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Chapter 370 The Heart of the Jackal and Fox

The woman on the centipede let out a shrill voice, her body swayed, and the centipede quickly moved its thousand legs on the mud wall, trying to shake off the paper money, but it couldn't.

These paper money formed from within its body and quickly spread throughout the centipede's body, even threatening to cover the woman's upper body.

Evil sounds kept coming from the faces of those paper money ghosts, and scattered in all directions.

"Are you full?"

The sound was dense, like countless people screaming.

There was a ferocious look in the woman's eyes. After realizing that the paper money could not be suppressed, she controlled her body and burrowed into the mud wall. As the soil scattered, her figure suddenly burrowed in and disappeared.

At this moment, the paper money on the face of the corpse below also flew up one by one and floated into the place where the centipede went.

The ghostly faces on it were filled with laughter, and they penetrated the mud wall and chased after the centipede.

It seems that there is indeed a trap here, but it is not aimed at Xu Qing, but... that weird centipede.

In other words, the appearance of the centipede attracted the paper money and caused them to change their target.

Xu Qing is not very clear about the specific truth and can only guess.

He looked at the place where the centipede had gone, feeling even more vigilant about this place, because both the paper money and the centipede gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

This feeling has nothing to do with cultivation. It seems that these existences themselves possess mysterious power.

"Somewhat similar to Chi Yue... Maybe my Poison Forbidden Pill can destroy them, and so can Zi Yue."

Xu Qing murmured, but he didn't want to expose himself here. At this moment, he was on guard, he carefully approached the corpses below, collected the scattered debris around, and also took away the storage bags on these corpses.

As he continued to sink, he opened these storage bags, and there were indeed some fragments in each of them, about a hundred pieces in total.

After putting them away, Xu Qing became more and more sinking in this vigilance.

At this depth, although the fishy stench became stronger, the voices of the opera singers became clearer and clearer, and the coldness and alienness became heavier, some fragments appeared around it.

Xu Qing quickly took it away after seeing it.

In this way, time passes slowly and one day passes.

During this period, Xu Qing also saw several corpses. They were so badly decomposed that it was difficult to tell whether they were people who came in together.

Next to these corpses, there are often some ghost figures like wild dogs, munching.

And there are no storage bags on these corpses.

This made Xu Qing more cautious and the speed of sinking also slowed down a bit.

At the same time, he also encountered a lot of White Walkers, such as a giant whose body was like a mountain of flesh, with a huge gap in its belly that was spitting out dirt.

Another example is the eyes-like plants that grow on the mud walls. They stare at Xu Qing with an awe-inspiring look.

There are also some beautifully dressed dancers who look like fairies.

They floated out from the mud wall, dancing while piercing through the mud wall at the other end. They looked beautiful, but in fact, they had no faces.

If it were a timid person, I am afraid that he would be so frightened that his legs would become weak and he would want to leave here.

After all, this place is dark and claustrophobic, and the smell is unpleasant. Whether it is the appearance of the White Walkers or the ever-present singing voice, it makes people's souls instinctively tremble and make their hair stand on end.

But Xu Qing is okay, he has seen too much misery in the world, and there are many things that are more terrifying than this.

By the time the next day was about to pass, Xu Qing, who had sunk to an extremely deep level, had collected more than 200 fragments, which was actually the limit.

And just when he was considering whether to continue sinking, suddenly the coffin transformed from the shadow behind him emerged on its own again, and all his eyes opened simultaneously and looked at the wall on the other side.

At the same time, there were violent clear fluctuations, which were transmitted to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing's mind was moved. When he looked up, the black iron stick suddenly flew out and went straight to the mud wall. In an instant, a large hole was opened, revealing the dying centipede woman inside.

Her centipede body had completely turned into paper money at this moment. It shriveled up, as if the inner substance had been swallowed up, leaving only a layer of paper skin.

The same is true for the human body from the eyes down. The whole person is paralyzed there, with a hollow look in the eyes, as if waiting to dissipate.

Xu Qing took one look, withdrew his gaze, and was about to leave, but there was a wave of pleading from the shadow behind him.

"You want me to save it?" Xu Qing was surprised. This was the first time he felt such emotional fluctuations in Shadow.

"The breath... is familiar... I want..."

Xu Qing pondered and nodded after a while.

"I can only try. If I fail, it will still die."

The coffin transformed by the shadow suddenly shook. Xu Qing glanced at it and was used to the fact that the ancestor of the Vajra Sect misled him.

Now he walked towards the big pit where the paper centipede was.

When he arrived, the woman whose eyes were turned into paper money felt the hollowness in her eyes slightly, but she could not speak.

Xu Qing walked closer calmly, lowered his head and looked down. The Third Heavenly Palace in his body suddenly vibrated, and the power of poisonous ban spread along Xu Qing's body and spread towards the centipede woman.

Instant invasion.

The woman's eyes suddenly showed fear, and in the next moment, all the paper money on her body turned into grimaces, staring at Xu Qing, and all spoke.

But what came out was not a strange sound, but a shrill scream.

