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Chapter 1,133 Time and space are coming

Chapter 1136 The coming of time and space

The aurora in the sky of the Western Region flows like a river, giving people a sense of waves.

The red color, like blood, not only renders the heaven and earth, but also creates a dazzling beauty.

"That's also a constitution."

Xu Qing raised his head and looked at the aurora.

Before this, in his eyes, the aurora was just an astronomical phenomenon in the fifth star ring, but now... it was different.

That aurora clearly contains countless marks and runes, which are intertwined with each other and looming, forming rules and laws one after another, and turning into traces of the origin and path.

Another trace of authority is intertwined.

Nourish all living beings and guide the path of spiritual practice.

"That is an existence in the fifth star ring that is similar to the way of heaven but transcends the way of heaven."

"It is the embodiment of Xian."

"It is also the guardian of the fifth star ring monk system."

"It is conceivable that if the fifth star ring chooses to expand and choose to conquer other star rings, then this aurora will flow wherever the battlefield is covered."

"Because it has become the symbol of the fifth star ring."

Xu Qing's eyes were clear. He couldn't see these inner qualities before, but now, they are very clear.

At the same time, in this aurora, he also saw twelve stars!

Those were twelve vast figures.

They cannot be described, nor can they see clearly.

"Twelve patrol angels."

Xu Qing knew their identities and even more about their cultivation. These were the twelve immortals. They transformed into stars, walked within the aurora, guarded all sides, and patrolled the heaven and earth.

The entire fifth star ring, outside the Immortal Capital, has a total of sixteen immortals on the surface.

There is one orthodox person in each of the southeast, northwest and northwest, and the remaining twelve are all in the aurora.

But this does not mean that there are only these sixteen immortals in the fifth star ring.

Whether they are ferrymen or beings guarding other areas of the fifth star ring, they all exist in the Immortal City, and the most common place... is obviously in the Immortal City.

The fifth star ring is a place that everyone longs for and wants to worship.

for a long time……

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and looked at the earth in the distance, his steps were slow and his mind was calm.

Walk across the plain.

Time fluctuates on the plain, and the grass and trees grow suddenly and suddenly wither. Everything is like this. The birds and beasts on the plain also have different reactions in this moment.

Or a sudden panic, or a moment of confusion.

And with Xu Qing's departure, everything returned to normal.

Walk through the mountains.

The mountains were blurred, as if they had been erased, and then reappeared, as were the cracks on the rocks. Time and space were confused due to Xu Qing's passing.

The sects, families, and all the monks inside were all palpitating at this moment.

Xu Qing obviously didn't walk very fast, and he clearly flew past their eyes.

But they couldn't see Xu Qing. No matter how they looked up or explored, they couldn't see Xu Qing's existence.

All he could see was a vast black shadow that seemed to block out the sky and the sun, passing by the family mountain range where he was.

It's like they are living in the painting, and Xu Qing is walking outside the painting, so only shadows are passing over the painting.

Moreover, it is beyond their knowledge and understanding.

"The state of my integration into time and space and the elevated status made it impossible for them to recognize... Just like when I didn't have the state of time and space and didn't have my own constitution, I looked at the aurora from a distance and couldn't see the inner essence of the aurora, nor could I see its essence.

The stars within.”

"Because at that time, like them, I couldn't understand higher levels."

"It's the state of time and space, it's the constitution, which gives me the qualification to 'see'."

Xu Qing thought and moved on.

Walking through each area, one after another was shocked.

But Xu Qing did not intervene, and it was precisely because of this that after leaving, everything he passed returned to normal.

This scene made Xu Qing's thoughts spread, and he gradually became familiar with his current situation.

Gradually, he felt that now, in this state of time and space, his soul and mind felt relatively at ease.

Although I am more constrained, I am still much more comfortable than before.

But at the same time, he also felt that he could not last long in this state.

It's not because of the lack of ability in one's own space-time state, but because of the physical body.

He could feel that without a physical body, he could be immersed in the eighth pole of time and space forever.

But because of his physical body, he cannot stay in the space-time state for too long.

The physical body seems to have become a burden.

Moreover, if the mind and soul have been in the state of time and space for a long time, the physical body will gradually wither, the vitality will dissipate, and the connection with oneself will become less and less.

This phenomenon attracted Xu Qing's attention.

So he thought for a while and simply used his own time-space thinking to look at his physical body.

After a while, Xu Qing recovered his thoughts.

He saw many futures for his physical body.

Most of them are from this physical body, and they slowly no longer belong to you.

Withered between heaven and earth.

"But I see that all immortals have physical bodies, and they do not have to be abandoned only to retain their consciousness."

"And... if you want to be promoted to a master, you also need a physical body. To be promoted to a quasi-immortal, you also need to shape an immortal embryo, so that you can become an immortal."

"So... I should have the answer to what is the reason for my current state."

