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Chapter 319 Xu Qings Past

"Brother, don't cry."

The young man in black robe looked at Xu Qing's tears, raised his hand and rubbed Xu Qing's head, and spoke softly.

"Why do you still like to cry like you did when you were a kid?"

Xu Qing's body trembled, and his eyes fell on the face in front of him that should be familiar but was now extremely unfamiliar.

The man in front of him was his brother. He had stood in front of him countless times in his memory, like a mountain. Every time he cried, he would touch his head and say the same words softly like now.

This is the most beautiful scene in Xu Qing's memory, and it is also the deepest place of vulnerability and cherishment under his strong appearance, which supported him through the difficult and cold barrier.

At this moment, the barrier collapsed.

The young man in black robe looked into Xu Qing's eyes and spoke softly.

"Brother, I had many brothers and sisters in my last life, but I didn't experience much warmth in the world. All I encountered were indifference and calculation, whether it was my father or my brothers and sisters."

"So in this life, I miss you very much, both my parents and you, especially you who always like to cry." The young man in black robe looked at Xu Qing and spoke softly.

"But the moment I awaken the memory of my past life, if I don't immediately sacrifice a complete city and complete the rituals to the gods, I will not be able to be reborn and will wither to death."

The young man in black robe spoke calmly.

"At that time, in the sky where blood rain fell, I looked at you sitting in the blood mud and corpses, crying and helpless, calling for father and mother, calling for brother. I was actually very happy that you were lucky enough to survive, and I missed you so much.

I walked up to you, touched your head, and told you, brother, don’t cry."

Listening to this, Xu Qing's mind, which was already filled with thunder, roared again at this moment. As the thunder rolled, his body trembled violently, his mind set off an even more violent wave, and a muffled roar came from his throat, but

I couldn't shout it out completely.

Eventually it turned into blood, overflowing from the corners of his mouth and nose, and falling on the ground drop by drop.

The young man in black robe lowered his head and looked at Xu Qing with pity in his eyes, and put the candied haws in his hand aside.

"I saw it on the way and remembered that you like to eat, brother, so I bought it for you."

After saying that, the young man in black robe took a deep look at Xu Qing, put on the mask of the god's broken face again, and walked forward.

Sheng Yun and his son lowered their heads and followed silently, walking past Xu Qing.

The last person who walked past Xu Qing was Yejiu, who was carrying Mr. Liu's head.

Next to Xu Qing, Yejiu paused and spoke in a low voice, "My name is Yejiu. I didn't expect you and your master to have such a connection."

After saying that, the night dove walked away, thunder echoed in the sky, and among the dark clouds, the rain and snow blended together and fell on the earth together.

Xu Qing's body was shaking violently. He wanted to struggle, to catch up, to ask, until when he was struggling the most intensely, the young man in black robe walking in the distance stopped his steps and heard a soft voice.

"By the way, brother, I buried the bodies of my parents in Zhaoxia Mountain in Fenghai County. You can go and see them when you have time."

These words floated from far away and fell into Xu Qing's ears, becoming the last shocking thunder that caused him to collapse. This thunder was so big that it surpassed all others, and its power was so powerful that it destroyed everything.

Xu Qing's body was shaking to the extreme, his eyes were as red as a sea of ​​blood, his breath was chaotic and endless, and the sadness in his heart turned into the sky...

The next moment, Xu Qing's body shook violently and he could move.

A shrill roar came from his mouth like never before. He was not a person who liked roaring, but at this moment, his sadness and shrillness came out of his mouth uncontrollably.

He suddenly turned around and pursued the group of young men in black robes at full speed. He knew this was irrational, but he couldn't reason.

The cold wind blew, and the sky roared with snowflakes and rain falling down, raining on his body. In the biting cold, Xu Qing still pursued. He chased for a long time, but his eyes were always blank and there was nothing.

Until the snow and rain became more and more intense, Xu Qing's body surged, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out by him and melted together with the snow and rain,

When it fell to the ground, Xu Qing's body trembled and he staggered to his knees.

Snow and rain fell on his hair, shoulders, and face. It was unclear whether they were tears or not, flowing on the ground.

Finally, a sad laugh came from Xu Qing's mouth. He raised his head and looked at the sky, at the dark night, and at the looming remains of the gods in the dark night.

A past event that he had suppressed in his heart slowly emerged in front of him in the softest part of his heart that was riddled with holes at the moment.

That was thirteen years ago.

The memories of those years have become uncontrollably blurred. This is the law of life.

But Xu Qing still remembers the feeling of home when he was a child, the warmth of his parents' company, and the warmth of the laughter of a family of four.

He remembered his father's calloused hands, his mother's kind eyes, and vaguely seemed to remember the taste of the food at home.

And all of this ended with the arrival of that day. He could not forget that day, when the remnant face of the god in the sky suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes fell on the city where he was. For a moment, the sky and the earth blurred, everything was distorted, the entire city disappeared, his parents disappeared, and his brother disappeared.

Everything has disappeared.

Only a large amount of debris and bloody rain were left, falling from the sky, and he was the only living person left, crying helplessly in fear in the bloody mud.

He cried until he passed out.

When he woke up, he thought it was just a nightmare, and his parents and brother would appear when he woke up. But the moment he opened his eyes, he saw that everything around him was still the same, which made him know that the nightmare might have just begun from now on.

He was still six or seven years old at the time and could not remember how he left, how difficult it was for him to survive, how much food he ate that was unpalatable, or what kind of struggle he experienced on the edge of life and death.

Gradually, he became a wanderer, covered in dirt, and saw countless evils in human nature.

