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Chapter 121 Juying wakes up (fourth update!) Please subscribe

Captain, you have been poisoned. Xu Qing glanced at the captain.

Poisoned? I'm not poisoned. I'm so strong, how could I be poisoned? The captain raised his eyebrows and replied in surprise. You were indeed poisoned, captain.

Xu Qing looked at the captain's blue-black face, which looked almost as black as the sea water, and said seriously. The captain looked serious when he heard this.

Lieutenant Xu, please don't talk nonsense. You have to have evidence for what you say! I just saw a sea fruit that seemed to be very good. After eating it, some wind evil entered the body. It seems that sea fruit cannot be eaten randomly.

As the captain spoke, he seemed to feel his face was a little numb, so he quickly took out a handful of antidote, stuffed it in like jelly beans, chewed it up and swallowed it. As for the bottom of his heart, he was quite depressed at the moment, secretly thinking that he had fallen into the trap before.

He hid behind the water, just to let Xu Qing explore the path first and follow behind. I didn't expect this kid to actually poison him along the way!

Now seeing that Xu Qing was about to speak, he quickly glanced around and suddenly pointed at Zhang San who was dressed as a corpse in the distance. Who is that? Isn't that Zhang San?

As he spoke, the captain swayed away from Xu Qing and ran towards Zhang San. When he reached Zhang San, he kicked him, but Zhang San, who was dressed as a corpse, quickly avoided him. He lay on the ground and looked up to see the captain.

I saw Xu Qing coming.

Captain, are you poisoned? Zhang San looked at the blue and black on the captain's face in surprise. Shut up. The captain coughed and spoke quickly. "Don't be such a loser. What good things can you get by pretending to be a corpse here? Come with me."

Let's go, I know where the good stuff is." As he said that, the captain immediately looked around and rushed towards a certain direction.

Zhang San did not hesitate, jumped up from the ground, said hello to Xu Qing, and immediately followed him.

Vice Captain Xu, there is the Foundation Establishment Pill you want where I go. Come quickly. The captain ran in the distance and waved to Xu Qing. Xu Qing's eyes were introverted, he glanced at the chaos of the battle around him, and then looked towards the captain.

The direction, there... was also the place guided by the spiritual breath lamp, so he no longer hesitated and quickly followed the captain and Zhang San.

In this way, the three people left quickly in the mermaid tribe's underground world battlefield. They were strong, so although they encountered some obstacles when leaving, they were all successfully defeated. The captain was obviously in a hurry, and at this moment, the cold air would often come out when he took action.

, all the mermaid monks who came into contact with him instantly turned into ice sculptures. However, Zhang San’s style is different from that of the captain. He has many gadgets of various kinds, and they are all the kind that will explode when touched and are not very lethal.

Custom. Throw it around when moving forward to prevent the mermaids from approaching from both sides.

At the same time, what he used the most was a silk thread that was difficult to see with the naked eye. As his body moved, the thread surrounded him and was extremely sharp. Often the captain would turn the enemy into an ice sculpture and then quickly approach and cut it.

Apparently the two of them had cooperated more than once and were already very familiar with each other, so they moved faster and faster.

Xu Qing even saw that there was a silk thread tied to the captain by Zhang San, which made Zhang San move forward very easily. As for Xu Qing, his moves were different from those of the captain and Zhang San. To be precise,

He didn't take action at all, but chose a colorless poisonous powder he developed specifically for the mermaid tribe, blended it into the water, and spread it around his body.

So while moving forward, all the mermaids who were close to him had their bodies melted. Even if they retreated rapidly, they could not change the corrosion of their bodies. They screamed and screamed, and their eyes were filled with fear.

When Zhang San saw this scene, his expression changed drastically. He quickly took out a large amount of antidote pills and swallowed them, then moved forward at full speed, trying to keep a distance from Xu Qing behind him.

As for the captain, he had already eaten the antidote pills one by one. In this way, the three of them ran all the way and slowly left the battlefield on the other side of the exit. Xu Qing also saw that the direction the captain was going was the previous battlefield.

Where those priests came from made him think deeply.

Until half an hour later, as the three of them were galloping and the roar from the battlefield had become much weaker, a strange group of buildings appeared in front of them.

Although this building is also made of coral, its color is extremely black, forming towering circular temples one after another. In terms of style, it is somewhat similar to the temples Xu Qing saw in the scavenger camp.


"Temple" Xu Qing's eyes narrowed. The guidance wave of the Soul Light Lamp he felt seemed to be here, but it was not convenient to take it out for confirmation at this moment. He did not act rashly. "This is it." The captain said excitedly from the front,

The speed suddenly increased and he went straight to the temple.

Their arrival also aroused the vigilance of the mermaid guards in the temple, and they rushed out to intercept and kill them, but the number of guards was not large.

Normally this place would have been heavily guarded, but now that the Mermaid Tribulation has happened, fighting is going on in many places in the undersea world, so much so that most of the priests have left, so the number of guards here has been significantly reduced.

Coupled with the captain's strength, Zhang San's many gadgets, and Xu Qing's colorless poison, they soon went on a rampage and directly entered the temple complex.

The foundation-building repair soil that had been suppressed to the perfection of Qi Condensation appeared, but the captain's strength exploded at this moment, and everything he passed was covered with ice. No matter what kind of cultivation level he had, the end would be the same in front of him, and he instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing was shocked. Not only was he wary of the captain's combat prowess, but he was also certain that the captain came here with a very strong purpose. From the beginning to the end, the opponent seemed to have taken the right path and headed straight for this place.

