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Chapter 1,117 The direction of the eighth pole

"Time is not just about accelerating the passage, reversing years and freezing."

"There is a deeper display..."

Xu Qing looked at the vast desert in front of him. The moment he understood the nature of the desert, even though he had the power of time, his heart was still disturbed by the way time was displayed here, and he had many thoughts.

"Time can be macroscopic, falling on all star rings, or... falling on all living beings. As long as it exists, it is within its scope."

"Time flows everywhere."

"But it is not fixed. Whether it is the influence of external forces or other changes, it can cause different changes."

"And what this desert shows is the branch of time."

Xu Qing took a deep breath, and the feeling of enlightenment in his heart became clearer and clearer.

"Every time a piece of sand moves, it forms a timeline, and then on this timeline, a second piece of sand appears."

"The first gravel and the second gravel are essentially the same, but the timelines are different."

"With this operation, there are more and more timelines, forming chaos, just like this desert. If it can finally be unified, then it will be equivalent to walking within time, but independent of time, which can be called control."

Xu Qing's eyes showed strange light.

"But it's a pity that at present, I can't unify it, I can only allow it to appear disorderly."

"And this disordered timeline based on the changes in the object itself seems to have... different fates to a certain extent?"

"Every time there is an additional timeline, there is an additional gravel based on this timeline. The trend after this gravel has nothing to do with the original gravel and has become an independent road."

Xu Qing recalled the divine power of destiny possessed by his spiritual body, and a strange feeling gradually emerged in his heart.

Because he discovered that authority and divine authority seemed to have the same purpose but the same purpose at this moment.

"But there are some subtle differences. My divine power of destiny uses a carving knife to carve new threads of destiny, so that it can stand out and become the leader."

"But time branching is the evolution of the object itself into a large number of different timelines..."

"The specific difference should be understood more clearly when we return to Wanggu in the future and the immortal body and the divine body are reunited."

"And now..."

Xu Qing's eyes flashed, and he was thinking about how this time-branching ability would be displayed in battle.

At the same time, he took out a bottle of Liaoxuan Holy Liquid and drank it in one gulp.

These days, he has drank two bottles, and he is taking out the third bottle now.

As the Liao Xuan Holy Liquid spread, Xu Qing's thoughts were also boiling.

"I can use it on myself to form different timelines with every move I make, even every heartbeat."

"Although I can't unify it, I can use my own destiny dial to explode it to the outside world at once, forming a chaotic sea of ​​time!"

"Those who enter my chaotic sea will bear the power of time and be immersed in chaos. In countless timelines, they will either die or go crazy!"

"If it's on the enemy... it's the same!"

"Every action of the other party will form a disordered timeline. After more and more time, because the other party cannot control this change, they can only passively face cholera itself!"

"It even gives me the feeling that when I look at a god, all my flesh and blood becomes independent."

"With this magical power, even the master cannot avoid it!"

A cold feeling rose in Xu Qing's eyes.

"Entering the sea is painful, even for countless calamities, and there is no time to stop it, so it is called... Infinite!"

Xu Qing made secrets with both hands, used his own power to cover the entire desert, condensed his thoughts into thoughts in his heart, burned them into Tao, and imprinted them into the Seventh Pole.

After doing this, his thoughts were still spreading.

The power of Liao Xuan Holy Liquid is also constantly evaporating at this moment, making Xu Qing's already amazing understanding continue to be blessed.

"In addition, regarding the ability of time branching, there should be other better ways to display it, which I need to think about in detail later."

"For example...cooperating with the power of space?"

Xu Qing pondered, and after a while, his mind suddenly moved.

"The additional timeline created, coupled with a space unique to that timeline, what appears is..."

"A destiny that is the same as mine but has a different future?"

Xu Qing's breathing suddenly became faster, and he vaguely felt as if he had caught something.

"Or to be more precise, it should be called...time and space?"

"Based on the time and space I created?"

"In countless time and space, countless me..."

Xu Qing suddenly raised his head, his mind was in a state of intense excitement at this moment, and he immediately started trying.

Time passed and three days passed.

Xu Qing is still immersed in his own insights, exploring the integration of time and space.

During this period, some of the ideas he came up with were deduced and some were actually developed, but without exception, they all failed.

So he simply changed his thoughts and focused on the disordered formation of the timeline, trying to turn his space power into a box to accommodate the timeline.

This process is very slow.

But Xu Qing didn't pay attention to this, all his energy was absorbed in it.

However... for Yunmen Qianfan, the shock in her heart increased day by day as Xu Qing practiced!

Her cultivation level has returned to emptiness. Although whether she can break through and become Yun Shen depends on chance, as one of the core members of the family, she still has the knowledge.

But even though she had a lot of experience and had contact with other masters, in the past few days, the scene of Xu Qing's practice still caused an endless storm in her heart.

The formation of this storm, along with Xu Qing's understanding of the desert, erupted step by step in Yunmen Qianfan's heart.

In the first few days, she noticed that all the gravel in the entire desert was gradually shining, and eventually the desert turned into a bright starry sky in her eyes.

This made her feel uneasy.

Then, all the gravel was trembling, and even for a short period of time, wherever Yunmen Qianfan looked, all the gravel rose into the sky.

The dreamlike feeling had an impact on her cognition, and the waves of her mind turned into terrifying waves.

But compared to these, what happened next was even more subversive of her imagination.