"It is my eighth pole. Under the explosion of thick accumulation, it is almost transcendent and has reached an extremely high level. However, my physical body cannot keep up, so it is like this."

Xu Qing walked and thought all the way.

"The solution is to improve your realm as soon as possible. The moment you step into domination, you should be able to solve it. Even if it is not possible, at least it can be alleviated."

"To dominate the realm, Yun Shen needs to reach the Nine Realms."

"Then my ninth pole..."

Xu Qing pondered and walked step by step towards where Li Mengtu was.

He was actually in no rush to appear in front of Li Mengtu right away.

If you are in a hurry, he can get there in one step.

But he chose to slow down the process.

On the one hand, I need to adapt to the Eighth Pole and think about the current path and the future path.

On the other hand, it was because from Li Mengtu's traces, Xu Qing saw that the other party was currently engaged in a fierce hunt.

To be precise, it was a fight between two families.

Both sides tried their best and suffered many casualties.

The battle that determines the outcome is with Li Mengtu.

His enemy is an old man who dominates the later period. The fierceness of the battle makes it seem that the hunt can be reversed at any time, and the hunter may become the prey in an instant.

Xu Qing chose not to participate in this fight.

The moral dispute between Li Mengtu and him was relatively upright compared to all the nastiness Xu Qing had seen before.

So Xu Qing also treated Fang Leiluo.

It wasn't until the fight was coming to an end that Xu Qing came over.

In a way not understood by most monks, he walked into the valley where the two families were at war.

His soul merged into time and space, covering his body. What came here was his mind.

The thinking in the state of time and space appears in this valley. It has no specific form, cannot be seen, cannot be recognized, and what can be perceived... is only a shadow.

This shadow does not cover the earth, but covers all directions. Regardless of space and time, regardless of the past, present and future of all living beings, the shadow is there.

shrouded in life.

At the moment of sweeping, the monks from both fighting families all trembled, their hearts palpitated inexplicably, and uncontrollable panic arose in their hearts.

As for Li Mengtu, who was in mid-air, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

The old man who was fighting with him in the later stage of domination had his pupils suddenly shrink, his breathing became rapid, and his body retreated rapidly while his heart was pounding with fear.

Fast speed, no matter the cost.

Although he, like everyone else, has no ability to recognize the specifics of this scene and can only feel the shadows, he is not an ordinary practitioner after all. Even if he does not understand, he knows Xian.

Just like a blind person, he cannot recognize or understand colors, but he knows that colors exist.

The difference is that color is not dangerous to the blind, but it can be the difference between life and death for the elderly.

So at the first moment, he chose to escape without hesitation.

He knew very well that for that kind of powerful being, his life and death depended on a single thought. Faced with such an existence, all he could do was instinctively retreat.

At this moment, Li Mengtu's expression changed rapidly, looking at the shadows everywhere, and took a deep breath.

He naturally also knows what kind of existence is coming at this moment.

When there is no constitution, although he cannot recognize or understand the constitution, like the old man, he knows what it is.

In addition, although the inheritance of Ajna is incomplete and cannot be mastered by him, this inheritance also gives him a certain degree of "seeing".

At this moment, what the other monks here felt in their eyes and minds were shadows everywhere, but in his eyes, amid the blur and distortion, he could vaguely see an unclear outline.

It's as if, outside the world, you are staring at yourself.

So he suppressed his heart palpitations and bowed.

"My dear, Li Mengtu, I wonder which senior is here and what he is doing."

"Fellow Daoist Li, the dispute between you and me is not over yet."

Xu Qing's voice vibrated in this space and time, causing a storm and causing the mountains to shake like the sound of heaven.

The moment it fell into Li Mengtu's heart, Li Mengtu's mind instantly thundered, and his expression suddenly appeared incredulous, then disbelieving and confused, and finally complicated.

A hoarse voice came out with difficulty.

"Xu Qing?"

Almost the moment he called out Xu Qing's name, Xu Qing moved time and space.

The power of time and space silently circulated around Li Mengtu, and just for a moment... Li Mengtu's condition returned to the state before the battle from the injuries sustained in the previous battle with the old man.

No injuries at all.

"You once said that when you and I fight for justice, we will have no regrets in life or death, and you also have cause and effect in my success."

"So, do you want to continue now?"

Xu Qing's voice seemed to come from outside.

Li Mengtu felt bitter and closed his eyes. After a few breaths, his eyes suddenly opened, revealing determination and persistence.

"Xian... I know it is supreme, but I have never been there, and the inheritance is lacking, so I have never truly felt it."

"But in this life, I am not afraid of death, I am only afraid of not being able to hear the truth!"

"This Dao fight... even if I die, I will still fight!"

Li Mengtu's voice echoed, containing the ultimate determination, and his figure was even more galloping, rushing towards the blurry outline in the void that he 'saw', like a moth to a flame, rushing away!

This chapter has been completed!
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