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Chapter 36 Shoot to Kill

 Cross's hand is tougher than other people's. Because he has been pulling the bow string all the time, there are many calluses on it.

When he met the black-scaled wolves that day and faced a day and night of fighting, his hands were not as trembling as they are now. You can imagine what kind of fierce battle the other party went through when Xu Qing did not come back.

And she must have met someone who was unable to resist, so she would do this with her fingers. At the same time, she was also severely injured, and the weakness in Luan Ya's face showed the exhaustion, which clearly showed that she had tried her best.

When he entered the camp with his own cooperation, he saw the reaction of everyone and the many unfamiliar faces, as well as the large number of camp owners outside the residence and the cold eyes of the three-handed man.

All of this made Xu Qing already know who the enemy was.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, and under his questioning, Shizi and Luan Ya also told him the reason in a low voice!

The Lei Team in the early years were not scavengers, but ordinary people living in a city far away from here.

Because of his qualifications, he once served as a guard in the city where he lived. He also acquired the cultivation method at that time, and was highly appreciated by the city lord. He also had a childhood sweetheart and fiancée.

Everything was beautiful, but everything changed with the arrival of a motorcade.

Shizi and Luanya didn't know what exactly happened. They just heard Team Lei once drunk many years later and muttered that everything was gone.

His fiancée died, and his own cultivation was ruined after completing his revenge. He survived a narrow escape, left his hometown, practiced cultivation again with difficulty, and became a scavenger.

Decades passed and he became a waning old man.

Lei Dui, who originally wanted to retire, has given up everything until...

In the camp, he saw an external convoy and a person in the convoy.

The person who ruined everything for him and whom he thought he had killed was not dead and is still alive today.

But Captain Lei did not choose to continue his revenge. He seemed to be worried about hurting others, so he bitterly chose to escape and hurried to Songtao City.

But he didn't know that his enemies were already aware of his existence, so the camp leader arranged for people to capture Lei Dui from Songtao City a few days ago and gave it to his collaborators, Lei Dui's early enemies, as a gift.

"There was someone at the camp owner whose life I saved. After Luan Ya and I came back two days ago, he secretly informed us. Only then did we find out, and we immediately went to save the life, but failed...

But at the camp leader's place, I met Lei Team's enemy. The opponent's foundation had also collapsed and was repaired just like Lei Team. Although it was higher than Lei Team, it wasn't much higher." Cross gritted his teeth and said.

"We have also done some research on this convoy, and there is a mysterious organization behind them called Yejiu.

This organization is very large, with countless fleets scattered throughout Nanhuang Continent, walking in various scavenger camps and small towns, trading with camp owners and city owners, and buying people to be...treasure raisers." Luan Ya whispered.


"Battlemaster, convoy..." Xu Qing's breathing was rapid, and the murderous intent in his eyes was extremely strong.

He felt as if there was a raging fire burning crazily in his body, making his eyes bloodshot and filled with rage. He turned around and walked directly towards the door.

Behind him, Cross and Luan Ya were a little anxious, and Luan Ya spoke urgently.

"Child, we need to consider this matter in the long run and unite other scavengers. This involves disappearances over the years. We..."

"No need!" The moment Xu Qing's words came out, he raised his right hand, grabbed the sword behind his back, and swung it violently.

Immediately, the long sword turned into a cold light, and headed straight for the courtyard gate like a rainbow. It disappeared in an instant, and the power contained in it exploded.

The door to the courtyard fell apart, revealing a guard of the camp master who was eavesdropping behind the door.

This man held a dagger in his hand, his eyes widened, his chest was penetrated directly by the sword, and he fell to the ground, with a look of horror on his face as blood spurted out.

And that long sword contained so much power that it penetrated the guard's body and then went straight to the entrance of the alley in the distance. As Sanpihu screamed, it pierced his thigh like a thunderbolt, nailing him deeply.

on the ground.

The two casualties caused the outside world to erupt in whistling and roaring sounds after a short period of silence, and the seven or eight guards of the camp master's palace surrounding the place approached one after another.

As the expressions of Cross and Luan Ya changed, Xu Qing's whole body suddenly rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

The moment he walked out of the door, he grabbed the Death Guard's dagger with his right hand and stepped in front of one of them.

Without even looking at it, the moment he passed by, the dagger was raised and opened on his neck. Blood spurted out and scarlet splashed everywhere, but it was not as red as Xu Qing's eyes at this moment.

His bloody eyes seemed to reflect the bitterness and anger that the Lei team had to bear in the camp when they saw their former enemies with their own eyes.

This made Xu Qing's murderous intention even stronger. He turned around and punched directly, landing on the chest of the guard who jumped from behind and wanted to take action.

There was a muffled bang, the man's seven orifices were bleeding, his internal organs collapsed, and his body rolled back like a kite with its string broken, falling to the ground.

