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Chapter 1083: Let go of a thought and you will be reborn

Chapter 1086: Let go of a thought and you will be reborn

Many things in life are difficult to let go of.

Because I couldn't let go, I became obsessed with it.

Especially life and death.

One's own and others'.

It is difficult to let go of the obsession with life and death, but there is always hope in my heart.

But... in many things, either there is hope or there is no despair.

Regret, in many cases, is the main theme of this world.

Because the world is cold, because the heaven and earth are indifferent.

Just like the statue of the sword-wielding emperor, the moment the fire of life was about to be ignited, it collapsed.

The lamp oil has run out.

Can't really burn.

Even if it is sacrificed to the Demon Feather Holy Land.

Even if it is revived, it will bring forth the Tao Fruit.

Still the same.

Only the voice from the empress that was full of obsession and echoed throughout the world became the echo of thousands of mountains, revealing a deep reluctance.

He is a god, but a god... is obviously not omnipotent.

She even bit the tip of her tongue and spurted out her own divine blood.

Use divine blood to create vitality.

Burning between the knots, it blends into the statue of the Great Emperor, wanting to help.

Even Xu Qing did not hesitate to choose this way, exerting all his vitality, gathering his own blood, and using his own strength, his own way, and his own possessions to help the emperor.

Even Erniu sighed and gave his own strength.

But the ending... didn't change much.

It's as if there is a ravine dividing yin and yang.

The aura of collapse on the Emperor's statue continues.

This resurrection ceremony, at this moment, is inevitably going to fail.

So bitterness became everything in this world.

"How could this be so..."

The empress suddenly raised her head. In her heart, she still did not give up. Even if all the outcomes pointed to failure, she still unleashed the power of the altar at this moment.

Trying to inspire more power in yourself, to reverse everything.

And at the moment when she was about to overdraw everything, a sigh of vicissitudes of life echoed gently in the Tao Fruit World.


This familiar voice made Xu Qing's body tremble, his mind was in turmoil, and countless memories in his memory appeared before his eyes.

The empress's breathing suddenly became rapid. This sound was the source of her humanity.

So the two of them looked at the statue of the Great Emperor at the same time.

This statue, which has human memory, mountains and rivers, and luck as its three souls, and the Human Emperor as its seven souls, is integrated into the blessing. The breath of life that is collapsing on it at this moment suddenly stopped.

Then the momentum picked up again.

This time, there was no obstacle at all, and he reached the peak again. The aura belonging to the sword, the momentum belonging to the peak of the emperor, exploded in the whole world.

The color of the sky and the earth changes, and the wind and clouds surge.

The world trembled, the Holy Land roared, and Wanggu Continent also echoed.

The body of the statue was also visible to the naked eye, fading away quickly, and eventually turned into flesh and blood, becoming a long-lost figure.

He opened his eyes.

The Emperor with the Sword.

He stood on the transparent sea. Although his figure was old and the breath of death lingered, his spine was straight and his body was tall and straight.

With gentle eyes, he stared at everything in front of him, penetrated this world, skipped the Demon Feather Holy Land, and what he looked at... was the human race.

He looked at the current area of ​​the human race, at the figures of the people in the human race, at the mountains and rivers, at luck, at everything.

All the things that happened to Wanggu after his death, at this moment, poured into his mind from heaven and from all living beings.

He knew that after his death, the Holy Land came.

He knew that after his death, the war broke out.

He knew everything.

A sharp meaning followed his perception and understanding, rising up in him and resounding throughout the world.

It's just that... Xu Qing and the Empress not far away, looking at the figure of the Great Emperor, couldn't help but feel deep sadness in their hearts.

Because...the emperor's body was filled with the ultimate death aura.

Tears flowed from the corners of the empress's eyes.

She knew that she...failed after all.

The emperor did not have a complete resurrection. The power from the Dao Fruit and the three souls and seven souls from the human race only allowed him to return briefly.

Xu Qing's heart felt like it was being caught, and an indescribable emotion made him feel bitter and empty.

"You guys..."

On the transparent sea, the emperor gently shook his head. His eyes turned away from the world and fell on the empress and Xu Qing, and his expression became gentle.


As these two words came out, the empress raised her head tremblingly.

At this moment, she is not a god or an empress, but the fragile woman who was saved back then.

Her tears were still flowing, and she looked at the father-like figure of the old man in front of her with blurry eyes.

"You have done a good job and it is enough."

The emperor spoke hoarsely, walked forward, stood in front of the empress, raised his hand and touched the empress' head, his eyes showing love, as if looking at his own daughter.

"It's just...although you know everything, you don't know me."

The emperor spoke softly.

"The history of the human race only records the time when I used my avatar to protect the race after the death of my body. There is no record of the reason. That period was erased by me."

"The truth is that back then I fought with the gods of the clan in the middle of Wanggu and resolved the danger of the human race being enslaved. However, the cost was extremely high. Not only the main body perished, but also my clone...actually also in that battle.

He fell into disgrace."

"It was an old friend who resurrected me on the battlefield with a wonderful fruit of Taoism after my death."

"That resurrection failed, but it also succeeded."

"It failed because this fruit only gave me a chance to be resurrected, but was not guaranteed to happen. Therefore, my body did not return successfully."

"It was successful because in the end, my clone that died along with the main body took this opportunity to be resurrected."

"In the final analysis, I have already used this wonderful Tao Fruit once before."

"I can't, go use it a second time."

