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Chapter 1,119 The sky is big and the earth is big

Chapter 1122 The sky is vast and the earth is vast

South of the center of the Western Region, 3.97 billion miles away, there is a mountain named Moshi.

There is a valley in the mountain, and there is a pool in the valley. The water in the pool is green and unfathomable.

Sometimes there are evil spirits wandering around, which look like smoke and disperse when touched.

The four walls are covered with jagged rocks, intertwined canines, towering ancient trees, and branches and leaves that block the sun.

There is a stone platform beside the pool. There is an ancient seal engraved on the platform, which reads: "A place where evil falls, and only good people can enter it."

On weekdays, few people enter this place. Even if they pass by, they usually roar in the sky outside the mountain and do not intrude.

Only those who need evil energy to assist them in their practice will enter this mountain for half an hour when the aurora is at its brightest every day.

"It is rumored that this place was the place where a powerful evil monk buried his sword before his death in ancient times. His sword was named Moshi, and it became a mountain here. The sword contained evil intentions and turned into a pool of falling evil."

At this moment, outside Moshi Mountain, there was a young man in black robe, looking at the black mountain in front of him, groaning softly in his heart.

This young man is none other than Xu Qing who left Black Cloud City.

After sending Yunmen Qianfan to Black Cloud City, Xu Qing decided to wander around in the Western Region. The key place to visit was the jade slip given by Yunmen Qianfan, which described all kinds of strange things like the desert of time.


Luoxie Pond is the closest to him, so it is the first stop.

After staring outside the mountain for a long time, at the moment when the aurora was at its strongest, Xu Qing stepped into Moshi Mountain.

Stepping over rocks, passing shrubs, and walking into the valley, I saw a pool of water, a stone platform, and the writings on it.

I also saw so-called evil spirits.

Stared for a long time.

During this period, evil spirits appeared, transforming into demons and monsters, emitting vicious roars, choosing people to devour, and pounced on them one after another. However, the moment they touched Xu Qing, they turned into smoke and filled the air in all directions.

"This place does not have the ability to instantly kill monks, but it can pollute the soul and consume the flesh and blood. If it stays for a long time, the soul will be scattered."

"And it's also related to the time of entry. I think when the aurora outside dims, the evil flames here will skyrocket."

Xu Qing sensed his surroundings, glanced in all directions, and finally landed on the pool.

His eyes flashed, and ripples appeared in the pool under his gaze. Through the ripples, he seemed to see for a moment a stone coffin deep in the pool.

"This coffin cannot be moved."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes. The fact that it has been placed here so far shows that this coffin is definitely not ordinary, and there is an inexplicable danger in this place under his induction.

"It's not the place where I need the insight."

Xu Qing pondered, and when half an hour passed, he stepped back and was about to leave.

But just when his body was about to exit the valley, a dark wind blew from the pool, causing all the vegetation in the valley to rustle.

These sounds seemed ordinary. If a mortal were here, they would only hear the sound of wind and leaves, but within Xu Qing's perception, it was clearly a strange murmur.

"The fine grass is empty in the forest, and the cold rain is holding back the wind."

"A skinny little lonely soul, with only one person to take care of."

"The lonely spring platform calls for you all over the place tonight."

"Hazy vision, a ray of light, revealing the peach blossom face..."

This voice was cold and cold, echoing in this silent valley, as if there was a lonely soul calling someone in the underworld at night.

At the same time, the pool rippled, and a woman's head showed half of her face in the pool.

Pale complexion, black hair submerged in the water, a pair of equally white eyes, staring at Xu Qing.

Just for a moment, the surrounding area began to freeze, and the ground, grass, trees, and rock walls were all frozen. The entire valley was distorted as it spread rapidly.

Then, the figure in the pond disappeared and appeared on the pond as if teleporting.

All in white.

Immediately afterwards, the distortion started again, and it appeared outside the pool.

He was about to continue, but at this moment, a huge pair of scissors appeared above Xu Qing's head with a click.

Cut an invisible thread directly.

As the silk thread was disconnected, the woman's strange movement was also terminated.

She stood there, a hundred feet away from Xu Qing, staring blankly.

Xu Qing looked calm from beginning to end, and spoke calmly at this moment.

"I'm not the person you're looking for. If you continue to pester me, I won't mind making you unable to wait any longer."

After saying that, Xu Qing slowly backed away until he left the scope of the valley, and the surrounding temperature gradually returned.

There is nothing unusual about the valley.

Xu Qing did not hesitate at all, and moved out of Moshi Mountain. Standing outside the mountain, he took a look at the mountain.

Vaguely, I seemed to be able to sense that in the valley of this mountain, the strange woman had disappeared at this moment, only the murmur from before was still faintly echoing.

"The legend is false."

"This is not a place where swords are buried, but a seal. The seal is a god."

"And being able to pollute a mountain under this seal, in this world of forbidden gods, the true strength of this god back then was at least the peak of the divine platform."

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze, turned and left.

Half a month later.

South of the center of the Western Region, 1.53 billion miles away, there is a plain named Tianfeng.

There are caves in the earth in the eastern part of the plain, with entrances thousands of miles away.

Going down inside the cave, it becomes narrower and narrower, eventually becoming a long and narrow passage with unfathomable depth.

There is an inexplicable wind in the passage. The wind is so powerful that it seems like a fairy who controls the wind lives here.

And in the middle of the descent, you can see that the cave walls are carved with strange totems.

"Legend has it that these totems are the spells left by the immortal who controls the wind. They record how to guide and control the power of the wind."

"And rare and strange animals often appear in the cave. They shuttle in the wind, making it seem like illusions and reality."

