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Chapter 1,125 The aurora fills the sky, like a flood of immortals

Li Mengtu spoke word by word, speaking very seriously.

His expression was also solemn, as if these two sentences were very important to him.

This is a fight between the Tao and the Tao, regardless of grudges or grudges, life or death.

In fact, the life of a monk is exactly like this. At the low level, it is to survive, and at the middle level, it is to be stronger. At the current high level, Tao is the core.

His ways cannot be stained with dust.

"Li Mengtu, studied under the Taoist Immortal Sect, the Immortal Lord Haohan."

"I disdain conspiracy, let alone relying on the power of my family and master. Today, I will take action alone, and I will go all out, vowing to kill you to complete my way!"

Li Mengtu spoke in a deep voice.

At this moment, he stood in mid-air, his black clothes swaying in the wind, his long hair fluttering, and his eyes bright, looking at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing was silent.

He has seen many people in his life, all kinds of people, like Li Mengtu in front of him, although there are not many, but not none.

Ru Yanxuanzi is essentially the same as Li Mengtu.

At the same time, he also saw in the other party's eyes his determination to fight for the Tao, so he slowly spoke out.

"Xu Qing."

Li Mengtu nodded and said no more words or asked any more questions. The solemn look in his eyes instantly increased. He suddenly raised his right hand, pointed towards the sky, and drank in a low voice.


The next moment, a deafening sound came from the sky, and the sea of ​​thunder that had been dissipated by the fluctuations of the two men's spells reappeared ten times and a hundred times more vastly than before.

The rumbling sound echoed in all directions, and streaks of silver swept across the sky. The range was millions of miles in an instant, then tens of thousands of miles, and then spread again.

It seems endless.

The lightning formed within this area and the thunderballs gathered together enveloped the entire sky.

Suddenly, there were lightning and thunder, and the color of the sky and the earth changed, like the anger of the sky, like the roar of the great road.

The sea of ​​thunder comes again.

And this is not only the case in the sky, at this moment, there are also thunders rising up on the earth, and there are also thunders tearing from the void, and everything is thundering and lightninging at this moment.

After gathering together, a sea of ​​thunder whirlpool appeared within tens of millions of miles, and the sound was even more astonishing, like a natural disaster!

The momentum is unparalleled and shocks the world.

It is Li Mengtu’s second power, Thunder!

Thunder, the main killer!

At this moment, Li Mengtu, who was surrounded by thunder in the sky, was like the Lord of Thunder in the world. Lightning appeared on his body, connected with the sea of ​​thunder, and he raised his hand to point to Xu Qing.

Suddenly a sea of ​​thunder roared, sweeping through the universe and heading straight for Xu Qing.

With such authority, Xu Qing's pupils shrank.

He has seen a lot of masters, but he has never met anyone with such vast aura as Li Mengtu in front of him.

"As worthy of a star!"

Xu Qing looked solemn, but had no intention of shrinking back. The other party had already said that this was a dispute between Taoists...

"Then, let's keep fighting!"

Xu Qing's eyes shone brightly. In his life, from the moment Wushuang City disappeared, the path he took was all about struggle!

Fight for life, fight for fate, and fight for the way of heaven and earth.

So the pupil of the right eye blurred and was replaced by Dao Mark!

Erasing the traces of the Dao, from his right eye, it exploded, wiping out everything wherever he looked!

The earth is blurred, the sky is distorted, nothingness ripples, and the roaring sea of ​​thunder is directly affected!

However, the authority of Thunder is extremely extreme in killing, and even if it erases the existence of Dao Mark, it still cannot completely eliminate it.

Under this churning, a dazzling light shines, exuding terrifying damage.

The mark on Xu Qing's right eye suddenly became blurred, his pupil stung, and blood flowed from it.

Even so, erasing the power of authority still caused waves to appear in the turbulent sea of ​​thunder.

At this moment, his momentum was weakened, and although he was still heading straight towards Xu Qing, at the critical moment, a soaring sword intent surged rapidly within Xu Qing's body.

That's the Imperial Sword.

The Imperial Sword flew out from its heavenly spirit. Xu Qing took a step forward, raised his right hand and grabbed it directly.

The moment he grasped the Emperor's Sword, the aura on his body also rose up, forming a power that shook the starry sky and made the thunder that came overwhelming the mountains suddenly stop.

Xu Qing, holding the Emperor Sword, pointed forward and slashed suddenly.

A roaring sound came from the blurry earth, and infinite earth energy rose up, gathering into Xu Qing's sword.

Become the sword of the earth!

Ksitigarbha style!

One sword cuts through the sea of ​​thunder.

The power of the earth stirred up was like the sea, roaring like the sea of ​​thunder.

A violent fluctuation suddenly broke out the moment the two sides touched.

Among them, a large number of thunderballs appeared in front of Xu Qing, passing through the sword energy. They quickly approached and exploded one by one, causing damage.

Xu Qing made secrets with both hands and continued to resolve them, retreating in a series of roars.

On the other side, sword energy also penetrated the sea of ​​thunder and appeared in front of Li Mengtu. As it roared away, all the mirrors outside Li Mengtu's body were shining.

While they were being resolved one after another, he was also making secrets to resist the power of the sword, and in the process his body also fell backwards.

From a distance, this scene seems evenly matched.

In the middle, Earthsea and Thundersea were confronting each other, while the two people behind Shuanghai were retreating.

But Li Mengtu, who was in the early stage of cultivation as a master, was a star, was born in the Li family, and became a disciple of Lord Poison. His methods surpassed those of many masters, so when he retreated, his eyes suddenly shone with silver light.

Like the incarnation of divine power, the words are sent out.

