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Chapter 115 Target Foundation Tower

Kuying Island is not very big. There are three cities on it and many village-like camps. Xu Qing's goal is Kuying City, the main city among these three cities.

He also chose the location where he landed on the island before, so the huge fish bone city he was looking at now was his target place.

"Guying City..." Xu Qing's eyes flashed, and he was speeding towards the city.

At this moment, Kuying Island is in a mess, and you can see collapses and collapses at regular intervals. This is due to the previous bombardment of the boats built by Qi Ye and Qi Xue Tong to build foundations and form pills.

Black smoke billowed in the distance, the sounds of fighting continued from all directions, and the entire island was in chaos.

Xu Qing kept his eyes introverted and headed straight for the place where the fish bones were. It seemed not far away, but in fact, even at Xu Qing's speed, it still took him half an hour to get close.

As we get closer, the vastness of this fish bone becomes even more astonishingly revealed.

Xu Qing looked at this bone. He could not imagine how earth-shattering this fish would be in the Forbidden Sea when it was alive. Even if it is dead now, its pressure is still strong.

But obviously this coercion is not a threat to the mermaid tribe itself. Perhaps this is related to racial characteristics, but it is different for other tribes.

Under this pressure, the mind will be in turmoil, and the cultivation level will be suppressed a lot. However, now the whole world is covered by a purple sea of ​​light, so no matter how great the pressure of the fish bone was, it is now suppressed.

Most of it was suppressed.

Although the perception of the remaining parts is still strong, it does not have much impact on the cultivation level.

As he got closer, Xu Qing heard the constant roars coming from the city and felt the fluctuations of the spell. He knew that many disciples were rushing in first, so he moved his body and jumped up directly to step into the city.

The Guying City built on this fish bone has a unique architectural style. Some of the buildings are shaped like human houses, some are as weird as honeycombs, and some have plants like mushrooms or seaweed planted as residences.


In some cases, sunken ships and shells were simply placed there.

Among the human buildings, there is obviously the style of the Seven Blood Pupils, and these types of buildings are often brick structures. It seems that the Seven Blood Pupils once came here to build them for the mermaid clan.

Xu Qing's gaze swept across the area without stopping, and he ran towards the center of the city.

His destination is the foundation tower in the center of the city.

According to the clues given by Huang Yan, the foundation-building sacred object, the Soul Breathing Lamp, was placed in the foundation-building tower. That place was usually closely guarded by strong men from the mermaid tribe.

"We have to find a way to get it. If we can't get it, then we have to go to the alchemy storehouse in this city to find the Foundation Establishment Pill." Xu Qing knew that time was running out, and at this moment, he unleashed his full speed, roaring, and headed straight ahead.

But he did not use the flying talisman. After all, there is still a big difference between galloping in the city and running rampant in mid-air. The former is too eye-catching. Although the mermaid monks have been suppressed in cultivation, and Xu Qing is very strong, it is not appropriate to be so eye-catching.


As Xu Qing moved closer to his destination, he also saw some disciples of Seven Blood Eyes along the way. Most of these disciples were walking in dark places and corners, keen on searching for items. Even if they were killing, they were often because of

Out of interest.

Few people focus on killing.

Even if there is occasional friction between them over the same valuable thing, it is usually settled immediately. After all, the city is so big, there is no need to compare every penny.

At the same time, Xu Qing also saw some representative buildings in the city that seemed to bear witness to the relationship between the Seven Blood Pupils and the mermaid tribe. For example, he saw a stone monument at this moment.

This stone tablet is very tall, well-preserved, and has a large number of names on it.

Judging from the words described, this is a burial monument left by the mermaid clan during a crisis many years ago. Seven Blood Pupils came here to help.

The stele is very neat and seems to be cleaned regularly.

But if you look carefully, under the penetration of the sky formation, all the bones under the stone tablet have disappeared.

And there are obvious traces of being excavated...

Xu Qing looked at the stone tablet, and then looked up at the many mountain cultivators on the seventh peak of Seven Blood Pupils in the sky. He understood the reason why the senior officials of Seven Blood Pupils were so angry.