Outside Tianfeng Cave, Xu Qing, who had arrived here after half a month's journey, was standing there, lowering his head and staring, with the description in the Qianfan Bamboo Slips of Yunmen emerging in his heart.

His spiritual thoughts dispersed, and after a moment of perception, his eyes revealed a strange light.

"Here is a wonderful place. It contains traces of the power of wind, and it is an open place for enlightenment. There are hundreds of monks below, each meditating..."

"The further down you go, the fewer people meditate, the stronger the wind, and the denser the totem marks."

Regarding the power of wind, Xu Qing had encountered it and had used his own wood way to simulate it to a certain extent.

Then he swayed his body and walked down the Tianfeng Cave in one step.

Along the way down, many monks could be seen crossing their legs. He did not pay attention to them, but those monks did not look at him either, so both parties did not disturb each other.

Ten days later, Xu Qing left.

In the following months, the sky was vast, the earth was vast, and the stars were vast. His figure appeared in the Huokong Mountains and on the main cliff.

The Fire Sky Mountain Range is located in the west of the central Western Region. The red fire on it burns the sky and spans 90 million miles.

The mountains within it are continuous, with peaks and peaks. There are many igneous rocks on the mountains, the color is like red gold, and the flames are blazing all year round.

From time to time, a fire phoenix hovers, spitting fire and mist, and the sound shakes the surrounding areas.

There are many hot springs in the mountains, and the water vapor evaporates like clouds and mist.

Legend has it that there is a fairy palace named Huokong in the Huokong Mountains. It is the palace of Huokong Immortal Lord among the eleven immortal masters of the fifth star ring.

Those who have the chance can find the Immortal Palace here and reach heaven in one step, becoming a disciple of the Fire and Sky Immortal Lord.

It's just that from ancient times to the present, legends are just legends, and no one has this opportunity.

Xu Qing has lived in the Fire Sky Mountain Range for half a month and has traveled to all places. He has never been able to find the Immortal Palace. However, in this mountainous area filled with flames, his understanding of the Five Elements of Fire has obviously improved a lot.


But what followed was questions.

"Where does the fire here come from..."

There is no answer.

Even if he went deep into the mountains to explore, he still found nothing. The fire seemed to be born and grew on the mountains.

The word "long" may not be applicable to some, but that's how it feels to Xu Qing.

So he simply crossed his legs and tried to understand.

I don't know how long it took, but for a while, there seemed to be a sun-like palace rising in his mind, and it resonated a little with him.

But the next moment, his vision became blurry, and an ethereal voice echoed in his heart.

"Your cause and effect is not mine."

As the sound appeared, his body was unconsciously sent outside the Fire Sky Mountains by a strange force.

There, Xu Qing was silent for a long time, without asking any more questions. He bowed, turned and left, heading to the main cliff.

The main cliff is also located to the west of the center of the Western Region. The scope is vague. Xu Qing searched for a while before finding it.

This cliff is like a broken giant blade, standing in a desert.

Alone and abrupt.

The cliff is as steep as a knife and an ax, and towers into the clouds. Standing on it, the clouds are below you.

There are ancient characters carved on the cliff, which read: "The main road leads to the sky and the earth."

In addition, there is also a strange flower called "main road flower" growing on the cliff.

The color of this flower is pure white, with golden veins hidden in the petals. It seems to symbolize the supreme Tao between heaven and earth, and its medicinal properties are also the same...

You can't eat it, you can only smell it.

Like hearing the Tao.

The flowers bloom once every hundred years, and when they bloom, the fragrance is overwhelming and spreads for tens of millions of miles. Practitioners will come to the cliff to seek enlightenment in the hope of breaking through the bottleneck of practice.

Unfortunately, when Xu Qing came, it was not the flowering period, and it would be more than forty years before the next flowering.

Therefore, there are not many monks on the main cliff.

But here, Xu Qing felt that his thoughts seemed to be invisibly blessed, and he had more ideas.

So after being away for half a year, he chose to stay here for a while.

On the one hand, he summarized his enlightenment along the way, and on the other hand, he calmed down and studied the mass of soil that contained the energy of space.

Through this, try to form a glue that you have seen before.

During this period, he took out the divination jade slip that Yunmen Qianfan gave him before his farewell.

This jade slip not only contains the power of divination, but also contains a... secret key.

It was a rune that Xu Qing could not understand. It was ancient, filled with mystery, and seemed to have its own life, but it was dim and illusory, and it seemed that it had not yet reached the opportunity to shine.

Staring at this secret key, Xu Qing was thoughtful.

The mission he received was to escort the core of the Yunmen family to a designated place. The information he learned was that some of these people carried the secret key.

Later, people from the Earth Spirit clan learned that this was actually a gambling game.

As for the truth, Xu Qing did not delve into it, but he was certain.

"When Yunmen Qianfan gave me this jade slip, I checked it and found... that there was no secret key in it."

"This secret key was condensed into the jade slip by itself during this period of time."

Xu Qing pondered and put away the jade slip. No matter what the secret key was or where it was opened, it was not his focus at the moment.

After practicing on the main cliff for a period of time, he planned to set off for the Digui Pond, Yunni Basin and the Fairy Meteor Mountains. The last one was said to be the source of the aurora.

But many times, plans often fail to keep up with changes.

The second stage of Xiandu Hunting has reached a critical node at this moment!

This node is also the moment that countless monks who know the inside story have been waiting for and dreaming of!

On this day, the aurora in the sky disappeared.

On this day, the four stars became the brightest stars on the sky in the entire fifth star ring.

This chapter has been completed!
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