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Chapter 1,103 Who is the Rain Master?

Chapter 1106 Who is the Lord of Rain?

At this moment, in the city, there was a second floor attic not far from where Xu Qing was.

A middle-aged man in a white robe was standing by the railing with his hands behind his back. He looked away from the aurora in the sky and glanced at the crowd below, looking into the distance.

There is murderous intent flashing in this man's eyes.

His eyes were looking in the direction of Xu Qing.

This middle-aged man has a medium-to-high figure and is slightly stout, but still maintains a certain degree of strength.

The hair is slightly white, showing signs of age, but it is neatly combed.

The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and the faint wrinkles on his forehead bear witness to the hardships he has experienced, which have given him a pair of steady eyes.

Although his cultivation level is not revealed in detail, the rules and laws surrounding him, as well as the shining of dao marks in his eyes, all prove his power to dominate.

"Unexpectedly, there is a second quasi-immortal capital order in my city."

"But it's in the dark, and it's obviously not turned on..."

"It seems that he is either a person who is afraid of death, or he is preparing gifts or goods for other people."

"If it's the former, I'll just kill it, but the latter..."

The middle-aged monk pondered, somewhat unable to make up his mind.

The quasi-immortal capital orders of the fifth star ring can sense each other within a certain range once they are in the second stage of hunting.

However, this so-called perception is actually relative.

Only those who are integrated into the token can perceive other tokens, even if the token is not turned on.

But conversely, if the activation token is not integrated, then nothing else can be sensed.

Therefore, in the second stage of the hunt, it is disadvantageous to hold the token but not activate it.

Very few people would do this.

So this matter made this middle-aged man have to think too much.

After all, although he was the master, it was only in the early stages. It was fine in this remote town, but in the face of those powerful families and sects, he had always bowed his head in these years.

So if you offend someone for a token, I'm afraid it will bring more disasters.

"But after I accidentally obtained the token, since I chose to integrate and activate it, I was already risking my life."

"Life like this is really boring. Instead of living in a corner, being restricted by all directions, and being able to see the end of my life at a glance... I want to give it a try!"

"Especially because my cultivation level has been shackles for a long time, and it is almost impossible to save it under normal circumstances."

Thinking of this, the middle-aged monk's eyes flashed coldly and he spoke calmly.

"Follow me and suppress the foreign enemies."

As soon as he spoke, there were sounds of promises all around him, and then illusory figures appeared around him.

The next moment, the middle-aged monk stepped out in one step, followed by dozens of figures outside his body, stepped directly into the air, and galloped away towards the other token that his token was locked to.

At this moment, Xu Qing was also galloping.

Go towards the city gate.

The stars in the sky made him feel that the rain was coming, and at the same time, there was a star nearby, which made him understand that the crisis could come at any time.

Especially when he was approaching the city gate at this moment, he noticed that there were actually many more guards at the city gate than when he arrived, and the city gate was closing.

There are formation restrictions in this city, and flying is not allowed.

If you don't want to be trapped inside and use other methods to break through the forbidden formation, then the city gate will be the best exit.

But now, there are more guards and the city gate is closed.

At the same time, a feeling of being locked loomed in Xu Qing's heart.

All this made Xu Qing immediately make a clear judgment.

"Someone ordered the door to be closed, and the person who ordered it must be the star in the sky I saw before, that is, the person holding the token, or someone related to it."

"No matter what, it shows that this person has a very high status and status in this city."

"In addition, I can't sense the other person, but I feel locked. Obviously the other person can sense me."

"In other words, even if I don't activate the Quasi-Immortal Capital Token, it can still be sensed during the second stage of the hunt."

"In this case...the other party can sense me, but I cannot detect the other party."

"Then, if I don't fuse the tokens anymore, it will be extremely detrimental to me."

All these thoughts suddenly appeared in Xu Qing's mind.

In the next moment, without any hesitation, he decisively took out his Quasi-Immortal Capital Token and pinched it hard.

Under this pinch, the Quasi-Immortal Order was immediately shocked. It did not break into pieces, but turned into liquid, melted in Xu Qing's hands, and blended into the body along his palms.

In the blink of an eye, a red aurora appeared in Xu Qing's mind.

The flowing auroras reflected the stars that appeared in the southern sky before!

But this scene was slightly different from what he had just seen.

The stars he saw just now were scattered among each other in the Southern Territory, with little overlap.

But now, there are actually many overlaps...

A lot of them are moving.

It can be imagined that every overlap must mean that there is killing and fighting.

At the same time, a ranking of his own appeared in his mind.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-three.

This is obviously not the fifth star ring's ranking, but his ranking in the entire Southern Territory.

And the next moment, this picture disappeared.

It seems that only when you integrate and activate the Quasi-Immortal Capital Order for the first time can you see the overall starry scene in your domain.

Now that the overall picture has dissipated, the benefits brought to Xu Qing by integrating the token were immediately noticed by Xu Qing.

That is the induction of other tokens within a radius of 100,000 miles with the help of one's own token.

It’s the induction between tokens!

It is not within the scope of spiritual cultivation!