But for Xu Qing, he came to Qixuetong not long ago, and everything is for profit, so he doesn't have much empathy, but he instinctively hates this kind of ungrateful behavior in his heart.

At this moment, he withdrew his gaze and suddenly raised his right hand. Countless water droplets appeared instantly, forming a shield around it, blocking more than a dozen bubbles that suddenly flew from the stone monument.

These bubbles instantly collapsed upon contact with water droplets, forming violent fluctuations. Five figures of mermaid monks rushed out from all around, heading straight towards Xu Qing with ferocity and ferocity.

Xu Qing looked at it coldly, waved his hand suddenly, and the water curtain around him spread out, turning into water arrows with sharp meaning, and passed towards them in an instant.

Xu Qing's body swayed away from here. After he left, the five mermaid monks' bodies were riddled with holes and fell to the ground dead. The leather bags on their bodies were rolled up by water droplets. They quickly chased Xu Qing and were caught by him while running.

Grabbing it and putting it away, he walked quickly, getting closer and closer to the foundation tower.

Xu Qing was like this all the way. He had no intention of killing people, he just wanted to get to his destination. Of course, if he encountered someone who didn't open his eyes and took the initiative to provoke him, he wouldn't mind gaining more.

Finally, half an hour later, Xu Qing saw the foundation tower in the center of the city.

The appearance of this tower is different from the conventional ones. According to the description on the Huangyan Jade Slips, this tower is in the shape of the tassels of the mermaid gods.

From a distance, the tower looks like an old woman wearing a robe, but there are countless tentacles outside the body. Each of these tentacles has eyes. While surrounding the four directions, when viewed from the side, it seems that there is something on the old woman's back.

A grimace.

You can see the long tongue falling beside you, as if turning into a tasseled shadow.

And at the top of the tower, where Guying's head is, with the help of the hollow of the building, you can see that there is a lamp inside.

The distance was too far to see clearly, but there seemed to be people sitting cross-legged and meditating there, as if they were making a breakthrough under the lamp, and there were many guards outside the tower anxiously guarding them.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, and he saw that the other party was unlucky enough to build the foundation in a hundred days at this time. Now, under this unexpected turn of events, there is a high probability that he will not be able to succeed.

At the same time, when Xu Qing was observing the foundation tower, a murderous intention suddenly burst out beside him. A green palm, holding a sharp big shell, appeared silently and aimed at Xu Qing's neck.

Draw directly.

Xu Qing raised his eyebrows, and the cultivation within his body exploded. The shadow behind him transformed into a silent roar, forming an astonishing scorching power that rumbled around.

The shell that was swung at his neck suddenly collapsed, and the palm holding the shell suddenly retracted. A translucent figure was revealed in the distortion of the void, and it was retreating rapidly.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He looked at the vague silhouette that appeared in the heat wave even though he tried his best to hide it, and suddenly rushed away.

When the moment approached, Xu Qing punched away with his right hand.

There was a roar all around, and Xu Qing's punch was combined with the shadow. Even if the base builder did not activate the Xuan Yao state, he would be shocked when he encountered it. The strange figure was obviously shocked, and he was no longer anxious to dodge.

But at the critical moment, with the emergence of blue light, a talisman appeared in front of the translucent monk, directly turning into a light curtain to block it.

With a bang, the light of the talisman couldn't bear it and collapsed. Xu Qing was faster when rewinding, and he stepped closer, but the front was empty, and the opponent's figure completely disappeared.

"Can you be invisible?" Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, turned around and walked towards the Foundation Establishment Tower, seemingly giving up on the search, but when he took the seventh step, his body suddenly moved and he was violently bumped behind him.

When the roar came out, the dagger in his right hand appeared, and while hitting his back, he stabbed hard and continuously towards the back.

During this period, he allowed the transparent figure behind him to continuously struggle and bombard him. Xu Qing's powerful physical strength at this moment made him not care about this, even if he was injured, it didn't matter.

