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Chapter 18 Master Bai

Without paying attention to the people following him, Xu Qing carried Lei Dui on his back while taking out the white pill from the leather bag and feeding it to him.

Perhaps it was the effect of white elixir or the effect of seven-leaf clover, but Lei Tui's complexion gradually stopped turning black.

It's just that the heterogeneity in his body is too strong, and Xu Qing's current white elixir is not enough to completely suppress it.

So he was still in a coma. Obviously everything he experienced during this trip to the restricted area had a great impact on him.

So... in this late night, on the way back, when Xu Qing once again encountered a few scavengers who were trapped in the fog and in despair, Xu Qing allowed them to follow him at the cost of Baidan, listening to

Move forward with the sound of footsteps.

Of course, there will still be some blind people among them, but these people eventually become the reference points for the followers behind Xu Qing to be thankful for, and also make them more in awe of Xu Qing.

Most people guessed that he should be the kind of person who is born with strong mental power.

Because only this kind of person can be in the mist without restrictions.

Regarding this type of people, Xu Qing had heard about it from Luan Ya before, and it was also what he had thought about when he first rescued people for Bai Dan, so he covered it up so as not to worry about exposing his secrets.

The cumulative total of more than ten pills of white pills finally allowed Lei Dui's complexion to recover, from black to blue, and his breathing force was obviously stronger than before.

At the same time, Xu Qing also discovered that the power of feedback from the shadow could not exist for a long time.

At this moment, as he moved forward, the fog he felt in front of him was no longer as transparent as before, but gradually became blurry. It seemed that it would not take too long before it would be almost the same as what others saw.

Fortunately, it's not very far from the outside.

Therefore, although his vision began to blur, as Xu Qing's speed increased, the darkness in the sky slowly dissipated. When the early sun raised its head and the morning light fell on the earth, he, who was carrying Lei Dui, finally saw through the gaps in the branches and leaves not far away.

The outside world.

Xu Qing's mood fluctuated, and his body swayed directly across the border, walking out of the jungle.

The moment he crossed the boundary of coldness, the wind outside brought warm sunshine and fell on Xu Qing's body.

Because the light was too bright, he couldn't help but squint his eyes. He stood there and took a deep breath of the air outside.

At the same time, those following behind him also recovered their vision as they approached the border.

One by one, with the excitement of narrow escape, they all rushed out.

The moment they stepped into the outside world, they were all excited. One old man even knelt on the ground and kissed the soil gently.

At this moment, they finally saw Xu Qing's appearance clearly, and clearly saw the Lei team behind Xu Qing.

The former may not be known to many people, but the latter is known to everyone.

So when the appearance of Xu Qing and Lei Dui came into their eyes, their impressions of Xu Qing also emerged one after another.


"Team Thunder!"

The four or five followers were shocked, but when Xu Qing's eyes swept over them, they instinctively stopped talking.

In fact, Xu Qing's aggression and indifference towards those with malicious intentions along the way had already frightened them.

Ignoring them, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze, swayed and was about to run straight to the camp, but at this moment, two figures roared towards him from a distance, approaching quickly.

It was Cross and Luanya who had returned. They were not waiting in the camp, but were waiting anxiously outside.

They have also agreed that if Team Lei and others have not come out today, they will go in again for search and rescue.

So after seeing Xu Qing's figure from a distance, the two of them approached at full speed.

He even noticed the Lei team that Xu Qing was carrying on his back. Cross's eyes suddenly shrank, but when they fell on Xu Qing the next moment, they softened.

Luanya's expression also changed, murderous intent filled the air, and he swept towards those who followed Xu Qing out.

All of these people were breathing rapidly and were on guard.

"It has nothing to do with them, and it's thanks to them, otherwise the Thunder Team might not be able to persevere."

Xu Qing spoke, causing Luan Ya's murderous intent to dissipate. Those who followed him out all breathed a sigh of relief. When they looked at Xu Qing, they felt not only awe but also gratitude, so they clasped their fists at him and left.

After they left, Cross stepped forward to help Lei Dui off Xu Qing, but Xu Qing stopped him.

"Let Captain Lei sleep a little longer, I can still do it." Xu Qing took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's go back to the camp and take the team leader to see the doctor." Shi Zi nodded, took out the white pill and fed it to Team Lei. Accompanying him on the left and right with Luan Ya, the three of them rushed towards the camp.

Luan Ya wanted to speak many times on the way, but finally couldn't hold back and asked.

"Where are the wild ghosts? Is the Blood Shadow Team still pursuing them?"

Xu Qing was silent, then spoke softly after a while.

"The barbarian ghosts are alienated and die in battle."

These words made Shi Shi and Luan Ya pause in their footsteps and look silent. Even though they were mentally prepared, their eyes were still filled with sadness, and Luan Ya was even more absent-minded.

It wasn't until Xu Qing's second words that the two of them trembled violently and looked at Xu Qing in disbelief.

"Blood Shadow Team, all destroyed."

Xu Qing lowered his head and spoke slowly as he walked forward.

"Is that why the captain's injuries and heterogeneity are so serious..."

Luan Ya murmured, seeming to have the answer, but the cross on the side looked a little strange. He felt that this matter might not be the case, so he took a deep look at Xu Qing and did not ask in detail.

Xu Qing didn't explain or talk about the singing. It was Team Lei's secret. He couldn't decide whether to tell it or not.

In this way, the three of them ran all the way, and soon returned to the camp. They immediately went to the foreign convoy, where the doctor who was very famous during this period was.

The appearance of the Thunder Squadron caused everyone in the queue to feel the chill on their bodies. When they saw the unconscious Lei Squadron lining up outside the doctor's tent, the person at the front immediately gave up their position smartly.

