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Chapter 392 The Netherworld Borrows the Way

The place where the singing voices came from was a dark workshop.

The shopkeeper is a multi-eyed ghost, floating above the workshop, with eyes all over his body.

Following Xu Qing's gaze, the small half eyes of the multi-eyed ghost looked towards Xu Qing.

Xu Qing didn't pay attention and walked over, looking down at a small bronze bottle among the many items on the ground.

"Sound bottle."

Xu Qing recognized it immediately.

He once got a sound-catching bottle, and later used that bottle to capture the song of the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts, which was used to attract the giant that drove the sun, thus obtaining the Golden Crow Refining All Spirits.

But at that time, under the pressure of the giant, the sound-catching bottle had collapsed and shattered.

At this moment, the sound of opera singing comes from this bottle.

Xu Qing pondered for a moment, raised his hand and pointed at the sound bottle, looked at the multi-eyed ghost, and then threw out a bag with part of the soul in it.

After catching it, the multi-eyed ghost looked at it. All his eyes were narrowed, as if he was thinking, and he quickly shook his head.

Xu Qing glanced at the ghost in front of him.

He knew that most of the ghosts in the city were greedy, so he threw out another leather bag, but this time, there was a coldness in his eyes that the other party could clearly perceive.

Perhaps it was because of the sufficient number of souls, or perhaps because of the coldness. After thinking about it, the multi-eyed ghost nodded.

Xu Qing picked up the sound bottle and covered it. As the sound of the opera disappeared, he turned and left.

After returning all the way to the inn, while waiting for the coming dawn, Xu Qing looked down at the bronze vial in his hand, and deep doubts arose in his heart.

"This voice is indeed the voice of the woman in the pentagonal wooden house in the ghost cave."

"Obviously someone used a sound bottle to capture the sound..."

Xu Qing's mind recalled the scene in the ghost cave that day, with the sound of the woman singing, and the eyes of the gods in the depths of the ghost cave slowly closing.

He didn't know whether the singing voice was only directed at that one god, or whether the sound itself contained some incomprehensible power that could make the gods close their eyes.

But no matter what, Xu Qing feels that this sound-catching bottle is worth buying.

Soon after, as the departure time approached, footsteps were heard outside the room. Xu Qing put away the vial, arranged his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

In this inn, most of the disciples from the Eight Sects Alliance arrived, but the captain was not there.

Xu Qing was not surprised. Others might hesitate about the ghost shop, but the captain would definitely not be able to bear it.

But obviously going to the county capital was a big deal on the captain's mind, so almost as soon as the time was approaching, the captain's figure ran back from outside in a hurry, all the way to Xu Qing's side, with excitement in his eyes.

"Little Aqing, have you gone to the ghost shop? I'm telling you, there are good things in there."

Xu Qing was about to speak, but the next moment his expression changed, as did all the disciples in the inn.

An astonishing pressure came from outside the inn at this moment.

This pressure was filled with indescribable coldness, making the inn feel as if it was trapped in eternal ice, and there was a sense of great terror that rose up in everyone's minds uncontrollably.

Xu Qing was no stranger to this feeling. The first time he encountered something strange, he had a similar feeling.

At the same time, in the three months since he became the wielder of the treasure, there were also similarities in the depths of the forbidden areas that he saw through the forbidden magic weapon.

Just when everyone was shocked, Zixuan's figure walked out of the inn room, reached the inn door in one step, raised his hand and pushed forward gently.

As the door opened, everything outside... was different from what Xu Qing saw when he returned before.

The ghost market is still there, and the normal market is also there.

It's like white and black, yin and yang, appear at the same time at this moment, the two squares overlap each other, and then become blurred.

And in this blur, in the sky... a black boat thousands of feet in size emerged from the void silently, floating in the sky.

This black boat is riddled with holes and is extremely dilapidated. The sails on it are also in tatters. It shows the meaning of decaying years and also carries an extremely strong aura of death.

With its arrival, the depression emanating turned into ice, as if it could freeze everything.

This is a ghost ship.

It pauses in mid-air, as if this city is a port. It will stay here for a short time, waiting for people to board the ship...

"Get on the boat!" Zixuan's voice echoed calmly, and with one step, he stepped directly into the sky and walked into the eerie and endless ghost ship.

Xu Qing and the captain looked at each other, and took steps at the same time, heading straight for the sky. The others also bravely flew up, and soon everyone from the Eight Sects Alliance headed straight for the ghost ship.

As he stepped inside, the cold feeling became more obvious, and the dilapidation of the ghost ship came into Xu Qing's eyes more clearly than before.

Most of the deck was rotted, and there were holes in many places. Even the stern was so dilapidated that it seemed like it was about to disintegrate. At the same time, there was no sign of any ghosts in this ghost ship.

But the darkness here is extremely strong.

In addition, Xu Qing also discovered that it was not only the Eight Sects Alliance who boarded the ship, but also dozens of monks in this city who also chose to board the ship at this moment. Among them, Xu Qing also saw the two monks he saw on the road.


After the two people stepped onto the ghost ship, they also looked at Xu Qing and the captain.

Seeing each other again, they were both surprised. The two sword holders nodded at Xu Qing and the captain, walked into the cabin without saying anything.

The cabin was also in dilapidated condition.

After Xu Qing stepped in, he noticed that everyone was looking for a place to sit down. Master Zixuan and the old woman from Wufeng were also meditating not far away.