Could it be that the captain has the same goal as me? Xu Qing was vigilant and followed silently, his guard even stronger in his heart.

""The latest chapter of the whole network: domain name

After a while, the three of them fought their way to the central area of ​​the temple complex, in front of a blue temple, where the captain quickly spoke. Zhang San, set up mechanisms around, take out all your good things, and I will supply them when you go back.


Xu Qing, put more of your poison here, don't be stingy, I will replenish it for you when you get back!

Zhang San immediately took action after hearing this, and quickly arranged a large number of mechanisms that would explode at the touch of a touch, and each one was highly deceptive and disguised, and the angles at which they were placed were extremely tricky.

For example, if there is a trap that he digs and buries in a hole, and the hole is dug a little deeper than other places, the trigger mode should be a stampede. The first one to walk by will be fine, but the second one will get a bang. Pay attention.

When Xu Qing looked at him, Zhang San grinned honestly. Xu Qing was silent and recalled the place guided by the fluctuations of the spiritual breath lamp. He realized that although it was here, it didn't seem to be in this direction, and it should be deeper. This made him feel deep in his heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and after Zhang San finished setting up, he also took out a lot of poison powder and spread it, making the area around the temple more dangerous.

Xu Qing then looked at the captain.

The captain was very happy and directly opened the door of the temple and called Xu Qing and Zhang San to go in.

The temple was empty, without any treasures, and only a tasseled statue stood there.

Captain, what are you going to do this time? There is nothing here. What I want is not here! Seeing the empty surroundings, Zhang San became anxious. Xu Qing said nothing and looked at the captain.

Don't worry, you two. The captain squatted down and said with a smile. "Wait a while, I promise you will get what you want after a while." As he said that, he took out a withered eye from his body.

This eye didn't look like a human race. After being put aside by the captain, he made a gesture.

Immediately, the withered eyes suddenly opened, revealing a blurry scene from the pupils, which seemed to be the outside world of the island. "Let's watch the show first." The captain looked a little excited. "Eye of Consonance, this thing is very expensive.

How did you get it!" Zhang San took a breath and quickly got closer to check. Xu Qing pondered and looked at the eyes carefully. He felt that it was very strange. He glanced at the captain again, stepped back some distance, and looked around.

Start observing the environment here. There is really nothing else here except the statue.

Even the material of the statue itself is only made of coral, and there is no fluctuation of divinity. But Xu Qing did not relax. He remembered that in the temple in the Scavenger Forbidden Area, the stone sculpture holding a knife did not look surprising at all.

But he doesn't plan to stay here for a long time and plans to find an opportunity to leave.

And at the moment Xu Qing was observing, the ground shook violently, and a loud roar came from a distance, like a storm sweeping across all directions.

As the earth shook, there was a sharp sound in the distance, which seemed to be able to penetrate all obstacles and spread throughout the entire underwater world. The place where this roar and sharp sound came was the battlefield where Xu Qing and the others left before. At this moment

There were corpses all over the place, there were a lot of deaths, and the dozens of priests were all in quite a miserable state at the moment.

Most of the weird beasts transformed by their magic also died, so each one of them made a sharp sound in their madness. At the same time as the sound came out, their bodies also burned rapidly, as if they were burning with the help of life.

Perform some kind of earth-shattering magic.

At the same time, with their sharp sounds, the priests on the battlefields in this underwater world, although the number is not large, are now burning themselves and making sharp sounds. These sounds merge together, becoming more and more intense.

The stronger it is, the more amazing the penetration power is.

As hundreds of priests burned crazily across Kuying Island, the sharp sound spread directly out of Kuying Island, and through the formation outside, it continued to spread towards the depths of the sea. It was like a summons!

Soon a roar came from the deep sea, and at this moment, it echoed loudly from the bottom of the sea. This sound was like the sound of heaven and earth, containing indescribable shock.

At the moment of the news, huge waves were set off in the thousands of miles of sea. They were rolling and roaring. The color of the sky changed and the wind and clouds were rolling. Deep under the sea... a huge figure appeared faintly! This figure was ten thousand feet tall.

, huge and astonishing, like a god.

It seemed that every move was difficult, but similarly, every move would cause the sea floor to roar, forming a tsunami. The terrifying pressure erupted at this moment.

The countless sea beasts nearby, no matter what their cultivation level, all trembled under this pressure, which generally made the souls of all the Seven-Blooded monks suppress themselves and dispersed from the god-like figure on the seabed.

The beautiful sounds are constantly passing on. If you look at it from a high altitude, if you have a pair of eyes that can penetrate the sea, then you can see at this moment, in the endless depths of the sea, a person wearing countless robes made of fish bones, with long hair on the outside of the body.

The old woman with a large number of tentacles is walking towards the mermaid island step by step. Her face is full of wrinkles and most of it is rotten. Only her golden eyes are deep and devoid of any emotion, and her breath is full of foreignness.

It also contains a strong divinity. Each of the tentacles on the body has eyes, all of which are golden. At this moment, they opened half of their eyes and looked at the distant mermaid island.

Behind the old woman, in the fluttering fishbone robe, a huge scarlet tongue stuck out, and the tongue was covered with countless dead souls. If you look closely, you will see that these dead souls are all priests of the mermaid tribe.

It looks like they are all making sharp sounds, seeming to be responding to the restrained voice.

This scene made the formation fluctuations on Juying Island, one of the four islands of the Mermaid Tribe, seem to have been dispersed and became transparent, allowing the monks on the island to finally see the outside world clearly.

""The latest chapter of the whole network: domain name

This figure is exactly the god that the mermaid tribe believes in... Juying!

This chapter has been completed!
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