At the same time, three more people rushed towards me with murderous intent.

Among these three people, two were five-level and one was six-level. But the moment they approached, Xu Qing waved his right hand and the black iron sign flew out instantly.

Directly pierced through a person's skull, the dagger in the hand on the body's waist shone with cold light, appeared in front of the sixth floor, and swung it hard towards his neck.

There was a click.

The reaction of these six levels was also very fast, and a psychic barrier immediately transformed to block Xu Qing's dagger, but it could not stop his power.

Xu Qing's eyes were red and he pushed hard, causing the man's body to continuously retreat. With a roar, Xu Qing pushed him to the wall and pressed hard.

In the horror of the six-story guards, the dagger cut through the psychic barrier, pierced into the neck, and penetrated instantly. The force was so great that the wall behind the six-story corpse also collapsed.

Xu Qing, who was standing there, turned his head, and the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to materialize.

The remaining three or five camp master guards around him were trembling in their hearts and their eyes were shrinking. Even if they were all at the sixth level of cultivation, they were still trembling and retreating one after another.

Even Sanbihu's screams stopped for a moment, and his face became uncontrollably pale and anxious.

But the killing is far from over.

Xu Qing's body rushed forward violently. The three or five guards' minds were roaring and they were about to speed up and retreat, but it was still too late.

Xu Qing's speed was too fast. When the moment was approaching, he directly landed on the head of a guard with his left hand. After smashing it with a bang, his body appeared strangely next to the other person like a ghost, and the dagger in his hand passed through the space.

, he swayed again and arrived in front of the third person.

The man trembled and screamed in despair, opening his arms to hug Xu Qing, as if they wanted to die together.

But what was waiting for him was a hard bump on Xu Qing's forehead.

The roar suddenly stopped, and the guard's forehead sunk directly. When he died, Xu Qing's body suddenly stepped back and bumped into another person.

The dagger in his hand kept stabbing behind him, once, twice and three times...

It wasn't until the man hit another wall that he looked up.

There was a banging sound, and all the guards here fell to the ground one after another, all dead, and none of them were intact!

Multiple people were killed in a row, and blood spilled on the ground. Under the afternoon sun approaching sunset, the blood stains on the ground were reflected in a shocking way.

The reflection reflected on Xu Qing's body, causing his whole body to be filled with blood. Matching his own blood, he looked like a demon.

Because of the killings here, many scavengers living nearby immediately walked out and gasped when they looked at this place.

"It's a child!!"

"He...how is he so strong!"

"The people who died are all the camp master's people. He wants to fight against the camp master!"

Cross and Luanya also helped each other out. Looking at the corpses on the ground, Xu Qing's figure in the sun and the blood everywhere, they were all trembling intensely.

In the midst of this uproar, Xu Qing walked towards the trembling Sanpihu. On the way, he took back the dagger and the iron stick until he was walking in front of Sanpihu.

Sanchihu was trembling, and cold sweat continued to form. It seemed that the severe pain in his body at this moment could not surpass the panic in his heart. He wanted to struggle, but the long sword nailed to his thigh made him unable to move at all, and he could only look at despair.

, spoke in a sharp voice.

"Child, you have to make..."

Xu Qing grabbed the long sword on his leg and slashed it upward.

The sharp sword blade ran along Sanpiu Hu's thigh, passing over his stomach and chin. As blood spurted out, Sanpiu Hu, who was disemboweled alive, twitched violently, screamed miserably, and died!

After doing this, Xu Qing had no expression on his face, only the murderous intention rose, and he walked forward step by step in the blood light reflected by the sun on the ground.

The scavengers watching all this in front were also trembling with fear. When they saw Xu Qing coming, they immediately stepped back to avoid it.

They had seen ruthless people, but most of them were adults and desperadoes. It was extremely rare for a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy like Xu Qing to be able to kill so calmly and seemingly not give up.

"The direction he is going to... is the camp master's mansion!"

The sound of heavy breathing suddenly turned into a roar in their hearts as everyone saw the direction Xu Qing was going, causing all the scavengers to follow involuntarily.

Looking from a distance, Xu Qing was walking at the front, rushing towards the camp leader's mansion.

Behind him, a large number of scavengers followed quickly, and even more scavengers gathered after hearing about this.

In addition, there were also guards in the camp master's mansion and strangers from the convoy, who suddenly approached Xu Qing. There was a strong man among them, and they seemed to want to kill him!

At this moment, in the camp master's mansion, the camp master was drinking tea and chatting with an old man wearing a brocade robe and a mean, cold and arrogant face next to him.

"Mr. Sun, don't worry. The matter will be solved within a stick of incense. No matter how bad the scavengers are, they are no match for the monks from our sect. I originally planned to train this child well. If he can be used well, I will recommend him to him."

The sect, but since it is so blind, just kill him."

"Live better." The old man in brocade robes picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then put it down and spoke lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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