The token comes from Xiandu and is extremely special. If you don't integrate into it, you can't detect it.

At this moment, Xu Qing clearly felt that there were two stars representing tokens near him!

One was a little far away, at the edge of the hundred thousand range, and it seemed to have noticed something. It quickly moved away and disappeared into the range of other tokens that Xu Qing sensed with the help of the token.

But the other one is very close at hand.

It's coming towards me, approaching quickly.

At the same time as he noticed this, Xu Qing's internal cultivation exploded, and the power of the five elements spread, covering all directions, boosting his own speed, and whizzed away towards the city gate that was about to close, like an arrow from a string.

The opponent is approaching fiercely, and fighting is inevitable.

Without knowing the opponent's cultivation level, Xu Qing could only think about the worst in everything.

In this kind of battle, the choice of battlefield is particularly important.

Staying in the city, there are city formation restrictions, which is not good for Xu Qing, and he is trapped here. Whether he is distracted to break the restrictions or fights back, he is very passive.

Therefore, if we can break out of this city, everything will have the opportunity to take the initiative.

As a result, Xu Qing's speed was astonishing, and the way of space, as he pondered over this period of time, he had more ways to use it.

The space in front is being shortened.

The space behind is being stretched.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Qing's figure had arrived at the city gate.

The guards had no time to stop him, they only felt a strong wind howling, and in the next moment, Xu Qing rushed out of the city gate.

Then he calmly raised his hand and pinched behind him!

At the same time, behind him, the middle-aged monk and his followers were already chasing him, but hindered by Xu Qing's space method, the distance between them became longer.

So much so that he missed the best time to intercept Xu Qing.

Under Xu Qing's pinch, the space they were in immediately fluctuated and collapsed in an instant.

A deafening sound rose into the sky at this moment.

It can be seen that on the streets inside the city gate, the space is shattered, collapsed in all directions, and a storm is sweeping across.

There was chaos.

Amidst the chaos, a cold snort suddenly came out.

Then there was a sound of thunder in the sky, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and rain actually fell, covering a large area, covering both the inside and outside of the city gate.

Xu Qing is also among them.

The moment Xu Qing felt the rain, his eyes narrowed.

"This rainwater is transformed by the traces of authority!"

"The other party's authority is rain..."

Almost at the moment Xu Qing sensed it, the rain falling around him turned into sharp blades one by one, whizzing towards Xu Qing.

At the same time, in the heavy rain, the collapse of the space in the city was not stopped by the rain, but the illusory figures following the middle-aged monks inside disappeared in an instant with the help of the rain.

When he appeared, he suddenly crossed the place where the space collapsed, and around Xu Qing, their cultivations exploded one by one, emitting the power of the Yun Shen, and cooperating with Yu Yu's attack, they attacked Xu Qing desperately.

"Puppet? Death warrior? And it's composed of Rain Lord!"

A cold light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes, and he quickly stepped back. At the same time, he looked through the rain curtain in front of him at the white figure standing in the rain in the city.

The other party did not step out, but stood there, looking at him coldly.

"He is also a cautious person. Because he does not know my true strength, even if he sees that I am not the master, he still does not choose to approach personally. Instead, he spreads his authority from a distance and arranges for his puppets to take action."

"But caution is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage. At some critical moments, opportunities will be missed."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and retreated. Although his eyes were retracted, he did not look at the puppet figures, but stared at the rainwater coming like sharp knives.

Looking at the rain, at this moment of fighting, an idea came to Xu Qing's mind.

"I have authority and divine authority."

"Authority and divine power, the former belongs to monks and the latter belongs to gods."

"Authority comes from rules and laws, while divine authority is a trace in the dark."

"Both sides are essentially the same but also different. The same thing has its source, but the difference is that it exists in a different way."

"Rules and laws are created by monks and evolved from the way of heaven. The monks understand it, so they have authority. This is a cycle."

"The source of divine power is even more ancient, and I don't know it."

"Erasure, magic, rain, and Qi... can all become authority."

"Then, are my five elements... also all powers?"

"But their source is not the way of heaven, but my own person."

Xu Qing was actually thinking about this issue during the thirty whirlpool days he came to this city.

At this moment, seeing the sharp blades formed by the rain, he suddenly put away all his spells and only displayed his extreme water channel, exploding towards the surroundings.

The next moment, an incredible scene appeared.

The sharp blades turned by rainwater in front of Xu Qing stopped for an instant and became motionless.

Not only them, but all the rain falling in all directions in the world suddenly stopped in mid-air at this moment.

Including the puppets, they all paused in mid-air.

Then, when Xu Qing raised his hand...

Those sharp blades changed direction.

The puppets turned around.

All the rainwater in the world trembled at this moment, and then... turned into sharp thorns, directed at the middle-aged monk in the city, whose mind was roaring at this moment, and he was completely horrified.

In the eyes of this middle-aged monk, the young man in front of him was clearly enveloped and surrounded by the rain of his own authority, but he was the one who was shocked.

The other party is more like the Lord of the Rain than him.

This chapter has been completed!
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