Everyone in the Thunder Team was soon the first to step into the tent.

The tent was large and filled with a strong aroma of medicine. In addition to some guards in armor, there was also a scavenger looking at a doctor with a nervous look on his face.

The doctor who treated him was a thin old man. He was wearing an ordinary but clean gray robe. His face was wrinkled, but his eyes were extremely bright and full of wisdom, like stars, as if he could see through people's hearts at a glance.

On the left and right sides of the old man, there were a man and a woman sitting respectively. The man was a young man about the same age as Xu Qing. He was wearing a blue satin gown, a black jade headband in his hair, and a jade pendant with a carved dragon on his waist.

Hanging, golden tassels are scattered on the edge of the futon.

The young man was handsome and neat, but he seemed a little sleepy at the moment. He was holding his chin in one hand and holding a medicine book in the other. He seemed to have no energy to read and breathed from time to time.

On the other side, there is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing the same blue dress. Under the waterfall-like long hair, she has a standard oval face, with snow-white skin, and a beautiful and refined face.

A pair of bright eyes, bright and clear, as bright as stars. At this moment, she noticed that the boy beside her was dozing off. She smiled slightly and looked down at the pharmacopoeia in her hand.

But in that smile, her eyes were curved like crescent moons, as if her aura was overflowing.

And between her frown and smile, the noble look on her body is naturally revealed, making people marvel at her elegant and graceful light.

This pair of golden boys and girls possess a clear spirit that the scavengers have almost never seen, which makes Luanya look a bit dirty, and even the cross is looked at a few more times.

As for Xu Qing, he looked at the medicine books in their hands with a hint of envy in his eyes, but he quickly withdrew his gaze and focused more on the doctor in front of him.

At this moment, the doctor said a few words to the scavenger who was treating the doctor. As the scavenger left with gratitude, he washed his hands in the copper basin beside him and raised his head to look at Xu Qing and others.

His gaze swept across, first landing on Xu Qing, which seemed to have some profound meaning, then he looked at the Lei team he was carrying, and slowly spoke.

"Put him down."

Xu Qing didn't know why, but under the old man's gaze, he felt a little nervous, as if he had returned to the slums to face the teacher.

So with the help of Cross, the two carefully lowered Lei Dui and made him lie flat in front of the old man.

Team Lei was slowly waking up at this moment. He was startled when he saw the tent, and also saw the doctor, Xu Qing and others. Just as he was about to get up, the old doctor said calmly.

"Lie down."

These words made Captain Lei look at the doctor. After the two looked at each other, Captain Lei got up in silence. With help from the cross, he bowed to the doctor.

"I was slightly injured, but they sent me here so that I won't cause trouble to Master Bai. I'm fine."

"Do you know me?" The old man in the doctor was a little confused and looked at Captain Lei.

"I saw Master Bai from a distance many years ago." Captain Lei nodded, very respectfully.

Master Bai took a deep look at Captain Lei and spoke slowly.

"Your recent injuries are nothing. The heterogeneity in your body has been suppressed, so it's not a serious problem. As for your mental overdraft, it's obvious that your mood has fluctuated excessively recently, hurting your heart."

"Together, although these are a bit troublesome, they are not bad. They can be cured, but... these are not the point."

"The key point is the hidden wounds in your body many years ago. You should have had your foundation destroyed in your early years. Your current cultivation level must have been cultivated again. You can cultivate to the current level with your foundation destroyed.


"It's just that when these are combined together, you have already overdrawn everything. Ordinary medicine and stones are difficult to cure, and I can't do anything about it. If I give you a medicine, how far it can cure it depends on your life."

"But you must remember that from now on, you cannot continue to practice breathing and breathing, otherwise the number of heterogeneities will increase again and the hidden injuries will recur, then... you will definitely die."

As soon as Master Bai spoke, Shi Zi and Luan Ya were silent. They obviously knew that the foundation of Lei Team had been destroyed. Xu Qing didn't know about this. Looking at Lei Team, his mind suddenly remembered the pair of bloody eyes in the singing in the penalty area.

Women's boots.

"Is there no other way?" Shizi asked in a low voice.

"Yes. If you can find a natural treasure such as the Destiny Flower, you can naturally extend your life for another life. I heard that there was one in the restricted area nearby many years ago."

Cross was silent, Luan Ya's eyes were anxious, Xu Qing looked at Lei Dui, but compared to them, Lei Dui looked calm and smiled slightly.

"It's not that serious. It's just an old problem. I won't bother Master Bai anymore." Captain Lei said, bowing to Master Bai and beckoning Xu Qing and others to leave.

Xu Qing and the others paid homage to Master Xie Bai one after another and left with the prescription given by him.

Xu Qing just had something on his mind. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that when he was saying thank you and leaving, Master Bai looked at him with some scrutiny.

Along the way, the Thunder Team was silent.

After returning to Lei Dui's residence, Shi Zi and Luan Ya wanted to say something, but Lei Dui sent them away.

After they left, Team Lei took out some tobacco from the house, and took out a pipe from the leather bag, stuffed it in, lit it, and took a deep puff.

When he exhaled the smoke, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xu Qing's concerned expression, waved the pipe in his hand, and spoke with a smile.

"I couldn't think of smoking in the restricted area. After I came back, I felt so comfortable taking a puff. This thing is more effective than any other medicine."

Xu Qing was about to speak.

"What do you want to eat today? I'll make you a meal...have some drinks with me." Captain Lei didn't let Xu Qing say it, as if he didn't want to listen. Xu Qing looked at him silently and nodded after a while.

"eat snake."


I read yesterday’s chapter and said that everyone liked Chapter 16. Thank you for your likes. This gave Ergen more motivation and enthusiasm for writing.

This chapter has been completed!
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