Gradually, he learned to compete with wild dogs for food, learned to bar his teeth, learned to be forbearing and vigilant, and began to like hiding in dark places.

Gradually, he also learned to kill, and finally in a slum of a small city, after killing a big man who wanted to eat him, he cut off his head bit by bit and hung it on a tree, giving himself a place.

Gradually, he began to yearn for the life in the city, envied the people there who had cleaner clothes than himself, and also longed to become a monk so that he could live a better life.

Gradually, surviving became the only thought in his heart. It shouldn't have been like this, it was this world that changed him...

Therefore, he has great respect for knowledge.

Therefore, he is extremely cruel to his enemies and will retaliate. Therefore, he is extremely grateful to those who have helped him.

This was also the reason why he was not afraid of the catastrophe when the gods opened their eyes in that small slum town. On the one hand, life was already like this, and he was not afraid of death anymore, so there was nothing to fear.

On the other hand, yes. He has experienced it.

But he always had a hope in his heart. He felt that his parents were not dead and his brother was still there, but they could not find him.

This is his secret, he doesn't tell anyone.

When the Lei team left the ruined city, the temporary team members around him were talking about the city that disappeared a few years ago. Xu Qing listened and remained silent.

When the captain told him that the disappeared city was sacrificed, Xu Qing remained silent.

When the Seventh Master was in Huangjing and told him about the secrets of the Ziqing Kingdom and the place where the prince died, Xu Qing remained silent.

At this moment, he, who was crying in the snow and rain, slowly stopped shouting, slowly stopped trembling, and slowly fell into silence again.

He is repairing his heart, he is improving his high walls, sealing up the bitter fragility and the softness that does not want to be touched.

After a long time, he took out the jade slip from his leather bag and carved two words on it in the rain and snow.

elder brother.

He wrote these two words very seriously and with great effort.

"One day, if I don't die, I will kill you, the prince of Ziqing Shangguo."

Xu Qing murmured in his heart and closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes and carved the names of Sheng Yun and his son, and Ye Jiu.

In the rain and snow, he stood up, without looking back, and walked farther and farther away.

He suddenly felt no longer afraid of the coldness in the wind and snow.

His back looks desolate and sharp, like a lone wolf, but also has a hint of tempered maturity.

Xu Qing remembered Captain Lei once said that if a person has too many things buried in his heart, he will become mature.

Xu Qing felt that she was very mature at this moment.

He wants to go back to his sect, and then when he is strong enough, he will leave Yinghuang Province and find the Chaoxia Mountain.

At the same time, he wanted to kill more than just the people inscribed there. For the Zhuzhao organization, Xu Qing had unprecedented killing intent in his heart.


Xu Qing's voice was hoarse. After speaking in a low voice, he took out the magic ship and stepped on it. In the next moment, the magic ship turned into a rainbow, speeding through the rain and snow, heading straight for the Seven Sects Alliance.

In the cabin of the French ship, Xu Qing sat there silently, meditating silently.

Let time pass by little by little, until three days later, Xu Qing slowly opened his eyes.

He lowered his head expressionlessly and looked at his storage bag. After a long time, he opened it and took out a bottle of wine. He put it to his mouth and took a big sip. With a spicy taste flowing from his throat, Xu Qing remembered the first time he had ever had it.

Drink once.

At that time Captain Lei looked at him with a smile and said that he was still young and did not understand the taste of wine.

After Seven Blood Pupils, Xu Qing understood, but today, he felt that the wine was not strong enough.

After taking another big sip, he stood up and walked out of the cabin, stood on the deck and looked up at the night sky, feeling the strong wind coming from the sky. He slowly withdrew his gaze and looked straight into the distance...

After a long while, Xu Qing took out a flute, picked it up with both hands, and put it to his mouth.

Gradually, bursts of desolate flute music echoed inside the Dharma ship and drifted away.

In the long whirlwind, the past is told. This song is called Li Shang.

At this moment, in the wilderness of Yinghuang Province, Zhuzhao and his party were walking forward, and no one spoke along the way.

The young man in black robe in front was indifferent, and everyone in the back was silent.

After a long time, Yejiu raised his head and looked at the owner in front of him, hesitated and then spoke in a low voice.

Master, are you doing this to stimulate Xu Qing and make him grow into what you want? Or is he also a person with a past life like you?

The young man in black robe in front shook his head and said calmly, "You are overthinking. I do whatever I want and I have no habit of irritating others."

"My brother has no previous life. He is just a child of an ordinary family. But in this life, I remember the brotherhood I felt before I awakened. It became my bond after I awakened."

"Master, what will happen if I kill him by mistake in the Seven Blood Pupils?" Yejiu hesitated and asked what was in his heart.

"You will die." The young man in black robe did not look back, his tone was calm.

Yejiu was silent. He understood that his master didn't care about Xu Qing's life or death at all, otherwise he would have stopped him when he took action before.

Because he doesn't care, anyone can kill anyone, and he can watch without stopping.

But because of the bond, he would kill anyone who killed Xu Qing.

Everything actually arises and perishes on its own.

In the final analysis, in the heart of his master, he is not the brother Xu Qing in this life. From the beginning to the end, he is the same person who amazes the sky. Even the Holy Land has wanted to accept disciples many times. Before his death, he promised to the gods to grant him the second life.

The chosen Ziqing Prince.

Master, if cutting off the fetters can make your Taoist heart more perfect, Yejiu is willing to do it! Yejiu lowered his head and spoke in a deep voice.

I don’t cultivate Taoism, and I don’t want Taoism. What I cultivate is God.

The young man in black robe looked calmly as he walked further and further away...

This chapter has been completed!
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