The next moment, he turned around, raised his left hand, and grabbed behind him. He wheeled directly in front of him. As the ground roared, he stabbed the transparent figure dozens of times. When he fell, his cultivation was shattered and he was poisoned.

Finally revealed.

The green eyes, the body covered with scales, and the obvious gills belong to the mermaid tribe.

The other party seemed to be middle-aged, and although his cultivation level was Qi Condensation Dzogchen, if he were to meet another Dzogchen Seven Blood Eyes disciple, his life or death would be unpredictable.

Because he was able to carry Xu Qing's poison for so long before faintly acting out, and his actions were weird, it only shows that this person's true cultivation level is definitely not Qi Condensation.

This is the foundation-building monk of the mermaid tribe!

After being suppressed by the formation and lowered to a lower level, he became the Great Perfection of Qi Condensation.

At this moment, there was disbelief in his eyes. Although he was severely injured, he still bit the tip of his tongue and wanted to fight back. But in the next moment, a black light shone, and the black iron sign, with an astonishing whistling and sharp meaning, directly opened the center of his eyebrows.

Penetrate in.

After it penetrated, a foundation-building wave emitted from the black iron sign, spreading throughout the mermaid's body and destroying all the organs in his body.

Seeing that the opponent was completely dead, Xu Qing approached, pulled out the black iron stick, and dug out a pocket from the mermaid monk.

This is no ordinary leather bag, this is a storage bag!

Xu Qing's heart beat faster. He did not open it immediately, but put it away and rushed towards the foundation tower ahead.

At the same time, in the sky, Master Qi looked at the distant horizon with his hands behind his back. Behind him were thirteen elders and more than a hundred foundation-building monks, all standing silently.

On both sides of Master Qi, there were two huge water drops floating. In addition to the corpse-like monks, there were also the ancestors of the mermaid tribe sealed inside.

At this moment, the ancestor of the mermaid clan looked at the island below through the water drops and suddenly smiled.

"Zheng Kaiyi, do you really think you have a chance to win?"

Almost at the moment when his words came out, the four islands of the mermaid tribe below shook violently, and bursts of black light suddenly erupted from the surrounding sea surface, covering the islands quickly, and in an instant they were connected together, turning into a large formation, like a black

The cover covers everything inside.

This black light shield is constantly twisting and seems to be counteracting the power of the Seven Blood Pupils Formation. Once the Seven Blood Pupils Formation is resolved, the mermaid clan foundation-building monks inside will recover.

At that time, this competition will turn into a massacre of the Seven Blood Eyes disciples by the mermaid tribe!

"Zheng Kaiyun, the Sea Corpse Clan must be on their way here now. They should be here soon, and it won't take long for you disciples to follow the dissolution of your sect's formation and become our clan's sacrifices!"

The moment the ancestor of the mermaid tribe opened his mouth with a ferocious smile, black light suddenly erupted from the distant horizon, and a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky. The breath of death, with incomparable coldness, spread out crazily from within, making the sea surface seem to

To freeze.

As this aura enveloped the world, a thousand-foot-sized half-rotten giant crocodile crawled out from inside with a low roar.

The yellow eyes showed indifference, and the body filled with countless resentful souls showed ferocity. At this moment, as he climbed out, he could see several figures standing above the head of the rotten crocodile, each of them had a shocking aura, and behind them, there was

A dense army of monks!

It's...the Sea Corpse Clan!

"Finally here." Master Qi looked at all this with his usual expression and smiled slightly.


I don’t know which of the next batch of character pictures you would like to see or which one you like, so I will ask someone to talk to the artist about the drawings and initiate a vote.

Xu Qing (Seven Blood Pupils version)

Senior reader of story books, ancestor of Vajra Sect

Fruit Mania,Captain

Like very pure, snake snake

Angel investment,Zhang San

I can make elixirs, Gu Muqing

Little Rich Woman, Ding Xue

Self-esteem and perseverance, Li Zimei

Always gentle, Your Highness

Tengu of Six Paths, Huangyan

Bitter and infatuated, Zhao Zhongheng

Inscrutable, Qiye

Shameless, old man from the inn


Without realizing it, I wrote so many characters...

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