"Ask you, Hun, who did you study under?"

"Ask you spirit, where are you from?"

"I want to ask you about your body, do you have any hidden injuries?"

"Ask your heart, what are your options?"

This is exactly his third authority, to impose orders and tell the truth!

This authority can be used to ask questions about heaven, earth, everything in the world, and all kinds of questions.

This power resembles authority and has the power to intimidate, like waking up a tree and touching it!

When asked, everyone must tell the truth.

If you refuse, you will be punished.

Regardless of whether he recovers or not, he will fall into a state of stiffness at this moment. This stiffness... includes the body, the soul, and the will.

When the order came down, Xu Qing was shocked all over.

There seemed to be a terrifying force of shock falling on his body, making his body stiff, falling on his soul, causing it to lose its function, and falling on his memory, causing the past to be shaken.

Almost at the moment Xu Qing's body and soul were affected, a cold light flashed in Li Mengtu's eyes, and he stepped back while quickly making seals with his hands.

He didn't really want to ask Xu Qing these questions.

What the answer is, he doesn't care.

No matter where the person in front of him came from, who he studied under, whether he had hidden injuries, or what kind of backhand he had, he didn't care. What he wanted was the stiff power that came with being restrained by his own authority.

Thereby creating a killer opportunity for yourself!

Now, this opportunity has arisen.

So he didn't hesitate and directly launched the trump card he inherited from his supreme master!

"The aurora fills the sky, coming like a fairy flood!"

His masters include Daodezi, Haohan Immortal Lord, Xianhong Old Man, and Poison Lord.

These names did not come out of thin air. To be precise, each name comes from a magical power from Lord Poison.

Among them, the name Xianhong Old Man represents the magical power that Li Mengtu has displayed now.

At this moment, as Li Mengtu made the secret and opened his mouth, the sky shook.

The crimson aurora flowing on the sky, higher than the sea of ​​thunder, filling the infinite range of the entire fifth star ring... was actually affected.

It can't be all of them, but for the fifth star ring, the aurora is the highest, and being able to be affected to a certain extent requires amazing means.

At this moment, the aurora is turbulent!

Range of hundreds of miles!

Then separated.

The same is true for the range.

The hundreds of miles of aurora seemed to be controlled at this moment, like it was being cut, like it was being disconnected...it actually fell from the sky.

With infinite weight and mind-shaking pressure, it dropped directly.

Like a flood, like a waterfall, like the sea falling from the sky.

The crimson light fell instantly. Wherever it passed, the sea of ​​thunder collapsed and the sword's will collapsed.

With just one blow, Xu Qing's energy and blood surged, his whole body roared, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell to the earth with such force.

The injury is not serious.

Even so, this injury also allowed him to recover from the stiffness in his body and soul that had been affected by the restraint order.

As far as he could see, the aurora in the sky within a hundred miles was pulled down and suppressed towards him. All directions were red, like a sea of ​​blood.

But Li Mengtu is now a hundred miles away and has not come close. It is obvious that even he is afraid of this magical power that draws the aurora.

Even so, for Xu Qing, the life and death crisis also broke out.

At the critical moment, Xu Qing did not hesitate at all, and the power of the five elements in his body came out with all his strength at this moment.

A year of rest and exploration, as well as the insights gained from the various places he visited during this period, are all revealed in this moment.

First of all, the wood growth surged, turning into countless grass and trees, emerging out of thin air, blocking out the sky and the sun, just like turning this place into a wood world, blocking the aurora.

The wooden world collapsed instantly, and when the aurora set again, Xu Qing made a hand gesture with both hands, and all the collapsed wooden elements were used to light a fire, making the flames surge into the sky, and then blocked it.

Then, the fire was blessed and resisted to a certain extent, Xu Qing's thoughts moved again, and all the fire elements immediately generated earth in the limit, transformed the earth realm, and then blocked the light of the sky.

The eruption of the earth element lasted for a short time and was difficult to stop, and all of it was transformed into gold at its peak.

The golden power surged up, as if it was about to break the sky.

However, the aurora was so amazing that Breaking the Sky failed.

So after reaching the limit of gold, use all your strength to generate water.

The power to move water directly reached an unprecedented level, turning into a vast ocean around him, with a vast scope of thousands of miles, becoming a sea that could not be imagined in the minds of ordinary people.

The water is turbulent and the sky is reflected in the vast waves!

There is a red aurora falling from the sky, so what is reflected on the water surface is the aurora.

Block it with this.

Finally, when the sea becomes weak, wood will regenerate.

In this way, the five elements interact with each other to form a cycle, and eventually the falling aurora is blocked layer by layer and cannot continue to fall.

At the same time, Xu Qing's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He raised his hand and took out the remaining life-threatening incense, branded it with Li Mengtu and then lit it. With the blessing of time, he opened his mouth and blew it.

Suddenly the incense burned rapidly and was gone in an instant.

As for Li Mengtu, his complexion changed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body couldn't help but retreat, and his heart was gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Qing seized the opportunity and rushed forward. The energy of space exploded and he went straight towards Li Mengtu at terrifying speed.

At the same time, in the pupil of his left eye, the traces of immortal magic were moving.

The power of the six thieves wasting their lives was directly formed.

The Five Dog House Immortal's method also broke out.

Then the Golden Crow rushed out to support Xu Qing, and then the shadow rushed away to assist Xu Qing.

And these are not enough.

Xu Qing did not hesitate at all and took out the last remaining sword energy from Grandpa Jiu.

Kill Li Mengtu!

Li Mengtu's expression was extremely solemn, and his body quickly retreated.

This chapter has been completed!
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