded.

The terrifying soul from Mingyan, at the moment when it successfully entered the house, forcibly and domineeringly stripped Xu Qing's soul, which was already rejected by the body, directly away.

Xu Qing's body is his body, his soul is his soul, and they are no longer related to each other.

Then a large white mouth appeared in the whirlpool.

"If you don't know the true nature and argue, you will be called evil. If an evil dog enters the house, you will fall into hell."

Swallowed it hard.

What is swallowed is the soul!

And at this critical moment, Xu Qing's closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of determination and madness.

When Xu Qing was faced with a life and death situation from the very beginning, he knew very well that with absolute power, he could not resist the malice and body snatching from Ming Yan.

No matter how frontal the counterattack is, it is meaningless.

Therefore, he did not choose to resist. He even took the initiative to absorb the essence liquid in the sarcoma and actively nourished his body, so that his body could recover more and more completely.

As a result, the body's rejection of the soul continues to rise until it reaches the extreme!

This is his purpose!

But in this process, he had to endure the pain of his soul being crushed.

The protection of the carving knife has become the focus.

Until now, the other party's Five Dog Immortal Technique has made the body's strong rejection of the soul break through to the extreme and reach an unprecedented level.

It became a driving force.

For Xu Qing, this is the most important glimmer of hope!


"Five dogs, Shexian!"

Immortal magic also exploded in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness.

He did not stop Ming Yan from seizing the body, and there was no resistance at all.

As if this body was not his own, he... gave it up without hesitation!

At the same time, with the help of the Five Dog House Immortal's seizure of the body, the body's infinite rejection of the soul.

The former is a pulling force, and the latter is a pushing force.

After the two parties merged, they supported each other, causing Xu Qing's soul to rush out before being swallowed.

Follow the door opened by Ming Yan...

Give up your body!

When the other party's soul seized his own, he did not hesitate to burn his soul, draw a totem of destiny, and even trigger the restrictions left by his master to trigger other arrangements.

At an infinite cost, at the moment when his soul was about to collapse, he stepped into the door of body-taking opened by Mingyan.

One step away from the physical body.

Following the passage... one step, and broke into the body of the deity that Ming Yan had abandoned!

Step through the door opened in Ming Yan's body!

He became the greedy dog ​​in the Five Dog House Fairyland.

If you enter the house, you will become an external evil!

It became the white eyes in the open door in Mingyan's body.

Swap bodies with Ming Yan!

If it had been any other time, Xu Qing would not have been able to do it.

But now, the opponent's seizure has opened the way.

The other party's abandonment became the cause.

And Xu Qing's five dogs became a drag.

The rejection of the physical body became a push.

So, this scene that was originally extremely difficult to happen, at this moment... became a reality.

Of course, the most important thing is the arrangement Xu Qing made before leaving!

Because of Xu Qing's behavior, although Ming Yan felt unexpected for the first time, he actually wanted to stop it in the process.

But the outbreak of physical restraint and the sudden malice behind him made his attempt to seize the body unstable, which gave him a moment of reckoning.

Killing Xu Qing is not the point.

Completing the final step of the Five Dog House Immortal and thus taking control of this body is his most important choice now.

Compared with this matter, everything else is secondary.

As for the body abandoned by myself...

"That physical body is incomplete and lacks the part of the magic feather. I rely on my own soul to barely support and balance it. Now with the departure of my soul, the fuel is exhausted and it will fall apart soon."

Ming Yan sneered and ignored it. At this moment, his soul exploded, forming the fifth thought in Wugou Shexianli instantly.

That is a white face.

Against its backdrop, the Five Dog House Immortal Technique is completely complete, forming a complete face.

The white hair is fluttering, and the expression seems to be smiling but not smiling, and crying but not crying. It is extremely strange.

Its power suppresses and restrains, and its power shrouds the back.

Achieve balance.

"If you don't get Wusheng, you will reject the three areas. It's called a cliff. If a cliff dog enters the house, it will lose its human body forever."

Outside, inside the sarcoma, "Xu Qing" was sitting cross-legged and meditating, and a murmuring sound suddenly came from his mouth.

As he said these words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

Although he still looked like Xu Qing, the vicissitudes of life in his eyes and the terrifying aura caused a drastic change in his whole temperament.

The power of the physical body is also rising.

Released the power of domination and returned to the emperor.

Feeling this sense of perfection, Ming Yan showed admiration on his face.

"Little guy, this body was really wasted on you before. Your soul cannot support this body to explode with its world-shattering power."

At the same time as he opened his mouth, outside the sarcoma, the body he abandoned suddenly shook, staggering backwards, and was constantly withering and losing flesh and blood.

It seems that the inner strength cannot support the balance of this physical body.

At this moment, he could only barely open his eyes, revealing Xu Qing's gaze.

Ming Yan shook his head, glanced away as if looking at an ant, and was about to raise his right hand.

But at this moment...

In his body that had seized the body, the restraining power that he had just suppressed with the Five Dog House Immortal, as the body's power due to the strength of his soul rose, triggered a critical point.

Balance is broken.

Outbreak again!

There are two restrictions left by Master Qi back then.

One is to limit the master, and the other is to limit the great emperor.

The former was balanced by Ming Yan with the Five Dog House Immortal, but now... the second prohibitive seal was triggered.

In an instant, silver threads can be seen emerging from the body, turning into countless marks, densely packed, flowing with each other like running water, and intersecting at all times.

Finally, in an instant, a large net covering the whole body was formed. The silver light of this net shone, all the marks were shining brightly, and the threads exceeded the rules.

When it fully explodes, the rising power of the physical body must be completely suppressed.

This is how Qi Ye protected Xu Qing back then.

Seeing this, Ming Yan's eyes showed a faint light and his brows furrowed slightly, but there were not many surprises.

After all, this kind of physical body cannot be completed by the junior himself. It is obviously helped by powerful people, so it is only normal to leave some backup hands.

"The person who left this forbidden seal is not simple."

Ming Yan narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand and pressed it on his forehead. The next moment, a black lotus appeared under his body. As it rotated rapidly, the essence in the sarcoma suddenly decreased and was absorbed by him.

At the same time, the black lotus bloomed, and iron chains like stamens flew from within, binding itself under his control.

form repression.

"Although this restriction cannot be erased immediately, it is still possible to bring it into balance again."

"In the future, just give me a period of time to erase it!"

"So, little guy, what else do you have left in this body? The candle behind you."

Ming Yan spoke calmly.

There was a loud roar behind it, and the candle flame of the candle totem burned instantly, reflecting the world behind Ming Yan in the light of the fire.

"I have studied this candle for longer than you."

Ming Yan raised his hand and waved his body, directly cutting off a part of his own soul, separating it and covering it on the candle totem behind him, turning it into a lampshade.

"In this way, we can not only limit it, but also draw on its power to a certain extent."

"Now, little one, do you have any other plans?"

Ming Yan smiled slightly.

But the moment his words came out, before Xu Qing could respond, an earth-shaking roar rose from the transparent sea below.

"Old guy, if you want to harm my little junior brother, you have to ask me first!"

The moment the sound appeared, the transparent sea boiled directly, and the big waves roared, forming a tsunami that rolled back in all directions.

And the entire transparent sea seemed to be dyed with color at this moment, appearing blue!

Countless blue worms rushed out of the sea in this big wave and tsunami.

The number is so large, densely packed, and earth-shattering.

They gathered together to form a big blue hand holding up the sky, holding an ancient bone tripod and heading straight towards Mingyan!

This chapter has been completed!
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