So he found a corner and sat down where he could see everything. The captain looked around and chose to sit next to Xu Qing.

"Where there are ghost houses, there are ghost ships." Zi Xuan's voice came from Xu Qing's mind.

This time it didn't just reverberate in his mind, Xu Qing noticed that the captain and other alliance disciples were all looking up at the Immortal Zixuan who was sitting not far away.

"Ghost ships are the most common phenomenon in Wanggu Continent. They can take people to travel far away. The speed is much faster than that of normal airships. After all, the spaceships fly in, and ghost ships can travel between life and death."

"Where there is death, it is like pulling a thread for it to travel through."

"In the next month, we will follow this ghost ship across the earth. Please remember that after the ghost ship is opened, you will not be able to open your eyes for this month."

"This is a taboo on the ghost ship." Zi Xuan's voice echoed, and everyone nodded.

"Xu Qing, Chen Erniu, you two take out the cloud beast's flesh and blood and put them on the deck outside the cabin. Those are our tickets."

Xu Qing nodded, got up and went outside the cabin with the captain, took out the two cloud beast giant corpses obtained on the way, and threw them outside. At the same time, the two sword holders did the same, throwing out part of the flesh and blood.

So does everyone else.

After doing this, Xu Qing came back and found that the captain was still outside.

"Xu Qing, go and drag him back."

Zixuan Shangxian spoke calmly. She had always been like this in front of others along the way. Only when there were no other people would she look at Xu Qing strangely.

Xu Qing felt more comfortable this way, so she turned around to look for him and saw the captain outside the entrance to the warehouse on the deck.

The captain had a deeply curious expression on his face and was squatting there to investigate, as if he wanted to go for a walk. After noticing Xu Qing's arrival, he spoke in a low voice.

"Little Aqing, there is a treasure in this ghost ship that can speed up our cultivation. I just heard a voice inside calling me and wanting to exchange some items with me!"

Xu Qing paused when he heard this. After thinking for a while, he squatted next to the captain and looked down.


"Nine times out of ten, they wanted to attract me, so I thought about finding an opportunity to do it."

The captain grinned. This was what he admired most about Xu Qing. The two of them could instantly understand each other's meaning without having to explain too much when talking.

"We can't do it now. We can check the situation when we get there." Xu Qing thought for a while and said through a message.

"Okay, otherwise if something goes wrong, this ghost ship will be in trouble if it doesn't take us away." The captain nodded, and the two got up and returned to the cabin.

The moment he stepped in, Zi Xuan gave the captain a fierce look.

"There are evil ghosts who have returned to the void sealed under the ghost ship. You have to go and die yourself."

The captain felt a little aggrieved, so he looked at Xu Qing resentfully. It was obviously a decision made by the two of them together...

Xu Qing lowered his head, sat cross-legged and pretended not to notice.

Not long after, at the moment when the first sun was about to appear between heaven and earth, the ghost ship suddenly shook and then began to blur.

At this moment, Zixuan's voice also entered the minds of the eight sect alliance disciples.

"Close your eyes!"

Everyone's eyes closed instantly.

With his eyes closed, Xu Qing felt the vibrations of the ghost ship getting stronger and stronger, as if it was moving back and forth.

Soon the early sun appeared between heaven and earth, and the ghost ship disappeared into the sky. The overlapping ghost houses on the earth's streets disappeared, and the towns returned to normal.

As for the inside of the ghost ship, the cold feeling became stronger and stronger as the ship continued to shuttle. There was silence everywhere, only the tremors of the ship continued to be heard.

Although Xu Qing closed his eyes, a shadow soon appeared in his mind, conveying a scene.

In the picture is the dilapidated cabin of the ghost ship.

Everyone had their eyes closed, except for the captain...an eye emerged from the clothes on his chest, observing the surroundings.

This eye is very strange, with a touch of blue light, ferocious and gloomy, and seems to blend in with the surrounding atmosphere, like a ghost eye.

Xu Qing was not surprised. He controlled his shadow to look outside the cabin where the flesh and blood were piled. Soon he saw countless black shadows appearing there. Each of these black shadows had red eyes and looked crazy, snatching flesh and blood.

Occasionally, he would look back while biting and look greedily at the people in the cabin.

The cruelty and ferociousness in them was very obvious, but they refrained from entering the cabin.

In the end, a few of them hesitated for a long time while eating, and seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, so they chose to get into the cabin and float around in front of everyone.

When passing by Zixuan's place, one of them disappeared silently, and in front of the old woman from Wufeng, another one disappeared.

Another one appeared in front of Xu Qing, smelling his face. His eyes were red and he opened his mouth. But the next moment, Xu Qing took a breath, and the ghost trembled suddenly.

, was directly sucked into Xu Qing's mouth and suppressed in the Tiangong.

There was also a ghost floating around the captain, staring at him with his ghost eyes. After noticing that all the companions around him had disappeared, the ghost was obviously frightened and was about to leave, but the next moment the captain's ghost eyes turned into a big mouth.

With one swallow, he swallowed the black shadow, then transformed into eyes again as if nothing had happened, and blinked at Xu Qing.

Outside the cabin, a large number of ghosts were still fighting for food, not paying attention to the deaths of their companions inside the cabin.

After a while, as the last piece of flesh and blood was eaten, these ghosts slowly floated on the ghost ship. They controlled the ghost ship like a crew, making its speed suddenly speed up a lot.

He shuttled towards the dark netherworld ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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