"So, the failure of today's resurrection has nothing to do with you, Xia'er."

The emperor spoke softly and slowly to calm Li Xia's emotions. He did not want the child he saved to regret for the rest of his life because of his failure to resurrect him.

Therefore, he wants to tell the reason, and he wants the other party to know that it is not her fault and that she has done a good enough job.

The empress bit her lower lip and listened to all this silently.

The emperor sighed softly, touched the empress's head again, and then looked at Xu Qing, who looked bitter.

"Xu Qing, you didn't disappoint me either."

Xu Qing lowered his head, the sadness in his heart became even stronger, and he bowed deeply.

The emperor smiled.

He looked at the empress and Xu Qing in front of him. These were his chosen successors. One inherited his cultivation, and the other inherited his imperial sword.

He is satisfied and satisfied with these two people and has no regrets.

It's just that...he still has some concerns about the human race.

I miss this ethnic group that he has protected for his whole life.

"I already know the matter."

"Although this Dao Fruit cannot bring me back to life, it finally gave me a short-term return."

"Let my returning body no longer be shackled by the star ring and return to the peak of my life."

"This is good."

The emperor smiled.

It has been a long, long time since he felt as relaxed as he does now. Looking back, it seems that he only felt this way when his body was still there.

In his later years, he remained injured and spent most of his time sleeping.

Even if he wakes up, even if he takes action, he still has to endure the exhaustion of his soul.

Moreover, you can't slash the sword heartily.

He must be careful to restrain himself so that he can always retain the last sword.

This is even more tiring for him.

Even in the last battle that year, he wanted to have a good time, but he no longer had it, so he still felt regretful in his heart.

Protection and responsibility are like mountains, weighing on him for the rest of his life.

If possible, he would like to have a real good time, just like when he was a teenager.

"Then, in this last time..."

The Emperor smiled, raised his right hand and pointed towards the Ancient Emperor Star in mid-air.

With this finger, the Ancient Emperor Star suddenly roared, trembled, exploded in full force, and continued to rotate, directly revealing the bone cauldron that had been swallowed and sealed.

The lid of the bone tripod was also opened.

A twisted figure flew out from inside, it was Ming Yan.

The moment he appeared, his expression was ferocious, and he was about to speak, but the next moment his expression changed drastically, and he stared fiercely at the sword-wielding emperor, his pupils shrank instantly, and all the hair on his body stood up.

Even with his current combat power, he still felt an extreme danger after feeling the sword-wielding emperor.

"It's obviously not Xia Xian, but why does it make me feel... so strong and terrifying!"

Ming Yan's scalp was numb, and his body suddenly backed up, trying to escape from here.

But it was too late.

The emperor's calm eyes fell.

An extremely powerful sword energy suddenly erupted from the body where Ming Yan was located amidst the whistling sound that spread throughout the world.

Ming Yan was shocked and unable to suppress it. In the next moment, the sword energy soared into the sky and shattered the sky.

That's... the Emperor's Sword!

The sword shone brightly, emitting a power that made the underworld flames disappear, and fell instantly.

It was not cut off, but hung on the Ning Yan Tianling and in contact with its physical body.

Ming Yan's whole body was shaken, and a force that frightened him swept across the sword body like a big wave, rushing into his body overwhelmingly, and slapped his soul hard.

"This is comparable to the power of Xia Xian!!"

This was Ming Yan's last consciousness, and then his soul collapsed and was shaken out of his physical body by this force.

Before they could reunite, the emperor raised his hand and grabbed it. Immediately, Ming Yan's perception turned into darkness, and he was grabbed by that hand.

The emperor waved his hand and gave his soul to the empress.

"This soul is quite good. It has absorbed a lot of karma from Xu Qing's physical body. You can use it for future sacrifices."

The emperor smiled, flicked his sleeves, and his body was still green.

"Xu Qing, you now have immortality in your body, and you have a divine treasure in this body. From now on, we will walk together on the path of immortality. I have not walked this road, but I look forward to it and it seems infinite."

"That's why it's good. The two take different paths. One is the Immortal Ultimate, and the other is the Divine Ultimate. As long as the latter is successful in realizing divine power, you can instantly ignite the divine fire and become a god, and there is a high probability that you will become a powerful god."

Seeing the return of the divine body, Xu Qing put it away and looked at the emperor, feeling even more sad in his heart.

I owe the emperor too much.

"Don't look like this, you two. I'm very happy. Then, Xia'er and Xu Qing, you two are willing to accompany me, an old man, and walk through the world with a sword!"

The emperor smiled.

The empress took a deep breath and nodded vigorously.

Xu Qing also had firm eyes and bowed.

"I would like to walk with my seniors!"

The emperor smiled heartily, waved his big hand, the sky opened, and the Demon Feather Holy Land roared.

Then he took Xu Qing and Empress, two of his descendants, away from the magic feathers in one step, cut through the sky, and walked towards the three holy lands above the Yanyue Xuantian clan at an astonishing speed.

"I have a sword that can cut the sky and open up the earth!"

The great emperor's lofty words have resounded throughout the ages.

At this moment, some extremely ancient gods on the ancient continent slowly opened their eyes from their deep sleep and looked at their familiar figure in the sky.

Also contains Jade Liuchen.

Vaguely, they seemed to see the figure of the young man who walked across the world with a sword tens of thousands of years ago, dressed as a warrior god.

"Hold the sword..."


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