Xu Qing's poison quickly spread over the paper money. Wherever it passed, the paper money turned black and melted directly. The whole process did not last long, and all the paper money turned into a black liquid and merged into the soil.

After losing the paper money, the exposed centipede body was also attacked by Xu Qing's poison.

The woman's eyes were rotting below her eyes, and when her eyes became even more hollow, the third heaven in Xu Qing's body shook.

Immediately, all the poison that was scattered outside, including the poison that existed in the centipede woman's body, was rolled back and passed into Xu Qing's heavenly palace.

After doing this, the centipede woman trembled, raised her head weakly, glanced at Xu Qing, turned around, and disappeared through the soil in an instant.

Xu Qing didn't pay attention. He stood on the edge of the big pit. After thinking about it, in order to ensure that he could become the top ten, he thought it would be better to collect more fragments.

So his body jumped and continued to sink. Another half day passed like this, and Xu Qing collected two hundred and forty-three fragments.

At this moment, there was only half a day left before the time limit for obtaining qualifications. Xu Qing did not intend to continue and was ready to leave.

But just after he took away the last fragment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw a living person.

This was the first living person he saw here after going deeper and deeper in the next day and a half.

It is Taisi Xianmen Daozi!

This person is further down the pit.

There were several caves around that area. At this moment, Taisi Daozi was flying around at the mouths of these caves, fighting with a strange ghost.

They were all extremely fast, and deep sounds echoed from time to time as they crossed each other, but due to the special surroundings, these sounds did not spread too far.

The strange ghost who fought against Taisi Daozi was extremely powerful and even more ferocious in appearance.

Its figure is human-shaped, but it has no skin, and its body is dry and cracked, like a corpse that was burned alive by the fire.

However, its movements were extremely flexible and very fast, allowing Taisi Daozi to escape from trouble many times under its attack.

Every time the corpse was burned, black fire was set off, burning the surroundings. The aura emanating from it was the strongest Xu Qing had ever seen along the way.

It has reached the level of the sixth house.

Especially the black fire that emits is not high temperature, but ice cold.

This is Hell Fire, which is extremely burning and threatening to the soul.

All this made Taisi Daozi look a little ugly. He had been stared at by the burned corpse for a long time. Although he had used secret techniques to destroy it many times, the opponent would re-form in the next moment, unscathed and extremely difficult to deal with.

Even if he used some soul-killing tricks, it was of no use. The burned corpse seemed to be immortal, especially the strange power that exploded every once in a while, which frightened him even more.

"Damn it, I can get there just one step away. How did these five-element corpses get out of the trap? Could it be that Master made a miscalculation and something happened below?"

Taisi Daozi looked gloomy. In fact, the reason why he refused the direct recruitment qualification given by his master was to pass the qualification test and enter this ghost cave.

He had known for a long time that the location of this qualification test was set at the Ghost Cave, and his master also emphasized that there were things he needed in the upper area of ​​the Ghost Cave, and whether he could get them or not depended on luck.

Even some of the layout of this place was clearly stated to him, so after he entered this place, he ran straight towards it at full speed.

But in the end, he was blocked by the burned corpse and could not go deeper. The burned corpse persisted and he could not get rid of it. Forcibly rushing out would often stimulate the corpse, causing it to explode in even more shocking ways.

And he also knew very well that the horrific corpse in front of him was not an ordinary thing, and he also knew its origin.

"We can't go on like this..." Taisi Daozi looked gloomy, and when he was analyzing how to escape, his body suddenly retreated, avoiding the burning corpse in front, and saw the burning corpse coming at him again.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to take action, but the next moment he saw Xu Qing who had just arrived.

The distance between the two of them was more than 200 feet at the moment.

Although their eyes were dim, they could still see each other clearly. The moment their eyes met, Xu Qing raised his eyebrows, looked at the abyss below, and then backed away.

He plans to leave here and doesn't want to get involved.

"It's you!" But the moment Xu Qing stepped back, Taisi Daozi, who was two hundred feet away, had a strange expression on his face.

He didn't hesitate at all, even if the burning corpse was rushing towards him, he didn't pay attention to it, but quickly made seals with his hands.

Suddenly, the void outside his body twisted, and space fluctuations appeared. Then he raised his right hand and slapped his forehead. In an instant, a gap opened in his forehead, and a black goat the size of a palm stretched out its head from the gap between his eyebrows.

Qing Na called out.


After a sound, Xu Qing fell back and felt restless. He felt a clicking sound coming from the void around him, as if the space was broken into countless pieces, and two of them were picked up, exchanged positions, and then reorganized.

The world was spinning for a while, and when everything became clear, Xu Qing found with a gloomy expression that he was actually at the location where Taisi Daozi had just been.

The other party appeared in his previous position. At this moment, they exchanged spaces and forcibly changed places with each other!

At the same time, the burned corpse suddenly approached and rushed towards Xu Qing!

Taisi Daozi stood in front of Xu Qing, chuckled lightly, and used Xu Qing to attract the burned corpse. His speed exploded, and he went straight into the pit, disappearing in an instant.

Xu Qing glanced at Taisi Daozi who was leaving, his eyes extremely cold.

This chapter has been completed!
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