She discovered that... Xu Qing's body was distorted and blurred, as if overlapping. She didn't even know if it was because of dazzling eyes. For a moment, she seemed to have seen countless Xu Qings!

Although all these disappeared like hallucinations in the blink of an eye, what followed was a trembling of her body and intense dizziness.

The world is spinning.

What shocked her even more was that in this dizziness, she grew old for a moment, became a child again for a moment, and recovered again for a moment.

Hallucinations also appeared frequently, as if he was experiencing different lives one after another.

Joys and sorrows, love and hatred, are all in it.

Fortunately, this was terminated when Xu Qing noticed it at the critical moment and raised his hands to seal the seal, and there was still a gentle force surrounding it to isolate it from the influence.

Otherwise, I am afraid that she would have become a withered skeleton now.

This scene caused Yunmen Qianfan's mental storm to become extremely violent.

"My ancestors have never given me such a feeling..."

Yunmen Qianfan inhaled repeatedly and quickly stepped back a distance, not daring to approach Xu Qing.

While feeling awe in my heart, I also felt a sense of security that was stronger than before, rising in my heart.

She once again confirmed that her method of divination was extremely correct this time.

As for the life and death of other core tribe members, she didn't know, but she knew that she should be fine this time.

At the same time, she vaguely felt that her divination skills seemed to have changed after experiencing the scene just now.

"Do the changes caused by senior Yan Xuanzi's practice coincide with the method of divination to some extent?"

Yunmen Qianfan was thoughtful, crossing his legs in the distance, carefully sensing.

In this way, another two days passed.

The entire desert became more and more dazzling, and countless sand and gravels continued to rise into the air, pulling each other and moving around, forming a storm in the desert.

When the rumbling sound spread in all directions, a person walked on the land outside the desert.

The person coming is a woman.

Wearing a long black gauze dress and holding a black spear, she has a beautiful face but a sinister expression, and her whole body exudes an icy aura.

She stood outside Desert Storm, took one step forward, and stepped into the desert.

But it only took one step, and the whole person came to a standstill.

After a moment, she slowly retracted her steps and stood there, as if she had transformed into an iceberg. The air around her was solidified by her breath, and invisible pressure spread in all directions.

It seems that all living beings will be swallowed up by the cold air as long as they get close.

However, all the momentum of this iceberg only appeared for a few breaths. As she retracted her steps and stared, it began to melt.

Everything was quickly replaced by solemnity.

"The desert of time..."

"Time authority!"

"No wonder the previous elders and guest ministers both died mysteriously, so that I was summoned to stop him. This guest minister of the Yunmen family is not only a master, but also a mid-term master with a high probability!"

"He is hiding in the Yunmen family, and his purpose must be the secret key..."

The woman is silent.

As a peerless genius of the Earth Spirit Clan, she is also the owner of the Quasi-Immortal Capital Order. She has fought countless battles with people in her life, and her knowledge exceeds that of ninety-nine percent of her family members.

She has the confidence to fight against all those in the same situation.

But now... the solemn look on her expression was gradually mixed with the growing sense of crisis in her heart.

At that moment, she felt death.

"I am no match for this person."

After a brief silence, the woman took a deep breath and slowly backed away.

After three steps, her body suddenly froze, and her expression changed instantly.

She realized that her retreat was still a little late.

She stood here for a long time, and during this time, her heartbeat, inner thoughts, and body movements were too many.

The most important thing is that she should not take that step into the desert.

Therefore, before she knew it, timelines had formed on her body, causing her body to become distorted, blurred, and overlapping as she stepped back.

But as a master, she was extraordinary. The moment she noticed something unusual about herself, she immediately raised her cultivation level without hesitation. She was even more decisive, and she instantly collapsed her own secret treasure at any cost, using its power to increase her own authority, and exploded.

In an instant, a truly vast and huge iceberg, with her as the center, roared in all directions and stood outside the desert.

It freezes everything and freezes everything, including itself and time!

A few days later, the iceberg was still standing.

The storm in the desert slowly dissipated, and the entire desert returned to normal.

Xu Qing, at this time, opened his eyes.

He did not look at the icebergs in the distance, but sighed in his heart at his own feelings.

After this period of trying, he found that due to his insufficient understanding, he was still unable to integrate time and space.

"But this is a direction, the direction of the eighth pole!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath and raised his hand. The desert immediately churned, all the gravels were swaying, countless times were intertwined here, and the bright lights were colorful.

Finally, they converged in front of Xu Qing and became a bright road.

"Let's go."

Xu Qing stood up and spoke to Yunmen Qianfan.

At this moment, Yunmen Qianfan was looking at the iceberg that suddenly appeared in her mind, especially at the figure of the woman sealed in the iceberg. When she recognized the other person, she instinctively looked at Xu Qing.

"Senior, she..."

"She tried to freeze time, but failed. She is not dead now, but it is not much different from dead."

"Ah, that... thing on her body?" Yunmen Qianfan blinked.

Xu Qing shook his head and did not continue to speak.

Because, even though he had created the Infinite Sea sealed in the iceberg, he did not have the ability to unify it. If he stepped into it, he would also fall into it.

Of course, Xu Qing would never expose this.

At this moment, he took a step forward and walked onto the bright road in front of him. As he walked, he crossed time and crossed the desert. When he appeared... he was already in front of an ancient stone formation.

Behind him, Yunmen Qianfan followed obediently.

This chapter has been completed!
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